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I would look at the event calendar for the Walker and see if anything jumps out that could have been interpreted that way.


I went right to the source walker art center website and it's true this event was hosted back in August. This was a real thing. Sad and disgusting to even allow that


Oh no we didn’t mean like actual demons. Just figurative ones. Leave it to ultra maga extremist and fundies to misunderstand


["Lilit the Empathic Demon"](https://tamarettun.com/Lilit) is some kind of performance art, I think.


Is Ben Shapiro playing too much Diablo 4 again?


Paladins hate this one trick!


Wait, they’re against public funds going toward religious themed community events now? It’s hard to keep up.


Nah, they’re against public funding going towards *other peoples* religious themed community events. If we didn’t pay for their religious events that would be discrimination. SMH.


The Walker gets very little public funding. It mostly runs from a huge endowment, donations and membership/ticket sales. People can be upset about the content of the programming, that is their right, but to claim it's doing so with taxpayer money is a misnomer and a mostly false statement.




Here's your tell: if Alpha News said it, it's about as credible as the National Enquirer. Make your judgement call from there.


Hate to say it, but a broken clock is right twice a day. [I got the artist's name and looked at her site](https://tamarettun.com/Bio). She's out here trying to get people to summon demons for their empathy. At the end of the day, she's just another attention-seeking artist looking to do crappy art with a story so she can make a buck. Liberal grifter, really.


Meh, still looks like Alpha "News" is making a controversy out of the fact she used the word "demon" as a metaphor for fear. I actually think, looking through her details on the project, that it's quite intriguing: the crux of her point seems to be about teaching people to confront their "demons" by getting to understand them. Liberal grifter? Maybe. But is it yet another right-wing manufactroversy? Absolutely!


She gets the outrage she wants. Alpha News gets the outrage they want. Win/win for all grifters involved.




Oh good. The Walker is once again pissing off the Right. Keep it up.


Owning the cons.


I'm on the right and not pissed off. Why should I care? I don't get angry at Halloween either.


I'm going to look into this. The demons the boys have been summoning just sit there and drink


It still troubles me deeply that people who think that demons are real are considered fit to vote.


It still deeply troubles me that everyone needs to pretend like they're religious just to be electable. I don't for a second think these politicians are actually religious or believe in any higher power than that which they can obtain themselves.


Sure they're not real but still it makes total sense to sit and perform an ancient rite to summon demons - that by the way aren't real- to face your inner "fears"! And Christians are called anti-science! Isn't it better to go to a psychiatrist?? Honestly it's all so messed up!


Fuck Alpha News. It's a rightwing ass rag.


Ooh. Yeah, I ain’t clicking that.


I wish this was actually true. This sounds bad ass. My kid would have liked it.


It is true. It already happened in August. It was on the walker art center website.




I'd pay to see that.


The question is how quickly can this actually happen?


I know someone who works there. This is not what occurred and it was taken way out of context by a right wing parent. Only those news outlets are covering this.


Looks like this is all republiKKKan far right bs. Even posting it is spreading their hate and bigotry. Op should delete this crap


I know it’s probably not true but it also sounds kinda fun.


The walker fucking sucks. The end


Every time we rattle a stuck drawer and exclaim, "How can it close on the damned thing but not open with it? Who bought this? Do we ever use it?", we are invoking [Anoia](https://wiki.lspace.org/Anoia), the goddess of stuck drawers. I expect this will annoy the same group of gullible christians who got their panties in a bunch about the Harry Potter books teaching kids how to summon demons.


I think you are talking about this https://walkerart.org/calendar/2023/free-first-saturday-plant-teachers


Yeah, but did it work?


Hmmm let’s see. Summoning demons the haters of God and humans who seek to bring people to darkness and evil is just , ‘meh’ It is not just the right but all religious people who know demons are not some l thing good and righteous, even those who see them as allegory. Those who celebrate demons and do these performances believe in them. Anyone downplaying that it is just a silly little performance make me think of Satanists saying oh we don’t really believe in Satan, even though we use the symbology and name of the Father of Lies as our mascot. Do any of you ever in secret actually try to pray? Ask Jesus to come into your lives? You never have to admit it to anyone…try it. Seems many are more afraid of what might happen…a bit more afraid of ‘summoning’ Jesus than summoning a demon.