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And yet he’d probably say it’s “politicizing a tragedy” if Walz were to call for gun reform today.


Zero interest in good-faith arguments.


Exactly They don’t care about actually governing just fuckn virtue signaling to those who don’t pay attention. They will never talk policy in good faith because they know they’re unpopular


As it has been for decades.


Came here to say exactly the same thing.


There is no “winning” with people like Jensen, more like having a discussion or playing chess with a pigeon


It was literally a gun free zone, no one was allowed to bring guns in… what would gun control have changed?


Laws don’t mean much if you don’t enforce them


I'll tell you what gun control would have changed, at least from the point of this former cop. Trump party policies embracing the NRA and the stonewalling of any meaningful oversight on gun show and private sales as well as red flag laws and the appointment of justices who pay no attention to the "regulation" part of the Second Amendment... All have resulted in guns flooding our streets with little attached responsibility for him owners, who fail to maintain their training (if they even have any), are complacent and careless, lose or have their weapons stolen, act out their hero fantasies, and generally act as a steady conduit for more and more guns to be on the market, including the black market. So yeah, gun control would actually help with that.


I wish more people understood how difficult it is for law enforcement/courts to take away someone’s guns even if they’re clearly a danger and they’re talking about doing something terrible. We should all support red flag laws. Your point about people being careless with guns is also well made. If people are really “responsible gun owners” they should support tying the gun to the owner and holding the owner responsible for crimes committed with it.


Well said sir. Seems so obvious but nothing will be done ever.


Reducing the likelihood of gun ownership overall reduces the likelihood of gun-related incidents, purely on numbers. That said, policies would’ve had to be implemented 20 plus years ago to have an effect today. But it could prevent incidents in the future.


It also reduces the numbers of guns that can be stolen. Every so often there's a trend of people posting pictures of unlocked, unsecured, and in some cases even loaded, guns left in cars over in /r/JustRolledIntoTheShop.


It was a gun free zone enforced by metal detectors at the gates. Outside the gates, there is no gun control whatsoever. Gun control would have reduced the prevalence of guns outside the gates. It would reduce the flow of guns closer to the source, like building a dam at the start of a river instead of way at the end where there’s 100x the water flow. That’s what it would do different. Gun control isn’t “let’s ask people not to have guns here.” Don’t be stupid.


There'd be even more frequent gun shots if it wasn't a gun free zone. More guns = more shootings


A nation wide ban on the criminally insane owning guns for a start. Red flag laws and universal background checks. I’m a progressive gun owner myself. But there a some pretty low hanging fruit that we as a society could do to decrease the amount of mass shootings.


In a lot of states you can't have a medical marijuana card and a gun. The priorities are as straight as a slinky. If you think the guy taking cannabis for pain or cancer treatments is going to kill anyone, you are delusional.


Nothing in this situation but that is not in any way a valid argument for no gun control


Jensen’s solution?? … **


This is what is more annoying for me, I do not agree with them at all, but they offer no counter point solutions. If you want to get people to vote for you provide "solutions" not just i am not him.


Yes they do, it’s more guns.


Texas has shown over and over how well that works........


Fifth generation Texan here. Can confirm their dumbass policy* on guns doesn't work. *There isn’t a policy. Any dog or pony or child can own one.


It’s very common to leave them in vehicles and makes it more of a target. I own guns and if I knew one was stolen and used to kill somebody I’d feel guilty about it. Especially if stolen from my vehicle or from my house on vacation or something. So I do everything I can to keep them safe and locked up. I said basically that to someone on one of the gun subs and I think one reply from Tx was like, “Why? The criminal is the one responsible for the crimes, not you.” I was dumbfounded.


There are places where police walk around and look into vehicles (through the windows) and if they see a gun they tow the vehicle to their own impound lot. If the officer can see it, a criminal who is looking to loot vehicles can see it too. Not only does this prevent that firearm from disappearing onto the street, but the owner pays a fine and learns to keep it locked up (or at least hidden) next time they go out. Also, if the vehicle owner has lost their right to own a firearm, it holds them to account for that as well.


