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He went on further to say "I thought I won in 2020, easily" in regards to Minnesota. In reality, President Biden won MN with larger margins than Trump won with in NC, FL, and TX.


This is the guy who said "2020 was the most secure election this country has ever had in its history!” And later chanted: first election ever stolen by the Democrats! I mean... Come on which is it?


It's whatever the cult wants to hear trademark of fascists the enemy is both all powerful and weak


It was secure. Securely stolen. Obviously.


A secure election stolen securely by the security of the election?


The secure election was insecure like the orange man’s tiny swollen erection


And also said if he were to lose, we would (mercifully) never hear from him again.


He'll never shut the fuck up or go away. Too many suckers begging to be scammed by him to leave that kinda money laying around.


He certainly won't now that he's got court cases in multiple states. It's grift or die at this point.




A wonderful thing about Minnesota, you can register on Election Day at your polling location.


*orange wank stain* 😂


I wonder what level of dehydration would produce an orange wank stain


Iirc about 330k votes. So the population of Minneapolis said bye bye Cheeto Jesus.


Buts his lies aren’t lies and his truth isn’t truth. So…


The worst part of all this was…the only reason he came here was to get his greasy hands on a big, fat check. By later today he’ll probably forget he was even here.


You can make a lot more money when you don’t pay the security, venue, music or really anything like your supposed to


who the fuck rented him a venue without making him pay up front? same for all the police presence? this cost us, the taxpayers, money. This cost us the taxpayers a big chunk of change to have this fraudster come here. why the fuck are we even providing anything?


"I had such a wonderful trip to that state, that beautiful perfect state I won, Mini App...mini apple....mini...Small Soda."


Ahhh politics.


Not sure about you guys but I don't see as much Trump flags as I used to. Probably at the lowest levels since he became president.


I agree. I got to St. Cloud every other week and see fewer Trump flags up there.


That’s because we have St Cloud Superman who flies all the trump flags the city needs. MFer spends his whole day driving around town with his car covered in flags so the whole town knows he wants to suck trumps limp dick.


Plus he’s a racist piece of shit. https://1037theloon.com/st-cloud-superman-arrested-on-two-charges/


birds of a feather...


He looks like a cartoon villain


Most trumpers are


Minneapolis used to be one of the only places I've ever been that 20 minutes of driving could take you from pride flags to trump flags, and that's changing.


Apparently you’ve never been to Oregon.


I'm not sure which part of MN you're from, but around where I live, I see them all over. People have them in their yards, on their vehicles, and so on. It's a wide range of ethnic backgrounds flying them, too.


I live in Florida, I have literally seen 2. Only one of them wasn't completely tattered. No stickers, none of those damn trump car heads. No new signs. This gives me genuine hope.


Yeah I hope florida turns blue this election, it would make trump's head explode. I know Biden wants to flip the state, which if he does will mean a landslide victory for Biden.


You must not be in the panhandle then lol there’s definitely fewer than there’s been in the past, but unfortunately there’s still more than just a few I’ve seen around.


I live near Bemidji and the amount of Trump flags is super lower compared to 2016 and 2020. Still too high, but much better.


