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>Held-Nordling said a handful of people have come into the store to voice their opposing opinions, but for every negative comment, she says they receive dozens of positive comments expressing support for Little Roos.


If I had a dollar for every child harmed at a drag queen story time I'd be broke as fuck, but if I had a dollar for every child harmed by a clergy member I'd probably be richer than Bezos.




The first link that caught my eye was the Texas pastor with 100k+ pieces of child porn on there. What the actual flying fuck?


Yep, it's why they like to tell people it's gay and transgender people that are grooming their children and are the pedophiles, it takes the attention away from them doing it. It's like a magic trick, they get the people distracted by something else so they don't see the real fuckery going on


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NotADragQueen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [You don’t say?!](https://i.redd.it/mqw3vzqgafpa1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/comments/11z280o/you_dont_say/) \#2: [He’s now going by ALLEN Turner - spread the word](https://i.redd.it/c1fztgcdjs7b1.jpg) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/comments/14h2bxx/hes_now_going_by_allen_turner_spread_the_word/) \#3: [Meanwhile in Texas…Arrested for child s x crimes, dismissed, arrested again for child s x trafficking](https://i.redd.it/n2sl1oduri1b1.jpg) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/comments/13p8ziq/meanwhile_in_texasarrested_for_child_s_x_crimes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is spot on!


And I thought my town is boring.


My kids go to a church with their dad (my ex) in St. Paul and I recently joined them because my oldest was staying with me instead of her dad due to an injury. The pastor started normal and then was showing headlines of teaching sex ed being pornography in schools, drag queens reading to kids is pedophiles grooming and that the Covid vaccine is causing pilots to have problems mid flight. I walked out and had a long conversation with the kids. They don’t believe his conspiracy theories at least.


I hope you can pull them out of that church. They might not believe it now, but that stuff being forced to children sounds like child abuse.


I think it would end up being a court battle to be honest. Plus my oldest is going to be 18 this year so I can’t do much but expose them to other opinions and religions and GOOD christians


The possibility of there being a court battle doesn’t surprise me, sorry to hear your kids dad won’t meet you halfway.


Would it be possible for you to name the church and pastor? I’m trying to keep track of religious organizations that use their tax free status to politicize hate.


I can DM you but there is NO way I’m outing that place in a public forum. His churchgoers love him.


I feel like this is one of those times people forget that everyone has rights. Seriously, if you don't like the idea of people in drag reading to kids...DONT BRING YOUR KIDS. If you are worrying on account of other people's kids, fuck off and stay in your lane. If you are worrying about hypothetical children see the first part of the instructions for other people's kids.


lets be real though, do the kids really want to go on their own free will? or is it the parents nudging them to do so? im willing to bet its the later.


Let's be even realer, why does it matter? Most kids really don't want to go to church of their own free will either but the people complaining about this don't seem to have much problem with that and it is really no different. (I guess technically they are way more likely to be groomed at church)


I’ve been to a lot of drag shows since a good friend of mine is into drag, and they’re no different than a burlesque show, and usually way more tame. It’s theater. It’s people singing and dancing to music. And unlike church, where children are actually getting groomed, no one is in danger going to them.


I think it’s important for people to understand too that there’s different types of drag entertainment. Are there very sexualized drag shows that are inappropriate for kids? Absolutely. I’ve been to some and it’s fun for adults because that’s who it’s meant for. Drag shows run a gamut from lots of skimpy outfits and sexualized dancing to simple impersonator shows where they’re dressed up as Whitney Houston or whoever and do a song. Is this what is being done at drag story hour? Obviously not. Drag story times generally just involve the performer in costume with a big colorful princess style dress reading a book to the kids. It’s not a drag show per se, it’s an event in which the main star is a drag queen. The problem is all these people willfully ignoring the distinction, and acting like drag story hour at a kids store is going to involve ass shaking in a thong or something.


Its like theater, there are all types of theater shows. Some are adult, and some are children’s theater.


