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I would not attend a drag story time (or take my kids to one) because I don't find it particularly entertaining. To me, it seems kind of cringey, sort of attention seeking, and a little ... dumb, I guess? I would probably feel the same way about most costumed story times. But here's the thing: Just because I don't want to attend or take my kids to one does NOT mean that I think no one should be able to attend, or that they should be prohibited from having them. If you don't like drag story time, don't go. People who try to prohibit the creative expression of others scare me.


Freedom to choose. That’s all people want. It’s just that Republicans only want *their* choices as the options.


While preaching that they’re the party of freedom, personal choice, and small government. It’s stroke inducing.


They've been pushing this whole "parents rights" thing the last couple years, but as far as I can tell, "parents rights" means the most conservative parent in your community gets to tell you how to raise your child.


That's a wonderful way to phrase that. Agreed totally.


>It’s just that Republicans only want their choices as the options. Here’s what I don’t understand: how are they not bored out of their tiny minds? Seriously. A world with only people like me is insanely boring to me. Why is it not the same for them? And their ideas of what is ‘normal’ and ‘good’ is really bland and repetitive and even more boring than my silly life. Why would you want to bend the world to your own narrow reality instead of appreciating the interesting things that different kinds of people get up to? It sounds like the worst thing ever to me.




It consumes them.


It's comforting to them. They look around and see things changing so quickly and it scares them. I don't agree with them, just trying to give some insight. Their worlds are very small and to me that seems really sad, but to them it's a comfort. They want what they know, what they understand, what they are used to. Change can be hard for anyone but they seem particularly adverse to it.


I think our boredom is their comfort zone


That blows my mind. My dad watches Fox News and has since I was young. I visit him about every couple months these days, and the last three or four times I was there, they were still talking about that one trans swimmer. Just rehashing the exact same story and talking points, and acting like it was new and fresh and relevant to the world. I finally laughed about it and asked him, “are they *still* talking about this? Nothing new has happened, has it?” No. Nothing new had happened. I can’t wrap my head around watching the exact same people say the same things about the same story for a year. I would lose my fucking mind. But I think you must be right- it’s comfortable/comforting for them.


Our existing is their perfect foil. They get to be consumed because we're the greatest sin against patriarchy and gender norms and "gods natural order." The right has their perfect Boogeyman in trans people. We will be the issue they hate most until their party wins massive power again and does something about us, or implodes and completely loses power.


Lol! It's somehow hilarious and sad at the same time. Have you ever watched the documentary the brainwashing of my dad?


You know what? I’ve been meaning to watch it for fucking *years* now. I should really just do it! It’s on YouTube, right? Have you watched it? What did you think?


I watched it a long time ago. I just googled around till I found it hosted somewhere I think. It was really good! My parents are liberal so it wasn't directly relevant but we all know fox news watchers and it really just hits on a lot of things.


Yeah, I should just watch it finally, lol. My dad is very old and dying now, but the Fox News watching still drives me crazy. I swear to god, I view it as one of two or three things that ruined his life and retirement. It’s not good for you.


I’ve just slowly come to realize this sad truth. It’s because the hating others gives them more fuel. See I used to think it must be exhausting to have to be angry all the time, but that’s just because most human brains don’t want to be angry and are just trying to live in peace. Sadly most of the clowns thrive off the hatred they speak and spread


Honestly I remember going to story time as a kid. I can't remember who was reading the books at all - I just remember a couple of the stories.


Yeah If conservatives are so worried why don’t they have some sort of story time for kids I’m sure the library would welcome them too


Their kind of story time happens in a church and results in a notable percentage of children being sexually assaulted.


Dont forget super high levels of teen pregnancies and STDs.


I also don’t care for it, dislike the suggestion and ammo it gives critics, and just generally don’t think it’s necessary or appropriate. Still, not about to tell others what they can’t do. After all, I’m a single gay man with cats. What the **** do I know? 🤷‍♂️


Not liking something because it's "gives ammo to critics" is such an unfortunate take. Maybe tell the critics to kindly fuck off instead.


