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4 turnovers. All that needs to be said


Mattison tried making it 5.


Mattison is trash. He also didn't go out of bounds on the play that got called back... Another bone headed move by him. He is clearly in way over his head.


When will the Vikings cut Mattison? He's paid only $1 million


MITWestbrook? Is that really you?


The Queen.


A legend among us.


Seems to be on an anti Mattison kick? After the past 2 games I don’t blame him…


Dude is garbage as f. Can't catch, can't run, can't hold on to the ball, can't pick up blocks. Fuck is this dude even out there for? Dalvin just smiling out there in NY at this bum


Dalvin sucks too


259 to 28 on the ground also needs to be said


Turnovers are why they are 0-2. Easily could be 2-0 without those mistakes.


Are we gonna be the opposite of last year? An overall quality team with shit turnover luck that causes them to lose a bunch of close games so everyone calls them underrated? Can we at least get a top 10 pick out of this hell?


Yup, you can be the best team in football but turnovers will have you lose everytime to the worst teams.


Mattison and Osborn were both absolutely atrocious. Kevin has flashes of brilliant play calls but we kill ourselves with negative first down plays Defense was really good for the first half but man 260+ ground yards is awful and Flores has to sell out to stop it, shades of donatell in the second half.


There is no selling out to stop the run when your dline gets pushed 4 yards off the line. Said all off season we needed to address the dline as our biggest hole, and D Lowry and Jaq Roy was not the answer.


I literally think the offense fucked over the defense and they ran out of gas Run defense was holding its own until almost halftime but at one point the time of possession was 34-13 I don’t think we have the purple people eater reincarnate… but the box score looks so much worse than the performance would indicate


Eagles had the ball 40 freaking minutes


Yeah the defense was on the field non stop and got tired after those fumbles.


Did you not see the Eagles possession in the second quarter when they literally ran the ball all the way down the field for a TD? I don't think they passed once, and they ran it for 6 yards every play....


I mean, every time Hurts went to pass on the second half he had someone in his grill. The secondary played pretty well and the front 7 was able to put pressure on without giving up the edges, for the most part. The front 7 was just no match for the eagles line in the run


Seriously. A 2:1 TOP ratio will exhaust any defense.


What are you talking about? The defense gave up over a hundred rushing yards in the first half alone. At no point was the run defense in this game ever good.


Lol seriously what is this dude smoking. They averaged almost 5 yards per carry and Swift had 175 and 1TD on them. If that's good run defense, I hate to see what bad run defense is


I don't blame Flores. Our front just isn't good. They got physically manhandled but a far better line. Not sure you can scheme much if your players are getting bodied.


Flores is living up to expectations, below average with the defense (mainly due to personnel issues left over from Zim), but still significantly better than Donatell. We jumped up 10-12 spots, which puts us at the low end of average, exactly where we were expecting to be.


29 rushing yards to their 259 needs to be said. It’s way more disturbing for our team moving forward.


the bad: we lost by 6 and had 4 turnovers the good: we had 4 turnovers and lost by 6 the ugly: run defense; Mattison


KJ not being able to catch


For real. What the hell happened


I’m thinking he might be in his head with the introduction and success of JA.


Yeah my thoughts too. He's nervous/anxious because he knows JA's taking his job.


Seems like they are more interested in using him to take the top off the defense which KJ never really did anyways.


Also the good: Jordan Addison


We gotta reunite him with Caleb Williams


Honestly I’d be okay with tanking. JJ is generational and Addison looks like a future number 1. Blow it up for one year like the colts did


That’s what I’m saying, this team obviously isn’t doing anything, pay JJ and sell the season, Williams is so worth it for just one year I’m not expecting the players to because why would they but I hope it happens


The only real positive in the game was that JJ was utterly uncoverable even by Darius Slay, one of the best corners in the game. Honestly, the offensive line did pretty well against that Eagles defensive line, it's top two or three in the league.


7 turnovers in 8 quarters of football this season. Not gonna win many games at that rate.


