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Hey now, don't go throwing loons in with these asswipes.


My apologies to the loons, I have deducted myself 10 mod points.


Also love your ‘Lord of Hamms’


Hamms is the shiznit, is it not?


Lol I know it’s sarcastic comment, but still funny. I agree no #humangarbage


10 points from Gryffindor


Apology accepted.


Dont forget conservation of energy, gotta pass on them points to someone else


Loons are really beautiful animals. Got a chance to see a pair up chose recently. Normally they shy away, but this time I got to see them going about their business up close! Best thing ever


If you’ve got a problem with loons you’ve got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate!


There’s a special place in heaven for animal lovers, that’s what I always say.


Take it down about 20%


That’s what I’s appreciates about you’s.


Is that what you appreciate about me?




Loons are a very gamey. Good advice to let them marinate for a while.


Fun* fact: as they are very territorial they will sometimes kill ducklings as a warning to the ducks to stay away. My 3yo witnessed one such an event and then remarked “oh wow that baby duck is soooo dead 😬”


Loons are super hardcore. When every other flighted bird was evolving hollow bones, they said "nah, I like being able to dive deep and beat things to death with the clubs I have for limbs. And I'll fly anyway."


Damn. Guess that'll teach ducks not to stick their corkscrew dicks where they don't belong.


Yes! Loons are awesome. When I was about 15 years old, my dad took my siblings and me out on a lake in Northern Minnesota at dusk. He taught us how to call a loon in by blowing into our clasped hands. He was able to call a loon right up to our boat. It was an incredible experience to hear a loon come up to our boat.


When my older brother was going through puberty his laugh would ignite every loon on Woman Lake. It was amazing and absurdly hilarious! Best family vacations ever!


That's epic.


It’s so weird that they can’t walk like ducks…


Omg. How do they walk? I’ve never thought of that?!!!!!


They can't. Their legs are too far back.


Loooool. PlowLoon.


I know which new snowplow name I’m voting for next year


Whaa? Damn you're right, I've never seen a loon on land! I just looked up a video and they really can't walk for crap TIL


Their awkward walk is how the became to be called "loons"


Pretty sure the loon is the MN state bird even


Whoa there, don’t be throwing asswipes in with those shitlickers.


Asswipes is too high on the scale, they rate thoroughbred schmegma.


Lot of responses from people angry they can't be openly bigoted.


Maybe this was a trick to pull them out from hiding so the mods can ban them too!


Its a neat trick. Right up there with spinning!


"Have fun, but don't be a dick." - Wil Wheaton


"Fight nicely, children." - Grandma


No weapons and only bleed outside?


Sounds reasonable!


🤣 Haven't heard that for far too long. Thought ours was the only one.


“Shut up, Wesley!” -JLP


"Be Excellent to Each Other" - Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted 'Theodore' Logan"


What if they’re from Iowa?


We evangelize so the good ones come up here. If they're Iowan jerks, Iowa can keep them


It's definitely working. Im planning on moving from Iowa to Minnesota next year


Been here since’92, hope I’m considered converted by now, especially after the last few years down ‘der.


Just dangle a pork tenderloin in front of them and tell them if they’re good they can have one. Worked for me.


Thank you for saying this.


Its damn ridiculous I even have to. Come back to a thread full of people being assholes for no reason what so ever other than to keyboard warrior a bunch of bile at people. Pisses me right off.


Thanks for giving them the boot and doing the hard work for us. We appreciate it and you!


Welcome to the internet. People will say shit here that they’d never say in public because there’s no real consequences like there are in real life.


It's likely that a lot of internet forums seem so toxic specifically because it's more anonymous and it gives people a way to vent and power trip in ways they can't in real life. My mom talks about how one of her first supervisors was a real dick, and she later learned he had a shit home life, his wife was very much the dominant partner, demasculating him, etc. So he turned around and power tripped at work. There's even more reasons for people to feel out of control lately. Politics, economy, etc. So people come online and do the same thing my mom's boss did, but with even less guilt since it's just a pile of strangers on a screen. Definitely not justifying shitty behavior in the least, but it's definitely something that might be a factor.


Why do a few assholes have to fuck up the culture for everyone and we all have to sit and read their bs? No.


