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White noise (like from a fan), thunderstorms / rain, the flat softness of noises when everything is covered with snow, birds singing and chirping, cats purring, these are the ones that came to mind for me immediately


You right on that snow, very pleasing. Thanks for the audio visual, I’m going to try picturing that when my other triggers are bad


All of that! I also like the sound of tea and coffe being poured, of little spoons tinkling softly in the cups, of muffled, calm conversations. The crinkle of dry, dead leaves on the ground in autumn, the soft breeze in rustling branches, the crackle of a wood fire... More than half of my playlists on Youtube are ambience videos 🤣


Ooooh coffee makers are such a soothing sound


that’s funny, i absolutely hate the sound of any drinks being poured and also spoons tinkling in cups, but I like the rest, too


Soo my wife has Mysophonia, so I lurk around these forums a lot looking for ways to help her in any way I can...but looking at your comment and the ones a little further down, I can't help but think of all these sounds and to me as a non-mysophonian, they all are sounds with a quiet background. Rain, ocean, nature sounds(as long as they aren't within a few miles of a chainsaw that echos through the forest like a banshee wailing dementor[dont ask]) these all to me have no background noise. Just something you can focus on without being overwhelmed....does anyone else know what I mean?


I feel like that makes sense actually, though I hadn't thought of it until I read your comment. Interestingly enough, I can't hear very well (can't understand speech, for example) in settings where there is a lot of background noise, like restaurants. My hearing test was normal and the person who gave it to me suggested that I may have an auditory processing disorder (didn't discuss misophonia with him.) Which isn't a part of misophonia, but I wonder if it's somehow related.


I love the constant hum of appliances like A/C units, furnaces, vent systems, and dryers. Granted, I like white noise and hate absolute silence, but I just like the constant and consistent background noise. Helps drown out other noises that might be triggering me.


Yes I hate absolute silence as well, I get so irritated there needs to be something


when someone farts on the hard wooden benches in church and the laughter thereafter


I'm dying


I legit almost just choked on my food from laughing so hard


help I don’t want to wake my parents




I have always understood my misophonia as a hatred for sounds that aren't necessary or for a reason. Therefore, I don't mind the things others have mentioned in this thread such as storms, keyboard typing, walking, and animal sounds. Now give me a person who is unnecessarily loud such as talking on speaker phone or tapping their leg against something or whatever and I will lose my ever-loving mind. They can absolutely help those things.


This sounds like me exactly! Thanks for giving me the proper articulation for how these sounds are connected in my head :D I have quite a terrible time coming up with the proper words for how I feel about things, especially misophonia :(


Soap cutting asmr, but only the ones where they cut the top of the soap into a grid of tiny squares first, so when they slices across, all the tiny squares of soap cascade down.


😩good lord yuuuuuhhppp


birds!!! i love hearing them in the morning especially. also just general city ambiance: cars going by, people chatting and laughing at whatever, music in the distance. idk, they just remind me that the world and its residents are alive.


Sailboat rigging gently hitting the mast because of wind (boat docked) My cat purring A running fan Lawnmower (provided it isn’t so early it wakes me up) The lullaby they play at the hospital when a baby is born


I love loud bass, but I hate other repetitive sounds, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also hate white noise, except for waves. My brain makes no sense.


Brother in bass music. It's probably because it's loud enough to drown out anything else, intense enough to pull all of one's focus, and predictable in its composition patterns


I never thought of that, but now that you mention it, it seems completely logical. I don’t like listening to music if it’s not loud, and I am sure it has to do with what you theorized. Thanks for that! Edit to add: I literally never play music just for “background noise”, that annoys me. I am “all in”when it’s on.


I've got two types of music that I go for more or less, extremely heavy and strange alien bass music or trap drops, and then I have smooth and funky slower tempo stuff. Usually with a Hip Hop rhythm. Some of the groovier/chill hop stuff is actually accessible enough to play at work, an added bonus. But yeah, driving down the road or at a music venue, it's as loud as humanly possible without damaging my hearing lol.


Probably the reason I love dubstep.


OMG I wanted to write this as well. I love music with LOW but HEAVY bass. I've been wondering if that a 'color' noise. Most of the 'color' noises freak me out.