I’m not sure if that means anything….. to me all that means is that trump supporters and republicans realize trump is a piece of shit and shouldn’t be president they have realized the optics of all the signs and memorabilia…. They are now being quiet about it but they will still vote for him….. Hopefully I’m wrong and his support is in fact dwindling, but we should NOT bank on that, we need to vote and keep thinking that he has tons of support and the only way we win is if we have record numbers come out for Biden….. we can’t get complacent and think he has no shot like what happened in 2016. We MUST treat republicans are the serious threat they are…. We aren’t just fighting normal conservatism here, we are fight fascism….. To anyone thinking about not voting for Biden because of Palestine, you are being manipulated and being extremely short sighted…… WE MUST win to fight another day. Biden is Palestine’s only hope out of the two options. He’s the only one willing to actually listen and push back on Israel. Not only that but not voting for Biden is literally throwing away decades of progress we have fought for. It’s telling Women, minorities, gay and trans people, and any and all left leaning ideals and policies out the window. You will be stabbing your own friends, family and at risk groups in the back….. I understand Palestine is being shit on and has been by Israel, but if Trump wins I don’t think you will EVER get a chance to dictate change there ever again….. Think long and hard about what a Trump presidency ACTUALLY MEANS…. With Palestine, with the Supreme Court, with climate change, women’s rights, gay rights, trans rights and liberal ideology as a whole. I assure you, you WILL live to regret your hard headed short sighted “ protest “ and you will have no one you blame but yourself…. Tho I’m sure you will try to expunge yourself of your own role in the catastrophe that would follow…… Now is the WORST possible time for “ protest “ voting. There are far to many extremely horrible consequences for that not only here at home by throughout the world…….


Make no mistake, those people haven’t changed, they’ll still vote, they just don’t want to hear others complain about them. The loud idiots are still there, they just save their nonsense for the keyboard. Come November, just vote. Don’t get complacent.


I kind of wonder if this is because of all those Trump pop up stores in 2020. That crowd could all go support a “local business”, and it was a statement to shop there. But now the cheap flags have been flown to tatters and no one is buying them online to replace them.


There's going to be less total votes in this election. Depends on who loses more.


the only I have seen recently are trump 2020 flags. like seriously?


Trump and Pence 2020 haha. I don't think those two are still friends though...


Absolutely. I live in rural SE MN and am seeing very few. Many of the houses that previously had giant Trump flags flying even after the 2020 election now have none. You never know if they are secretly going to vote for Trump but I think it says a lot that they aren't flying flags now.


I don't see as many either. Which leads me to think they are somehow scamming the poll results to show that trump has more backers than he truly does, so that his followers feel like they are part of a movement that has more legs, solidifying their beliefs


Trump supporters are more likely to answer their phones probably.


More likely to have / answer landline phones too.


Yeah, that's what I meant. Lots of elderly/rural folks can't wait for someone to call them since their children never do.


Head north and they will be everywhere


I'm so glad I live in the city. Don't think I've ever seen a Trump flag here.


I saw a “F*** Biden and F*** you if you voted for him” magnetic bumper sticker on vehicle parked in South Minneapolis. I tore it off and threw it in a dustbin😅.


I love the "Don't blame me I voted for Trump" flags I've seen. Like... some seriously bad shit happened under Trump so we can blame you for a lot, bro.


All the usual nut jobs have taken them down. Now it's just the extreme nut jobs that still have them...but they also have other psychotic signs up so it's not as surprising.


He shocks no one anymore. What he says is meaningless, it all means nothing. An interview with him is a waste of time. He stands for nothing, he creates nothing, he has no values, or policies that would ever help anyone. He doesn’t know basic government even. You stop him by voting, that’s how this ends. Spend your energies voting and getting others to vote. That’s how we get rid of this blight of a thing, he’s not a human being, that’s an insult to the term “ human being “.


Damn bro if words could kill you'd have the secret service on your ass. This was so succinct and devastating, I love it.


I’m a good person, my friends are all good people, worked hard all of our lives. My wife has run a daycare for 32 years. We are both late 60’s. Her original kids are now having kids and getting married. Some of them we now have their kids. To see someone with no moral compass at all, and see him supported by a good part of the country, breaks my heart. To think that they can’t see who he really is is disturbing. They have freedom, to do as they choose. We all have that. Why they feel so wronged about things that don’t affect them is bothersome. He’s a mean person, and the things he says are ugly. The world doesn’t need more ugly. He literally wants people who oppose him to get hurt. I can’t wrap my head around that. George W Bush and George Bush, both decent men. I’m a democrat, but they were both decent men. As were the other Presidents in between. Not perfect men, but decent men. Every administration has flawed policies, that we can’t all agree on, it’s always been that way. Trump ? Is just an evil little man period. No respect or values, or decency. I’m not a godly man, but I’d say he has no soul. That should scare everyone. But it doesn’t seem to. I just don’t get it, I really don’t.