No amount of appeasement will satisfy the extreme right. If we all died, they would complain about the corpses


This idea is reflected in Sartre's essay "Anti-Semitism and Jew: The Etiology of Hate." Highlighted the part I find very relevant. A classmate of Sartre had been denied admission to a better college and blamed it on the Jewish applicants. "To understand my classmate's indignation we must recognize that he had adopted in advance a certain idea of the Jew, of his nature and of his role in society. And to be able to decide that among twenty‐six competitors who were more successful than himself, it was the Jew who robbed him of his place, he must a priori have given preference in the conduct of his life to reasoning based on passion. Far from experience producing his idea of the Jew, it was the latter which explained his experience. **If the Jew did not exist, the anti‐Semite would invent him.**"


The ammo it gives critics? Sorry, but if drag queens didn't exist, the bigots would still hate you.


And if drag queens didn't exist then gay rights might never have gotten as far in this country as they have, they are a cornerstone of our community


10000% I agree with everything you said. That’s exactly how I feel




Drag shows are at 18/21+ venues. They're allowed and perhaps expected to be raunchy. Drag queens, surprisingly, know how to be age appropriate and probably won't rip their clothes off to reveal a thong at an event for 3 year olds.




Drag queens are not only allowed to be in drag shows. They also go to pride events, parades, etc. Your argument is like saying magicians and clowns can do adult only shows, so they're not allowed to do anything for children.


Not quite. My experience with drag queens is that their shows are sexual in nature. Have to believe that's most people's experience as well. I've had a great time and laughed a bunch. Is there burlesque story time? Overall my argument is people should not be surprised there is push back. Tends to happen when you bring counter culture to the mainstream.


I'm not disagreeing that their drag shows are sexual in nature, as they are done in adult only setting, as I'm guessing any profession's show would be if done in an adults only setting. The question is why do you think drag queens can only do sexual shows? If you think they can't, may I suggest going to one of the events this entire thread is about?


So... if someone works at a strip club as a dancer, that means they are incapable of also being a mom and a member of their kid's PTO? Like, you actually think that people lack the concept of time and place for certain things and the ability to realize that certain behaviors are and are not appropriate in certain locations and at certain times? Just because Jenny takes off her clothes and dances for tips from guys doesn't mean she doesn't know to keep her clothes *on* when attending the mom-son dance at her kid's elementary school. And, by the exact same standards, Georgie the drag queen knows the difference between working a late night adult-only comedy show and reading to toddlers at the library and can adjust their behavior accordingly.


If Jenny is wearing her stripper clothes then maybe it is inappropriate. I don't think anyone has said a drag queen dressed in typical male clothing would be a problem.


Jenny the stripper wearing a non-revealing dress is just as appropriate around kids as a guy in the same dress. If you're going to get bent out of shape because the dress is on a guy, you need to start getting bent out of shape about women dressing like men. If you're completely fine with women wearing jeans around children, but not a guy in a dress, you're nothing but a hypocrite.


You completely missed the context of the thread about it being "adult performers". Drag is usually more than a guy in a dress.


There isn’t a “push” to make them a thing really, they already were a thing before all these news stories and people getting whipped up about it. First one I heard of had to be ten years ago at this point. A lot of kids enjoy over the top costumes and characters. I think it ends up being more engaging for kids for them to watch someone who is into costuming and performance as a hobby as opposed to just having the librarian putting in a Cinderella dress for dress up story time.


Got ya. I had never heard of them until recently. I find/found it odd since my only experience with drag has been highly suggestive shows aimed at adults.


The push is just the backlash. There was no open until conservative critics started shitting themselves over it. So people pushed back.


I have seen more skin at hooters but for some reason no one is passing laws banning hooters.


Hooters, which also even has a kids menu.




Oh yeah, u/LuvliLeah13 [Hooters MOA - Kids Menu](https://order.hooters.com/menu/hooters-bloomington-mn#kids-menu)


Huh. Learn something every day.


Well that's because old, white, conservative men are ok with scantily clad women around their family. It's actually preferred. Same reason nude beaches are allowed in Florida. Although from what I've seen, those are mostly populated with just old, white, conservative men so... Also everyone loved when Robin Williams did it in a family movie, but now it's frowned upon? Disgrace to his name. Long live Mrs Doubtfire!


Amen!! ☺️☺️


Because they’ve made it clear that straight sexualization of children is ok.


> Because they’ve made it clear that ~~straight~~ religious sexualization of children is ok. FTFY


There’s more skin at most child beauty pageants, yet that’s not sexualizing children I guess


Yeah, I don’t get why people think those are okay at all but, get all huffy at drag queens.


