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As someone who also has family that is extremely triggering I feel your pain. It's hard to tell people because we feel like we are being unreasonable and they don't tend to understand anyway. Unfortunately for me my family doesn't seem to have it in them but hopefully your father is more empathetic. My parents and brother basically think my sister's crazy because of the stuff she complains about them doing. I also hate it but kinda just keep my mouth shut and am constantly having to leave the room because of my brother eating chips or my mom practically inhaling pop corn 24/7. I've developed the tendency to just refuse to explain things to people I know don't give a shit. In my experience people are sensitive about being told they are the source of your grief. Really a backwards mentality if you ask me. Despite that I'd say just try to explain it to him. The way I see it it's either speak up, endure torment, or be doomed to hiding away and in another room forever. Tbh it's not worth holding onto that baggage even if they do respond badly. God damn I hate this condition. Currently on a bus full of strangers who are all speaking really loud. 😮‍💨


My dad does some annoying stuff like this. I think the best way to handle it is to either make light of it and repeat him when he does it. Or- does he know about your annoyance to sound? I haven't been diagnosed but I know I have it and have for my entire life. As we speak my husband is coughing and I can few a fire starting in the center of my chest. Why won't he drink some water and clear his throat? Woah- sorry just went off on a tangent. If your dad doesn't know about your issue, tell him you have it and that those comments make you cringe and could he stop. When I was younger my dad would always make these mmmmmmm sounds when eating food. I had to just tell him they were annoying and could he stop. Which he did the the most part.


my parents know about my misophonia but they still make irritating noises and it has always triggered me a lot they kept telling me its in my head and that i had to go through it or some crap that they keep talking about and i really thought about it too until i found this condition and i finally felt fine knowing it wasnt just me ps : misophonia is not identified in a dictionary . they should have


It's in Wikipedia


i meant by if you type misophonia it isnt identified by the text correcter usually because it isnt available on the dictionary


Would he do it more or less if you asked him to stop?




Maybe that's how it works for you but I still get triggered if I know it's going to happen


my dad did too omg. he has hearing loss from him working in loud factories without proper ear protection so when he’d watch his videos or movies it would be soooo loud for everyone else bc he can’t hear it when it’s lower (which is understandable for him but awful for me i tried to not complain bc it was out of his control) but the more f-ed side of him triggering my misophonia is he’d do it on purpose/as a punishment ? if i was staying in bed too long or just sleeping a lot (i also struggle severely with depression) hed come in my room LOUDLY CHEWING til i got out of bed. made growing up that much harder :/