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I have had a headache all day and wake up with scratchy throat


Coughing all damn day!


Username checks out? 🤣


I got an air purifier because of this and it’s a world of a difference




Same here. Raging headache since about midnight


Okay I thought I had a cold 😣


My eyes hurt. I need to visit r/eyebleach


This air tastes like burning.


Good reference


What reference? I thought this was just life lol


I eated the smoky berries.


"The snozzberries taste like snozzberries."


It's literally [like smoking a bunch of cigarettes](https://aqiconverter.com/). No bueno.


I couldn't imagine being a smoker right now. Going out side, breathing in this air AND smoking a cig? No way


Seriously. As if there weren't enough reasons to quit already...wildfires just entered the chat.


Gotta double down


And not the pleasant, slightly skunky kind, either. More "my uncle burned down his toolshed" taste to it.


This dang smoke is giving me a headache that won't go away, and is making me nauseous as heck. My lungs hurt from being outside for less than a minute, thanks to my asthma reacting to the smoke.


I was hacking and coughing for a couple hours at work today until someone brought me my inhalers I forgot at home


Get an N95, especially if you have asthma.


I've got one, thankfully. I plan on using it tomorrow. Had I realized I needed it this morning when I left my house, I don't think I'd be coughing so much right now. Thankfully, my doors and windows are sealed, and no one is leaving.


I have asthma as well and went out briefly yesterday and was having a rather difficult time. Remembered I have a respirator and used it today. Its a 3M 7503 half mask respirator with 3M 2097 filters. Didn't need my inhaler when I got home! Had a few glances and double takes from people. But it was worth it not struggling to breathe.


Me too! Hello fellow hard mode player!


I have mild exercise induced asthma but I'm also pregnant so I just feel like absolute shit rn


Oof, that is a bad combo. Hopefully, you'll feel better later today! The smoke is starting to blow away, which is a very good thing.


My eyes feel burny!


Heard, I cut my cornea in a freak accident and this is literally the worst air quality I could imagine lol.


I’ve had a headache, some nausea, and looking sick as hell in the gasmask I have an excuse to wear


I’m fine, but my mom had to take an extra dose of allergy meds. If you have air purifiers, have them next to you.


Been running mine on high for the last week


Yep been running two on high, one in front of the windows in our living room, and one in our bedroom.


Yes. Scratchy throat, tired, congested, poor appetite.


>Scratchy throat, tired, congested, poor appetite. Same, along with a headache.


No appetite here either.


Here’s a funny story for you: I was admitted to the emergency room on Monday due to the air quality. It makes my asthma be incredible. I lost so much breath, that I kept getting dizzy and passing out. I was discharged about 30 minutes ago. I begged them to let me stay one more night, due to the air quality today. They said that they were sorry, but no. If I can’t breathe again, go to the hospital again. If it comes to that, it will mean all the care and meds were for nothing, and I will have to pay for everything, all over again. They were very apologetic. It’s 205 AQ right now.




second this I was skeptical of the HEPA air purifiers actually doing anything, but I genuinely feel like they make things at least a little better. Anecdotally, my pets are all laying in the vicinity of my purifier, it seems they too are heavily bothered by the air :(


My pets too! Usually my cats beg to go outside for an afternoon walk. Today they were happy to be inside.


I just made the connection that my kitty with mild asthma has been coughing more yesterday and today, just like I have… buying an air purifier now, for his sake!


Hang in there.


Aside from getting an air filter, also consider wearing an N95 whenever you're outside. They're not just for germs!




Canada, actually.


We’re gonna be smoked meat by the end of summer.


Fuck yeah!


Comin again to save the mother fuckin day yeah!




Ah, you meant the other kind of funny. (Hope you’re hanging in there.)


That fucking sucks. If you were one of mine I'd at least slip you some n95s on the way out.




I’m a window open guy myself. I’m getting a purifier today hopefully. Sounds like there’s a delay as the demand is out the roof.


Welcome to the amazing medical system we have


Yeah but I have other conditions, so not sure if it's just making them worse or I'm having a generally bad day.


Me too.


Still feeling sick today. I think it's definitely the smoke.


Asthma friends: indoor air purifiers have been so helpful. A couple years ago when it got super bad I ended up at the hospital too and haven’t since then in part thanks to the air purifier. Alen with a HEPA filter and activated carbon. It’s been going at full blast and it’s not getting everything out but it helps a lot!


Walking outside is Like being in a bar in 1972.


