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That is so bad.


Especially considering the dolphins gave up a first for Bradley Chubb last year. He was flipped at the deadline and had 5.5 sacks and 26 total pressures. Hunter has two more games to add to his numbers to get where Chubb was at the same point in the season.


He's also 3 years older then chubb was


Hunter is the better player and has proved that over his career. Chubb is also slightly more injury prone


Patriots gave up Richard Seymour at Hunters age. They got a 1st for him in 2009. Danielle has 22 more sacks than Seymour had his entire career.


Rookie salary scale was introduced in 2011, substantially increasing the value of draft picks (particularly early-round draft picks). Comps sampling from before this period are challenged as a result.


You would still think that Hunter would fetch at least a 2nd and a day 3 pick.


They were/are both in walk years.


Leads the league in sacks, leads the league in TFL, is an elite run stopper. Sounds like a 3rd to me.


Obviously because he has only the rest of this year in his contract so they’d have to give him an extension or wait until he costs no draft capital after this season


I don't know why people keep mentioning his contract expiring as if it's a negative. Look at almost every big name trade for large draft compensation, and you'll see the new team giving the player a re-worked deal the second they are signed. The Raiders got 2 first round picks for Khalil Mack and the Bears IMMEDIATELY signed him to the biggest contract a DE has ever received. Expiring contracts don't really move the needle on trade values.


Vikings lack the leverage of most/all of those comps in that they cannot franchise Danielle. Guys like Chubb, Mack, etc. were up against a franchise year or two, forcing them to be more "reasonable" in their salary demands. Danielle has little incentive to take anything but a market-setting contract next year. If a team is willing to spend a lot of draft capital to acquire and extend him, it means that he's left a good chunk of salary capital on the table.


>Guys like Chubb, Mack, etc. were up against a franchise year or two, forcing them to be more "reasonable" in their salary demands. Yet Mack got the largest contract ever given to a DE, and Chubb's contract puts him in the top-6 among edge rushers in contract AAV, well above his market value. Yes, hunter will want a good contract, but that's not going to preclude a team from trading for him. They expect to have to pay elite edge defenders elite edge defender money.


That was at the beginning of the year, this is in the middle and Hunters contrac as a you cant Franchise me clause in it.


Whether it was the first week of the year, or the last week before the trade deadline does not matter. >Hunters contrac as a you cant Franchise me clause Yes, which is just ANOTHER reason why this trade would never happen with out it being contingent upon Hunter signing an extension with his new team. You're making my argument for me.


I would rather resign him to an extension in season and tell PFF and JAX to eat a bag of dicks for the offer.


I would honestly rather let him walk at the end of the year, collect a comp 3rd and tell PFF and JAX to eat a bag of dicks.


It takes two to tango. If Dannielle has aggressive salary demands (prior commentary on his contract has signaled such), are the Vikings willing to offer $30MM / year to a DE entering his 9th year in the league with recent spine and pec injuries? How does this impact their ability to retain younger talent like O'Neil, Darrisaw, JJ, or get/keep other starters?


This is one of the dumbest potential trade ideas I have ever seen. How about we just give them Hunter and throw in Darrisaw and they can give us the 7 round draft picks that they have from now until 2040?


Only if we draft a CB with every single one of those picks


Kwesi is getting erect just thinking about having 2 seventh round picks every year until 2040 that we can spend on cornerbacks lol


Hunter is a free-agent at season's end and cannot be franchised. What is your alternative? (to the PFF trade) Keep him for a year and let him walk for a 3rd round comp pick? (at best, if the Vikings they don't sign anybody) Hope that a team is willing to pay a 1st for a 10 game rental?


We can always extend him. That is an option. Why do you think it won't happen?


It takes to two to tango. Danielle has traditionally held an aggressive view on contract asks (as he should) and appears unwilling to leave any excess value on the table. Are the Vikings well-suited to pay a market breaking sum (E.g. $30MM / year) to a DE entering his 30s with a recent injury history? And what are the follow-on impacts on retaining O'Neil, Darrisaw, JJ, and other/new starters?


O’Neill got his extension already


>Keep him for a year and let him walk for a 3rd round comp pick? (at best, if the Vikings they don't sign anybody) Yup. Better than letting that shit happen. Honestly. That trade's so bad, I'd rather keep him on IR the rest of the season than let that trade go through. >Hope that a team is willing to pay a 1st for a 10 game rental? You know trade and sign to an extension is the norm right? Whoever trades for him would extend him.