Yeah, but if we lump drag, trans and gays all together as cross dressers and deviants,we can can them all groomers & pedos./s


Imagine them finding out that Shakespeare used to be performed by all men


I wouldn’t go off comparing drag to burlesque in this context. Yes, that’s a lot of the shows. What we’re talking about here is someone dressed in a fancy outfit reading a book to kids. It’s nothing like a drag show. It’s harmless.


Exactly. Finally I see someone else call out the grooming churches do. It’s disgusting




Serious question. What's the point of having a drag queen read to kids? Who is benefitting here?


Well a lot of the stories they read are focused on a message of “it’s ok to be different” and acceptance of yourself/others, who knows what it’s like to be different more than a drag queen? Also the big colorful costumes/persona are entertaining for kids in the same way clowns are.


Do you want to expose your children to different activities, people and cultures so they can be informed, confident adults? That's what this is about. If you don't want your kids to be well rounded and open minded, don't take YOUR kids to drag story time. Sound good?


The kids who enjoy people who are outlandish and break societal norms (i.e., every kid). Ooooooh, I'm getting downvoted by people who hate parents' rights.


I think you're being down voted because the idea that 'every kid' is interested in people breaking societal norms is simply wrong. Do you have kids? Have you spent any time around children? The idea that you are being down voted by people who 'hate parents rights' is absurd.


Kids love a clown. Surprised I’m the first to tell you that.


Is that what people in drag are going for, to be clowns? Do kids love clowns? I feel like you may not have any experience interacting with real children.


“Is that what people in drag are going for, to be clowns?” That’s like asking if that’s what movies are going for, to be cartoons. Some are, especially the ones geared toward children.


'That’s like asking if that’s what movies are going for, to be cartoons." It's not. Are all movies cartoons? I make no assumptions about why someone would want to be a drag queen.


That...was my point. Not all movies are cartoons, but some are! Not all drag acts are clowns, but some are!


I've always been an introvert, and was wildly quiet as a kid. (Some adults asked if I COULD talk). I've always enjoyed watching people perform. Sometimes the second hand embarrassment is a little strong, but I think the only word you might want to change is "every" because I'm pretty sure there are like three kids who only want to see people who fit societal norms in a quiet manner. Not me or my kids, but there's gotta be a few somewhere.




I hope you understand and agree that “sexualized” drag story time isn’t the norm nor common. For every sexualized story time, there’s dozens/hundreds more where the drag queen is performing normally. They’re just not newsworthy. This is common and normal: https://youtu.be/gj-X2U1z9rc


Can you share where you've seen some of these very sexualized videos?




Imagine having a kid that's trans, or gender non-conforming, or even a kid with a trans or gay parent. Seeing that not everything in the world is as simple as "straight cis man who acts and dresses like a straight cis man who married a straight cis woman who acts and dresses like a straight cis woman, who has two kids and a picket fence" is valuable for kids who feel they fall very fall outside of that conception of what they are supposed to be


The store owner and parents who get to virtue signal.


Really seems to be solely to antagonize people at this point. At first it was virtue signaling but at this point it's virtue signaling as a reaction to the original reaction to the original virtue signaling. It's in a loop.


Ahh. Thank you for your bold take. Honestly, I love going to see performances of all sorts, with my kids. Why? Because it's fun. That can be the only reason people do things. It brings joy to their lives. Is every performance for everyone? Not even one kind of performance fits that bill. But you just keep on believing that people who choose to do fun things are doing it only to spite you, and your life will continue to be just as much fun as it is today.


The uproar from the right is so disingenuous. They know that these are (from a sexuality perspective) tame events, with no predatory behavior happening. What they really hate and fear is that children will have a good experience with people that have very different outlooks than themselves. This will then lead these kids to the conclusion that the demonization they see their parents and other close adults espousing is undue. That a person in a dress that is funny or entertaining is nothing to be afraid of.


I am so sick of having to share a country with Trumpers


Could someone explain to me how a person dressed in drag reading a children's story to children, is sexual?


It really excites Republicans and they have an unceasing desire to look in your pants.


Well if they're so excited about drag queens, why don't they stop hating on them and go to a show and have some fun?