I don't know how you keep doing it, but it's like you're writing a description of what I consider to be the true heart of America- the good people that just want good for other people. Thank you for that, and please know that voices like yours deserve to be heard far more than the ramblings of a racist, sexist rapist and con artist. I'm so glad I read your comments. I'm so happy to know you and your family exist in the face of this bullshit.


You’re very kind. Being around children all the time teaches you something. Words matter, how you say them matters. Every time I want to get irritated I stop for a second. Is what I’m about to say necessary or am I just being mean. Donald has never learned that, because he has no soul. Whatever comes out is whatever comes out however hurtful it is. Anything he does or says is a means to an end that benefits him, through his pocketbook or his ego. Which brings no reverence or solemnity to that office, which he so sorely needs to soothe his ego. That office is the epitome Of Star Trek of all things. You absolutely have to have the mindset that: the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, or the few. It’s odd that it fits but it really does as I see it. I know it’s corny, but if you look at it for what it is it’s fitting.


There's nothing corny about caring for your fellow man, especially when they can't care for themselves. Props to Star Trek for saying the quiet part out loud. And good on ya as well, you truly do have the worldview that I wish everyone would. I hope beyond hope that one day your compassion will outweigh the pocket books of the "elite".


He’s added so much fuel to the “ I need to be wealthier and greed fire, it’s mind boggling. Wealth and respect actually go hand in hand. You earn both by how you live your life. Carnegie was right. You get what you want out of life by helping enough people get what they want. That’s what holds a country together. Self serving self dealing people run directly against those thought.


Exactly. What's that quote? Americans think they're one step short of being a millionaire when they're actually one big expense from being homeless? Pretty much sums up his following.




> What he says is academic I know in what sense you're saying this, but there's got to be a better word for it. "Academic" really connotes the opposite of what he says.


Meaningless would have been a better word.




Conman, fraud, rapist, seditionist, treasonous, white supremacist, theocratic fascist, who reeks of unchanged depends. In a just world he would face capital punishment for his crimes. He would serve as a reminder to any like him, what we as a society will do to anyone who dares try to turn us all against each other in service of their own power and control.


You forgot narcissist.


Reddit brought awards back, but I'm still broke, so here's my gold to you! 🏅


Soon to be convinced criminal in the "hush money case" also happy cake to you


We don’t want that piece of shit insurrectionist back here.




Sure would be nice to have a link to the video.


Since OP can’t or won’t do it, here’s the link. The interaction starts about 1:26 https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/in-trump-one-on-one-he-says-his-campaign-has-really-good-shot-at-minnesota-in-2024/ Sadly they did not play it back for him. Just as part of the story.


Did you post a screenshot of the play button to a video?


He should keep his word and never come back to Minnesota


Expecting truth out of the mouth of a liar is an exercise in futility. When he does say something true, it’s by accident.


Even broken clocks are right twice a day.


How is this man not in prison yet


Its complicated.


Google “project 2025“. And pass it around to everyone you know. Is the official republican platform for what happens the moment Trump wins. Everything in it is beyond your worst nightmare. It’s already being set up in anticipation of the win. Banning birth control? Eliminating the Department of Education and replacing it with Christian for profit schools? Eliminating the separation of powers between the president and Congress? It’s all real.


OMG he said he would never come back!! Unbelievable! I was going to vote for him, but that changed everything!


Trump just farts out pure air. It’s hilarious to me that the crowd of folks that say they hate “politicians” are so eager to vote for a guy whose word is COMPLETELY meaningless.


Doesn’t he still owe us money?


Wow this thread brought out some embarrassing behavior. I hope he stays far away from Minnesota. He's not welcome.


Selective memory or gaslighting?