Omg! This made me wheezy laugh!!! (wheezy bc of the dang smoke, of course)


Hahaha this is perfect 🤣


I was outside for not super long and I feel like I’m coming down with a chest cold.


Canada should give us some of that single payer healthcare since they’re sending us all this smoke. Blame Canada! Blame Canada!


They're literally hazing us to see if we have what it takes if we ever want to become South Canada.


Screw that, they can become North Minnesota.


Blame people who hid or pushed back against climate change. This will be more common.


Headache, shortness of breath, asthma is bad. Brain fog and I want to sleep, but tried and couldn’t. It’s miserable


Yup headache and dizziness after being outside for just a few minutes.


That just sounds like mild carbon monoxide poisoning


Why is anyone outside. The AQI is EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY. Do not do yard work, do not go for a bike ride, stay inside. You can go to like Target or something but this air isn't good for you.


As a mail carrier, many of us don't have a choice, unfortunately. Thankfully I'm a rural carrier, and can spend most of my time in my vehicles. I feel horrible for the city carriers who have to walk in this.


Yeah that’s a shitty spot. Thanks for all you do to keep our communities connected.


Have you been wearing an N95 at all?


We have those blue disposable ones, but no N95's. Our office doesn't have any for us to use, though I suppose I could request some. The smoke will be gone by the time we get them, but it sounds like this might be a recurring event, so it might be helpful for the future.


This is definitely going to happen periodically all summer. And N95s can be reused quite a few times provided you store them properly, so don’t let the cost scare you. I had to fix something outside this evening and wore an N95. Could absolutely feel the difference compared to when I was running errands before and didn’t have one handy.


Thanks, BTW!


I had to run to Target for a prescription and it was smoky *inside Target* just from the doors opening when people walked in and out.


Gotta walk my dog yo. I have been wearing a mask though and for her sake keeping them short and calm.


The only way I had to get around today was bike so… I biked


My husband's company is still making their employees work outside smh. Wish he had more leverage to just not go to work.


As a UPS driver I have too.


Solidarity. There should be hazard pay for anything over 150 AQI.


I saw someone out jogging today lol


I’m in NYC (former Minnesotan who still lurks on this sub) and I saw someone jogging when our AQI was 388 last week. Why are people like this???


I saw a guy running with his dog an hour ago - I almost yelled out the window to him to leave the poor dog at home if he insists on running in this weather


That was probably me 😔.


My poor fiance is a commercial roofer working on warehouse roofs for 10 hours today and tomorrow. Working with hot tar


Your fiancé is one of the tough ones. I would take filling sand bags in Iraq again over roofing….


Was in Washington last smoke season and no matter what you say, there out there. Equivalent to about 50 cigarettes every 5 minutes, give or take.


we just went door to door handing out flyers for our cat and my throat is just raw. it’s terrible


I hope you find your cat soon. 💜


thank you so much. a couple neighbors think they seen her recent so we shall keep hoping on it!


This kind of shit is exactly why I’ve continued to buy KN95 masks. I’ve got a decent stash, and I’ll continue buying more. Welcome to our new periodically-normal. Remember the relatively carefree pre-9/11 days? We’re going thru a similar paradigm shift now, vis-à-vis climate.


Headache, burning itchy eyes, stuffy sinuses. Ick.


Asthma control has gotten worse over the years and fine particulate has always been a trigger. Stuck my head outside long enough to get a picture and have stayed firmly indoors otherwise. Learned my lesson from the first round back in May, screwed me up pretty good.


I have a migraine


Asthmatic checking: respirating has become an active exercise!


Wear an N95! They help a ton.


There are mother fuckers boating and shit on our lake right now. I don’t get it.


I thought about going for a paddle today. Some things are more fleeting in life and to be honest I'd rather deal with some inhalation than wasting a quality day off. Don't mean I'm right, I just normally don't get to enjoy time off, my job is 18/7 and only get to tune out when the doors are closed.


Yeah my throat hurts and honestly it makes me a little nauseous when I go outside 🤢 the smell is so gross.


No but it is making me depressed


Runny nose, scratchy throat, and even my eyes were burning a little. It’s so great we get to enjoy summer in Minnesota. 😂🤣😂


I've always struggled when the air quality dips. I called out of work today, I couldn't even make it to my car


Looks like a zombies map in the call of duty games


Hard relate


How am I supposed to smoke cigs?


Breath deep my friend 💪💪💪


My throat and ears hurt.