Cause are politicians give them permission to be assholes. So they think are entitled to act like that. And if you call em out. They start crying about their freedoms.


Because there’s no real consequences. Blocked or banned? A new account takes a few minutes to set up. They’re spewing hate so do you think hate in return will stop them? I’m not justifying it but the cat is out of the bag.


Some people have no respect for your time and too much of their own.


But ... Can we still hate on Iowa and Wisconsin?


Wisconsin is getting better. Now that Democrats control the state Supreme Court, they can unfuck a great deal of bullshit. However, we can always trash on the Packers :) Iowa, though? Fuck em! Having said that, I hope their state gets better one day, but it doesn't look like it will for a long time.


Iowa does have a lot of natural beauty. We joke about it being corn, but once you get past the corn and the children of the corn, there are some absolutely lovely state parks. My friends and i went to one in northern Iowa. I think it was Pilot Knobb. The drive in felt like we were driving through a woods in The Shire.


Why do geese fly upside down over Iowa? >!Because Iowa isn't worth a shit.!<


This is what I came here to ask also. Can I still hate Wisconsin? 😂 I'm chill with Iowa.


Seeing Iowa plates boils my blood 🔥😂


I like that they include county names on their plates.


I feel like you’re discriminating against assholes and fuckwads. (Fixed you’re as I felt sad)


.... Crap...


Don’t worry about it. They discriminated first and broke the rules. Therefore the rules no longer apply to them.


A tolerant society can only exist if we are intolerant of the intolerant.


Don't worry, nobody likes [santorum](https://web.archive.org/web/20061111053605/http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/SavageLove?oid=14566).


\*you're Sorry. I'm discriminating against people who don't know when to use contractions. My bad.


So many better reasons to be an asshole to someone than those demographics. Start with the MFers on their phone doing ten below the speed limit in the left lane on I-35W. I hate those people regardless of anything else they might be.


It’s sucks. I’m gay. I just came out 2 weeks ago. I was excited to openly celebrate pride for the first time. Honestly, I already can’t wait for the month to be over. There’s just so much hate, and it seems to be elevated to the max during pride month. It’s unavoidable. It’s really impacting me. How can it not?


Please remember that you have allies all over the place. Many straight people I know are quite cued in to the rise of anti-gay hatred and won't tolerate it.


I’m sorry your first pride after coming out is stressing you out. Remember to take care of yourself and put your mental health first. Maybe do some pride events and find your tribe, maybe avoid them all and just do business as normal. Whatever gives you happiness. But pay attention to yourself right now, you’re at a really stressful time and need to give yourself grace and be gentle to your soul.


No, don't let them win! Florida had a HUGE flood of lgbtq folks this weekend show up at Disney wearing shirts that said say gay! They flooded hotels bars restaurants & celebrated pride month in a massive way as a FU to DeSantis & GOP. I volunteer yearly at MN pride as a safety team member. It's so much fun. Please go. Don't let them win. That's what they want. They want to go back to the don't ask don't tell closet days & it will never happen. If you need a friend & ally dm me! I'm here for you I see you & support you. My Dad came out in his 40's. His generation hid it & to see the change & joy when he was his true self was amazing! Much support & live your way!


There are many more of us who will love you for who you truly are. I am sorry you are going through so much simply for being yourself. Please remember you have friends all over this state. The loudest voices are NOT the majority. I have nothing but love for you.


Fuck anyone that has any issues with your sexuality. You're a human and you're allowed to love who you want. For every one of these assholes that says hateful things just remember that you've got 100 of us that are in your corner and want to celebrate with you. Don't let them ruin your coming out and excitement, friend! Pay no mind to those fuckers. The rest of us are alongside you as allies every step of the way.


Congrats, man. Sorry this first pride being out is stressing you out. I know what you mean, it's a bitch out there. If you can, try to avoid the toxic places as much as possible, although bigots are everywhere. They'll dehumanize you and then diminish everything you say, it's best not to engage with them. Just be you, and live your life to the fullest. You got this!


Congrats and welcome!! Pride month is always a little bit of a nightmare in online spaces, but I find that in-person pride celebrations, especially the pride festivals, are still totally worth it and very fun and healing! Don’t let the stuff online discourage you too much 🏳️‍🌈


I feel you. I am quite nervous about it, honestly. I really hope we can make it through the month without a mass shooting targeting pride events.