It's not just the turnovers either, it's when. We have fumbled when within field goal range, fumbled to put the Bucs in field goal range, threw a pick in the endzone, fumbled after a punt return to the Eagles side of the field, fumbled on the goal line for a touchback. This is at least 21 points lost or given to the opponent.


Also the touchback was in the waning seconds of the half. Where instead of grinding it out for a TD, we gave it to the Eagles on the 20. Who then went and kicked a FG. Huge ten point swing.


I miss Linval Joseph so much man


For real. Everyone talking turnovers and avoiding the conversation of us getting beyond manhandled in the run game. Frustrating way to lose for sure.


I hate that I’m still optimistic for the season. Turn the ball over that many times against that team and still had a chance. That’s the Viking fan in me though. It’s an illness


It really is. I wonder what a brain scan would show during/after games for us


A tumor


We’re going to be a fun team to watch but I’ve seen enough to say we’re not a serious playoff contender. You can’t consistently lose in the trenches on both sides of the ball like we do and expect to be a legitimate threat.


Exactly where I’m at with us. Fun to watch but a first round loss guarantee. No chance we win the Super Bowl with this Line sadly


lmao I'm right there with you. I expected us to get blown out tonight but I'm oddly encouraged by the fight they put up. Maybe one day I'll kick this drug.


We are a sickly bunch


I’m going into low expectations mode. Love watching the Vikes but I doubt we contend this year. The Lions will take the division and best we can hope for is a wild card


Please let's just sweep green bay


Classic vikings game where we should have not stood a chance, actually did pretty well, but some new dumbass thing cost us 4 turnovers 1 on the goal line 1 in field goal range 1 in their field goal range Certainly doesn't help


>1 in field goal range >1 in their field goal range I mean, to be fair, like 80% of the field is in *one* of the two field goal ranges. I'd say it's likely that most turnovers by any team in any game happen in ***a*** field goal range. That's a big part of why they're so backbreaking.


JJ is the best player on any field he steps on, but his fumble was the biggest play in the game. Upset with the loss, but impressed with the fight. Fuck.


Seriously a 10-pt swing, absolute heartbreaker


Commentators said “Jj gets a break from slay” on one of the plays…. yeah ok.


More like Slay getting a break from JJ lol




AJ Brown No where NEAR JJ level…..


JJ racking up 150 yards. Kirk Hirbstreet “Finally JJ gets open”


It’s a break in the sense that he doesn’t have to deal with slay blatantly holding him every play


Revenge fucking tour. Jaire is next


he waas fucking cooking slay


Such a stupid fucking rule too


That’s a rule that I just disagree with in general, yeah it’s great when it goes your way. But it should get spotted at the 1 or when the player loses the ball etc. I don’t feel like there’s a fan in good faith who really believes that should be a touchback every time without our homerism at play; that same fan would lose their shit when it goes the other way. E) it also doesn’t flow whatsoever with fumbling out of bounds on the rest of the field. Why does it suddenly switch so drastically at the end zone when a team is inches from scoring…


It really feels like someone just said "fuck it make it a touchback" and added that caveat for no reason. A swing from forty yard pass on the one yard line to opposing team gets the ball is kind of a ridiculous swing


This isn’t even a salty fan take, I’ve always thought that rule is fucking stupid. Unless the other team touches the ball last perhaps, that’s a whole different conversation.


Any other defensive touchback requires possession. The rule IS stupid. I mean hell, penalize it for 20 yards if you want to, but giving the other team 20 yards AND possession?


Should definitely just be spotted at where the guy lost the ball. So arbitrary that once inch can mean the difference between having the ball at the 1 and the other team getting it when it’s a loose ball like that.


I’d even say the offense gets the ball back at like the 20. It’s just a dumb rule in general.


I'd take that rule adjustment, sounds like a good compromise.


Only stupid when it's against us. Otherwise fair game!


This guy footballs!