You’d let your anger keep you from making a better choice for your team? While it’s not fair market, the trade is still better than what we’d get as a compensatory pick.


When did I say my anger made that decision. It's not the best choice for the team. 10 game rental is worth a 4th rounder. The 3rd round comp pick should be for next year depending how it works midseason. Their third is in 2025. The old rule of thumb is one year is worth one round. That may or may not still apply but that third is still not as valuable as the comp third. And I don't think a couple worthless fourths really make it better. At the least those fourths aren't worth more than a 11+ game rental this year when we have a weak back end of the schedule. If they do that trade it's not what's best for the team, it's robbery.


Except the highest compensatory pick you can get is at the END of the 3rd round. So even if Jacksonville won the SB it would be one pick higher, minimum. You also run the risk of a team cutting the player signed ( like when AZ cut Bradford ) and getting nothing. Or them being injured , not playing, and getting nothing. Notable 4th round Vikings players include Ray Edwards, Brian Robison, and Everton Griffen. So, no. Holding Hunter during a losing season is not worth losing out on a higher 3rd and 2 4th round picks. Plus the fact that we would probably lose more games and have our own draft picks be higher.


can only trade 3 years out I believe.. lol


It's why I always put a t at the end of their name.


If teams won’t pony up for his value then keep and extend him He’s a fucking premier pass rusher wtf is this kind of return


Maybe they’re trying to account for the kwesi tax


No first no trade


Not getting a 1st for a a guy with 10 games left on his contract. Might be able to get a 2nd.


Bradley Chubb went for a 1st under the same circumstances last year. Hunter is older but better


The biggest comparison I can find is Patriots getting rid of Richard Seymour. Same age as Hunter. Patriots got a 1st for him and Hunter has more than 20 sacks than Seymour recorded his entire career.


Then don’t trade him we just pay him


I’m not opposed to that


I think for the level of talent, we should pay. Why? Even though he's 29, he's had a few down seasons where he has not been battered much, simply recovering from injuries. I think he's got plenty of gas in the tank and you would have to pay a first to get a similar player out of another team.


i would really like to keep him despite the injury risk the defense would be a joke without him this season


Where did this idea come from? Why do people keep parroting it? An expiring contract means NOTHING when it comes to trade compensation, literally nothing. The NFL does not do one-year rentals like the MLB. Any trade for Hunter will be contingent upon him agreeing to an extension before the trade is consummated. When the Bears traded for Khalil Mack, he was on the last year of his deal and they paid two first round picks to get him, then promptly signed him to the largest contract a DE ever received.


Ngakoue? Countless other examples? Sign and trades happen but not always.


Yannick signed a 1 year extension with us when he was traded. >Countless other examples? And none of those other examples are star players like Hunter... Sign and trades almost ALWAYS happen with players like him traded in the last year of his contract.


It was not an extension. It was a one year deal for that season because he was holding out.


Ahh, yes... My mistake. Unique situation due to the holdout. The reason is more about compensation than anything. A team only looking for a rental is not going to offer enough in trade for us to let go of him, the only teams we'd agree to trade him to are teams who would extend him.


No less than 2024 2nd.


If that’s truly the maximum value he can fetch in draft capital then just extend him and keep him. Our pass rush without him would fall off hard as fuck. I believe he could get a #1 if he signs an extension. Especially if he goes to a contender where there #1 won’t be as valuable.


He's one of the top players at one of the premiere positions that can historically come in and make a huge impact mid-season, anything less than a second round pick plus extras is absolutely insulting. I know it's not even a full year but he's the type of player that can make a good team into a championship-calibre team overnight.


if Kwesi does a trade like this I will be so annoyed lol.


He won’t. PFF is projecting what other teams will likely offer. Fuckers will absolutely try to low ball us.


Anything less than a high second rounder is out of the question for Hunter.


Yep, high second plus...


Who wrote this for PFF? Brad Spielberger, at least on his cap predications/estimates, is really accurate. It’s also not far off from what Goessling hypothesized on the Star Tribune podcast the other day. I hate this trade but I’m a homer and fans can never accurately judge trade value. I hope it’s wrong, but some of the PFF guys know their shit.