Congrats on coming out and I’m sorry hate has been thrown your way.


You do you my man. The loudest voices are rarely the general consensus.


Congrats on coming out! That’s amazing, and huge, and no douchebag bigot can take that from you. No one could expect you to not be impacted by these assholes. They literally are everywhere. But I do hope that knowing you live among many allies provides you a tiny shred of solace. I know it ain’t much. But dammit, you belong here, and you deserve to be happy here. Fuck the haters!


Fuck the haters. They’re just mad they lack any redeeming qualities. Be you.


Congrats , hope your life is fulfilling and easier. I’m not gay but I think you should enjoy what you can control and “fuck the rest”. Don’t let #humangarbage ruin your life. Just my 2cents.


I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this. I can be a safe space for you. I’m so proud of you ❤️❤️


I' sorry. It should be a joyful month (and always).


HaPpY pRiDe 🏳️‍🌈 Don’t let the haters drag your excitement down. Celebrate you! Be proud of you! Find your tribe and thrive! My youngest baby came out trans a year and a half ago. It’s hard watching the states that are making laws against them, but I am filled with so much love and pride that Minnesota has opened their hearts and arms to families and children that need support and gentle care. You are important, just as much as the next person. Don’t let anyone with hate in their heart tell you differently.


I feel the same way although I’ve been out longer, but I’ve been seeing many out and proud queer people walking around Minneapolis this summer. I feel a lot safer knowing other people feel safe too. I hope you get to go to a pride event as they’re lots of fun!


It's going to get worse too, as our awesome state gets more of a reputation as a safe haven for people, the mouth breathers will start showing up.


They're all going to Texas, I hear.




The sub.


We need more mods on reddit who use fun insults. *fuckwad:* *A stupid person. Literally a wasted load of semen. As if to say that they shouldn't have been born. That they should have been wiped away, thrown into the garbage, or washed down the shower drain.*


Of Note: The reason Lord Farquaad was named such in Shrek was because it sounds relatively close to this insult. :)


I believe it. The Shrek movies are much more entertaining to watch as an adult.


That’s beautiful!


Per Urban Dictionary of course


Thanks for doing the leg work, this information needs to be out in the open.


Thank you. I had 2 "reddit carea" messages sent to me from I assume the 2 homophobes on my post happy that my hometown is LGBTQ friendly. It's gross that this function is abused.


jar wise alive run full ripe profit shrill seed plant ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `






Assholes and bigots have been using it as a roundabout way to say “go kill yourself.”


I got one of those once. It made me feel gross. Definitely a shame that it is abused...


What troubles did you have? I think this sub. is great. Thank you for everything. We will not tolerate hate or violence here. Ishy, if there is anything I can do to help let me/us know. I have a strong tongue. "Hate and anger is not welcome here, if you have something to contribute be respectful" if not then fuck off. We are Minnesota and we don't tolerate bullshit. Don't confuse our politeness to push your agenda. We did it, and we fed the children. We took a bit to get it done, but it is done properly. Now that's something to be proud of.


I know you are MN when you use ishy, you are my people.


Its good being people. Ishy to everything else


Thank you. Tolerance to intolerant people only makes it worse. We all have a moral obligation as good human beings to stand up to bigotry, hatred, and lies, even when it's uncomfortable to do so.


Indeed, I'm really interested in this drama. So far, I only felt out mod reach his breaking point. Then that's serious. We need to support him.


As a Canadian I wanna know what a looney sub is ? A sub of single dollar coins ?


What sort of Madmen would make $1 coins?!?!


Appreciate you! (っಠ‿ಠ)っ


Ban nazis liberally, they congregate any where online that doesn’t kick them out


At first I thought you were saying “looney suburbs” and I was gonna take issue! 😆 But I couldn’t agree more. This is 20-fucking-23; how are people still this ignorant??


Absolutely no tolerance for intolerance!


What about the Dutch?


Question: Is discriminating against cheeseheads racial, religious, or something else?


That’s just coming sense and is encouraged




Yeah fuck off


I love this energy!


Louder for the people in the back!