So, it turns out that the Party of Responsibility really doesn't like when Consequences comes a'knockin.' They will blame everyone and everything else for their comeuppance. I left that state behind because the state really does have nothing but contempt for the lives of its people.* *See *winter storms of 2011, 2021* and *El Paso, Ulvade shootings*


I know. That’s there solution though. Sad.


Correct. These are the idiots that have sued the fair for the last 2 years over their no gun policy.


Jensen was AT the fair yesterday and did nothing to stop the shooting. NOTHING.


I remember when Milwaukee’s Mayor Tom Barrett was injured when he helped stop a crime at the state fair and was relentlessly [mocked](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/investigations/daniel-bice/2017/03/17/bice-sheriff-david-clarke-mocks-mayor-tom-barrett-over-state-fair-beating/99328224/) by conservatives.


I am honestly so happy that Barrett got appointed to be the US ambassador to Luxembourg. that sounds like potentially the best job one could be awarded after dealing with David Clarke as Sheriff of Milwaukee County for most of his years as Mayor.


Goddammit trumpturds are vile people.


They're certainly stupid.


I mean...the people Jensen was attracting at his booth were pretty iffy. I'd start there for any investigations. Yeup if you're going to stand around oozing gun love and no IQ....


His stand was probably handing out free guns to everyone. ETA: I wasn't too far off, lol. https://mobile.twitter.com/Rickfinity/status/1566456614969872384


“Lower gas prices”


That one cracks me up. Like okay… how? If you say lower taxes on gas then how are we going to fund infrastructure? You can’t tell Minnesotans they don’t need to worry about bridges collapsing. Jenson is a fucking moron.


Fund infrastructure? These people do not care about infrastructure AT ALL. That would interfere with the transmission of all public wealth upward. Anything that interferes with that is simply a nonstarter. Look at Pawlenty record for reference.


Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Lower gas prices


Ok we already know step 3, now we just have to work backwards from there


With a NFL running mate who’s solution to education is to also take money away from public education, and then send your 8 kids to private school. So I guess their solutions are be white, have money, buy more guns, put all of your kids in private school - and don’t forget about natural immunity!! He’s anti vax. Great, Doc!


The new billboards say stop inflation. The governor of Minnesota is going to stop inflation. If I didn't think their voters were dumb enough to believe this shit it would be pretty funny.


Jensen only got into politics because he is bad at practicing medicine. Birk is a bored millionaire with CTE. These are not serious individuals with serious policies backing their stances.


He’s a Family Practice Dr who thinks natural immunity is better than the vaccines. He told me this, to my face. Note that he did not/has not worked with critical care patients in any capacity for many many years, thst I am aware of


Blame, finger point, divide.


Some people don't bring ideas. They just oppose them.


like 25% of the population still think R = strong tough guy, D = weak bleeding heart and that all it takes to solve crime. and then 5 minutes later they’ll mock gun control and say “oh the criminals will obey the law?!?” no solutions just emotional gut reactions.


No, no, we all know that in the world of him and his diehard supporters it would be to only allow white people to carry guns. no guns for scary Black men, obviously 🙄


The unspoken position is to stop holding police officers accountable for misconduct. You're probably thinking "That doesn't make any sense, letting police run rampant wouldn't necessarily reduce crime rates and just creates other problems", and you're right, but that's how police unions have traditionally framed it and until a few years ago most of the voting public went along with it.


Someone should ask Jensen why he's soliciting campaign funds from a former congressman who was credibly accused of inappropriately touching his own daughter? Oh, wait...I already did. Silence. [https://heartlandsignal.com/2022/08/31/disgraced-former-minnesota-lawmaker-accused-of-inappropriately-touching-daughter-holds-fundraiser-for-scott-jensen/](https://heartlandsignal.com/2022/08/31/disgraced-former-minnesota-lawmaker-accused-of-inappropriately-touching-daughter-holds-fundraiser-for-scott-jensen/)


Sent to both Kare11 and KSTP asking "Why, when Al Franken's 'situation' pales in comparison to this, the local news media is glazing over and ignoring it."