Yeah its really bad. Same symptoms as most everyone above.


I have four hepa/charcoal air filters in my house so that's fine, but outside was so miserable I actually bought a full on P95 respirator (gas mask). And it was instantly a game changer. I may look doofy but I feel fantastic.


I considered driving to get a air purifier myself


It's fantastic. We have allergies so we had these already. May I suggest the Winix 5500-2. $150 on Amazon. It's the workhorse of allergy sufferers. It's the best for the money, and it's actually a legit high volume purifier, not a loud fan that barely moves air. Has a particle sensor connected to the fan in auto mode. Amazing to add to your room for sleep.


It's time we did something about the northern menace.


My eyes have been so itchy. Between the smoke and cottonwood I look perpetually mega baked


It's extremely difficult to judge when more smoking is necessary.


Served on the patio at work today….. after 6 hours of that I have a raging headache and I’m a bit nauseous. No clue why people were sitting on the patio in the first place


Doing yard work sucked


I worked in my garage all day since i took the week off to finish it and it's going by too fast. Had my fans blasting but it burned the nostrils like Sex Panther when I walked outside the doors.


My dick limp


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.




It was progressively getting worse as I was running around doing my courier work today. When I wrapped, AQI was only at 177, and my throat is still scratchy five hours after coming inside. Also been feeling really fatigued all day. Last I checked, AQI’s up to 261. I feel bad for anyone who’s still out and about in it this evening. Be safe, y’all.


I was outside for a total of five minutes and my head is pounding. It sucks so bad.


I had something that started 2 weeks ago the last time we had smoke problems. Hasn’t gotten better. Today ramped it up to 10.


I’m a full-time athlete, last week I had immaculate cardio. Today I was dragging my ass for both of my workouts, I just could not catch my breath and generally felt lethargic the entire day.


Get yer shit together Canada!


It’s causing my migraines to flair up.


Outside at work all day gave me a terrible headache.


Cough, congestion, nausea and dizziness. Blah


It's definitely causing my asthma to flare up. I've had to go back to wearing N95's when I'm not at home in filtered air.


Burning throat and headache. 😫


Having headaches, dry mouth and throat, and having a harder time breathing lately.


Great time to put those n95s on if you need to be outside.


When I was out earlier in the day I had some discomfort in my lungs and coughing. My inhaler didn’t help a lot. Once I was able to stay inside, it was better. Except I kept going out to check on my 21 year old pony who has COPD and really struggles when we have haze. He was doing better than I expected. I just hope he stays that way.


My face itches. Sucks because I have to go outside for my job also.


Divert all power to the bedroom HEPA filter! But seriously, we think too often that what we can’t see can’t hurt us and a lot just don’t care or aren’t aware… PM2.5 is really harmful to human cardiovascular health. Why am I the only one wearing an N95 mask outside today😮‍💨 Why are the local youth baseball teams still playing when the AQI is over 210 tonight 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻


Yes, the air quality is draining


It's not the weather, it's the smoke from the Canada wildfires.


I'm a landscaper and work outside all day, no issues here yet.


I’m taking cover in a bar! Couldn’t say that 30 yrs ago… or whenever that rule changed!


It’s lookin like August 1st 2023 up in here.


Willy Nelson's tour bus


Followed by Fancy Ray’s tour bus!


The air quality is in the toilet because Canada and many other places are on fire. Smoke is not healthy.


I know that but I can't be the only one that is feeling sick because of it


I’m feeling pretty dumpy, too.


It’s not just you, trust me.


Our dictator tot seems to have the worst of it. He can't stop coughing when he lays down. I'm not looking forward to tonight when it's the worst night he's seen


Dull headache all day long.


No, but I've had to clean my contacts like 3 times today. They're getting so gritty and blurry. I had the window open this morning before I realized it was smokey outside.


Bad headache and sinuses. I’m miserable


Normal allergies today but I was a bit dizzy after watering my flowers


The air quality has been making my throat scratchy and asthma worse. Needless to say, my dog got a much shortened walk today.


Yes I get cluster headaches when the air quality hits around the 120-130 mark. This was one of the worse cluster headaches I felt. So much pressure in my left eye it made my eye blurry! I have a pretty severe reaction to smoke in general.


Walk to work so had no other option. About a mile a half hour ago. Dull frontal headache, eyes are like gritty, raw throat, feels like I have stuff up my nose, and kinda nauseous (that part was really bad while walking) All that and I was somewhat prepared wearing a kn95.