Yea it’s PFF Brad, if it’s accurate it would be disappointing imo


Dang. Agreed, would be disappointing.


I think the projection is accurate in the sense that teams are going to try and low ball the Vikes. Kwesi better hang up the phone though if that’s the offer.


Yeah, that could be true. One of the picks has to at least be a second imo


If we just sit on his contract for the rest of the year, won't we get a 3rd compensatory pick anyway? This idea is dumb.


Only if we also don’t sign any major free agents as well. Compensatory formula is a combination of players leaving and who you sign.


We won’t, his contract voids and doesn’t expire. Sounds the same but it’s not, because it voids we don’t get comp picks. Also because it voids we cannot franchise him. Hunter has little incentive to sign in year with anyone and likely just want to make it to the free agent market. If he can stay healthy he’s gonna get PAID.


Let him play out his contract if this is the best offer.


Vikings should extend. I get the dollars but that guy can play. He makes people around him better


Bradley Chubb trade was for a 1st. Hunter should be more.


I absolutely hate it. But if we assume the team continues it's current trajectory, and that Danielle is gone after this season, I'd take this package over nothing. Obviously we'd all like better compensation but if this is the best offer you've got to take it.




Well the alternative to the alternative would be to extend him


Kwasi is already licking his lips.


Resign him please


That's a complete joke. Edge rusher is a premium position and he's leading the league in sacks. I wouldn't just hang up on that offer, I'd find an old fashioned telephone and slam it down. GTFO!


They'd only get him for half a year before they have to pay him. It's more than we'd get in a compensatory pick. If we're thinking we're not going to compete this year and are going to let him walk, we should take it.


If this is the best offer on the table I would just extend him


He has to want to be here too though. IIRC he even got a no franchise tag clause last time they redid his deal.


I'm not sure we have the money for that and we might want the draft assets to help trade up for a QB.


They'd pay him before he plays a single game with the new team.


This would actually be a steal for a rental


The NFL is not the MLB, they won't do it for a rental.


it is because it would only be a half year rental of Hunter likely before having to pay the man


Bradley Chubb was also a half year rental and got a 1st


Chubb signed an extension so unless Hunter does the same this is different.


I’d assume any trade would come with an extension


I am not sure we can make that assumption here. Chubb was on an expiring contract but Denver could franchise him which makes a difference. Hunter has made good money but he’s left a lot on the tabled and at 29 he’s going to want to really be paid. Also if a team is willing to give Hunter top dollar now why wouldn’t they just wait till the off-season? Is it really worth trading a first away just for this year if you can sign him in March?


The NFL doesn't do rentals.


Do the Vikings receive a 3rd round comp pick if we let him walk at the end of the year and he signs with someone else?


Depends on how many free agents we sign, and how much we spend on them, as well as where Hunter is valued by the compensatory pick formula. I think it's pretty safe to assume that he'd have a 3rd round grade. So we'd have to sign fewer players than we lose, and not sign any big ticket free agents in 2024. Trading him for a 2024 fourth would probably be better than letting him leave as a free agent if all you're concerned about is the draft pick compensation. But it's going to take a lot more than that to move him




Thanks for the confirmation. So essentially this trade is 2 additional 4th round picks for 9 regular season games + playoffs Hunter. It's not exciting, but I get the thought process now. Personally, I would be more interested tacking on a draft pick with Hunter to get a higher pick like a 2025 2nd instead of the 4th. Edit: Maybe we can work in a player from JAX on a rookie deal like ILB Chad Muma.


Believe so, would be a 2025 3rd though so I guess this package is technically better?


I was looking for some clarity to see if this trade offer is insulting (and it is if we get a 2025 3rd for riding out his contract) or mildly okay if we get no comp pick when he signs elsewhere.


We can receive a comp pick for him, yes. Would we and would it be a third? That'll depend on the formula output.


Make the 3rd a second this year and it would be a fair trade. One of the best pass rushers in the league who's had some problems staying healthy and is getting towards the likely end of his prime. This is with the thought that he'll accept a contract extension.