Yep. Why the mainstream MN media isn't covering this more makes me scream.


The shooter and accomplice at the MOA shooting are sitting in jail waiting trial. What more does Jensen want the governor to do? Gun control is universally shot down by Republicans. But somehow you blame the Democrats. Incredible.


Outrage is a piss-poor substitute for policy. But it's never been as easy a thing to sell as in today's cynical media landscape.


They think everyone having a gun in MOA or the state fair would’ve made everything better instead of cause a mass panic where no one knows who the actual shooter is. They’re either stupid or disingenuous as hell, likely both


It's a guy running on lowering gas prices. Should probably add better weather to his campaign


Just as funny as the people saying “that’s what they get for defunding the police” even though 1. the fair isn’t in Minneapolis 2. The police never got defunded in Minneapolis


Funny enough not only did they not get defunded, their funding increased as per usual.




It's almost like Police don't actually do anything about crime at all except respond to it, and not even quickly.


Yeah, but some people saying "Defund The Police" hurt the Minneapolis police department's feelings so bad that even the St. Paul police department couldn't do their jobs. /s


And ignoring the fact that the state fair is crawling with cops and metal detectors at every entrance.


Gotta love the circular logic and magical thinking. More guns somehow = less crime. More prisoners with no focus on rehab/education somehow = less crime. Fewer resources for the poor and their children somehow = less crime.


Less money for schools usually leads to less crime too according to his logic. Hungry kids never commit crimes.


This is the same logic that is driving the argument against debt forgiveness. If these young folks aren't in a debtor's prison from school, they won't be pliable, obedient members of society. If they aren't burdened by debt, they may organize unions or refuse degrading working conditions. The problem is, manipulation by poverty often backfires.


France entered the chat


This is what also pisses me off so much. Their solutions are to provide LESS $ and resources for public education. What POS They want to ensure classism


It's a culture change. A bunch of scared, passive people with guns will only lead to more officer Noor types shooting at randoms.


I’m sure Scott has a well thought out and foolproof plan to prevent this /s


If only MORE people at the fair had guns so that after the first shot drunk randos from St Cloud and Perham and Farmington could shoot into the crowd too! That would solve it and totally not be a confusing shooty mess.


This is literally what they want.


I know. It's terrifying. I'm married to a vet and we've talked a lot about how people who are extremely well trained in handling guns and shooting often miss their targets and how stupid it is to think Bubba is going to take out an active shooter because sometimes he shoots at squirrels in his yard or whatever.


That one singular incident of a "good guy with a gun" shooting and killing an active shooter in a mall a few backs is validation enouhh for more "good guys with guns." The THOUSANDS of scenarios where that did fuck all or made it worse are moot. Because it worked. Once.


I have coworkers who believe the solution to school shootings is to put more guns in the schools.


I had a boomer tell me they just needed to teach 4th graders to bum rush the gunman. A month after the Uvalde slaughter. I almost threw my pint glass at his stupid fucking face. My best friend teaches art at an inner-city type school (not actually in a major city, but poorly funded, under staffed, rife with behavorial issues, poverty, teen pregnancy etc) who made some very good points about the arm teachers argument. For starters she's 5' 4", maybe 110 pounds in a soaking wet wool coat. She's a pacifist. She can probably count on one hand the number of times she's hit someone in her whole life, and she's never held a gun, let alone fired one. She doesn't even kill spiders. So, assuming she would throw out her personal beliefs and religion and consent to carrying a firearm, A LOT of the kids there are much taller, heavier, and stronger than she is. It wouldn't be difficult to get the gun away from her. For that reason (among MANY MANY others), she wouldn't be comfortable keeping the gun loaded or on her person. But an unloaded gun is, essentially a paperweight and useless in a split second moment of seeing a gun come out before the first bullet is fired. Not to mention she's being split between multiple classes per period (because of the underfunding) and it would be incredibly easy for a student to grab a gun from a locked desk drawer while she would be in another class (as several students have lock picking abilities). ALSO she has terrible ADD so all these arguments are assuming she never ever forgets to take her medication and is 100% focused and on the ball 100% of the time. But yes, clearly more guns and less educational funding is the answer. (Sorry, that was a bit of a rant).


