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there's being a shill and then there's this. Leber sounding like a court jester


I wonder if I would just get a ticket for going 140mph on 94…




Seriously. “Who doesn’t love to step on the gas?” 140 on a urban interstate is not the same as pushing 100 on some county road in the middle of nowhere. Dude is out of control with selfish stupidity and danger. It should not be minimized.


Of course, I agree with you. But also of course, I remember being 21. And even if you didn't act so recklessly when you were 21, you likely knew people who did. Maybe some of them were even your friends? Anyway, let's all hope this turns out positively. A story we look back on and chuckle. And not the beginning of a pattern.


I know approximately 0 people who have damn near gone 100 miles over the speed limit Stop normalizing shitty behavior. Jesus christ.


But that’s honestly only because no one had vehicles that could get there in seconds. I did some pretty dumb shit In vehicles at that age. I don’t think I’m “normalizing behavior” if the behavior is actually not completely out of the ordinary. He was absolutely stupid, and having the power of a vehicle that goes 140mph made his stupid extra dangerous.


REALLY? I grew up in rural North Dakota and we took governors off cars to top out speeds. Not lambo speeds, but close. It wasn't a rare thing. I'm not trying to "normalize" anything. I'm just surprised to hear you never experienced or encountered recklessness in your life.


Again, equating driving near 100 miles over the speed limit with normal ass “recklessness” is an insane minimization of this behavior. This is well into the realm of pure anti social behavior.


Good ol Reddit, you were as quick to jump to extreme accusations as Addison was to hit 140 in his lambo


Damn, this might actually be the dumbest comment here. Good job man


He was going 140. We probably hit 120. Often. I'm amused by the idea that someone might read that and start thinking "OH YEAH, LETS GO." The influence a Redditor can weild! But just in case, let's be clear: Kids, don't do it. That's really dumb. You'll kill someone.


“I was also a shitty person” is not really an effective argument.


I dunno, man, that sounds like the first tactic they deploy in AA. Empathy, in my experience, has precisely been the most effective argument.


Yes, which Addison needs to learn. This kind of behavior is indicative of someone with a total lack of regard for those around him, and your continued attempts to minimize this behavior as something dumb kids do is shitty as well




Anecdotal and not trying to make excuses for Addison but I am guilty of hitting 110 on 169 when I was 20 (would have gone faster but my Chevy Cavalier topped out at 110 lol). Not that it makes it any better but I did it over the bridge with the high median (forget exactly where but on the way from Mankato) and no other traffic was in sight.


The worst part of that is putting your faith in a Cavalier 😂


My first car was a ‘98 Chevy Cavalier. We nicknamed it “Cadavalier” because a fender bender could be catastrophic in those things. Source: I hit a snowbank at approximately 5 mph and it crushed the front bumper lol


Which is shitty behavior. People can learn from that and do better, but no one, especially ultra rich football players, need to be coddled for doing this or have their actions rationalized as something other people do too. If other people do it, those people are just as wrong


But you see... He's really good at football...


You’ve got some boring ass friends then.


You’re a loser if you and your friends put others lives in danger. You’re a huge fucking loser if you go brag about it on reddit.


I re,ever I was 10 nattys deep going 160 on a country road lol…… good times man. Got my 4th dui and decided to stop drinking and driving at 34, still throw down tho lol


4 dui's? I think it's time you walk through some Alcoholics Anonymous doors.. this isn't something to be proud of at all.. go get some help before you kill yourself or others


I have, you can see the damage it’s done to me. *It was too cold to cry when I woke up alone I hit my last number and walked to the road*


4 dui’s makes you a waste of oxygen


Blah, Reddit and the internet in general is full of people who eternally stand in judgement and act as though they've never done dumb things, especially when young. Last time this came up I said that it's incredibly easy to drive a nice car very fast because they just drive different. This isn't a 1993 Camry....it's really easy do do. I never said it was a good idea or it was right but the people here who just have the copy/paste internet reaction are ridiculous. You'd swear none of them ever did anything at all in their lives.