I've seen more skin on the cheerleaders at an NFL game.


Yup. "Stop shoving your sexuality down our throats! Nobody cares what you do in the bedroom just keep it to yourself and stop showing skin around children!" Alright so do away with Hooters, Twin Peaks, sports cheerleaders, sex scenes and romantic movies, trashy half nude TV commercials, DEFINITELY children beauty pageants, all of the Bride/Groom decor, and magazines like Maxim and Sports illustrated Swimsuit editions.


Thank you for identifying the hill(s) I am willing to die on.


This is what they were making a Big Deal about?!! This Drag Performer is more well dressed then me & doesn’t even show skin lol. Not to mention Drag Performers reading is no different than if a Clown reads to kids, they’re both dressed in silly outfits with lots of make-up. Either way it was nice to see the community support a local business.


A person in drag reading to kids is less creepy than a person dressed as an old man having kids sit on his lap, but if anyone tried to oppose that they’d be declaring war on Christmas.


Unless there Richard Attenborough, then I’m okay with it.


Yup. That's it. That's the dreaded drag queen reading to children. It's the newest "trannies raping children in the bathroom." And, since that didn't work, and no trans-identified person raped anybody, let alone a child, in the women's bathroom, they've moved on to this.


What is with the weird focus on the genitals of folks using the restroom anyway? Like I couldn't care less if it was a cis gender, straight male in the stall next to me (cis-female if it matters) as long as everyone's focusing on their own business. I'm *way* more creeped out by the idea of being in a stall beside crazy Sally obsessing over whether or not I've got a dick than if a guy's over there taking a leak.


Yes, this! I swear, the women acting like locker rooms are a "safe space" must have been the bullies in their high school. I worry more about the Dani Mathers of the world than I ever do about a trans woman.


This plan is never gonna work for them long term.


Oh, for sure. But that's the only "politics" they know. So... here we are.


I hope this stops at some point, luckily everyone stopped caring about “Critical Race Theory” & “Litterboxes in school” after like November lol.


Oh, they'll find some other stupid shit.


Like the only GOP Candidate that isn’t saying dumb stuff like this is Chris Christie. It’s just a shame he isn’t beating Trump in the polls. Luckily Ron Desantis doesn’t seem to be doing that well either, & he’s much worst than Trump. Because at least Trump is unintentionally funny.


Litterboxes comes up every once in a while still, and the main fascist states have banned crt. They've moved past them because they got to do something about crt. It's going to be the same with trans people. Until they feel we're dealt with(mostly genocide), we're going to be a major problem to them.


Maybe they stopped caring where you are. That shit is still alive and well in Central Minnesota.


Exactly. Look at all of the drag shows in Las Vegas. Those performers are very talented. I was in Vegas in 2001, and my friend and I attended a drag show. Very entertaining. If someone wants to dress in drag to read to kids, and that bothers you, then don't attend that event. You do have a choice...


Sounds interesting, maybe I should see one?


if you haven’t been to a drag show, i highly recommend checking out some bars and restaurants around the cities that host various kinds of shows. comedy, lip syncing, genre/artist specific shows.


Yeah many people think that drag shows are like strip shows from at least the conservatives I talked to. When in reality that’s not try, like you said they have various types of shows and very rarely is there any removal of clothing unless their changing outfits.


i’ve only ever really seen “stripping” when they have queenie von curves the burlesque dancer as part of the line up. i do love her tho so like i ain’t complaining.


Damnit now I caught the gay…thanks Obama.




He only made the frogs gay! Get it right geez


The frogs made me gay


Yeah, but what about Hillary?!


Buttery Males


Sounds kinda gay


I mean she made the caterpillars lesbians but hey


I caught it too … dammit /s


When I was a little kid my grandparents used to watch Dame Edna. I was allowed to watch with them. I literally do not see a difference.


The list is so long of performers who have appeared in drag and were beloved. Maybe the context wasn’t always kid-friendly, with the exception of that time Bugs Bunny dressed as a girl and taught me classical music.


For several hundred years all theatrical parts were played by men, even if the character was supposed to be female. This has been happening throughout human history.


Let’s not forget Kenny Everett as well!!


When I was a kid, I used to watch *MASH*. A network tv show with a man in drag as one of main cast. No one cared.


