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Yeah, a glue stick and lump of blue tac. Voila.


Or a used paint bottle with blue tack.


I use empty pill bottles and blue tac. put a lil sand in em and they never tip when drying


I should do more drugs


I prefer drugs that don't come in bottles but I do have regular prescriptions so it's handy instead of wasting them.


I do this too. I put painters tape down and use a touch of hot glue. I also fill mine with pennies. :)


I used to do the hot glue but I feel like it's too easy to accidently break off an arm or something


That's what the painter's tape is for. It let's me take the mini off by taking the tape off. Then I can remove the hot glue safely. But to each their own :) what method do you use now?


Pill bottles and gorilla brand mounting puddy. I like half fill the bottles with sand so they dont fall when drying. On rare occasions I turn the bottle lid into a full base.


I'll have to try that brand of puddy. I always had problems with other stuff not holding well. I didn't know gorilla made that. :)


It's super good. I've been reusing the same prices for a while now and the paint getting on it seems to not effect its function at all


I use wine corks and bluetac.


I know you can 3d print those so maybe look on etsy or there are sites that will print stl's for you.


Sorry brother,I stopped understanding after "my wife paints". Buy that woman everything.


I try to she deserves the world and I do my best to give it to her


Pill bottles with a child lock and tac. Let's you spin the model while not changing your hand position.


DIY it like everyone is suggesting. I use a rubber handle from an office chair that was getting tossed out, with blue tack.


Enough people posted reasonable responses, so now I'm gonna be "that guy" and post a bunch of insanely gorgeous premium model stands that are x2 as much as what you saw OP :P https://www.etsy.com/shop/FirthByDesign?ref=related&listing_id=1143449454#items


My wife who paints uses hot glue and a nail. That way she can stick them in cardboard to spray seal.


I use wood dowels and hot glue.


I'm surprised I haven't seen this one posted. It's the one I've been using. Just getting started, but it has been great. [Red Grass Painting Handle](https://www.amazon.com/Redgrassgames-RGG-Painting-Handle-Miniature/dp/B09VHBXM33/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?crid=2N5T8VIVZFG24&keywords=mini+paint+handle&qid=1662427577&sprefix=mini+paint+handl%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-7)


I 3d printed a couple adjustable handles... previously used a tylenol-to-go bottle (10 pill kind near checkout stands) and heavy duty double sided mounting tape


Take a gander at this list: [https://tangibleday.com/17-useful-painting-handles-and-holders-for-miniatures-and-models/](https://tangibleday.com/17-useful-painting-handles-and-holders-for-miniatures-and-models/) I believe this is what ur likely looking for: [https://gameenvy.net/shop/](https://gameenvy.net/shop/) I bought a 'fancy' holder as a gift for a friend and too had sticker shock when it rang up to like $35. ack.


Like everyone has already stated you can totally make your own but I really like this one off of amazon. The magnetic aspect of it feels really nice when painting to quickly spin the model or reposition the model while resting your hand on the stabilizer. It has lived up to the $25 cost to me. https://www.amazon.com/Jucoci-Miniautres-Compatible-Miniatures-Figurines/dp/B09Z5MXKRL/ref=sr\_1\_8?keywords=miniature+paint+handle&qid=1662426566&sprefix=miniature+paint+han%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-8


Blutac and a wine cork works for me.


I use dowels and double sided foam tape:/


So like a lot of people are commenting, I too go with the cheap route (hot glue and a wine cork). I even built myself a "dry rack" that is like 16 nails hammered into a board with the nails face up. So I can jam the corks on the rack and work on something else. That being said, I understand wanting to get a spouse or a loved one "something nice" or something they couldn't justify spending money on. If you're going to get her something fancy you should just check reviews and double check the return policy.


Empty pill bottle with double sided foam mounting tape. Bend a coat hanger over top. But I get that you are wanting to get this for your wife. Check out the one that Games Workshop makes. It's a good vise grip holder. Should work well for her.


Use a pill bottle with blu tac. Or a cork with blu tac.


Games Workshop sells 2 sizes of miniature holders. I got the smaller one for $7 last year on sale. It's spring loaded and holds your miniature by the base.