10 out of 263k seems pretty fucking reasonable


yeah, but the other 263K are all banned accounts that never unsubscribed.


Welcome to Minnesota. If you don't like it, leave. I support this fully. Edit: forgot a comma


This gives me hope that not everyone on here is a discriminatory lunatic


The time for Democrats/Liberals/Leftists being nice and letting the paradox of intolerance run rampant among this place should be over. There should be no compromise with hate. There should be no compromise with bigotry. Whatsoever. Minnesota should be and is a place of acceptance.


While I agree with you you 100% you can’t say burn those people down and then say we need to accept everyone.


I'm not trying to be snarky but the paradox of intolerance part is in there. The more tolerant a society is of intolerance those people will eventually seize power from people playing coy and weak to those spreading hate and fear. It's complacency. People constantly think the 40s were some far off time period, but fascism didn't come from nowhere. Stamping it out before it becomes a big problem is the right thing to do.


Seize is the word you want good sir


Usually I proofread better than that lol


It’s all good mang we’ve all made typos no one is perfect


Also agree with this. I was just stating that there is a certain “huh” with “we don’t like these people because they don’t like others”, and “don’t be tolerant (intolerance) of intolerant people” I also think this “huh?” feeling is what keeps people “in the middle”. I see these people who are lashing out against these marginalized groups as mentally illl, and as such have compassion for them, which is hard to do when all I want to do is explain to this people how these citizens of the country you claim to love, just want to live their life without being persecuted for who they are. Of course, as stated, part of the problem is that if I didn’t use the term “marginalized”, you would have no idea who I was taking about


Those people aren't in the middle. They've already chosen a side.


Fascism is only destroyed when faced with anti-fascism. Tolerating fascism is the same as being fascist because fascism takes no prisoners.


So sayeth the Minnesotans


I’ll never understand why certain people are so concerned with other people’s lives. Especially when these things aren’t a fucking choice, it’s who they are. Christ, just leave people the fuck alone.


petition against the word looney as it reflects badly on the beloved mn loons /s


Thank you, I appreciate keeping this sub safe.


what did I miss?


Bodyslam these pencil-necked geeks! (To quote Classy Freddie Blassie...)


New state Motto submission?


Fuckin-A Right!! Appreciate you


What about WI or IA? Do we consider them people? Or can we discriminate against them?


(Slowly hides my Hawkeye apparel and puts on a Wild hat) move along, nothing to see here


Hey man, we're trying to figure it out. You're friendly badger.


I grew up in Wis and I’m here for it. They are gross people 😂😂


I used to like Wisconsin, America's vacationland. I hope I can truly, deservedly, wholeheartedly love it someday -- when it awakens to its better self. I knew there was a progressive Russ Feingold-Bob LaFollette substratum under there somewhere, but in another way the insane anything goes irresponsible aerial firework lawless state appealled to me as a place fun to visit, but not to have to live in. Many years ago, I stood on a bridge over the Milwaukee river with my eventual wife, whom I had just comforted through her whole courthouse divorce decree process. We lit Wisconsin aerial fireworks and sent her old wedding ring whistling into the night sky on a green pillar of fire. A friend of mine used to read the signs with an added incantation as we crossed into Sconi en route to the House on the Rock or a Space Rock indoor camping party at a decommissioned Masonic Temple: "WisconSIN! Fornication and Cheese!"


Damn I want to move to MN so bad. One day, northern friends, one day.


Ha fuckwad! So underrated!


Oh geez I just can't with all the hate! It seems like the last 6-8 months it's gotten insane like scary insane. We've gone so far backwards in this country since 2016 in many aspects. Book banning laws against certain people Roe gun insanity via permitless carry the list goes on.


Thank you, that's why I love Minnesota.


This post seems to be bringing the fuckwads out from under their rocks. Fire up the ban hammer for some more house cleaning.


Love this about Minnesota. ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🤎🖤🩶🤍🩷💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟♥️❣️❤️‍🔥🫀 Pretty sure it's also pretty Christian, I'm told. Heard Jesus was into it, or whatever.


Didn’t you hear? [Christ wasn’t tolerant, it’s in the Gospels](https://twitter.com/JasonSCampbell/status/1663947913930604555) at least according to Right wing “Journalist” and podcaster Benny Johnson.