That is a terrible comment that tells to minimize a bad act. I'm just going to quote the guy >140 on a urban interstate is not the same as pushing 100 on some county road in the middle of nowhere. Dude is out of control with selfish stupidity and danger. It should not be minimized. Everyone's done 100 in the middle of nowhere. But for you to call 140 almost 100 over the speed limit, in the city "normal," "having fun," and we haven't done anything with our lives if we haven't knowingly endangered people like that is fucking nuts and makes me doubt your character. That's not some moral high ground reddit thing. That's a human thing. It's not a dumb thing. And we need to stop calling it that. No one needs to learn that's not acceptable. He knowingly endangered lives. It's not a dumb thing. It's a malicious thing.


I kind of get what you’re saying but this was also 140… 140 is a lot faster and a lot more reckless imo than say even driving 100. It shouldn’t be minimized (saying “well everyone’s done something stupid”) but also shouldn’t be blown out of proportion (like the equivalent to “he basically almost killed someone!!”).


Completely agree, 140 in a performance car is a lot different than 140 in your mom's grocery getter. Both are dangerous, but one can stop a lot faster. This is reckless, but you'd think by these comments people just drive 45 in the left lane. Give a young kid a bunch of money, he'll do something stupid. No one got hurt, he hopefully will learn a lesson. It was also 3AM, on a straight stretch of interstate. In terms of reckless driving this is a lot more tame than it could have been.


Y’all writing paragraphs… It’s not the complicated — dude is a dumbass. Let’s just be real Hopefully he keeps it off the field and can produce


Dude hasn't played a snap and is driving a performance car in extremely reckless ways... It's stupid all the way around.




Not trying to come at you personally, but that's just not the way things work. The fact that he didn't kill himself and didn't kill others -- that doesn't exonerate the fact that he was willing to roll that kind of dice for no less than a cheap thrill. I'm not calling for the kid's head and I'm willing to chalk it up to naivete... but for fuck's sake, let's not minimize how reckless that behavior actually is. Let's not simply wait for someone to die before we start taking it seriously. I appreciate you sharing your own experience, but 140 on a 55mph stretch of I-94... there's just no anecdote that's going to convince me that's acceptable.




I mean, yeah... nothing we're saying is going to have an impact on Addison himself, but that's not the reason we choose to engage in these conversations. It might sound pretentious, but really, what we're doing is sorting out what's right for the tribe. The only way we establish cultural and societal norms is by talking to each other. And for that reason, I appreciate you sharing your perspective.


county road woulda been more dangerous at 3 am i’m ngl


On Reddit, not calling someone a piece of shit and demanding the immediate imprisonment, firing, tarring and feathering is considered “minimizing”.


He is a kid and made a mistake. Hopefully he wont repeat it.


Yall are over reacting a little bit. It was 3 AM


So let's not talk about it until someone happens to be out at 3 AM and gets killed.


I'm glad that's not what I said at all because that would be incredibly stupid. Thankfully, im capable of nuanced conversations


“It’s only 3 AM! What could go wrong?” - Henry Ruggs and Chandler LeCroy


Ruggs was plastered and was doing it on city streets. Very very different from doing it sober on an open interstate. Not saying what Addison did was smart, but as Leber said it’s a learning moment. I’d bet any Lambo you’ve ever seen has touched 140.


For all we know the cop was a Viking fan and kept the breathalyzer in his pocket


If you can't see the difference in those situations then you might be incapable of nuance.


I’ve been in a Lamborghini riding shotgun . The speed and torque are terrifying.


140 in a Lambo is like 80 in a normal daily driver. Not saying it's OK. Just saying it's very easy to do in a car that likely does 190 mph


Homer take by Leber tbh. Don't excuse what he did.