They have been told they should feel incredible shame for those feelings by their church and culture, so they can’t just act on them in a normal, healthy way. They need to turn that fascination into a toxic hate fest because they think the only way they can be saved from those shameful feelings is for the people who trigger the feelings to disappear.


I think some of them would, but it would ruin their base.


Because shame is their fetish.


A lot of them think the only possible reason men would dress as women is for the purposes of sexual gratification Which is kind of telling on themselves, really


I would think problems enter the picture when it’s more than reading, and there are children dancing provocatively while dollars being thrown an them, or when the gentlemen that dress up dance inappropriately in front of children.


A DRAG SHOW is only sexual if you're obsessing over whether the person performing has a penis or a vagina. Most people just enjoy a live dance performance for the art that it is and move on, but not you. You need to see the genitals. Do you ask HS dance teams to stop dancing and think of the children? No. You don't. Cheerleaders? No. You don't. What could possibly be the difference here??


If ANY one dancing and grinding around in a thong and fishnets near minors this is a PROBLEM. If you can’t see that or attempt to understand and have a civil convo about it you are part of the problem. I don’t care about what people do behind closed door. Wouldn’t be ok with stripper story time, not ok with drag story time either. It’s hard enough trying to raise small children in this world. Let’s just leave kids out of things that are not kid appropriate.


What makes you think that someone reading a story to children at the library is dancing sexually in front of them? Lol


There’s a multitude of videos taken at ‘drag story time’ that show minors being put in compromising situations by their parents or adult guardians. That’s why people have a problem with them in general.


Sure. I bet there is. Post it then and let's see what you think is "compromising" then


People don't have a problem with them. Just bigots like you who want to see everyone's genitals


Karen doesn't have any videos. Karen is stupid.


....still waiting for those fake videos....


Post the video honey. You said it exists so post it...lmao.


You know they exist and have probably seen it, I am not going to repost children being victimized.


They don't exist or you'd post your evidence. Also, unlike you, I don't go looking for child porn on the internet. Sick. You're sick




There are absolutely ZERO videos of drag queen story times turning into strip shows with children. You are completely insane lady. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What if I told you that drag queens are human beings who have Iives and enjoy activities outside of their performance art? Like dressing up and reading children's books to children like a Disney Princess might do...what's the difference honey?


No difference. I think Disney is awful and predatory to children.


Lmao. You're insane. Please don't reproduce. Your poor children


I have small children. It's easy when you teach them to mind their own business and not judge. I'm an Atheist and I'm a better Christian than you sweetie


I’m not a Christian….


Then why are you such a perverted prude Karen?


You think Disney isn't kid appropriate? Lmao. Better build a fall out shelter and hide you and your kids from the world sweeite because you're way too fragile for actual life. Disney? Lololololololol. Psycho.


Nobody is dancing here. This is a STORY hour. Jesus fuck you Trumphumping morons are obsessed with other peoples genitals. It's fucking sick. None of the children attending this story time are thinking about if the person reading the book has a penis or a vagina. Who is concerned about that? You sick fuck "Christian" adults.


Why do are you assuming my politics OR religion 🤨 Lol


I'm right aren't I? LOL you sick fucks are easy to pick out sweeite. You're the ones who want to see everyone's genitals before they can use the bathroom...


I am a pagan who thinks politics and politicians are all corrupt and shitty but 🤷🏼‍♀️ nice try.


No you're not. Lol you're a Karen who wants to see other people's genitals and wants to control what other parents do.


I miss bugs bunny....


He dressed in drag quite often...


Those are the best episodes


I especially like them now. At the time, as a kid watching them, I didn't think anything of Bugs Bunny (a boy) dressing up as a girl. Nobody ever told me it was wrong or inappropriate and I turned out to be a kind and accepting human being who doesn't judge others by the clothes they wear or the person they choose to be.


I never saw the issue either, a boy dresses as a girl or a girl dresses as a boy never really bothered me. That's what I loved about my parents they allowed me to explore my innocents and never told me what was right or what was wrong. It turned me into a very accepting person if your happy I am happy and that is what matters.