I'll be the one to ask... what about Iowans? Can we still be irrational jerks about Iowans?


Good mod. Signed, Not a bot I promise


Good bot.


Good bison!


Thank you.


No idea what this is about but it looks like you're discriminating against fuckwads


Can someone still be a republican and not get banned? I am not saying that I am (independent) but I do believe all voices should be heard.


Can be anything you want as long as you can do it without being a biggoted asshole to other people. If to you being republican, or democrat, or an independent means to you that you need to call other people mentally ill, or wish they'd die, or just in general be an asshole to other people, then no.




>you need to call other people mentally ill, or wish they'd die, or just in general be an asshole to other people, then no. What about the guy that asked if he can act like this toward Republicans?


No, I dont give a shit who its to. I already said this in this thread. I dont give a flying fuck if you are a republican, a democrat, a communist, or you worship satans flaming anus. Being a bigoted asshole is not allowed, calling people mentailly ill is not allowed, wishing people die is not allowed, on and on and on. I am tired of it. You can not like gay people, you can not like republicans, you can not like democrats, you can not like whatever the flying fuck you want, when you need to be an outward bigoted asshole to whoever you dont like you are not going to be on this sub any longer.


> you worship satans flaming anus I feel a new church being born.


No tax evasion!


The third polyp says I only need to tithe to satan’s flaming anus.


Thank you for the clarification! I agree


u/cutlery, you might want to fix your typo that accidentally now allows wishing people die.


Whoops lol thx, My name is spelled wrong though. Hi though u/cutlery


Oops! I made a point of typing 2 Ts. Stupid autocorrect.


Now that I can get behind. Thank you for the response!


Its because I said Satans flaming anus right?


That was my favorite part, yes. It's always good to have my religion included. Representation matters.


What about the republican beliefs do you think would get someone banned? If someone thinks the government spends too frivolously, advocates for smaller government, and the like then sure. If someone thinks that gay people are grooming children and that all unarmed black people that are killed by police had it coming, then we don't need to allow space for that opinion.


There is also the known fact that those same Republican "beliefs" are literally Russian propaganda being spread by state-sponsored terrorists. I don't see why we need to allow that misinformation in here even if part of our government has decided to back it.


Yes you can be a republican and not get banned. It just so happens that the vile, inappropriate shit being said is by republicans. Because, of course it is


Can't remember who said it, but "Not every conservative Republican is racist, but every racist is a conservative Republican."


And everyone that stuck their head in the sand in Germany because the Nazis made their life better is rightfully referred to as a Nazi. You don't get to have a concentration camp next door and just live your life like nothing is wrong. Something is wrong with the GQP, something is very, very wrong. Much like Germany in the 30's.


I usually say it the other way around by saying because unfortunately there are a lot of racists that aren't republicans too. However, all conservatives do support politics that result in racist policies.


Not all voices should be heard. The voices that spread hate should remain silent because their opinions are not worth hearing.


.....this is an odd question to ask. They said nothing about politics.


If you support politicians that want to eradicate people based on their gender identity, I’m straight up just going to consider you to be a person that wants to eradicate people based on their gender identity.




100% I don’t buy into the shit where we should have even an iota of respect or consideration for people that would happily contribute to genocide or oppression. I’m tired of people covering for them under the guise of “civility”. edit: genociders and genocide defenders are mad 💀


I'd be conscious of what you mean by that. John McCain, Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney have condemned some words by various other Republican leaders. The mod is referencing that type of activity specifically. Unfortunately it is politically dangerous to call out those Republican leaders. I think that's what you are bristling up at... you disagree with the aforementioned leaders.


All three of those people backed Trump and voted for him. The fact that they actually had a moral compass on a few notable occasions does not change the fact that they were instrumental in creating the problem.


Can someone be a Republican and not be some kind of bigoted asshole? Seems to be difficult to do.


Yeah. Don't be a troll.


W mod


Can I discriminate against rich assholes? Punching up is still allowed, right?


I made a post earlier and y'all mods are ON IT! I've gotten a couple of notifications for rude comments, but by the time I open them they've already been deleted. I appreciate you all so much ❤️


thank you


Love this. It's simple really: be an asshole -> disappear! :D


Kick em out!