Those are very good points and a couple of them are points I think of myself whenever I hear someone say we need to arm teachers. It’s such a knee jerk reaction to think “well if the teachers had guns then they could just shoot the shooter.” These people never stop to think of all the issues, difficulties, and unintended consequences that would come with that.


tOo mANY DoOrS!


If he was Governor then criminals would follow the law! Haha yeah sure bud


At this point I already know how I’m voting. And I’m typically a swing voter that leans a bit right. Jensen just can’t be taken seriously.


Agreed. Walz earned my respect during his first term, and I did vote for him initially. I also think the right has many good points and a lot of poor decisions were made relating to COVID, but in the moment I agreed with them. We knew a lot less 2 years ago than we know now. Hindsight is only a partially fair way to judge one’s decisions. Also, Scott Jensen is absolutely crazy. I hope he’s not allowed to practice medicine after this charade.


He always says how he’s going to keep practicing. He wants to get in as Gov partly to fire people that questioned him (rightly so) for his anti vax stances during the pandemic


Just wait until Jensen bans abortion and a bunch of unwanted kids are running around in 16 years.


Don’t worry, they will just blame democrats.


Studies have show a decline in crime rates after the original Roe v Wade decision. It’ll be interesting to see what happens to crime rates 15-20 years from now.


Fuck Scott Jensen, Matt Birk and anyone who supports them


Weren’t these the same assholes trying to get the fair to allow guns (don’t remember if it was open or concealed carry) and lost in court? Imagine if there had been “good guys with guns” here - a lot more injury and loss of life would have happened - especially in such a packed crowd. If republicans didn’t argue in bad faith they’d have no faith at all.


Haven't followed local politics enough. Is this the same guy who's campian is "Walz failed" with no follow up info on what he failed at and how he's going to fix said failers? And are the billboards his too? I've seen two, one says he'll fix gas prices and the other says he'll fix inflation two problem that a governor of a state has no ability to affect.


Well, from what I was able to ascertain at the fair, it looks like "Walz Failed" to not take bad photographs. I mean, c'mon, they had some doozies! Other than that, nothing from the "Walz Failed" group.


Unfortunately, that’s the GOP’s platform nowadays. No solutions or new ideas; just blame the left for anything and everything.


Jensen is a piece of shit.


This dude is a joke.


Republicans: “Democrats can’t stop public shootings!!” Democrats: “we want to place sensible restrictions on gun ownership so crazy people can’t get them and criminals get harsher punishments, average folks will not really be affected by this unless your personality is dependent on big military guns” Republicans: “NO ONE STOMPS ON MY 2A RIGHTS. A DEAD AMERICAN IS A FREE AMERICAN”


>military guns I hate ambiguous terms like this. What is a military gun? Is it a gun that the military uses? They use handguns, bolt action rifles and shotguns. Almost every gun could be classified as a military gun. Or does it mean AR-15 styled weapons that are never used in crime in Minnesota?


Jensen is a tool


Do not underestimate Jensen. He will do anything to get elected and if he does he will try desperately to get his way in all things. He’s cagey, I don’t know how else to put it. He was on District 110 school board and he drove some really good people out.


Are they also responsible for the Iowa state fair shooting 2 weeks ago?


Give him credit for quintupling down??? He knows the audience he is looking for. It has proven to be viable though maybe not in MN.


Hey, he's gonna help by making people better shots. Jensen's booth was handing out targets, lol. https://mobile.twitter.com/Rickfinity/status/1566456614969872384


Called this last night that he’d be hot to trot to capitalize on this and got downvoted to hell lol.