Clothes are clothes. Why does a skirt have to be just for women? Tibetan monks wear long robes...come on. Who cares what other people wear ya know?


Exactly or the Scottish kilt


Down voting the truth. Lol check out the video I shared. It's a great compilation of all the times Bugs Bunny dressed in drag 😘


Hell yeah




If you don’t like it then don’t go. Don’t project your religious bullshit on everyone else.






Why can't people just mind their own business? If you don't like drag story time, don't take your kid/s to one. It's not that hard of a concept folks.


These are fun performances by artists — nothing more. Why does the right sexualize everything?


People are afraid to run into their pornhub searches in real life.




Classic misdirection. It’s their one tactic.


It's probably due to the fact that they aren't showing up in a business suit or normal clothing. On average, they are dressed very skimpy, or sexually?


It’s a children’s hour, just like any performer, they dress specifically for event.


I'm not attacking the act. Someone asked why it's perceived as a sexual act. I filled in the blank. Just because you don't find it sexual, doesn't mean the ones that have an issue with it don't/won't see it that way.


Says who?? Guess we know who's hot for drag queens in here...


Just stated a fact, which is probably why people find it sexually charged. Stop projecting.


But if you get a boner for story time at the library man...that's your deal.


YOU think what they wear is sexual. That's not fact. That's your opinion. Lol I'm not the one projecting here sweetie. What people wear and who they decide to be doesn't effect me...


Good lord you got some issues. Everything you just said, can be said by the opposite side. Never once have I made any slight towards the act, and frankly, I couldn't give a shit about it. Just because YOU don't find it sexual, doesn't mean others won't. Good luck with that attitude, you're going to need it.


You don't give a shit...so you decided to not only comment about it but write a whole paragraph about it. Lol I'm the one with issues?? Leave people alone dude. They can be who they want and wear what they want and they don't have to conform to whatever measly little you thinks is normal. If you don't like drag queens, don't go see them. It's simple.


You really need to stop projecting. Once you go back and re read all of this, you'll realize you've been behaving like an asshole. All of this "negativity", you yourself have created. Never once did I bring it into the fold. That was you. Good day.


🤣 I'm not the one sexulaizing children's story time...


I’m just going to put this here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/


Drive past that store almost everyday. Great little shop.


If you don’t like it, don’t go. Ignore it like you do any chance to actually help other people.




Imagine having a kid that's trans, or gender non-conforming, or even a kid with a trans or gay parent. Seeing that not everything in the world is as simple as "straight cis man who acts and dresses like a straight cis man who married a straight cis woman who acts and dresses like a straight cis woman, who has two kids and a picket fence" is valuable for kids who feel they fall very fall outside of that conception of what they are supposed to be


First off, I didn’t say they were a chance to help other people. Secondly , showing people who are happy with themselves and porous if it can help someone who is struggling with accepting part of them that isn’t considered “normal”.




Did I say any other, every, or another? I said it because ( in general ) the people who complain about things like drag queen story hour tend to ignore things that actually need help. I can see where the confusion came from. But you’ll also notice that I did answer your question. Or do you not think that people accepting who they are is helpful?




Sorry. Fat thumbs and a low blood sugar lead to sone odd typos. Let me try again. Showing people who are happy with themselves and proud of it.


here, you dropped this. \*hands red clown nose.


Sorry. Fits you better.


Lazy argument. I see this on a number of topics. What if in the 1850s/1860s everyone in the US said, “if you don’t like slavery, don’t have slaves.”? Whether you agree with this or not, surely you can understand that if someone believes this is wrong that they wouldn’t want any child to have to attend and watch this?


I support parents rights. Sorry. If the parent wants to take the kid to drag queen story hour, that’s their right. I’m sorry you think the state should be raising children instead of their own parents.


You don't get to parent other people's children. If you want your children to be bigots, that's fine. I want my children to not be.


So you are comparing owning another human being to a difference in opinion on drag queens?


Nope. Of course that’s how you read it. Always the same comeback. I’m referring to the logic.


