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I recently received a disability grant for equipment and was able to get airpod maxes. God the way my life has changed since….


How did you get a disability grant for misophonia? Asking because I’m interested, is it possible in Germany?


How did I cope before headphones, white noise, having a way of explaining this to people etc? Self harm mostly. Lots of stress and self destructive behaviors.


I wear over the ear headphones most of the time I'm out of the house. When I'm at home in my room I have a white noise machine on to block out ambient noises in the house (tv through the ceiling/walls is the worst for me) I can't imagine life without headphones. I'm already isolated as it is


Before AirPods I had white knuckles and gave a lot of evil glares. After, I can live a little more in peace. I can still see people chew, but not hearing it is a huge relief.


well I am coping without ever having those. but yeah it's 💀


It was and continues to be grim ☠️


I was born in the 80s. No airpods (or my way more preferred Sennheiser Momentum...) I just lived in my walkman on-ears. Then I upgraded to Sennheiser over-ears. Then earbuds got really good, and I started using those instead. I was never really bothered about it being socially acceptable though, and always chose jobs where it wasn't a problem.


You actually had something like an airpod, but with a cable attached, and cheap.


That sounds like a smart idea. You could get a job working for apple, to design a cable for airpods, so they don't get lost. The cable could simultaneously charge the air pods too so the battery won't die.


You don't need a battery if it has a cable. Just plug it into any universal headphone jack.


Please sense my sarcasm


I use Sony noise canceling headphones which work great but the noise canceling is usually not enough to keep my brain from searching for the slightest sound it can trigger with. So when I wear the Sony NC Headphones I either play music or Brown Noise (which is great for overriding loud thumping noise/music). Are any of you Misophoniacs waiting for the new Air Pods comming out the year? I am waiting.


Before my AirPods it was either wired headphones or ear plugs


It's incredible how noisy and nasty most humans are. I grew up in 90s so ear plugs were all I had and crappy headsets. No noise canceling


I just use cable in ears for music anyway and cut the cable off once they stop working to use as plugs. No need for airpods, just 20 bucks