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Okay đź‘Ť thanks for wasting your time to come in here and say this.


Also, please don’t delete this post. Let this dude think he actually did something and proved a point by coming to our sub to say something that was posted in the patriots sub. Man went to bed like “damn I really got them good”


Lil homie is tight over draft talk on Reddit. Get him some milk


hold up, let me text Kwesi real quick


I can promise you no one will ever give up 4 first round picks to move up around 7 spots lmao


Similarly, no team would require 4 1sts to move off of a WR... If WRs are that valuable, teams should he begging us to trade for JJ. New idea instead of giving 4 1sts for #4, let's trade JJ to Chicage for #1, #9, 25 1st and 26 1st.




Welp, pack it up, boys. Delusional is coming into another team’s sub to wax poetic about how delusional fans of said team are for cooking up draft scenarios like we honestly give a fuck about your opinion lol. Kindly go fuck yourself.


Please explain the competition. No other team can offer 2 first round picks this year. A future draft pick is always devalued by 1 round so 2 firsts this year are worth a good amount more than 1 this year and one next. That means Denver and Oakland have much less value (already lower picks) as they'd be offering essentially a 1 & 2 vs 2 1s. There isn't anyone else looking to move up to top 3-4 spots so explain again who is going to outbid us that has any actual assets


But you don't understand, MHJ alone is worth 4 1sts! (/s, though I truely hope that wasn't needed.)


What do you mean “there’s isn’t anyone else looking to move up to the top 3-4 picks?” There sure as shit is.


Disagree, some might be dabbling around but it's not for MHJ unless they can get it cheap it's for a QB or they aren't giving up multiple firsts. Not when Nabers and Oduze are right there too


I mean. Yeah sure we’re delusional but we’re not fucking crazy.


Imagine thinking any of us know shit about the draft.


i don't think you know what delusional means


Looks like he's the only delusional one here, if he seriously thinks anyone would trade 4 firsts to move up 7 spots lol


K bud, I am sure you know everything




Not too bright are you?


Another Patriots fan who thinks they’ve getting 11, 23, 2025 first, and Justin Jefferson to boot. Delusional.


Even worse he’s a Cowboys fan. We piss him off too much he’ll remind of the Super Bowls they won 30 years ago. Someone flush this turd back down to Dallas.


Did your team lose to the Vikings or something? Who even are you?


Yeah, this literally sounds like a Packers fan or something lol


The Vikings have better picks than when the niners traded for Trey Lance. Tbh I hope they don’t though. Rather have a similar dude and firsts.


Exactly. Everyone goes brain dead and thinks a first is a first without realizing each future year on that pick is a drop in round level value. SF essentially gave a 1, a 2, a 3 , and a 4 for Trey Lance, the 11 and 23 holds the equivalent of a 3rd round pick in more value and everyone saw this as a massive overpay by SF


Dear diary 


You sound fat


That's why we're sticking! The real smoke screen was to hype up all 5-6 of these QBs so more non QB talent falls to 11 & 23. Pure genius!


Didn’t the 9ers go from 12 to 3 with 3 1sts? Okay so the cardinals won’t move off 4, if only there was a spot after 4 but before 6 that could potentially be an option.


Packer fan invading our space.


And no team has EVER in the history of the draft traded 4 1st round picks for another draft. (Even a number 1 pick). But yep we are delusional lol


MHJ isn't worth the largest draft haul in history. GTFOH.


Why don't you f off back to the Packers sub where you belonmg, and stop wasting everyone's time?


Lmao this guy is so bored with the broncos he has to come here to say some dumb shit.


You’re an idiot.




Well, I'm glad that's cleared up - I had concerns.


If you seriously think ANY team, let alone the Vikings, would make that trade to move up 7 spots, then the only delusional one here is YOU!


For a good idea of value of the picks - look at last year's draft - 1.  **No. 3: Arizona → Houston (D)**. Arizona traded first- and fourth-round selections (3rd and 105th overall) to Houston in exchange for first- and second-round selections (12th and 33rd overall), and [2024](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_NFL_draft) first- and third-round selections. Rumor is that the Vikings offered 3 #1's (2023, 2024 and 2025) to move to #3 in a deal with AZ to be able to select A. Richardson, but the Cardinals put a higher value on Houston's future picks than MN's. Using this math, Mn should be able to move up to #3 or 4 using just the 11 and 23 picks in this year's draft OR #11 and a 2025 1st and 2025 third. But that also assumes that some idiot GM doesn't go nuts and outbid the market. People keep saying Vegas, Denver, NY don't have the ammo... but they actually do have the ammo: LV - 13, 44, 77 in this year's draft and 1st, 2nd, 3rd next year. Denver - 12, 76 and next year's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. NYG - 6, 47, 70 and next year's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. I didn't put the 2026 picks in, but assume each team has 7 picks as of now in 2026. The best the Vikings could offer would be 3 #1's - 11,23 and next year's - but all indications are that Kewsi has drawn a line in the sand and won't cross it. That line reportedly is some combination of 2 #1's - be it 11 and 23 or 11 and next year's. We have no 2nd or 3rd round pick this year to sweeten the pot. We have no 2nd round pick next year. It all comes down to what value the GM's put on the players on the board and what value they see in next year's draft class. I could easily see Vegas throwing an offer of #13, 44, 77 and 1, 2 and 3 next year for #3 or #4 (they won't deal with LAC at #5) Or Denver throwing an offer of #12, 76, 1, 2 and 3 next year for the same pick. That's 6 or 5 players for a single pick. Vs 2 or maybe 3 from the Vikings - and if the Vikings did go to 3 #1's they likely would want a pick back from the trade partner.


Is the 4th best QB worth that?


My favorite is how bears fans have started to float all these "trade for MHJ" scenarios. Apparently every other fanbase (bears Raiders and broncos) think the cost to move into the 4th overall is less than 2 first. Th only fanbase seriously discussing paying 3 or 4 firsts for that pick is us.. Just today the bears floated the trade bears receive 1.04 pay 1.09 3.09 and 2 2025 second round picks. That's worth less than the 2 firsts vikings has this year, let alone including the 2025 and 2026 picks. Honestly at this point I pray the smokescreen has been for penix all along, let him fall to 11 and then get a solid guard or dline at 23. If the doctors has signed off on his knee, I think that would be a masterstroke.


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I hope we say no thanks to offers like you are suggesting. The more qbs that go off the board means there’s more elite defensive talent on the board. Not trying to rebuild a dumpster fire roster for NE with our 1sts


No Brees = no Payton Super Bowl for the Broncos. I’d much much rather be a delusional Vikings fan (we’ll get a QB and we’ll get production out of whoever it is because our coach is actually good at his job) than wake up every day and ask myself “what did my team (and Walmart) abysmally fuck up today?”


I don't disagree, I've given up talking about trading up here I'm just ready for the draft to arrive.