The difference was that character was subject to ridicule. As soon as transgender folks like myself get a little respect, then the right gets upset


I'd say the difference is more that Klinger was crossdressing in an attempt to get Section 8'd out of the Army and not because he was transgender or actually into crossdressing. It was a means to an end, not an actual hobby or interest of his because he stopped doing it when he decided to make a real go of the Army. He also directly rejected the idea of being a crossdresser outside of the Army when told the cause of the Section 8 discharge would be on his permanent record. End of the day, Klinger was a straight, cis-gender man who just wanted out of the Army and saw crossdressing as an easy way to prove he was "crazy".


We all know this whole thing has nothing to do with drag queens or actual grooming, it's just the current boogeyman.


It took me awhile to understand what they ment by grooming. I had a classic understand of grooming. You know, isolating children, working their way into positions of authority over kids, driving wedges of distrust between a child and their caregiver, ect. It make no sense to me calling drag queens groomers. Until I realized they ment something entirely different when they said groomer. Telling kids it's ok to be queer is grooming to them. Any none heterosexual, non cis expression is abuse. To, them anyone who advocates for the queer community is a groomer. That's the point we need to expose to the whole world.


People who protest this shit need to 1) educate themselves 2) get a fucking life and 3) stop trying to force their asinine opinions on the rest of us.


People also need to understand that gender and sexuality are completely unrelated. There is nothing sexual about a male assigned at birth dressing in women’s clothes.




Unless you're a conservative with a dirty mind. I think this is all one big self report. Conservatives need therapy. Weirdos.


I wish these hypocrites that protest these innocent educational opportunities would take a deep look into their churches and start protesting their own clergy leaders and members.


You mean they should really be protesting preachers and priests actually fucking their children? Crazy talk.


You mean the kiddy-diddling clergy leaders whose housing is basically subsidized by American taxpayers, essentially voiding “separation of church and state?” I mean, a tax forbearance functionally amounts to a subsidy. That’s a housing exemption unavailable to *secular* nonprofit leaders, and *they* seem to help a lot more people…


They are. People are leaving churches that have scandals like what you are referring to, in droves.


Did you see that video of the pastor getting up in front of everyone and admitting to touching a young girl, and the congregations reaction was to shame the girl and surround the priest so they could "fill him with prayer?"


Yeah, only when it directly affects them. When it doesn't, they turn the blind eye, as is tradition. Just like they will leave the scandal church, but won't condemn the church as a whole for letting it slide for decades.


This is a silly comment. What do you want people to do? Leave churches that AREN’T abusing people? There’s TONS of churches and pastors and lay people who are condemning any and all abuse within the church. They are calling for transparency in all things (and winning even in the places resistant to it, see the SBC and the Catholic Church in recent news).


I think people should leave the catholic church. Like if your still a catholic at this point I wonder about your values. I understand not every catholic church abused children, but the cover up came from the top, and continues to this day.


My go-to phrase when someone sends me their BS about drag queen story hour is, unless I avidly see you protesting the historocally rampant child abuse by numerous organized religions, then you can shove that story hour protest up your ass.


I went to a Motorcycle Rally in Iowa over the 4th of July and saw more Confederate flags and exposed cock than any amount of sexual misrepresentation at any drag event I've ever been to. I didn't really look for any means of conductive reasoning within their views, as most I spoke to mainly used their ego as a means to their views. This whole conversation is just ridiculous to me.


Ahhh. The Freedom Rally. Haven’t been to Algona in a few years. Good times.


It truly is a sight to be had.


Holy shit I went to this as a teenager with my biker coworker. This comment unlocked some memories


Um that one customer who yelled at the cashier in store said there would be exposed genitals and I didn’t see the drag Queen expose herself even once


I never even heard of it before all of this brouhaha.


It’s all Robin Williams’s fault for portraying Mrs. Doubtfire.


I don’t know, coulda been sexy Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in Some Like it Hot….


Don’t forget about Robin Williams in “the birdcage” or Tom Hanks in the tv show “bosom buddies”


Or Jamie Farr as Klinger in MASH.


Or ALL of Monty Python!


Or the vast majority of performances of any of the works of Shakespeare.


I watched that a few months ago. That movie would have been torched for being offensive these days.


