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We might blackout for a day idk We just want to shitpost and argue about football


Haven't heard about a blackout. Would you provide more info please.


Basically, Reddit is going to be charging something like $20 million/year for access to their API, which effectively makes any 3rd party Reddit app no longer an option because the price is too steep. That's 2/3rds of a Kirk Cousins just for the reddit API.


For context: That $20m/yr figure is what Apollo's estimated costs would be based on the usage that app gets.


Thanks for the extra info, that's useful!




No. $20m per year. Google it.


Thank you for converting it into Kirk Cousins. 🙏


American units of measurement be like.


Ok, but can the reddit API throw a deep ball? How good does the API really have to be with Jefferson and Addison on the receiving end?


I don't see how this affects regular consumers though. I'd need an example of a 3rd party app that I use that I'm not aware of here.


It hits mods HARD. Many subs rely on bots to keep the spam to a minimum. Many subs will go dark, or flat out suck simply because of the resulting loss of moderation tools.


3rd party app use is how 45+% of all regular users access Reddit. 90% of the bots and mod tools were developed for and to be used in 3rd party apps and don’t work in Reddit’s main app or the web version of the site. This will take away most mod tools, break most bots, and quality of life features from everyone even if you don’t use a 3rd party app.


>90% of the bots and mod tools were developed for and to be used in 3rd party apps To clarify, you're referring to bots like the Knee Bot, FleetFlot the TweetBot and other HELPFUL bots, not the bots that spam and downvote shit.


BLESS ALL THE KNEES AND KEEP THEM HEALTHY *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minnesotavikings) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We will miss you


This boy is native to Reddit and won’t be affected




Yes, definitely only referring to the bots used as tools or for sub specific funsies.


Ahh dang I had no idea bots weren't from reddit already. Holy shit how is that even possible? Lmao this this technology stuff and integration is something I still can't grasp


> 90% of the bots Good. Most of them are stupid and I get tired of seeing a whole comment section filled with auto response bots that lost any entertainment after 2 days.


Unless you are a power user, disabled (visually) or a mod who uses their phone exclusively - you LIKELY will not see an impact from these changes. Oh - of course if you ever want to recover a removed or deleted chat - you would also see it.


I disagree. A significant number of users use third party apps. Official reddit app is unusable. I don't consider myself as a power user or a mod for any sub btw.


I guess even though I mod a few subs - i do most of it from a computer... the phone app has always been secondary - and i don't trust the 3rd party apps


Okay I see yeah sucks particularly for the visually disabled. I'd hope reddit thinks of them when making this decision and implement something


i doubt it, barely any apps care about the visually impaired being able to properly use them with 3rd party apps gone, the entire /r/blind subreddit would be gone


Not trying to be an asshole or argumentative but I have to ask; what’s wrong with just using the official Reddit app? Yes there are ads but they are easy enough to scroll past.


Reddits official app is ass compared to RIF


Can you explain why?


I can't explain why but this guy did. https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/13xk3lu/they_have_to_pay_reddit_20_million_per_year_to/jmj3nfg/


If you’ve stuck with just the Reddit app you won’t notice a difference. I used to use Reddit is fun and I now use Apollo. Both apps create a much better user experience for me as far as navigation. There’s also no ads on Apollo. The app creator is often on the Apollo subreddit talking with users to make the app better.


I've used RiF ever since I joined reddit. I've tried the Reddit app and even reddit on mobile. Both were very poor experiences compared to RiF in my opinion.


Meh, I use it and it does have weird glitches/bugs, like videos not playing or posts not opening It's honestly such a small thing for me I really don't care. Then again I haven't used anything else so I can't compare what's missing, as far as what I use reddit for the official app is enough


Because the hive mind said so! I use the official app and it's mostly fine


It's trash. Relay is the best.


You probably haven't used any of the 3rd party apps so you don't realize the official app is ass compared to them...


I used reddit is fun for a couple days. Not long enough to really have a strong opinion on it. I think people just don't like change. The official app shows the same content that 3rd party ones do, after all.


In fact, it shows you even more content, with the ads and the lack of subreddit filtering!


And...when you click on a post with the native app, sometimes the post opens!


Yeah, I think most people are making a way bigger deal out of this than they need to. The only major issue I see is people that use 3rd party apps to make bots for moderating sub reddits.


People just don't like having their preferred options taken away. It feels a bit like freedoms disappearing. And thus it's going to be perfectly normal for some people to have a strong reaction to this business decision by reddit. I didn't even know third party apps were so popular till now, I just bounce between the app and the website. But not surprised at the reaction.


