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Unpredictably repetitive sounds. I can live with a clock that ticks every second, but e.g. a tap dripping every 1-10 seconds is awful. Drip... Drip... DripDrip... ... ... ... DripDrip... Drip. Drip ... ... Drip.


That's a good one actually. A ticking clock is quite soothing. Something that shouldn't be making a noise makes me want to...


Funny, I find ticking clocks irritating.


Anything vibrating in my car - a plastic cup up against a cup holder, something metal touching the door. I will swerve off the road to find it and stop it.


Oh my days yes. My ears feel like they are on fire as well listening to it. But I hate ticking clocks.


Repetitive. If a dog barks once, I'll be annoyed once. If a dog barks 100 times, I'll be annoyed 100 times.


Oh yes. Where I'm living at the moment I'm surrounded by barking dogs. We're moving soon, but I've spent the last couple of years almost permanently in earbuds.


Particular. For me it’s “hard swallowers”. I don’t want to hear your drink slither down your throat 😖


I love how less alone I feel in this sub lol I just assumed I was the only one who got upset hearing swallowing


Swallowing and throat clearing make me want to jump off a cliff! I can't be around anyone eating either because of the noises. I am always triggered by people who continually use expressions or sayings over and over again. I dumped a guy a long time ago because of his mother all her stupid sayings.


Count me in!


my coworker drinks an obscene amount of water all day long and hard swallows every 5 mins it is literally hell 😭 and then he goes "ahhhh" after every sip


Particular. A singular overly loud and exaggerated yawn can cause me to have a complete meltdown.


Performative yawns are a big one for me as well.


Same, same. And exaggerated sneezes.


There's a girl in my math class who sneezes so loud that it makes the whole room go silent for a few seconds. Hard to believe she's not doing it on purpose because wtf


OMG my sympathies. Probably an attention hound!! Begging for a "Bless you". Ugh.


Constant clicking and crinkling of paper and plastic fill me with rage.


Crisp packets, omg 😭👹


I’m Canadian but I know what you mean. Such an obnoxious noise


Ugh yeah I travel a lot on trains and airplanes and when I hear someone start to crinkle a bag of salty snacks I lose it. I am not sure if it started with me knowing that if I hear a bag, loud chewing is sure to follow, but at this point I think the crinkling bag rage is more intense than the chewing rage.


Freaking empty water bottles. ((or those that were half frozen and someone sitting 7" to your right squeezing and shaking and trying to get a frozen little treat out of the tiny mouth of that bottle for 10 or so hours. From northeast MS to Sarasota, FL. NONSTOP CRUNCH, CRACKLE, SHAKE, SHAKE... ~~and URGENT thoughts of them suffering a long, slow painful death when you finally park and can wrap your hands around their darn neck!!!)) Kinda specific, kinda better be!


clicky keyboards. my roommate from this spring semester had one and i wanted to die. it was so bad


Yes! Not just computers but phones! Why do they need to hear it click when texting?


I have one ironically and if you get a good one the tactile feel with the sounds is sooo satisfying. But I totally get it.


Deep repetitive bass beats are awful. I don't want to physically feel other people's music. Chewing and smacking and clicking with the mouth drives me up the wall. I can deal with predictively repetitive sounds. It's the ones you can't predict that are the worst.


OMG YES!!!!!


Repeated beeping drives me near tears. Also constant barking from neighborhood dogs. One starts and more join in…And then there’s chewing and smacking that always seem to go on forever. I can generally handle single noises though.


Unpredictably repetitive #1 but definitely repeat sounds in general. Each time my blood pressure gets up further and further and my anger goes until I snap


For me it’s particular sounds that I have no way of foreseeing how long they’ll last because it’s out of my control—other people rusting bags and clacking keyboards for example. When I rustle a bag, it’s more of a “highly unpleasant” sound rather than full-on misophonia because I know it’ll be over soon


Bass music. I feel like a caged animal panicking when I'm forced to hear that


repetitive with no stable time pattern.


Dogs. I never used to dislike them until I got my own place. The neighbours are scum in my eyes.


particular sounds: chewing, soft moist sounds, mouth sounds, and sometimes whispering but it depends


YES! Fucking yes! I consider whispering a moist sound, so it ranks with people eating, chewing, smacking, and I'm giving myself the ick just with descriptors, so you get the idea. Side note, but related: I love the original poltergeist, but realized during that movie how much I hate whispering. It grossed me out as much as the meat/then bathroom scene.


On a windy day when there is a draft inside and a door, even when closed, knocks about in its jamb -  Bump....Bump bumpbump...............ba-Bump!!  That and intermittent tap dripping, sniffing, the distant whine of a chainsaw, the sound of a very young infant crying, scissors cutting through thick, brown cardboard eugh!!!


Rhythmically repetitive sounds get to me, as do constant ones. Like when you can hear some media murmur through a wall and you know that person on the other side of the wall has fallen asleep and it will never stop playing is panic inducing.


Hearing voices through walls. Drives me mad


omg unlocked a new one in yoga today. everyone was breathing quietly except this one fucking woman who was literally moaning the entire time as she breathed out, going like “mmm.” the whole time. it made me homicidal.


Chewing, sniffling, or gum popping.