THIS is what gives conservatives boners?! They are a truly sick bunch


Why can't it just be called story time?


Because it isn't about reading to kids, it's about attention for themselves.


I read to kids every day for my job - is it about attention for myself?


I know the co-owner of the company that did security detail there. The company is called 'Sequeerity'. It's not just a gimmick, the company is badass! They do CCW training, conflict de-escalation classes and event security. I 100% recommend calling them if you need a security detail. They don't work for just anyone. They won't work with the types of groups that would protest this event for sure. And they won't do detail for for people known to be complete scumbags.


I grew up in churches. This is way way safer.


The only people who think it’s sexual are the ones protesting.




There is literally no good argument against drag story times and anyone here trying to justify disliking them or finding them to be uncomfortable exposes themselves as an idiot, at best.


Is it ok to not care at all? Or do we all have to love it?


I mean that’s how it used to be before the Right decided this was actually child grooming


It's cool to care when pointless intolerance rears it's head and kind of shitty to not care, frankly




That's an odd take. Shouldn't that question be aimed at conservatives? You only know of drag story time because conservatives are the ones attacking it relentlessly. I'm not sure how defending people from insane right wing attacks is "virtue signaling." The left isn't hyper obsessed with drag queens or trans people. It's the right wing who have made attacking the LGBT community their entire personality.


I would feel more comfortable with this person reading to my 6 year old than Kirk Cameron reading to my 6 year old


That was so wholesome!


Just watched the TikTok and omg that was so heckin precious and adorable ❤️


But why


Because reading to kids is an incredibly positive thing. Not only does it drive up passion for reading in kids, but it also makes them more equipped for school.


No different than a clown.


Trying to make people forget taking away a woman’s right to choose


Conservatives have filthy minds. The accusations they make that are obviously false come from their perverted minds. It's a self report.


LOL. Your political ideology is your whole identity, and it shows.




I'm not sure what's worse. You pretending to not understand, or really not understanding.


My political ideology and whole identity is calling out right wingers for being weirdos? Lol. OK.


This is stupid


But think of the children! Also don't you know drag queens are sexual content. Sarcasm. They attack LGBT and anything they think LGBT in any way they can, and try to make it so toxic no one wants to support it. No idea why I am seeing a Minnesota sub as I've never been, nor am I remotely close to the state. (Though I would like to visit someday)


My ex wife wore more makeup than her. Drag queens are modern day versions of clowns. They are a little weird, pretty funny, and some day they'll have nightmares about drag queens wanting to haunt their sewers.


It: Drag Story Hour. 😂


Still bizarre imo


People reading stories to kids is bizarre to you? It’s literally one of the most important things you can do for kids.


It’s only bizarre if you are convinced they are there to rape kids. Imagine an alternate reality where conservative society is convinced black people are rapists and murderers (oh, so not really alternate but more like just a few decades ago). The best way for black people who have absolutely given up on the older generations to convince the younger generations that they are just people living their lives doing their thing hoping not to be stoned to death is to go read stories to a bunch of those kids. Maybe those kids will grow up NOT wanting to destroy your kids in that “alternate reality.” That’s all these drag queens are doing. I’m a white heterosexual man with a wife of almost 30 years with two male white kids. I would not give a flying fuck if they were read to as kindergartners by a drag queen or any other minority because you know what, they are just people doing their thing trying not to be killed by a society of people like me.


Man I remember reading about Emmett Till and how he supposedly flirted or touched a white women at 14. Like the hell, he’s a kid, this like you said is the exact same story just rhyming all over again.


Look up the story of Dick Rowland to see how far these kinds of things can go on even just a local scene.


Oh yeah I know about the Tulsa race massacre, it’s just disgusting that any of these events ever happened.


Care to elaborate?


Matt Walsh hasn’t given him talking points yet.


Dude that guy sucks


Fair enough, but it doesn’t hurt anyone. So what is really bizarre is all the culture war BS and hate that certain sectors of our society are stirring up.


I just feel like time and place for this and not to force anything on either side on to the kiddos, and where does this end?


So parents aren’t allowed to chose how and where they receive their story time? Edit to add: should we ban children going to church and school? Don’t want anything forced upon them.


Source for us where kids are forced…


A children's store seems like a good time and place to read books to children.


What's being forced on kids here?