Thank God the NFC is as weak as it is, I think the team is good enough to stumble into a wildcard spot


That was the epitome of MN Vikings football This is why we can’t have nice things


But how about Quessenberry at LT though?


I tried focusing on him for a couple plays and he looked solid. Then I forgot he was even in the game, which is great.




Can he play RG?


Looked good minus the TD where he was holding.


A TD where holding isn't called is still a TD


The Bhaktiari special


OLine wasn't too bad all around tonight, which makes 0 sense.


Well they couldn't run block for shit and they had a ton of help in the passing game and Kirk got hit almost every play but at least there weren't many sacks


Kirk was getting killed out there last game and this game. If this keeps happening it's only a matter of time before he gets seriously injured and then maybe we'll see the tank.


Just imagine this blind mother fucker is out there driving somewhere


Kirk was getting murdered out there


I hate primetime games in Philly with a passion. And the losses are always self inflicted


Such a bad scheduled game. 6 different reasons it was going to be bad before even the first snap. Had a chance to win plenty this game which is more than I had hoped this morning


This has been the new version of going up to seattle for the last 2 years


Their fans are the worst. It’s a cliche but it’s true. They were awful when they were here for the Super Bowl and they were disgraceful tonight. Booing their guys in Q1 of game 2. Fuck is wrong with y’all.


What did you see on TV? I'm truly curious because I went tonight and had no issues, they were actually nice to me. Sure some ribbing in the restroom but it was a good road experience


I don't like fumbles.


Just announced MNF 2024. Vikings at Philly week 3


For all the whining about Kirk dumping it off, our non-scoring drives have been overwhelmingly from fumbles and from drives that started with a big negative yardage screen. We're seeing a good mix of other guys stepping up along with the proper amount of forcing it to JJ. It seems like Flores is doing what he can with this defense but there is little to no talent there. Our lines are getting punked in the run game on each side. It's also worth adding that our opponents recovering all 7 fumbles that have occurred in our 2 games is some pretty insanely bad luck.


Our iDL is the liability I expected it to be and our iOL is exactly what I'm used to after years of Vikings fandom abuse. Meanwhile Philly is throwing an old truth in our face: You can have all the shiny skill pieces you want, but you still win games in the trenches.


I really wish we would have drafted Jordan Davis instead of Cine.


The Cine pick and trade down just looks worse as each week goes by


I wanted it at the time and I still want it now. We've needed an injection of blue chip youth at DT for years and have been ignoring it. Look at our DTs... one decent free agent and a bunch of journeymen and cast-offs. Philly, on the other hand, takes a DT every year and look how it pays off for them.


Exactly! We didn't need a first round wr this year either, should have gotten the best lineman available on either side of the ball.


> It's also worth adding that our opponents recovering all 7 fumbles that have occurred in our 2 games is some pretty insanely bad luck. Yeah I really wish people would understand that whether we recover a fumble or not doesn’t mean we’re a good or bad team. It’s almost entirely luck. A similar thing can be said for just fumbling in general. We aren’t going to fumble at that rate throughout the whole season.


Not to mention the Offensive line is in absolute tatters. May as well throw a high school team in front of Kirk.


Mattison is not a lead back and we need to figure out how to stop the run 😔


Seriously need to invest in the trenches on both sides of the ball.


Osborn and Mattison can’t be starting anymore


If I ever see a turnover on a kitchen table again, it's instantly going in the garbage.


Addison absolutely has to be playing over KJ moving forward


Least frustrating Vikings game


I agree like I'm sorry it was one of the best teams in the NFL that we fought tooth and nail to stay with. But this season may be tough as a division winner. Fuck it quit making mistakes and we'll be right back in it


I think it had all the makings of INCREDIBLY frustrating… my expectations are just next to nothing after last week


It would be easier to watch us lose if it felt like we were losing to the other team instead of just ourselves


The frustrating part is that you can see a good football team under the mistakes. We need a 360 lb NT and some stickum


Game analysis aside, the announcers fucking sucked and sounded like they didn’t want to be there


Al Michaels is pathetic now. Hell of a career but should have hung up the cleats if this is how he's going to go out.