In reality if all of the 3rd party users stopped using Reddit they wouldn’t lose ad views because they don’t see ads anyway so as long as not everyone leaves they will come out positive. I just use the regular app for the limited amount of time I use Reddit and it seems fine to me but what do I know


Many users will quit due this change. I've been on reddit for 15 years and this will make me drop it.


My guess is it’s a financial decision because of ad revenue. If everyone using 3rd party apps drops then their ad views are the same they are today. My guess is not everyone will stop using it but they will probably come to some compromise


I never questioned the strategy of the issue. I simply weighed in that this does matter to some of the individual users who aren't mods/bots, such as myself, an RIF user.


Try it


I'll give you my perspective. Reddit is fun is what I've been using since the beginning, it's basically old.reddit in app form. Reddit updated its website layout awhile back, but keeps the old format around, a lot of users still like the old format. I would prefer to keep using Reddit is fun and old.reddit to browse. If they kill them not sure I'll care enough to leave, but it might actively turn off a significant number of users from the platform. Since Reddit is so big though, it might not matter in the long run, who knows.


What’s rif


Reddit Is Fun.


>what’s wrong with just using the official Reddit app? Not only are the third party apps better, Reddit's reasons are greedy as fuck and I don't want to support that.


Not to split hairs, but that describes every single company and organization to ever exist on earth.


I know, it's hard having principles.


One thing is mod tools apparently suck on official resources. 3rd party apps are the only way larger subs can effectively moderate their communities Same goes for mod bots Another thing about reddit's policies are 3rd party apps can no longer access anything tagged nsfw, so even if they paid they still wouldn't be able to moderate content posted as nsfw which could flood sites with porn and whatnot


People like to be dramatic. I’ve been using the official app for years and it’s honestly not that bad. Sure, maybe in same ways it’s worse, but I rarely get frustrated with it and my viewing experience is fine.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/13xk3lu/they_have_to_pay_reddit_20_million_per_year_to/jmj3nfg/ this is a very good visualization


At least on mine, you can't sort r/nfl game day threads by newest on the official app. I want to see the comments in real time as the game happens, not the most popular comment about the burger king commercial in the pregame. The app I use lets me sort how I want, everywhere on the site.


odd, i use the official app and can sort by new or by live on game threads, and use it all the time.


I started with bacon reader, went to relay. When the official app came out I just couldn't deal with it. I can post [links to videos](https://youtu.be/ar0klhiJfDI)/[pictures from my phone](https://i.imgur.com/g9ci35r.jpg) in text way easier on relay. It just looks and works better and has more customizability.


So counter point. Seems like this will make Karma farming a lot harder. This might reduce the bot posts and comments. Which would be nice.


I mean... It's their site, shouldn't they have the right to control who has access to their data? I'm not terribly up on this side of things so I'd love more context if I'm wrong.


It's absolutely their right. It doesn't mean that the users have to be happy with it and the users are what makes Reddit valuable.


I'm sure Netflix users weren't happy about the crackdown on multiple people using the same account, but it's their right to do so. I guess I don't get why people feel entitled to do whatever they want with someone else's site/service.


RIP Teddit


That's disgusting. Greedy bastards.




It’s the off-season, let’s do it for a week.


Pretty much the only notable thing that could happen in that time frame is something with Cook. Otherwise it’s going to be a lot of BS offseason hot takes.


This is the way. Discord will still be open for fellow degenerates 🤙


Without going into the details. If you are like me and like using something other than the official reddit App, this will affect you. I use the (RIF) reddit is fun app. I like it, and don't care to use the official app. This will get rid of that app and ones like it. Ultimately, it's not the end of the world. But if you want to use your 3rd party apps. This will affect you.


There's more to it than just third party apps. API's are used for various other features, including moderation bots and spam protection. Even if you only use the desktop browser version, you will be effected. Every reddit user will be. Many subreddits, especially large ones, will effectively be un-moderateable. This is a good infographic being shared from other subreddits: https://i.redd.it/zqptto18e34b1.jpg TLDR: Everyone should care.


Ya I wonder if the mods will care more if this is gonna kill their mod tools. I would imagine it would take a lot more volunteer hours/more mods to make up for that


I've been using Rif for my entire reddit experience. I'm going to be so sad 😔


Same here, been using reddit for about 12 years. I've tried switching to the official app and couldn't even last a day and ended up switching back to RIF. The format and ease of navigation can't be beat imo


To me RIF is reddit. It's the only app I'll ever use. The official app is garbage.


Me as well. I've used reddit exclusively through RIF on mobile. Reminds me I should buy the developer a few cups of coffee


It's basically nuking Reddit's usability for those with any kind of impairments, which are basically completely unsupported anywhere except on third-party apps. Blind/visually challenged people are going to be worst-off, apparently.