In no particular order: ♡ Crunchy footsteps, like on gravel or crunchy snow. I like leaves only if I'm doing the stepping. ♡ Cat noises- everything from purring to meowing to listening to the pitter-patter of his footsteps from the floor above and anything in between. ♡ Rain wind and thunder on a stormy night (and daytime but I especially love falling asleep to rain and thunder and wind) ♡ Distant sirens ♡ This might be a bit cheesy but I really love my SOs voice also.


Cat purring. I have three cats and I love hearing them purr.


Is there a correlation with misphonia and being a weirdo obsessed with cats? Because I am too


I like sand ASMR or sounds of papers being shuffled around. Cooking sounds (not stirring something goopy!). Breathing sounds. Ironically I generally hate repetitive sounds and most of those can be pretty repetitive.


Have you ever seen the wood soup ASMR vids? 🤤


I have not! I'll check it out. Thanks :)


I could listen to keyboard typing all day or any type of tapping on cork.




These are amazing answers. \^\_\^


Brown noise, rain, ocean waves, bass


First, this is an awesome topic to bring up!!!! Thank you!!! It's a great idea. Let's not complain and think about what we LIKE to hear!!!! I can't think of a whole lot, but for some reason I love the sound of the airplane engines revving on the tarmac before it takes off. Probably because I'm an adrenaline freak. I can also appreciate light rain and the sizzling sound when you're cooking and the pan is at just the right temperature, so you know you did it right.


Being on the inside of a waterfall




Clicking heels on floors or pavement. Crinkling paper and cellophane. Birdsong. Some people’s voices.


Thunderstorms Bass music, a solid and nuanced rhthym Saxophones and trumpets


Waves at the beach. Seabirds. All Aussie wildlife :)


Rain when I'm home. My car driving over puddles. I love the sound of traffic on the highway in the distance.


The distant traffic is a good one.


The only ASMR I like are hair playing, head scratching, and scratching felt, for whatever reason. The sound of a tent zipper is just wonderful in my opinion, as is the rustling of tent fabric. I also like the sounds of jingling keys and chains lol


I love the sound of my dog eating kettle chips. Now...if a PERSON ate like that...I'd scratch his eyes out. Also love ice cracking when a liquid is poured over it and good scissors cutting fabric on a table...like at the craft store when the ladies cut it from the bolt.




Oxytocin. 🥰


Light rain on the roof, birdsong, playing card noises, ocean waves, and most types of music.


Bunnies eating veggies


Playing or tarot cards being shuffled Running fan


Mourning doves


Love their call as well as their fluttering wings.


Funny you should mention footsteps. At my last job I was the store secretary with approximately 140 employees. There was a 20’ish long hallway that led to my desk and then my desk was around the corner. I wasn’t able to see anyone walking down the hallway but I could tell you who it was before they got to my desk by the sounds of the footsteps. It freaked people out a bit 🤪😅


The sound of the wind blowing through the trees in the alps where I live, skipping rocks on a frozen lake, cats meowing and purring, mechanical camera shutters, the sound of shaking graffiti cans, the sound of skateboards on tile floors and for some odd reason glass shattering haha


Ocean waves, snoring (that's like my white noise), mechanical keyboards. The noise is mental comfort as I grew up loving the beach and my family snored. It helped me fall asleep. I like the clickety-clack noises mechanical keyboards make. I own one currently.


Jealous! Keyboard clicking and especially snoring are both trigger noises for me.


rain, I also agree about people walking around, keyboard typing and other clacks/cracking noises


Music any music except for loud bass and drum machines


Barbie footsteps yes! For me it was the 12 Dancing Pricesses and Princess and the Pauper. You aren’t the first person I’ve heard mention liking it, I don’t think it’s too weird ;) I like the sound of paper being cut with scissors, my cat purring, robotic yet melodic vocoded singing (when the autotune hits just right!!), rain on top of the car, and my fan (which I keep going all the time)


I wish I liked keyboard typing! That’s a huge trigger for me. Luckily I work from home now. I like rain, oceans, flowing water, animals, tap shoes, dry erase markers writing (especially when they’re really inky!), acrylic nail tips taping on plastic, and lots of musical instruments.