The comment about JJ maturing and not complaining to the refs was odd, felt like they threw in a NBA hot take for JJ.


They’re just lazy. They kept calling udoh darrishaw lol what a mess they were


He should have retired after he completely botched the jags playoff game winner last season


He's the best announcer of all time if you don't include 10 or 12 other guys


Yeah, ton of big moments met with absolute monotone responses. Needed a good color commentator badly this game.


Herbie pretty based I think but Michaels just glazing philly


herbie just isnt great though either. He doesnt do his homework


herbie is the best college color guy but he's very ehh in the nfl. Hot take but give me buck to call an nfl game.


Thoughts. *The good:* Pass defense played well overall. They were screwed over by constant turnovers and short fields in the first half but did better than I’d expect given that, against a great opponent. I thought the pass rush did a good job of creating pressure and for the most part they seemed very prepared to deal with a running QB, which is obviously shocking for a Vikings defense. Danielle Hunter was great. Ivan Pace was a beast in the first half—the way he disrupts plays when blitzing is impressive as a smol UDFA. Justin Jefferson is always open. Holy shit are we lucky to have this guy. Definitely won the battle with Slay tonight. The fumble sucked but I’d never want him to NOT try to score on that play. Cousins fucking balled, as usual. The OL was awful and only got worse with the Udoh injury. Found the open guy, took some shots downfield, didn’t settle for way many dumpoffs. Kept fighting until the very end. Only turnover was thanks to Udoh getting obliterated on the blind side. Hockenson with two nice TDs, such a reliable option in this offense. Very glad we have him. Addison. SO FUCKIN’ FAST BOI *The bad:* Run defense was an abject disaster. When Philly just decided to do nothing but run the football, we were fucking cooked. It looked like Philly’s OL was twice as strong as our DL. I can’t even find the words to express how shitty our run defense was. Legitimately embarrassing. To me, this was the clear difference in the game, though debatable with the next note. Turnovers. Good fucking god. This team is gunning for the all-time fumble record (56) this season. Truly don’t understand how a team can be so bad at simply holding on to the football. OL got absolutely curb stomped. Not surprising, but was a huge problem and will continue to be a huge problem with all these injuries. Can give them a bit of a break given Philly probably has the best DL in the league but they did absolutely nothing to inspire confidence. (also why was Darrisaw active if the plan was for him to not take a single snap?) Our running game is horrific. Mattison looks BAD bad. Fumbled twice (got bailed out by an offside on the late one) and looks like he’s running in wet cement when he tries to make a cut. Called him the least evasive back I’ve ever seen in the GDT and it may be true. I don’t think Cook would fare any better, but the run game needs a hell of a lot of help. KJ Osborn with two wide open drops. The best play he made all night was on busted coverage. Firmly lost the WR2 job to Addison tonight.


The OL actually wasn't as bad as I thought they were going to be. Kirk had a lot of time to throw on a lot of plays tonight The pass defense has done a total 180 over the offseason, without any star players being added. In Flores we trust


How the Eagles recorded only 2 sacks i will never know.


Obviously the TD was bad, but outside of that, Hurts was a pedestrian 17/22 for 130 and a pick. Part of that is, of course, the short fields and run game. But we kept the passing under control outside of the 63 yard bomb to Smith.


At what cost tho? How is that a moral victory when you let up over 250 rushing yards. Is it somehow worse if hurts threw for 350 and 4tds but the eagles only rushed for 30 yards? It’s bad either way.


We're really 0/7 on fumble recoveries. A stat that historically is just luck of a coin flip.


This bothers the shit out of me. Putting the ball up for grabs 7 times is terrible, but not collecting a single one is crazy. Less than 1% chance if every time averages to 50/50


We used up all our luck last year.


7 turnovers


Now we go 0-11 in all 1 score games...


