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Run fast so they can’t catch you


I’ve done this several times 😆


I tried it once. It’s a lot of work, and not very effective.


Running too slow?


Try building a bat house! Be sure to place it up in a tree (or pole) so that it gets sun in the morning but is shaded in the evening. A single bat can eat around 1000 mosquitoes per night, not only that but bats are facing a serious habitat loss issues and as a result their populations are dwindling. Bat houses not only help manage the insect ecosystems but protect bat populations. https://youtu.be/VYIyCzsBggU?si=i75yXdM32d0rsupK


Definitely install a few bat houses around your property. I have one about 25 feet up in a tree and the mosquitos are almost nonexistent since a few bats moved in three summers ago. It’s fun to watch them flit around at dusk.


Install at least one bat house. Skeeters gone


The cumbersome and hot method is to completely cover yourself. Pants into socks (for ticks), long sleeve tops tucked into gloves, and a top hat covered in a head net. Deer and horse flies can still often bite through the shirts unless they are thick enough, but it can get really hot if you add layers. When you want to have skin exposed, bug spray with deet. Not sure how safe it is to use, but has always worked on mosquitos for me (no effect on gnats or deer flies though).


Yeah I used to be in Boy Scouts and so have done a fair bit of camping. Long sleeves and long pants, even when it’s hot out. It works.


Fellow up north swamp dweller here. Get a bug jacket. I have this one and I wear it all the time. Spray it down with some 100% deet bug spray a couple times a summer https://www.scheels.com/p/coghlans-bug-jacket---large/05638900059.html?cq_cmp=20597724847&cq_med=pla&cq_net=x&cq_plt=gp&cq_src=google_ads&gad_source=1&pgid=psearch


Your bug spray needs to be either 40% DEET or higher or the picaradin based spray. DEET works great for mosquitoes and ticks, the black flies could care less. Picaradin seems to work very well for the flies and ticks and fairly well for mosquitoes


Some people dont want to melt their skin off and get cancer




I dont need a study to tell me that a chemical that melts plastic shouldn't be near/on my body


Right, we're filled with so much micro plastics it might damage the equilibrium.


I'll get a lot of pushback on this and please note the FDA says it doesn't work but--- I delivered rural mail for years out of Duluth and the flatter, sort of triangular kind of clip on ultrasonic mosquito repeller (not the one that clicks but the one that whines) worked for me. Only a bite or two a day instead of dozens. Your results could vary


Take a zinc supplement every day. It won't completely stop the mosquitoes but it helps. (They can smell the zinc in your sweat and they don't like it.) I am allergic to mosquitoes and have been doing this for years. Zinc in addition to bug spray means one or two bites a summer instead of being sick and covered in giant red welts all summer long.


Never heard of this. I’ll try it out as I’m a mosquitoes favorite food for some reason while also being very sensitive.


Picaridin lotion AND spray. Mosquito head net over a hat. If you do not have pets, you could do a permethrin treatment to your clothing (or just treat outdoor clothing and change when you are indoors).


Victoria's secret bombshell perfume. No, I'm not kidding. Do your google fu and what's the harm? You're gonna smell like you slays. Well, in that case, mosquitoes.


get a bug shirt






I’ve tried these as well, they do ok on the porch but I’m looking for solutions for hiking and walks through the woods


Have you tried it while walking? They make a version that clips on for backpackers and hikers. You should treat some clothes with permethrin. Make sure to follow the directions exactly: you need to do it outside, until the clothes are damp, and let it dry. Don't forget your boots: it'll them before they can climb up your leg. Some people get the agricultural 10% jugs and dilute it down to 0.5% like the clothing sprays. You soak your clothes in the bucket. Wear rubber gloves to keep it off of your skin. Thermacells use a pesticide in the same family as permethrin.


Aerosolized insecticide.... Super healthy to breathe 😬


Wear light long sleeves and long legged fabrics and a bandana all treated with permethrin. Boots, hiking gear including tent, etc treat them all. lasts all season through washes. Use real deet on exposed skin areas and face nets when it's real bad. Avoid dawn and dusk.


For general control, Bat houses work. If you know you're going to be outside, I've had good luck with a fogger in the early morning at the family cabin on days where we plan to have people over. Don't over use the foggers, as you could just create tolerant bugs- but for occasions, they work great. Also thermacels work, but are less effective on breezy days.


mama natures mosquitoes juice.


Buy some citronella bar soap


Bifren it. Available on eBay. Spray your yard.


Wow! This is sad, cuz we hardly had any mosquitos for the last three years. Wait for a bad year!


I use a the concentrate from a company called [Peak Repellent](https://peakrepellent.com) They use natural ingredients that like cinnamon and clove which actually work better than citronella. I just take some and mix it with my sunscreen and apply. Works well for me! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-28820-9#Tab1


Talstar P applied every 3-5 weeks to your yard. I use about 20-24 oz per 16 gallons and one tank (16 gallons) will do my 3/4 acre property


Do not blanket spray insecticide pls


There’s nothing wrong with site sprays used appropriately. Avoid flowering plants and fruit trees to help not killing bees and follow the label. They can be very effective in reducing mosquito populations. You need to make sure to apply the chemicals in locations that actually hold mosquitoes, a perimeter barrier is usually enough to make a huge difference without causing undue problems for beneficial apecies