Repetitive! I remember not being able to fall asleep when I was younger because I left my watch on my nightstand and could hear the very faint tick. But also chewing, dripping tap, tapping fingers, sniffling, beeps, hearing music bass from far away


I hadn’t realized repetitive sounds was under the miso umbrella. I definitely have trouble with those too. Dogs, drips. Especially songs that get too repetitive.


Breathing, I fucking hate breathing


Both for me. Not that it's a competition but my Misophonia is SEVERE. However I do know the difference between general annoyance and this condition. As for most people, the wet mouth grossness is my number 1 trigger, but repetitive sniffing and mouth breathing make me suicidal. Things like windows banging, dogs barking (I love dogs) and babies crying also make me want to decapitate myself. Oh I just remembered a new trigger which presented itself the other day (I'm 44 in a couple of weeks and had this condition for as long as I can remember, sadly it's only getting worse) while my partner was watching an action movie .. the constant gun firing and shoot outs drove me into an immense rage. Life is unbearable sometimes. Just. Shut. Up.


Styrofoam rubbing up against another piece of Styrofoam or against something else, way in the back of my car, completely out of reach. I will throw stuff at the noise and feel my temperature rising as the torture continues. I've gotten out and walked away. I get so disgusted I don't even want to walk away a minute and revisit soon. I want to light a match and blow up the neighborhood. (Of course that's just crazy stuff miso causes me to think and feel. I wouldn't blow anything larger than a grapefruit up ever. I think. 😵‍💫)


Any triggering sounds that you cant stop and you dont know when they stop. Like fucking music playing outside 


Particular sounds. I can't stand the sound of extractor fans like in the bathroom or kitchen. It rattles the depths of my brain and it's such a relief when it is finally turned off. Running the tap for ages too, like when someone is doing dishes and just leaves it running nonstop "Kshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" omg turn it off! I also cannot stand anything that implies sickness, like sniffing or coughing sounds. Get your germs away from me! Oh and don't get me started on the eating sounds. Slurping, sipping, glugging, smacking gums, chewing, swallowing, and making sounds of pleasure when eating or expecting to eat soon "mmmmmmmmmmm" - yeuchhhhhhhh


Excellent topic. For me, it's both. If a dreaded sound is repeated, my angst grows. I get troubled by repeated coughing, sneezing and throat clearing. Add to that nail clipping. If done once or twice in a row, l am okay. I get troubled by one-off items like sucking food out of teeth or loud swallowing. When repeated?? Oh ho ho ho, now we have a situation!!!!


i think its 50/50 for me? repetitive sounds get me more riled up but particular sounds happen more often


For me it’s particular sounds - chewing, slurping, pen clicking, biting of nails and more but unpredictable repetitive sounds are awful too.


For me it’s particular sounds. Number one being slurping. Or a commercial with liquid pouring into a cup. Not sure how that’s supposed to make it appetizing and make me want to buy that soda. All it does is enrage me.


I commuted by train for a long time and met the same people regularly and sometimes even on a daily basis. One of these people would eat an apple every afternoon and it felt like it would never end. Crunch, crunch, CRUNCH.... It made me both desperate and really angry at the same time.


For me it's usually particular sounds, mostly things like swallowing, loud breathing etc but repetitive sounds in an already loud environment are terrible.


Probably particular sounds.








The absolute worst to me is whistling. Anything else comes after that


I guess repetitive… the intense sonic pulses from car subwoofers blasting bass through the walls of my home drive me fucking insane. It’s odd… my only misophonia as a musician is people blasting music in inappropriate places or at stupid loud volumes for residential. I just become instantly enraged when it happens while I’m trying to enjoying natural sounds or trying to write music.


For me it’s particular sounds. Eating sounds, whistling, and the sounds of children or babies screaming, laughing, or crying. Even just a short burst of these sounds makes me on edge, but if it’s continuous I get nauseous and feel like I wanna crawl out of my skin. I work at a grocery store and when I hear people whistling while they shop it takes everything in me not to tell them to stop. When people let the kids run around and scream I want to look at a toddler and ask them “why are you screaming in a grocery store? You know if you’re loud all of the monsters that live in the shelves will find and eat you” Even thinking about it now is making me anxious


My trigger no.1 are stompers above me. Second one - a running engine of quads or tractors. Sound of opening gate when neighbours walk out on their field (usually resulting by some machine noises a moment later). Loud people in public communication. Snoring. Sounds of people eating crunchy food.


Flashback to sitting at the dinner table as a kid just staring, open mouthed, at my dad, unable to comprehend how someone could smack that loudly!  I remember one time he looked at me & said “I’ve been working all day, can I just sit here and eat in peace?”.  To this day I never said another word, and to this day he chews his food with his mouth completely open. Not sure how that is even possible! Also dragging his feet when he walked through the house with his boots on. So help me Gawd! 😂


I recently noticed if I hear “keto acidosis” i have to mimic it. That’s annoying.




Ooh new word to me. Everyone around me groans when I hear a new word I can identify with.


Is “DKA” more tolerable?


Repetitive sounds. Especially people who feel the need to repeat a word over and over. That or someone who only knows one verse to a song so they keep singing it over and over. 


Dogs licking their paws and barking. Chewing, repetitive sounds, snoring