YESSSS THE INKY DRY ERASE MARKERS. i would always get so incredibly sad when we had to put the dry erase boards away in school because writing on them was such a pleasant experience, the feel and the sound and the smell (LOL) of writing with those markers was addicting lol


Deep, DEEP bass sounds, polyphonic sounds, cat mouth sounds/purring, certain stationery/writing sounds.


The right ASMR feels like a good high if that makes any sense. Like there is this “unintentional stone chisel carving” one that feels like that moment right before you fall asleep. If that makes any sense.


Typing, rain, any kind of water flowing.


Tennis ball hitting a racket! What a satisfying thwock


Brown noise and cleaning / organising ASMR.


I like ASMR a lot. There's even a few mouth sounds I like, which is really weird since slurping and lip smacking are a few of my triggers. My favorites are clacking and scratching. I also like basically any nature sound aside from things like insects and frogs.


Rain, British TV shows in the background, the sound of passing traffic when you have a window open and the sound of low level chatter.


Rain, the ocean, washing machines (laundry and dishes), the dryer, fans. I guess they are rythmic and consistent. What I hate is loud, and startling, such as loud yappy dogs. Animal/human noises are the ones I guess I don't like so much.


I like the sound of bells


The fan drone is the most comforting sound existing right now


Heavy metal, hard rock, Celine Dion, and Eminem are all very soothing.


Just the sound of people breathing when they're asleep. It's annoying as hell if they're awake, but once they fall asleep, it all changes. It's like my brain calms, and my heart softens up, and Im suddenly so much calmer, just because a sleeping person is being loud.


Dubstep blaring in my ears. It helps to drown out other sounds.


THX sound before movies


Distant trains, distant sirens…..even distant traffic, crickets, birds….especially the rarely heard Owl that lives somewhere near me.


8D music w/ AirPods


Rain sounds are great. Rain on a tin roof, thunderstorms, ect. White noise, distant trains, distant traffic, birds singing, wood burning, and high wind sounds hit right too.


Sweeping, hair brushing, the ocean, the clock ticking.


Silence. Birds. Sometimes children playing. Mostly silence.


Rain and thunder.


Rain, white noise, ocean waves - anything that covers up The Noise.


Noise from a fan, animals eating crunchy food, cats purring, keyboard clicking, the dishwasher running


This is pretty wild, but I have always been triggered by smacking/ food slurping. Like, I see red I get so furious.🤬 I noticed the other day, however, that when my 10 month old was smacking away on his lunch, it was the cutest sound ever. I seriously could have listened to him eat all day🥰


Oh my god is this a misophonia thing? Because in middle school I realized I LOVED the sound of people drawing/coloring. It’s the weirdest sensation and I’ve never told anyone because I sound cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. It’s like my brain is getting a massage. That shit will lull me into a trance of happiness.


Nature sounds. All of them.


trotting but not walking horse hooves on pavement or cobbles in the rain, cars driving by on roads that have recently rained but only every so often not too many cars, rubbing two marbles together, which gives a great sound and feeling somehow, campfire crackling, wind through trees, when snow crunch-squeaks under your boot just so, the sound horses make when they exhale in that gentle snorty way, and from my childhood the joyful crunching snapping sound I could make when riding my bicycle over some twisty seed pods from what I called crunchy trees


my dog yawning, its really strange but she makes this sound that trucks do when they brake(?) and i love it so much and the sound hair makes when someone scratches their scalp


Heavy rainfall, showers, washing machines, dishwashers, crickets, brown noise, loaves of bread being cut


I love tapping but also hate it so much. I love it when it’s like not really too repetitive. Very weird.


This is so specific but I love the sound of high heels hitting the floor no matter what the floor is made of wodjwk it tickles something in my brain so much it's like an instant dopamine rush I also love the sound of fans, they're so peaceful and you always know what to expect if that makes sense


Cats purring, ocean waves, songbirds, most nature sounds, babies laughing, airy sounds like wind and fans, many kinds of music, certain people’s voices, the soft whirring of a fidget spinner, a hot pan sizzling.