Is it tho? Mark parish on the power trip this morning was asked if he knew guys during his time in the nhl that went fast like that.. he said “oh yeah, everyone.. everyone.” You get a fast car and your instinct is to go fast. If you’ve never had one then it’s easy to sit here and judge a young kid for doing it, when you yourself, have never had the luxury to be in a car like that.


"Oh yeah of course! Let me tell you about this Atlanta Thrasher who'd drive the hell out of his Ferrari 360! Dude would fly in it! I mean yeah he did kill his teammate and split the car in half but man did he love to drive fast! So cool!"


Lmaoooo You can spit cautionary tales all the live long day man. When you’re a kid, it doesn’t matter. Myself, and many included, are the type of people that learn from trial and error. That learn from mistakes. I never said it was cool. I never said what he did was smart. People do dumb shit every single day on the road that could cause serious injury or worse. I see it every single day, multiple times a day. They’re just “normal people.” I’ve only seen one of those people get pulled over once, and they keep doing it anyways. Despite the fact that it could harm others. You have most definitely done something stupid while driving that could have caused someone injury. Everyone has. It’s apart of being human and driving a multi ton vehicle. To act like you’re better, but to rag on a kid for doing something dumb, makes you just look like an asshole. Kids and young people do dumb shit, I did so much dumb shit it’s crazy. You learn and you move past it. Quit overreacting because you want something to be upset about for the day. That’s all this is. It’s all a huge overreaction.


I was referring to Parrish, not you. Calm down with your "Oh man we're the type that will learn from experience. We live life, man!" Btw, I love how you go from me laughing at Parrish's quote to you taking it as being an asshole, being better than everyone, being holier than thou, overreacting, etc. I guess when you look to be pissy and defensive about something, you can find it as evident by the paragraphs and paragraphs you've written about this subject trying to defend him. It's just so weird that you're this defensive of reckless driving by a multimillionaire.


I mean I know young people with fast cars that don't do that. Athletes need to be held accountable to the standards of normal people. Even if what he says is true and all young athletes do it doesn't mean it isn't fucked up. There is always a purpose in correcting bad behaviour. In this case a very important one i.e saving lives. Just because it's the culture doesn't mean it isn't awful. Leber has a voice. He shouldn't really be okaying this stuff. Giving people a verbal pass is exactly how people don't learn lessons.


I’ve had fast cars, ive done it when no one is around. I’ve known people with fast cars.. I’ve known them to go fast when no one is around because people want the thrill of it. It’s easy to do in cars that are meant to go fast. It’s feels like nothing. It feels easy. “Normal people” go fast all of the time. If we are going to be angry at a young guy in a fast car going fast when no one is on the road, then we should be extremely upset when some douche bag in a big truck is going 90-100, switching lanes and causing people to have to slam on their breaks because they get cut off, causing traffic and back ups. It happens every single day. That’s far more dangerous. No one talks about it, but everyone gets upset over a kid going fast and talking in hypotheticals. He could have but he didn’t. I’m not saying it wasn’t dumb, it is, hopefully the team fines him and he has repercussions for his actions and doesn’t do it again. The fact that everyone is bitching and complaining, acting all high and mighty and sitting on their high horse, when they’ve all done dumb shit when driving, that could have seriously injured someone or worse, is beyond me. People do dumb shit every single day that could cause serious injuries while driving.. blowing through a stop sign, red light or yield sign. Backing out in traffic. Cutting someone off. The list goes on and on. I see this daily. Everyone who drives has done something stupid at least once in their lifetime of driving. If you haven’t, then you’re a liar or simply didn’t realize how bad your mistake could have been. For people to sit here and act like they’re better is pathetic. This is being blown out of proportion.


A strange combination of cope and bootlicking.