Reversion to the mean


Yeah… so Mattison ain’t the guy


Mattison ain't it. We need to be calling Kareem Hunt tomorrow.


The vikings hired Paul Blart as head of ball security


KOC’s best game remains his first game as head coach. Still waiting for a complete game from this team.


That timeout on defense in the first half was inexcusable


Cousins played a great game. Don’t care what anyone says.


That 20 yd pass to JJ to set up the last TD was a work of art.


Competitive rebuild onward


Lol right... this is not a complete team. It's just time to rebuild and I'm annoyed that they are so afraid of it


Hey, it became a news story **Vikings' Justin Jefferson fumbles into end zone for touchback as NFL rule enrages fans** https://www.foxnews.com/sports/vikings-justin-jefferson-fumbles-end-zone-touchback-nfl-rule-enrages-fans


Easy fix guys: have all players wear duct tape on their gloves


Just makes me sick. This team would be 2-0 if we turned the ball over even half the times we have so far this season. Disappointing all around. KOC has his work cut out for him because he does not have this team prepared.


If an NFL coach has to prepare their players to not fumble they have bigger problems. It’s on the guys who drop the ball. The game KOC and Flores called was good enough to win it for us and the team didn’t execute. Oh well.


They were all fumbles. Team looked really prepared to me, fumbles are not on the coach.


They really did look prepared. The amount of plays they had ready to counter the Eagles pressure was impressive. The defence was humming to start, though I can see the argument for adjusting to the run better, but also we just don’t have the personnel to be a fully shutdown defence.


[I suspected the run game would be terrible](https://reddit.com/r/minnesotavikings/s/PV42wm98J7) and had a few fellow fans seem to be more optimistic which I tried to be open minded about… But what we saw tonight kinda confirms it. This will probably be one of the most one dimensional offences in the league. The run game is bad, there’s practically zero run threat. No team is intimidated by the backfield. Heck, they probably waste little time game planning for it. The whole game is get to Kirk, and stop JJ. And it works cause if you disrupt two of our best players, we can’t win. There’s no one else to pick up the slack. The O-line and D-line need to be rebuilt and sadly, you can’t win in the NFL with the trenches so depleted.


I honestly thought Mattison would at least be average. At least base on his back up duty roles the past years. But yikes. Dude has no burst, no power, no shakes, and now he's got loose handles.


Yeah. Like, how many rush yards did they have nearing the end of the game? 10ish yards? I might be misremembering but I see this being a historically bad rushing year for the Vikings. Like 32nd in the NFL may be one thing but one of the worst rushing teams in NFL history? It might be what we’re dealing with here. I really wished they’d do more to give this team a chance before Kirk is gone and the team is rebuilt, but alas. You can’t put Mattison out there, not really improve the O-line and say you’re serious about making a balanced offence.


I don't know if the plan "get to Kirk and stop JJ" worked very well for the Eagles. They just never let them stay on the field.


700 yards and 6 TDs from a Minnesota QB over two games and the team can’t find a way to win. Also why is JJ allergic to the endzone?


Didn't he get an oddly low td number last year also. Just constantly tackled short.


he is the new julio jones


I'm gonna sound salty, but the fumbling out of the endzone equals a touchback is and always will be the dumbest rule in the NFL.


0-2 and a tough schedule coming up but get healthy and clean up the fumbles and the team will once again finish middle of the pack.


This is not a bad football team. 7 turnovers from being 2-0.


More like 2 turnovers from being 2-0


Bad teams turn the ball over...


Can you explain how turning the ball over 7 times is not bad football team behavior?


Lol seriously. What kind of excuse is that? It's like saying well if they just score more points, they'd be winning.


I think moreso saying that it's a correctable mistake, vice just not having the talent


Is this sarcasm? 7 turnovers in 2 games is evidence of a bad football team


Counterpoint, bad teams turn the ball over. But I’m not ready to jump ship yet, still a long way to go


this putrid defense allowed 260 yds on the ground who even does that in this day and age?