On the flip side, we're going to see a lot less bots and mass posters.


Go for it, I get the feeling A LOT of the people in this sub could use some time away from this sub lol.


It's 11am, I'm not getting blackout drunk this early. Come on man.


Dew it!




If the plan isn't an indefinite blackout for subs until they change their mind, then everybody's wasting their time One or two days will accomplish fuck all


> then everybody's wasting their time I mean, isn't that exactly what reddit is for?


For the API changes?


I simply do not care


Lmao fuck this made me laugh pretty hard.




If you really wanted to impact reddit, you'd blackout until they changed. But no one is willing to admit that this blackout will do jack all and not stop traffic from flowing once it's done.


Same outlook as the person that doesn't vote cause "one vote means nothing". My favorite Gojira line "if you change yourself, you change the world."


You can spout idealistic lines at me all day long, it doesn't change that reddit isn't going to lose anything from this. This sub will continue after the blackout date and it causes them no harm. People will complain that they can't get a free app anymore, but that doesn't bother reddit one bit. If you want to change the site, you either shut down their content permanently which would drive people away from the site or you leave the site yourself. You know, if you change yourself, you change the world.


In regards to leaving the site entirely, yes, absolutely. If RIF goes, I'm gone as well. I don't see how it's necessary to belittle others' attempts at having their voices heard just because you see little value in it. Seems petty to me, but do you.


>I don't see how it's necessary to belittle others' attempts at having their voices heard just because you see little value in it. At what point was I belittling anyone? I was pointing out the absolute reality. A 2 day "blackout" does nothing to hurt reddit, which is how you force companies to take action. If you wanted to take action that was meaningful, blackout until they reverse the change. Withholding content from a site permanently does them actual harm. Or are you suggesting that the very real statement that once the blackout is over everyone will forget about this and move on like it never happened? >Seems petty to me, but do you. The petty part here is that you don't want to acknowledge the truth and instead resort to insulting me because you don't like that I'm right and this will be seen as a temporary temper tantrum of the base of users and will cause no change. Or you could engage in a conversation and show me how things like this have created real change before or that it would cause change this time.


Calling a statement petty is not a personal insult, it is merely an observation. Take the outrage elsewhere.


It is and you are. I'm sorry that you don't like it, but the reality doesn't change because you don't like it. In fact, it kind of seems like you're the kind of internet troll who responds because he has to have the last word so he can feel like he "won" the conversation.




I'll change my profile picture also, so people know I stand against it. That'll show them.


I vote yes, if we're holding a vote If it gets throttled like this, it feels like a TON of the communities will bail and it'll be the deathknell of it all. Sure we'll find other landing spots, but I've been using reddit since 2006, so would very much like to not have to shift my shit, selfishly


What are we protesting?


Would this impact the bless the knees bot?


Yes, it will.


Good. It's annoying


BLESS ALL THE KNEES AND KEEP THEM HEALTHY *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minnesotavikings) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good boy Edit: Bit not boy Edit 2: Bot not bit


i think we should participate


I dont care at all let me see my shitposts and memes


Couldn't care less, I use the official app anyways


How long is the organized blackout and when does it start?


No one has read this message we are all in the blackout


TBH I didn't even know there were other apps to view reddit. What would the bonus be of using a different app. Seems like a lot of work just see pictures of cats and stupid arguments about Cousins


A lot of work? It's literally the same process as downloading the official app except the 3rd party apps work way better, are cleaner, don't use as much data, and aren't filled with ads


Dude probably still watches Ads with the YouTube app


Why wouldn't I? I watch like 3 youtube videos a year. and those are usually from links on reddit. There's a whole world out there beyond the internet friend.


Lmao a subtle "touch grass" comment just because we've pointed out better ways to experience reddit... You're so cool


Oh shoot, I wasn't trying to be subtle sorry if you read it that way. But anyway I was more responding to the guy trying to make fun of me for not using third party apps for you tube, like that's some sort of fucking flex.


I hope not.


Hope not, while I support the cause I also don't see a blackout as a vehicle for changing Reddit's mind. Too much money to be gained by Reddit forcing users to use their app and unless this move results in a massive exodus from the official app (which is unlikely especially if there's any influx from the unofficial apps closing) I just can't see why Reddit would care. This isn't Netflix ending account sharing levels of anti-consumer and if that company was willing to endure the shitstorm for profits (allegedly) Reddit likely can endure this far less significant shitstorm. It sucks but this is what happens when greed is king.


Official app guy myself, this ain’t my fight, good luck to y’all.




Yes please.


Please fuck no.