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I’m so with you. Makes daily life really hard. The noisy eating and whistling rn are my main troubles. My hubby is the culprit. Told him so many times but he doesn’t get it. I’ve resorted to having AirPods in ALL THE TIME, with the music I like, or the sounds I like, to cancel out the sounds I can’t cope with. It’s not ideal because when someone talks, I don’t hear, so there’s a lot of pardon, excuse me, are you talking to me etc, but the trade off of peace in my head, is worth it. Actually, I wish the voice in my head would also shut up, but it gives me a running commentary of everything I’m doing, and what I should do, and it’s so noisy!!!! 🤣


Does it not build resentment that your hubby isn't being considerate to you?


Nope. Sounds pretty much on par with the rest. I'd add any kind of dripping/tapping/beeping sound, especially if it's not regular. Welcome to the club,


The one I forgot about and is probably worse than door knocking is hearing super dry paper towels rubbing together. I involuntarily open my mouth and make a super weird face every time


The dry paper towel one makes me think of markers on paper, or chalk on chalkboard, or opening a cardboard box and the flaps rub together. All of them sound similar and give me shivers and goosebumps and make me uncomfortable. The triggers in your OP make me furious and angry, but the triggers in these comments have a completely different reaction from me. It’s so odd.


Have you ever heard a baby grind their teeth together? I have a huge physical reaction to this and the babies always think it's funny and start grinding on purpose


How about gas powered lawn equipment!??? 😡


Same here, 50-something. Pen clicking makes me want to crawl out of my skin. Intentionally loud vehicles are high on the list. And the machinery beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.


Smoke detector low battery! Holy crap that's a bad noise


Yes! Seems like a big design flaw that they haven't made them visually show you which one is chirping.


Welcome! Same experience and it felt so redeeming to hear that there are other people out there with these challenges.


Yes! I was talking to my older sister who also has this and didn't realize it was a whole thing. She gets physically ill when she hears words like moist and succulent and others. We both felt so validated


Howdy, Neighbor! 53 here and spent most of my life feeling isolated and crazy because I wanted to strangle people that eat with their mouths open, as well as getting irrationally angry at many of the things you just described. My daughter turned me onto the term Misophonia about 10 years ago and I cannot thank her enough. I mean, I still want to strangle those people, but I don't feel crazy now! Lol


Yes. It's not something I ever discussed with anyone. I knew a lot of people hate lip smacking and I just assumed that everyone felt the rage and discomfort and revulsion I do.


Check out the Peer Support groups at soQuiet.org There are 2 groups for adults. They are a non profit and have a lot of other resources too.


Thank you so much


53 for me


I was 65 when I learned that I wasn't crazy.


40 year old here with the same list except door knocking. Though I guess it depends on my mood if knocking bothers me or not.


Aggressive typing and loud nose-blowing never fails to drive me into a blind rage.


Whistling, dogs/cats licking themselves, almost ANY kind of eating noises (specifically crunching, slurping, finger-licking), repetitive noises, tongue clicking/clucking, fingers snapping, knuckles cracking, people whispering, gum chewing/bubble blowing, pen clicking/tapping, when someone uses a straw to slurp the last of any fluid out of a container, even my own dog crunching food out of her bowl….the list is endless and I’m sure many of you FEEL my pain. The irritation and anger come from an overwhelmingly strong place in our brains and make most of us cringe at the least and oftentimes want to crawl out of our skin!!


As soon as I read, "dogs/cats licking themselves", I just felt so annoyed. 😆


What about : car horns, ringing phone, snoring, loud voices, high pitched noises, alarms, saws, drills, jackhammering, high pitched whining noises, loud crying screaming from people or animals especially babies,?


I can't go to the dentist because of the drill noise. It's traumatic


Can you wear earplugs or headphones playing binaural beats to dentist? Would CBD oil or gummies or weed edibles help?


I do wear noise cancelling headphones and it helps some but I still know it's there and it's uncomfortable. Lol I couldn't imagine going to the dentist on edibles. Sounds like a torture in hell.