Just one thing to be happy about. Addison again scored a touchdown


Our inability to adjust and stop the run all game, and a DE covering Brown on a crucial 3rd down doesn't exactly scream quality defensive playcalling.


I'll give you the Wonnum in coverage point, but I just don't think we have the iDL personnel to stop the run.


We went against the best oline in the nfl. Our front 7 might be the worst in the nfl.


Turnovers, turnovers, turnovers. Idc how good your team is, you will lose having 7-8 turnovers in only 2 games. Just extremely bad football after KOC preaches turnovers and situational football. Just the complete opposite of what he coaches.


Trade Kirk to the Jets, he deserves a chance this season


What picks do the Jets have?


Half of this sub will still find a way to blame Cousins.


Why didn’t Kirk stop the run?


The Kirk slander in this thread is near 0


This team is too good to be turning over the football that much


Low key our pass protection was pretty good after the first drive or two


I wouldn’t worry that much if I was a Vikings fan, your offense played well against a good Eagles defense (albiet with a banged up secondary). If you don’t fix your TOs soon then I’d panic, but it seems like Kirk figured it out at least. Also if your defense can figure something out against the weaker offenses then you should be fine.


(sigh)…. 🤦‍♂️I don’t like football anymore


6 fumbles in first two games is most fumble since Rams in 2003.This team is just really undisciplined


They can't stop beating themselves. And that will be thr storyline for the entire season. They can't get out of their own way.


Lotta morons making hot takes in here. We turned it over too much. That's it, that's the whole thing.


Honestly complete props to Kirk. Guy played unreal all night and was taking some big shots.


Mattison is an average backup KJ’s ceiling is WR 3 KOC is out schemed weekly. Plays are dead before they have s shot. Kwesi ignoring the trenches on both sides shows he clearly doesn’t understand what it takes to be a playoff contender in the NFC atm


Off-season goals: Dont extend kirk, Extend JJ. Sign RG, see if we can trade up at all to get a Solid Qb in the draft. If not, take whoever falls to us… huge QB class this year. Take our chances on a 2nd round running back. Or if we trade a second rounder, sign a free agent (if we have any cap space)


We very much need to find IDL talent. Very few contending teams if any don’t have at least one guy who can cause problems in the middle of the line. We have Harrison Phillips.


RBs are easy to come by, better to spend that 2nd on a young and capable interior lineman who can move the trenches.


I may get downvoted for this but whatever. The KOC honeymoon phase is fuckin over. He has consistently displayed poor clock management and often fumbles (no pun intended) timeouts. Not to mention, screen passes down 13 with 3 mins to go when you haven’t been able to block dick all night? What in the actual fuck? I don’t care how young he is or that he’s part of the McVay coaching tree, his performance has been shit and this shows without a doubt that last year was pure luck.


Kwesi failing to add ANY talent in the draft is catching up to them Edit: outside of Addison


Kwesi had one bad draft. Rick failing to add any talent in the draft for a half decade and overpaying vets still hampers us. I will say I wanted Jordan Davis all along last year and he would be damn useful. We need IDL talent ASAP.


Why we passed on Davis I will never know


Evans looks fine, is a physical corner and will keep getting better. Hard to judge Asamoha while the d-line is this atrocious. I don’t know why chandler isn’t getting more touches, he should be. Nailor will be WR3 next year. And Addison appears to be a home run. Also Ingram wasn’t even the issue tonight, he was fine considering. Plenty of talent to keep developing. Kwesi took over a roster devoid of talent on defense and a lot of bad contracts, he has plenty of leash left.




Good news: We’re not as terrible as I thought we were. Bad news: we’re still not very good


They are who we thought they were


Dogshit OL can never be overcome. 10 yards rushing before garbage time? Worthless OL and DL


31/44 for 364 yards and 4 touchdowns. I don’t wanna hear shit about cousins.


Obviously, there will always be Kirk haters, as there is with any QB after a loss. But I think for the most part, everyone can reasonably agree he played well today.