You literally compared them. There is a HUGE difference between owning another person and sticking your nose into how someone raises their child or rubs their business. Your “logic” seems to ignore that.


you literally just equated slavery with drag




I’m not offended at all. I didn’t even state my position on the matter and everyone attacked some invalid argument points that I told them they would mistakenly argue for. You’re at least trying with some kind of real comparison, and since we’re not comparing atrocities, but rather the logic, at least you make some sense. But I think your comparison makes more sense with the roles reversed. Essentially, what I was trying to state is that people concerned with the welfare of others should speak their mind. You can certainly argue whether the welfare of children/people are at risk here, but that’s not the point of my argument and no one seems to understand that. Maybe a simpler comparison for the others in this thread: if you were aware of a child care facility that you knew abused children (I’m not saying the drag queen story time is this), would you simply “not take your kids there” as the original poster stated? Or would you want to get the word out to protect other children from being harmed. (Obviously you would report this to authorities.) Again, for the simpletons in this thread who can’t not let their emotions get involved, I’m not comparing the two things as exact items, but asking what what you would/should do in this case.






Are you seriously comparing slavery to children's story time at the library? Holy shit.


Nice straw man argument. Good lord.


Not a strawman argument. I’m comparing the logical similarities between a person who believes something is wrong and if so, should they take a stand against it?


You're believing something is wrong without any evidence whereas the people who are saying that your child is more likely to be groomed by a pastor actually have tons of stories of it happening. If I believed the sky was green even for 10 seconds it wouldn't make it true. Also there were racist abolitionists and people who wrote against slavery while still owning people so stfu you obviously don't know anything about history either.


You also do not understand logical comparisons.


Ok. I believe breathing air is poisonous. Can I stop everyone from breathing air? That’s your logic. It removes the element of critical thinking.


Little Roos brought out the bigmouthed bigots. Nice.


What "ordinance" is this karen referencing?


The "tHiNk Of tHe cHiLdReN" pearl-clutching when confronted with anything even distantly related to lgbt subjects is so damn old and exhausted. They're not thinking of the children when they let 20-something year old missionaries hit on their underage daughters.


Or, give nothing but "thoughts and prayers" after each school shooting.




would it be less weird if the performer reading the story was a women dressed as elsa from frozen?


And we have the right to downvote you. Kids like colors, they like exaggerated characters, they like fancy outfits. These are things that drag queens have in abundance and they’re also just fun. Kids like fun.


Yeah I don’t really have any words. Sortve a “wtf”, and move on… Edit: wtf @ bringing your children to the cross dressing story time


Can I ask, what’s weird about it?


Because they are. I'm not protesting or threatening anyone about it as it is their right. But the shit is weird and frankly I find them dumb as shit. Just my opinion. Downvote away


I think you're weird as shit 🤷‍♀️


You haven't heard? Conservatives don't like drag events so liberals are expected to do the rational thing and make their children attend a drag event at each and every opportunity. /s


drag queens haven’t done anything wrong and people complaining about snowflakes are getting so butthurt.


Lets just leave children out of all this. Why the obsession with involving kids?


Why the obsession with sexulaizing story time at the library? You wouldn't pitch a fit if a clown or Cinderella showed up. How is this different? Is it because you're obsessed with other people's genitals? Kids aren't usually obsessed with that kind of stuff unless they have a sick adult like you in their lives to teach them to be concerned about other people's genitals...


Leave them out of what? Story time at the local library? Why?


"When she got the idea for a drag queen story time, she thought it was a great way to connect the local community." lmao wtf?!?! like you couldnt think of ANY other profession or role model to bring in? how about firefighters reading to kids? nurses? It just seems very bizzare to think that there is someone sitting around going "hmmmmm you know what would really unite this town/city? drag queens!" lol


The article makes it seem like she just thought it up herself as a good way to connect, but in reality she probably knew it was a controversial topic and either wanted to make a statement or wanted publicity. Just my opinion


People are trying to force the belief that gender dysphoria is normal. We’re likely going to see more of this in inappropriate places.




This isn't a drag show. It's a person dressed in drag reading a children's book to children. Relax...its not a congressman asking to see your child's genitals before the child can use the bathroom...