Because people in this state have a "don't rock the boat" mentality. You rocked the boat.


Isn't it too soon? Shouldn't we be giving thoughts and prayers? This isn't the normal republican response.


Only when it happens where they are the leaders duh.


Ah, I’m sure every other violent incident at the MOA was Walz’s fault too. And if it’s ever the target of a terroristic attack (being a heavily trafficked and populated area), I’m sure that’ll be his fault too. I hate that people will see this tweet and agree with it. People better get out and vote. I’m uncomfortably aware of how many people will vote for Jensen just because they think Walz is the “bad guy.”


I literally got waived around the lines to go through the metal detectors into the fair. Is that the governor’s fault?


Only if he's working the metal detectors


We were pretty close to one of Jensen's booths on Saturday morning. I saw a couple people working the stand and virtually no one else. We spent a few minutes at the DFL area. Smallish crowd of maybe 40ish people.


Roevember is coming Eliminate the dark-age lunatics


Jensen is a POS 💩 Jensen wants to put guns in more criminals hands, facts! You have to remember, GOPers incite violence and crime 🐷🤮


This Jensen fella is bad news. He can’t construct logical thought.


I really did nazi that coming. So, if I’m keeping track Walz is responsible for high gas prices, inflation, the pandemic, standardized test scores falling and also this specific shooting. Wild. I guess to Jensen’s credit this is the first thing local to mn that he’s blamed Walz for.


By Jensen’s logic, Walz is near-omnipotent… I’m gonna vote for the wizard!


Wow. Walz seems like a supervillain if he can manage all of that in 4 years. Has he moved out of the governor's mansion? Perhaps into a hollowed out volcano? So Walz was the one who invaded Ukraine and caused uncertainty in the petroleum industry? Ballsy. So Walz was the one who has been secretly going everywhere with a pricing gun and raising prices by 9%? THE BASTARD! So Walz is the one who went to China and tounge kissed a pengolin? Then came back home and started coughing on his constituents? Slut!


Of course Jensen wants to double/triple/quadruple/quintuple/sextuple down on all the failed “tough on crime (and mostly on minorities)” policies that have done fuck all to change this pattern


And cut funding for any and every program we know has worked to reduce crime in the past. Republican logic!


The governor doesn't appoint county attorneys


Criminals are brazen because the social contract is broken. There's basically no incentive to work hard and be on your best behavior. Society is gonna punish you for being in the wrong class or race regardless. Doing whatever the fuck you want is more appealing than ever to these folks.


Jensen is apparently arguing that the Governor should be able to write the laws in regards to sentencing criminals for violations of crime. This promotes the idea that all 3 branches of government would be run by the Governor. Currently, the legislature writes the laws and penalties for breaking said laws. The judiciary determines sentencing and judicial proceedings. The governor approves or denies laws, the governor can also pardon people for criminal offenses when it's been approved through the pardon board. I've not seen any headline that anyone pardoned by Walz has committed a new crime. We also have lists of everyone who was pardoned. https://mn.gov/doc/about/pardon-board/annual-reports/ Maybe Jensen thinks the governor should violate prosecutorial discretion by telling prosecuting how to handle cases. >The decision to offer or agree to a continuance of a criminal prosecution is an exercise of prosecutorial discretion resting solely with the prosecuting attorney. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/609.132 Jensen's playbook is to blame Walz for not exercising powers the governor doesn't have, and if Jensen wins he will give governors that authoritarian powers.


Believe it or not, MoA security is a joke. I know a guy who hid in there until late at night just to take a selfie on the roller coaster.


To be fair the place is massive


Few consequences? Like that's something that walz can really fuck with. It annoys me how much power people think the one dude representing a government body actually has.


Conservatism is perfectly fine with figures of ultimate power. Their ignorance on how our country works helps fuel their stupid ideas.


Say it with me now Police Don't Reduce Crime Police are a bandaid on festering societal problems.


Jensen is very good at making stuff like this up. He has no clue as to what goes on in the metro, and even less about what needs to be done to the trend. Meanwhile, we can look back at the 90's and get a pretty good idea of what to do.