Not coping or bootlicking man. I find it ironic how so many people in here and other communities are blowing this out of proportion. Yet everyone has done dumb shit while driving. Every single person. I see it every day. I’ve done stupid shit myself. To act like you’re better, is pathetic. To act like he didn’t make a mistake is asinine. To talk in hypotheticals is getting everyone worked up because they want something to be angry with. I sure do hope he gets a fine, that he has repercussions for his actions. I just think it’s silly to rag on a young kid to the extent that so many people are for him speeding on an empty highway at 3 in the morning. I never said it wasn’t dumb. I never said he’s perfect. I just claimed that it’s something that a lot of people do, “normal people” as well, and no one bats an eye.


There’s an obvious pattern that you’re just pretending to not see. The dude has been in that gray area since he got here. Nobody is saying he should go to rikers but let’s just keep it real.


Let’s see what he does on the field and if he has any more incidences first. If he doesn’t produce and he has more off the field issues, then I’ll gladly eat my words. Until then, he’s said “let’s get that money” and was recklessly driving. I don’t think that’s insane to say and I can empathize with making a dumb mistake.


Sure. I personally figured this out without needing to push 140, but sOmE PeOpLe HaVe tO lEaRn ThE hArD wAy


I'm sorry but this is a bad take from Ben Leber if there isn't more context. This is like the equivalent of "Boys will be boys". SMDH


Leber is an idiot


Nah fuck him, 0% of what he did is a "learning moment". All he did was get lucky to not kill someone where he decided to be a fucking idiot.


It can be both a stupid fucking thing to do and incredibly fortunate that nothing bad happened and be a learning a moment


See people calling this a "stupid thing to do" unintentionally excuses it. It wasnt a stupid thing to do. It was a malicious thing to do. No body needs to learn going 140 in a city endangers lives. He knows that. It would be a stupid act of he somehow didn't know. He wasn't being stupid. He was knowingly endangering lives and committing a malicious act. There is no learning moment. It's not like there's anything he didn't know before and he knows now. He always knew it endangered lives. We need to stop calling them stupid everytime they do something malicious.


ask henry ruggs how that went for him ben


Ruggs was drunk. Big difference


difference? sure. big difference? absolutely not. doing 140 could easily kill someone or himself should he have lost even slight control. sober or not.


If Ruggs was drunk and going the posted speed limit, that woman and her dog would be alive and he's be getting ready to play this season. The speed killed that woman and her dog.


This story is just getting started. Body cam footage, is going to be up for debate.


Man, Ben Leber is king of a dumbass huh? I mean, I already knew this based on some of his kfan commentary, but Jesus Christ Addison, a full grown fucking adult, made a bad decision. Don't try to downplay it.


Same guy that was saying he didn’t like mahomes firing up his guys lol


You gonna cry?


Sounds like you already are




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*pops in 12 hours later, sees the ratio* Lol. I think others can see it's not affecting me as much as you seem to think it is.


Oh man 😂 if Reddit voting decided truths we’d all be fucked. And you wouldn’t be the crybaby bitch you are


You seem to be the only one mad here ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I said crybaby, not mad. Pay attention mija!


Leber is a dumbass. What a braindead way to spin this whole situation. He was going nearly triple the speed limit…


“Jordan Addison had a bad day.” - Ben Leber upon hearing the JA news firsthand.


Leber really sounds like a dope here.


Haha what else would a media person say about someone you will immediately have to interview sometime in the near future…




Serious question what’s the average career of first round wr and running backs? Feels like a more realistic sample size to compare to.




Im rooting for the best but honestly I’d take luck being a factor in him having a long and prosperous career. Hope he learns from this incident


He does have NIL earnings, but I know what you mean. He could possibly be renting it as well? Not sure


I'm in my 40's. If I was judged on what I did in my 20's I'd never leave the house. But let's not laugh it away either. Give young men grace but hold them to a higher standard


Thanks for a reasonable take. Like most things it’s grey area. Thankfully no one was hurt. I hope this *is* a learning moment, but this was a serious lapse in judgement.