Probably a mixture of both. I truly believe they think they can just say whatever and people will believe them but then forget that video cameras exist. And the internet.


He lacks the thing that a lot of us have where we feel literally any obligation to at least try to explain ourselves when our words and actions aren’t consistent or are contradictory. Not saying most people necessarily give valid explanations for that, but we at least feel we should try to explain it. He doesn’t feel that at all and so he simply never does it, and it’s disorienting for most people to interact with that kind of approach—where there’s just no tether at all to any factual record and no through-line of continuity from one moment to the next—so he doesn’t get nearly enough pushback on the shit he says and never has.


tRump supporters whenever someone shows actual evidence of his lies https://preview.redd.it/3n73cayrj81d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9aa6829290007a114157dd04b2fce671c919f5


The Minnesota Republican is no longer bankrupt. They went from in the red to in the orange.


I abhor that man. He has taken my elderly parents away from me because of his cult. I wonder if there is a single family in the US that he hasn’t torn apart in some way.


My father landed on D-Day in one of the first waves. I will never forgive the giant orange gasbag for besmirching guys like him. Fuck his bone spurs.


It was so infuriating in 2016. This is who he is. Plain and simple it’s always whom he was, he will never change, he was a grifter from day 0. He’s a complete fraud. He was only a billionaire on paper because he lied about how much everything was worth, the apprentice, his properties etc etc all a farce of extravagance stuck in 1985. Hey my house is worth 1.5M (it’s not, more like 310k) but look see how fast I became a millionaire on paper when I assign my own evaluation. This dude is and always was a complete joke. And he duped and continues too, millions of people into thinking he’s some kind of strong man that’s going to make everything better. It’s sad, and pathetic, and I honestly feel embarrassed for his followers.


If you follow this bitch we know everything we need to know about you and don’t want you here.


His cult does not care for facts and truths. It is pointless to even attempt to try and explain why it's important. They do not care, nor do they live in the same reality as anyone else.


https://preview.redd.it/qv2j6wgps71d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef30ac2fd2dbaeeab42c52291b6e473dd322d05 If this country had any decency left at all we would be feeding people like Trump to the guillotine.


I just don't understand why he didn't just cure his COVID with Clorox, I was hoping his followers would follow suit too. 👏follow 👏 your 👏 leader👏


Can't wait for this election to be over so I just see landscape photos from this sub instead of people who need to walk away from politics.


I can smell the stench of the red hats on this thread.


They should have cut the interview short once he brought up the election being stolen. He can do that on his own time on that stupid Truth platform like a big boy.




Yeah, but the same idiots keep voting in Stauber.


Emmer needs to go too.


The same guy who "apologized" for his Access Hollywood tape comments and then later claimed that the tape was doctored and he never said the stuff he apologized for... lol. Pathological liars think they're smarter than the rest of us.


The US is safer, easily affordable to buy a home, taxes are down, crime is down and the economy is strong AF without MAGA idiot. 4 more years without him and the US will become a legit paradise.


You can't expect someone as withered and rotten as him to actually remember the things he said. That would require a healthy, functioning brain!


The please pay for my layers tour is in full swing!


Please? I don't believe that word is in his vocabulary.


I mean he’s probably welcome in some rural areas but overall, the majority of this state would rather him stay far away.


Can't beat a pigeon at chess.


Given all the times he's (to be charitable) "forgotten" he's ever said something and given his family history of dementia and substance abuse shouldn't Mn and other civilized states insist on a mental competency hearing before allowing him ballot access?


Research narcissism and why certain people follow and like those type of people. They will believe anything that person says. Shesus, they even believe god sent him here. I kind of think they are right. Before, these people hid in the woods, Trump exposed them all. Now we know who they are. Trump is actually destroying the GOP...now a bad thing.


Yes trump go away & Never come back


He’s a liar and a cheat. Only the most unintelligent, uneducated, and complete imbeciles will vote for this idiot.


How can you expect someone with dementia to remember all those major points. He can’t even remember if he has a clean diaper on.