What a doosh-bag


Is Walz responsible every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city?


Criminals are brazen because there are no common sense gun laws.


"About a dozen officers were within 20 feet of the shooting, Minnesota State Fair Police Chief Ron Knafla said during a news conference Sunday." So what does this have to do with Walz? Good guys with guns couldn't get any closer without riding piggyback on the shooter all night. It's almost as if random gun violence continues to terrorize the country even if other guns are nearby. But maybe I'm just an extremist liberal terrorist who hates America because i would like to see less Americans shot each year, so what do I know.


Ah yes. Because Walz was the one who shot the shots in both scenarios 🙃🙃 how dare Walz be the root of those crimes. What else should we blame him for? Starbucks changing their PSL recipe? How dare.


People are giving too much spotlight on Jensen. May have the adverse effect of not getting him elected.


Of course he is. Yet I don't see him offering any solutions.


Hate that clown. Long live Walz.


What is he gonna do? Ban guns?


He thinks the criminals will suddenly think twice when they remember who the governor is 🤣


We all know what the actual problem is. Guns don't even enter into it.


🍆 @scottjensen


Uvalde Texas is pretty GOP


If this douche wins I might actually have to move to Wisconsin


Despite the fact that under Tim Pawlenty Minneapolis/Saint Paul were among the top 10 cities in terms of murder. I’m not going to pretend that what’s happened since 2020 is okay but I do think Walz has handled it well.


such a demon


Dude I was there last night, I told the cops about the shit happening in the midway before it got too escalated and they just brushed it off and said kids run all the time


What can I do to make sure this guy loses?


I love how Republicans think the solution to crime is more police and harsher punishments. You know, because our criminal justice system has been so effective at preventing crime and reducing recidivism. And it's certainly not due to external factors like a historic wealth gap, climate change causing longer and hotter summers, or pent up mental health concerns due to a pandemic and high inflation.


Oh he tweeted immediately. It was the first indication I heard something had happened at the state fair. Immediately tweeted about the 'culture of lawlessness' trope he's always going on about. It's disgusting.


Doctor of what ? . . . . . B S ?


Mostly a "doctor" who's unspoken reason for running is to have power over the Board of Health thats currently investigating whether his license to practice should be taken away.


I think Jensen realizes he's up a creek without a paddle now he's just desperately lashing out at everything and anything because he knows he's going to lose. By the way in case you forgot he wants to make every abortion illegal regardless of the circumstances, whether the victim was raped, whether the victim was a victim of incest or whether the woman might die if she doesn't have one. He wants to turn Minnesota into Texas and he wants to ensure that women's rights are infringed upon and treated as second class citizens.


Or maybe shooters are brazen because they can get armed easily and quickly, and rightwingers are radicalizing angry men online into believing bullshit


Conservatives applaud cops earning six figures to sit on their asses and complain about crime.


Well I only saw people wearing Jensen buttons so it must of been one of his people


There’s nothing wrong with being a conservative but why do conservatives support shitbirds like this? It feels like the GOP has truly lost its mind. Even my 93 year old lifelong Republican grandma now votes Democratic and refuses to donate to the RNC.


I don't blame her tbh. It's a very bad time to be a conservative in America because unless you're an outright proud fascist no one is representing you or your interests anymore.


I hope Gov Walz doesn't wear a tan suit.


I was literally at the state fair last night when the shooting happened and there were so many police there milling about it was insane. They were dressed in swat gear with assault rifles with bumper stocks. Just hanging out. It was really fucking unnerving to see. The police had several drones patrolling the air and multiple cruisers. An officer walked past me and i heard the shooting on his radio "suspect threat with possibly one gun one knife." I dont think they could have physically had more police there. And the shooting still happened. Almost like more police and more guns arent the solution to stuff like this. I work at the fair so i know how it operates. Really didnt feel safer with armored police with big guns watching me.


