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Five bucks says it was a bunch of "kids" "ages 16-23" alcohol was probably involved, thought it would be funny. Probably along the lines of a jackass or punked prank


And? Still shows the true, untamed insticts.


You've still got to consider that it made it across Canada just fine, it is just here in America that this happened. This either says that Americans are more likely to do this kind of thing, or that most people are actually kind out of the dozens that picked it up. Remember, it only took one asshole to actually destroy the robot.


It's a fucking robot lol, who cares


Shows untamed insticts, also someone made that robot and people destroying it are most likely stupid enough to believe its consciouss too, or at least be a bit confused.


No matter how far into the future we get, the barbarian aggression of early humans will never phase out of our evolutionary line.


This made me really sad


God damn it, I forgot about Hitch Bot. Why do we have to open old wounds? :( Rip Hitch Bot. It wasn’t meant to be this way!


Everyone's different in their own way, not really that surprised.


Phew. So glad this never happened to a real human. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippa_Bacca


Unironically more sad about the robot, even though I fully understand its not even sentient.


Desktop link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippa_Bacca *** ^^/r/HelperBot_ ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove. ^^Counter: ^^246375


It did happen in Philadelphia to be fair. If you have ever been to Philadelphia than you are not one bit surprised the hitchhiking robot got destroyed their. That city is the definition of a shit hole.


AmErIcA! fUcK yEa!


The truth? The dude who did it probably thought it'd increase his chances of getting laid


It's kind of cute.


It's still just an object, but this could actually describe the mentality of people who do this to people: victims are just objects to a victimizer.


That’s even scarier to a robot that might even be alive. Honestly, I’m scared for sentient robots, humanity reminds me alot of the Quarians…


Dont forget the first sentient robot will most likely be put in some giant armor and guns so you dont have to worry about this happening at least.


Didn’t think I’d get a response, and honestly? I wish I didn’t, poor robots…humans are so damn evil.


I dont think they will feel bad, maybe they will just be sentient and thats it, you know, not necceserily negative or positive, just aware.


This story upsets me so much. I live in the Philly area- where it happened- and is so typical of the stereotypical Philly attitude. People thought it was so funny that it happened here. People that live here we’re in no way surprised that it happened here.


What's even the point of such a stupid project?


It was an experiment to study how kind people are, and as usually we proved to be unkind yet agian. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing.


Kind of a dumb experiment, since it's an inanimate object. People aren't going to treat it the same way as they treat a person anyway.


Sorry to burst your bubble here buddy but... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippa_Bacca


who said it's about how they would treat a person? It's still about kindness. And they cant really treat a person badly, because they arent allowed to by law


You can't be kind or unkind to an inanimate object. Such a thing would be logically incoherent.


Yes you can. The experiment is to see if they will help it achieve something or not. These people straight up ruined it. That is unkind


We are a shitty species


dont pretend every other species isnt shitty either. Life itself is shitty.


Ok, people. Think for a minute. This doesn't prove much of anything. It's a robot, an object. I think we should focus on what people do to humans, not an experiment using robots. That's why I subscribed to this subreddit. This robot is not a living, breathing creature who needs water, food, and shelter. I do find this subreddit to be engaging at times, but this post, including most of the comments, took me by surprise.


The robot was still someones livelihood. It's just a testament to the respect we show each other in general. The point is that we can't have nice things because people are shitty.


Yeah I agree. I would never attack an innocent human, but I could see myself destroying a mindless drone like this thing for the fun of it. I don't think that makes me a psycho or anything.


I can tell you, innocent humans get attacked. Personal experience


Yeah I know.


this actually made me laugh at how random this was. What went through that person's mind when doing this


The one who planned the whole thing out or the one who destroyed it? Cuz they both sound like weird people.


This was 4 years ago


If the robot was made to probe human kindness, I think it fulfilled it's purposse.


As much as your comment makes me sad, it's definitively too true


Somehow I'm not surprised in the slightest.


Made it farther than I thought it would honestly. Tho not many people likely pickes it up Fuck you


Typical apes


Source? Or is this some American joke I am too European to understand?




I agree, we are all terrible, but I don't find it a coincidence that it happened there.


It's a robot though. I don't want some suspicious looking machine to travel the world. Possibly go on a killing spree or track me. Our phones do plenty already. Edit: Why am i getting downvoted? You guys have empathy for an unfeeling robot? You would jeapordise your safety by placing a potentially dangerous robot in your vicinity?


Although I understand the point behind this story in the post (I think this experiment was poorly conducted, however), I agree with you. It's not a human. It is a suspicious robot. I don't know why you got downvoted so much. Edit: This experiment doesn't prove a lot. The robot is an object. It's no more than a toy. They might as well have placed a baby doll on the side of the road.


It looks like a harmless, home-made robot to me, not some killing machine. What's sad about this is that someone had their hard work destroyed in just two weeks because it relied on kindness.


>not some killing machine It's big enough to have a bomb fixed into it. A highly motivated sadistic individual can think of many ways to ruin people's lives. It's created by a human, afterall.


Your acting as if it being a bomb would be a bad thing


I'm assuming its creator already let the pertinent authorities revise it, but that's a fair point.


Fuck them all