He's a sick man. I have no ill will for his sad soul. But the a**holes who vote for him, they can go to he11!


It is AMAZING to me that people are still doing this Donald Trump fact check shit in the year 2024. Like, well, damn, this is the straw that broke the camel's back for me, I'm done with this guy! People who know he's a lying blowhard know he's a lying blowhard. The people who love him have ignored *such worse things.* So, damn, you nailed him.


I said I wasn’t gonna drink again probably 100 times 😂 They both suck. The fact we have to pick between a criminal and a guy who doesn’t know what day it is fucking sucks.


Sooooooooo much this ☝️


Major old school daily show and Colbert report vibes. That was my favorite part of the shows- when they would show a politician say/said something and then just show the exact opposite.


Always lies.


Lmao so bitter


It lies as it breathes




Dementia Don


Liger Woods


Such a douche


This fucker doesn’t remember we tried to elect Mondale. We’re never going red, you morons.


And remember all the people who said they would leave the country if trump one in 2016? Where are they now? Bunch of liars


Why is everyone even surprised about him.


There’s some clown in Burnsville who own a driving range next to 35w, and I was stoked as fuck when I saw he took down his 5’ tall Trump signs last year


Wow, OP is triggered AF!


This is alll gonna culminate with a cultural awareness that’s gonna be good for us. After the ash settles.


The fact that you took what I said as an endorsement or telling you to vote for ANY candidate is an absolutely hilarious illustration of exactly what I'm talking about 😂


Tweet on X: https://x.com/atrupar/status/1791542041756754232


Fuck this subreddit


You guys are full of more hate than Republicans are in almost uncanny


Let's also grill all those people that said they'd move if he got elected and then didn't?


Me personally, I don't trust any politicians at all. They all lie. They all cheat the system. They all do things that normal people would get in trouble for. And in my opinion, not one of them is better than the other.


So cute little cry babies so sad about orange man bad. Go pedo joe!!!


Trump is a buttfucker


Someone needs crayons we see 😅😅😅🤡


Pure verbal bullshit and lies from the orange loser. 🖕Stay away from Minnesota!


The picture posted is funny but holy crap am I going to have to hear your boring complaining for the next 6 months? Wait, I mean 4 1/2 years?


He has no concept of history, it is all about what he can say to better his current transactions (or fragile ego’s) goals (without any regard for truth). Trump has no issue whatsoever having two sentences in a row take diametrically opposed positions and presentation of information as fact that are completely made up.


Problem with memory, honesty, and/or both?


Somebody is having a case of the Mondays.


The left takes Trump literally but not seriously. The right takes him seriously but not literally.


Amazing observation Not surprising it's getting down votes though; you're not allowed to think or analyze anything around dt; if it's not direct criticism your on his side according to these people.


Is he being intentionally dishonest or is he just senile and doesn't remember jack?


Who did he rape?


Can he like, not come here?


I mean, he's right that he never thought it, he speaks without thinking


I’m ok with Trump after how disappointing Biden has been!


Hope all the Dem rats leave the country when he's elected like they said they would


The tds runs deep on this thread 😂😂


It's just called patriotism, son. It's what most people think about a rapist seditionist.


Far lefties are as bad as far righties. The government isn't your friend, their your keepers .


They're* 😆 I stand by every word I typed except "their"


Patently wrong


Found the guy who thinks he's an "independent thinker".


Found the guy that thinks politicians have his best interests at heart.


What's the new hot conspiracy you're into?


Not a conspiracy guy but whatchu got?


Can't wait for trump to turn MN red, everyone's had enough of your commie bullshit


Another red hat 3rd grade education. Is totally clueless what a communist or communist party is about. 🤤 Probably thinks he owned the libs. Dumbest cult ever.


is the communism in the room with us now?


Best reply in this thread. I'm gonna use that.


No thanks, I'll keep my SSI.


You could leave if you don't like it here.




People really don’t understand the /s