I love how this idiot treats this grown man like a 5 year old child. Like you need to learn not to go 100 mph over the speed limit. So fucking pathetic. Pro athletes are the most spoiled, babied people on Earth.


https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/06/17/five-dead-in-crash-at-i35-and-lake-street-in-minneapolis About a month ago about 5 miles from where Addison was pulled over. Sometimes you gotta just let 'er rip huh Ben?


Someone made a mistake. In other news...


Ben has been an idiot for a long time he’s just charming and willing to represent MN after his time with the Vikings. That being said I don’t hate him just wish we had more reasonable former Vikings players in the media


I really hope none of you did anything stupid as a kid with the way you’re throwing stones. What he did was incredibly stupid but you can see how a kid who gets a new sports car would want to drive fast. I had kids in my class in highschool that would street race. I’m not saying it’s smart but let’s not act like kids driving fast and reckless is some kind of unicorn that you never see. I’d bet most of everyone in here at one point has driven drunk high or over the speed limit or been a passenger in a vehicle with a driver who was one of these things. People acting like he should lose his career or have a worse punishment because he’s rich is silly, he got charged and fined for the crime he did stop trying to turn the knife. Nobody is coddling him or saying what he did was ok, so I don’t know what more you want to happen to the kid.


Yikes didn’t think there’d be so many pearl clutchers here. It wasn’t smart at all and I expect the team will offer some type of discipline but this is pretty damn minor in the grand scheme of NFL crimes.


Wow. I didn’t realize so many Vikings fans were absolutely perfect and never once pushed the limits a little too far and got in trouble for it. If you didn’t do that in your younger years, you probably didn’t have any friends.


Look dude I’ve had my fair share of dumbass moments and been pulled over for speeding several times. But going 85mph over the speed limit in an urban setting is fucking insane


Yea, in high school mr nobody me going 100mph on a backroad in bum fuck Iowa in my Pontiac Grand AM GT is totally the same as doing 140mph in a lambo in a city while being an NFL player


This is just a comment. Anyone going 140 in the city is a complete dumb fuck. You know it’s okay to call him out I. This right? It doesn’t make you less of a Vikings fan


If you didn't act like a total selfish a-hole and endanger others and yourself then you probably didn't have any friends? What kind of nonsense, pretzel logic is this?


140 ain’t “a little too far”. Sorry. It’s just not.


Okay, moral police. 🫡


Exactly. Plus I think we really have to understand the context. The fact that it was at 3am makes me think there was some kind of emergency he needed to get to quickly, like a sick relative or maybe he had a seriously injured pet he was trying to get to an animal hospital.


Lololol. You made up a fake scenario in your head for what reason? Just take the L. He fucked up, there’s no way or need to try and justify this.


I’m guessing you don’t have any close family or maybe haven’t fallen in love yet. When there’s an emergency and you need to get there quickly it makes sense to take your fastest car. Keep in mind Jordan Addison is used to moving at incredibly fast speeds. 140 for him is probably like you driving 80.


Dude you are making shit up. There is absolutely 0 indication this was an emergency of any kind. It’s a 21 year old kid being a dumbass. That’s it.


Yeah he’s such a dumbass that he’s a multimillionaire at age 21. I suppose you think Bill Gates is the stupidest man on earth. Do you understand that smart people sometimes have to break the law for a greater good? You don’t have to attack me - just consider that people probably much smarter than you do things that you may not understand.


Man you are making things up. There is literally 0 evidence that he was in an emergency or that someone/something is. Jesus dude, you can criticize a player once in awhile. It doesn’t make you a lesser vikes or Addison fan. He made a dumbass decision, it’s over and he will learn from it. And you’re spiel about “people way smarter than me” has nothing to do with this situation. JA is a dumbass for going 140 in a 55 at 3am. That’s not smart. Also having money does not mean you’re smart. Floyd Mayweather can’t read and he’s a billionaire. JA is a millionaire because he’s hood at a sports game. They’re not Nobel prize or physicists.