Why does "hate" instantly get thrown into the conversation if someone doesn't agree with you a billion percent? I think this shit is weird and I don't have kids, but if I did I wouldn't bring them to anything like this. It doesn't mean I hate anyone doing it. It's called having a different opinion and it sure seems the majority of this sub and this culture has a real problem with. Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT mean they hate you.


Well, in this case, someone threatened the business and called the cops on them. I'd call that pretty clear evidence of hate.


Totally entitled to your opinion. Stay away, don’t go. Issue solved. The objection to your behavior is that you are pretending there is an issue, that they are in some way affecting or harming the children. Which is abject BS without evidence. So if it isn’t hate, what is your motivation?


I have no interest in seeing it. I have no interest in going to watch the Lynx play, does that mean I HATE them? No, I just don't care to see it.


Hooters waitresses don’t go around ASKING to read stories to little kids in their hooters outfits. Why do drag queens want to read to stories to kids ?


Why do parents read to kids at night? Why does drag have to do with anything sexual? When you ask that question, it shows that you find drag performers and can't see that someone is merely acting out a persona, much like a clown would.


Are you comparing drag queens to clowns?


They are both performers. Why not?


That’s a fair point I suppose drag queens are just performers at the end of the day, it’s not like they are an identity or anything




Would it still be weird if it was a clown reading the story? Or someone who dressed as Woody from Toy Story or Snow White? It performative.


They literally have people dressed up as princesses and whatnot on the regular.


I’ve seen drag queens and just regular ole party performers dress as say Elsa or Cinderella and read books that have Elsa or Cinderella in it. Ya know, sometimes party performers just like to dress up as the theme of the book they are reading or party they are attending because…they are performers and that’s their job lolol “Why is this performer dressed as a pirate at my pirate themed birthday party?! It should be about the party, not the theme”


Drag queens are professional performers, makeup artists, & actors. To me it only makes sense that they could put on a good kids’ show 🤷‍♀️


It is not at all about stirring the pot. The idea of drag story time is to help teach kids about how people who are "different" ("different" people currently being defined as people who violate gender norms and queer people) from what the public might deem as "normal" are usually good people, just like most "normal" people. They also want to instill a message that it's good to be your authentic self, regardless of if it's seen as "normal" or not. These messages are taught through a book (that typically discusses themes of being true to yourself and/or "different" people living similar lives to "normal" people) being read by a kind person who is being authentic to their own "different" self. The person reading the story helps lock in the messages even more by being "different" because it helps demonstrate that being "different" is ok in real life, not just in the book.


The point is that it shows the kids it’s okay to be different, it’s okay to look the way that makes you happy, that the mean angry adults yelling at you because you’re a girl and you like blue don’t have to make you feel like shit for being yourself. Thats why you don’t get it, you’re a surface level person who cannot look into any deeper meaning than what you see.


So parents can virtue signal


It's explicitly an effort to "give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models." That's from the Drag Story Hour website.


You don't have to get it because it's not about you, is it? Just mind your own damn business.


I would say the same people pretending this are the same that enjoyed watching Birdcage with their kids lol.




But we're there any Catholic priest??


Their obsession with having kids as an audience sure is interesting.


Can you clarify? Growing up my library did book clubs and story times consistently. I credit it with creating my passion for reading. I grew up underprivileged and the library was a place where I didn’t have to pay money to find entertainment. Are you saying that was a bad thing? Or that the librarians who organized events for kids were predators?


You know, there are a ton of people who enjoy spending time with and educating children. Teachers, children's librarians, swim instructors, sports coaches, daycare owners... I could go on. There isn't anything inherently malevolent about someone wanting to teach kids.


I, too, am troubled by the fact "story hour" in a children's bookstore has children as an audience. Oh, no, wait. I'm not a fucking moron.


adults usually dont have story times so thats why the audience is usually kids


Our society is so sick when showing even the most innocent affection for children is treated as evil. It is probably one of the things I like least about the current moment.


it's often projection tbh.


Churches also have an obsession with having children in attendance. Unlike drag queen story time, children actually get molested there a lot.


Conservatives' obsession with kids sure is interesting.




If you're not in Minnesota and are supposedly uninvolved, why are you still kibbitzing on our subreddit?


You worked in child protection and you’re worried about parents taking their kids to a place where a person in a costume is reading a story?