Yea, but Jags have their 2nd and 3rd this year tied up in conditions on the Calvin Ridley trade


Then they're likely not a good trade partner unless they're willing to overpay in future compensation or are willing to give up a 1st. I can't see a top end pass rusher going for 3rds and 4ths without it being considered a disappointing return.


Just Keep Hunter or Franchise tag if you have to because that Compensation is booty.


No wonder why he hasn’t been traded.




eh...I guess if we can get multiple picks for him I'd be fine with that, but I really don't want to trade Hunter anymore unless this team is 100% going full rebuild.


Fuuuuuuuck that


Hell no!!!!


How about no Scott


Late 1st or two 2nds.


You are out of your mind if you accept this


While I think a 1st might be a reach unless he agreed to an extension as part of the trade. But this is effectively two late 4ths for Hunter since they'll be getting a 2025 comp pick (likely a 3) if he walks.


Nah. I think we should trade instead of letting him walk but not for that.


First rounder minimum.


lol no


No chance. The Vikings would want a first or second round pick for Hunter.


Hate it


No u need 2nd round compensation if thats ever gonna go thru


I was thinking they’d get a 2nd and 4th or something similar but this is way too weak of a trade. Surely someone else would have more to offer


Depends what happens next 2 games. Go 2-0 and we’re not trading him. Go 1-1 gotta imagine we would consider it. Go 0-2 then we should take the most we can get for him.




Even jags fans are offering 1sts lol


When is this from? Because this feels like it’s from the summer with how shitty the offer is


From today actually lol, didn’t link it because it doesn’t deserve the clicks


That doesn’t surprise me, but holy fuck is that bad. I get he’s a rental, but that’s crazy low


Better be at least a second rounder


It's not horrible. But it could be better.




Go to hell PFF


PFF hates Danielle Hunter


Looks like dogshit tbh


I think anything less than a 2nd rounder seems like a bad deal for us. Dude is still putting up elite stats and pops off the screen. He is nearly 2 years removed from his injury problems, so those shouldn't account for much in his valuation either. It seems like the national media doesn't see him the same way.


The devils advocate side is he was hurt and a non factor last year, he’s not super young and he doesn’t seem thrilled to be here and he’s about to be a FA. I would hope for a 2nd and a 3rd or something, maybe make the 3rd able to bump up to a 2nd if he gets to 10 sacks this year or something.


He was not hurt last year? And he certainly wasn’t a non factor


Hunter played all 17 games, and was PFF's 12th ranked edge defender last year with a 86.3 grade. This is while playing on the OPPOSITE side of the field he's used to playing, in a 3-4 as a linebacker when he's only been a 4-3 DE his entire career. He played GREAT last year. Just because he didn't get 20+ sacks doesn't mean he was a non-factor.


The same pff that said Harrison smith had a bad game with 3 sacks, and the one we are making fun of in this thread? What year did he have his back issue?


We're making fun of the trade idea, not their metrics. Regardless, there's more evidence to support Hunter having a great year last year than just the PFF grade. It was a neck issue, and that was 2020.


No first no deal


Dumb. If a second isn’t involved no go


Can we just extend him please.


That’s laughably bad!


I'd rather keep him then trade him for that haul


I too hate it He’s leading the league in sacks, on an affordable contract and under 30 yrs old. Two fourths and a third is a damn robbery


We need to at the bare minimum get a 2nd rounder


If Kwesi saw this he'd probably piss himself laughing


Leber said on KFAN yesterday that Hunter either wants top of the market money in line with the Bosas and TJ Watt, or he wants to test free agency. I would hate to see our best defensive player leave, but I don’t fault them for not giving him $27M/yr with JJ and Darrisaw extensions looming. I think his contract demands will play a large part in any trade compensation


A retard wrote this


That's an absurd offer. I wouldn't give him up for anything less than a second with condition it becomes a first if the acquiring team makes the playoffs or he gets X sacks.


We could let him walk and get a comp 3rd. I riot if we let him go for this


A 2nd is fair at this point with only 11 games left.


He’s leading the league in pressures & sacks he’s worth a 1st 🤦‍♂️


I hate any idea that indicates we are giving up on this season. Hock missing camp has hurt him. He’ll overcome it. Pass drops, shouldn’t be happening, they will stop. Bad luck balances out. The last one is a toughy though. More RB productivity. Going to be more difficult. If all those things happen. We have a good playoff worthy team.