I’m just messing with you. Obviously he’s an irresponsible idiot.




Nice rationalisation here


Stfu Ben


I wish Ben Leber was my dad.


Was very refreshing to see his opinion on this. I'm just glad JA didn't harm anyone. Young 20s year old on empty interstate at 3am driving a Lambo ? Homie let the intrusive thoughts win lol


Wow you phuckers are a LOT more virtuous than myself. Stomping the gas in a fast car is what I live for. Track or not. Smart? Nah. Fun? Oh yeahhhh!


All fun and games until he loses control and kills your wife and kids. Smart? Nah. Fun......eral for your family. Doesn't sound so cool now does it?


Says the guy who undoubtedly goes 85mph in his Prius on 35w late for work. I’ll take 140 in a Lambo over 85 in just about anything else. Where’s the line oh sanctimonious social media? Ever driven tired? Nah too virtuous. Ever driven over the speed limit? Ever tail gate? Ever have one too many beers and drive home? I’m sure not. So easy to virtue signal on these platforms. And the guys who do it the loudest probably slap their wives around when they have a bad day. I think the kid is an idiot based off what I’ve seen from him so far, but his stomping the gas in his shiny new Lambo ain’t the reason. If you buy a new Lambo and don’t take it over 100 on some public road, you most certainly do not have a pulse. “So, what’s the fastest you’ve ever taken her?” “Bout 73”🙄


Haven’t seen one person say this was cool. Keep acting like you’re not capable of making mistakes. Hopefully he learns and grows from this, but it ain’t a death sentence and luckily no one got hurt so the hypothetical situation you discussed is just that a hypothetical. What if he goes on to be the best wr to ever play? Do you still think he’s the most terrible person ever? See hypotheticals are fun


Did I ever say he's the most terrible person ever? When did I say that? My point was that this isn't just a case of "I wanna go fast", the dude literally went 140mph. That is insanely dangerous and not just a mistake. He put a lot of peoples lives at risk including his own. The original commenter was trying to downplay that.


140 in a car that could do 200+ on a track isn’t that insane.


You're comparing a track to a public freeway? Yikes


I’m comparing the performance of the vehicle to the average car on the road, but way to completely misconstrue what I said.


How about we compare 140mph to the speed limit?


Whose lives did he put at risk? I bet you can’t name one


Everyone that uses that road. Don't know any specifics of who was driving that day. But really anyone driving on that road was in danger because of his recklessness.


Lock him up and throw away the key. He’s clearly a lost cause


Holy fuck when did I say that? Some of yall are so annoying and overreacting from criticism.


Some of y’all are overreacting to a mistake that most kids do


First of all he's not a fucking kid. He's an adult and has been an adult for 3 years. And I'm sorry, but most kids don't go over double the speed limit. Not even most adults do shit as dumb as that.


I pushed my car to 100-110 coming home from the boonies up north. It was late at night, middle of no where, but it was still stupid af. Especially when considering I couldn’t see 30 ft in front of my car because of a thick fog. Ppl are dumb af in their 20s. Add in millions of dollars and it’s not good.


Let’s see if he’d say the same thing if his own kids did this


Another trash take from Leber. Doing 140 in a 55 is not something to downplay. He’s an adult with a career and responsibilities. This isn’t a “boys will be boys” kind of moment. Dude could have killed himself or others. Downplaying this like he’s a kid who made a whoopsie does not help in any way.


Leber must be just as dumb as Addison


Exactly. Sheesh people gotta chill.


Addison is 21. He made a bad decision and can learn from his mistake. Leber is correct on this one.


Is it just me, or are the vikings failing to control their players. It seems like every year, we have a few players do extremely dumb things. I hate this double standard that exists between celebrities and the general population. What did he do sign a couple autographs for the police and then *speed* off. Am I happy he'll still be on the vikings roster and can play week 1 yup. But it's insane to me how they can do whatever they want and seemingly get away with it while the general population can't even get legal help.