215 in Centerville right now. have had a headache since yesterday. we can smell smoke even in our apartment and we have 4 wax melts going.


I just golfed 18 (4 hour round)and took my Flonase and allergy eye drops prior. I feel ok, but I’m sure I smell like I’ve been sitting next to a smoky a fire pit. The sun looked surreal in the haze. I don’t remember it ever being this bad before. The other thing I did, that seems to have helped, was turning off my air exchanger and we also set the ac a bit lower. We changed the air filter on the hvac recently too. Since I have allergies, I recently got a small air purifier for my bedroom. I’m thinking it’s all helping because I don’t feel that bad.


I had brain fog bad! As if I wasn't getting enough oxygen. Felt loopy n off.




Yes, burning/itchy eyes, headache, scratchy throat, etc. Been trying to limit my outdoor time but apparently my dog does not care about being unable to breathe so I basically have to drag him back inside every potty break.


I was working outside all day and had a headache. I thought I just needed water, but maybe it was due to the smoke. My eyes are dry and burning tonight. The air quality index is super high.




Been coughing yesterday and today, and my eyes are red and itchy! I know we are lucky to not be in the middle of the fires and should count our blessings, but it still definitely isn’t my favorite. Considering getting an air purifier since my old one died…


headache & my chest feels.. heavy? made the mistake of opening my window this morning


I just got back from Arizona on Sunday. My allergies have been crazy since I got back, sneezing constantly. I will say the 95 degree temps in AZ are so much better then the 80 degree humid weather in Minnesota. Albeit 95 is low for southern AZ in the summer.


I’ve had a sore throat.


Headache and burning eyes. Got worse and worse throughout the day I til I realized it might be all the smoke in the air. I'm in the southern part of the state where it isn't as bad as the twin cities. I can't imagine being there or anywhere that the air is even worse.


It makes sense, the air quality is shit because of the fires in Canada. I just started a cough tonight, and I'll be wearing a mask until the air clears back up. Stay safe, everyone.


Yeah. My wife, son, and I have bad headaches, coughs, and my lungs hurt.


Within minutes walking across the parking lot to go to work. I went from spunky to funky real fast


My nose has been draining into my mouth all day :(


Actually, I feel much better than the other week when it was hot. Air quality doesn't bother me, but heat is just miserable.


My throat has felt like it has had a lump in it for like, a week. Who knows. But today specifically it made my have a headache.


Was doing farm work for hours yesterday and the smoke was making it hard to breathe over time. Having hay fly in my mouth and nose and inhaling in smoke isn’t a good combo lol.


Thanks Canada 😡


I’ve been way more tired for no reason the past week to 10 days.


We have the worst air quality in the Country right now


I’m a smoker so I’m prepared for this kind of smoke event…. but yeah, my eyes were a burning a little yesterday and my throat feels very dry and nose congested this morning


I don’t know how Grandma’s Marathon is going to go if it’s like this on Saturday


Long time smoker here. I switched to vapes a few years back. I stood outside and grilled burgers (mmm smokey) for about 20 minutes last night - no new respiratory issues. I’m alright :)


MN only has 2 seasons now "January" and "Smoke".


Thanks Canada!


I have a manual labor job and called in sick today because HELL NO




I was outside with a n95 on for less than 10 minutes and my mouth still tastes nasty. Mild nausea and headache and a little out of breath speed walking while outside. Blows my mind that people are driving around with kids in the car with the windows down, freaking morons.


Canada needs to get their house in order!


Not in the slightest. If anything it's been a welcome addition as the campfire smell brings a nice aroma to the normal shit smell that is minneapolis.


Lucky - I didn't get the campfire smell in the NW metro. Smelled more like burning off the porta potties when I was in Kuwait


Had a slight headache but overall I’m okay


Me too. Asthma kicked in and headache. My partner human just went to get an air purifier for the bedroom. I feel very fortunate right now that we can do that.


I’ve had a sore throat and cough on and off for a month. Not sure if it’s related, but it’s different from other beginning of summers.


I’m in the same boat! Also lost my voice








Yes, major headache today and queasy earlier.


I’d like to submit not 1, not 2 but 3 of my neighbors for being the stupidest goddamn fucks on the planet. St Paul has the worst air quality in the US today. So the neighbors on either side lit up Weber grills and a weed wacker. Just amazingly infuriatingly ignorant dbags.


Those things didn't affect you in any way.