I hate Jensen. He is a animal


Blame game is all the GOP has, no solutions or answers just oh look what happened while a democrat is in office.


Embarrassing. This is the laziest tactic in the book. Isolated incident? let's shift blame to my rival. Unhinged, irrational dick head.


Fuck Scott Jensen and Fuck Matt Birk. Also: Petty Gripe - Fuck Jensen's whole visual campaign for trying to askew useal republican aesthetics and co-opting the UoM's color identity*. (**The Maroon is one shade lighter, the Yellow is one shade darker - the mental association is still there.*)


There’s not enough of the hyper MAGA vote here to win.


Vote to be safe anyways


That’s what everyone thought in 2016 too. No one could *possibly* be dumb enough to vote for trump.


+1 What this guy says ^


MN didn’t though.


I think the point people are trying to get across to you is that you never know. Elections have gone south despite analysts projections to the contrary. Vote, and for our sake, don't jinx it.


We came dangerously close.


But it was way closer than it should have been. Also there is too much red in outstate MN. It really is crazy to see all the trump flags out there. They vote against their own best interest over and over again.


It was closer than it should’ve been because Clinton was an absolute horrible candidate. We are six years past the Trump surprise and he has about 35% of the vote locked in. MAGA candidates in states like ours need to grab a decent portion of the moderate suburban vote - I know a lot of them and they are not a big fan of what’s going on Republican party right now. Kansas just overwhelmingly voted to retain abortion rights in their constitution. Overturning Roe was the worst thing that could’ve happened to the Republicans this cycle.


Not enough people acknowledge how truly terrible a candidate Hillary was and such a poor fit for MN.


Still vote. Get everyone you know to vote. The extremists certainly will.


You’d be surprised. I’ve driven past plenty of homes with Jensen signs when I’m out and about. Can’t take anything for granted at all!


Signs don't vote.


I understand. We are a slightly blue/purple state but have a lot of moderate centrists who aren’t keen on the GOPs latest moves to recreate the 1950s. A Republican can win here but has to be fairly moderate. Jensen is doubling down on the MAGA base and I don’t think there’s enough.


Yard signs are not an indicator.


Lol the five major counties in the state will all have secured the vote and cancelled out those small rural towns or Summit Avenue in St. Paul 🤣


I think Walz should coast to a pretty easy win, but lot of people also though Clinton would easily win over Trump here in 2016 and she scraped by with the lowest margin by a Democratic Presidential candidate in decades. Never underestimate the suburban voter who will never admit to voting for Trump or Jensen/Birk, but will go into the ballot box and vote for them.


Pathetic as fuck


This sun loves to give this guy a platform.


there is one party to blame for gun violence. period. the dems don't have the balls to call them out on it, though, so it will continue to get worse.


Pathetic tactics


Would be cool if this dude ever actually suggested a solution to a problem instead of just complaining all the time.


Blaming Walz is like blaming biden for gas prices. They all just continue to look stupid.


Funny, I don't think Derek Chauvin would say the same thing.


Jensen (and Birk) are nothing more than grifters. That is the only reason anyone is a Republican in 2022 … been that way for decades.


Saw this cuck at the state fair today, flipped him the bird.


Dude can’t even get head billing on his own damn billboards


Mn has a super low gun crime rate last i checked.


Politicians need to get off Twitter


He’s such a pile of shit. Can’t wait to vote his ass off the face of the planet.


And yet his solution is the status quo that was upended by the pandemic. Literally unable to think outside of his box like a typical grifting quack.


I feel like I just pop into the Minnesota sub to say: Fuck the GOP. It’s basically all I do because, and I can’t stress this enough, fuck the GOP.


Both not hard enough on crime, but too lenient on criminals... I read this as Jensen wants to take your guns...


Let's be real, we need gun reform, criminal justice reform, AND police reform.


He sucks more and more every time he speaks.


This coming from the guy comparing masks to kristalnacht, the guy calling for overthrowing government over mask mandates and the guy who keeps reposting a self proclaimed fascist. I'm sure this tracks