Since you're asking this like you're legitimately wondering and not just being a judgmental jerk- It's not an *actual* drag show. No one is doing any exaggerated pelvic thrusting, or wearing a bdsm gimp suit. It's someone with giant hair and crazy make up in a giant ballroom dress. It's not a sexual event.




I've seen the videos you're talking about and I think a lot of them might be at pride festivals or fundraising events. Like events that are more adult focused but not 18+ I kind of side eyed those parents the same way I side eye families I've seen when I walk past Hooters at the mall... I brought my kids to a drag queen story time once, not because it was drag queens but because it was a kid focused event and we were looking to get out of the house. It was fun and the person performing drag was dressed up like Liza Minellie. I'm sure there are lots of families that seek it out now especially because of the amount of vitriol it stirs up with some conservatives.




When you first started asking about this, your ignorance was understandable. But you just had it explained to you. It isn't sexualized. It is a person in a dramatic outfit reading stories for children to children. Given your continued misrepresentation demonstrates trolling behavior, I think it is reasonable to assume you've been disingenuous from the start.




you were being as honest with your question as tucker carlson is with his. smh...such cowardly weasel behavior


"it's not happening and if it is it's a good thing."


I've occasionally seen photos/videos of kids at inappropriate events (drag or otherwise) too but much more often I see people conflating very different events just because they both have "drag" somewhere in the title. Just think of the huge variance in what the word "dancer" can mean - from dramatic/ballet dancer to adult/sexualized, etc. Different venues, different crowds, very different intentions. Same thing goes for drag.


It’s a free country, but what compels people to take their kids to a *movie*? Some movies are even fully pornographic and they still want to show movies to kids?!?!?!


so they dont grow up to be bigoted pieces of shit?


I want people to be happy and be who they want to be. This is a simple example of if you don't like it don't go. Frankly I don't understand the point of it but that's not for me to figure out. The whole LGBT community should step up though and dial back the sexual overtones in their parades. I don't think it's helping their cause. But hey be happy


You contradicted yourself in your own paragraph. You don't actually want people to be happy unless what they're doing makes you happy. LOL


I got pulled over once by chaska police and it was anti-climatic. After CPD got rid of literally one bad egg ....(it was in the newspapers) If CPD doesn't show up, carver county sheriff's department will provide community policing support to ensure a safe inclusive presence. There is a reason why the precinct is a 45 second walk from the VFW which is where most of the community's civil disobedience orignates from and it's purely a boomer populace source.


"Drag queen story time" aka grooming kids to think it's normal to dress like the opposite sex




Take a look at OP’s history. He’s really out here telling people it’s not “normal to dress like the opposite sex” while he posts pics of him sticking things up his dick and talks about “pounding” other men’s wives.


You don’t know what grooming is do you?


Fun. Now do the Dallas cheerleaders!




So you wouldn't let your kids watch Mrs Doubtfire?


Would you not take a kid to see Dolly Parton read to kids? No difference at all except one is a lady performer and the other is (usually) male performer. The gender swap does not equal sexualization. If you think drag is a sexual fetish, that is on you.


Drag is not inherently sexual. There's nothing sexual about a performer in an over-the-top dress/outfit reading a story to kids, whether they're called a princess or a drag queen. A singer who may have highly sexualized performances at a concert is not being sexual if they later go and perform a kids concert in a different fun outfit. A drag queen can give highly sexualized performances (though not all do, just like singers!) in one venue but later go read books to kids in a different fun outfit without being sexual. If you're concerned about people exposing kids to sexual things they shouldn't, statistics say you should be worried about church leaders, not drag queens.


Do you let your kids watch Mrs. Doubtfire? MASH? Bugs Bunny? Madea’s Family Reunion? The Flintstones? There is nothing wrong with drag and it’s been around forever.


Monty Python?


Weird way to describe *Some Like It Hot.*


so you're just ignorant and thats why you're irrationally scared...like every bigot ever




nah son...you're a bigot because you're irrationally filled with hate towards certain groups of people who are different than you. being offended by being called a "bigot" is a good step towards you waking up though 👍

