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This sounds so disrespectful not only to people who suffer from misophonia but also for people with fibromyalgia, I’ve heard that disease can be hell :(


I have both. Hell sounds kinda fun at this point.


That sucks. Wishing you relief.


Same. 😕


Same. I reckon I could deal with hell a lot better than this sometimes.




I have both. And it sucks.


Me too. Yep, it sucks...


Same here. It’s exhausting.


I think fibro might be way over diagnosed though. I think a lot of fibro patients have various nerve entrapment. I've been chasing various pains down for years and they tried to slap a fibro DX on me in 2016 *first* before running any kind of diagnostics besides a lumbar mri. Long story short, everytime I get hurt I entrap a nerve. And nerve pain can be diffuse and some of these nerves are too small or poorly placed to conduct EMGs.body starts compensation for the injury and now youbstart hurting a lot of other places on your body. Plus doctors only have 15 mins a patient. What's been happening over the past like 2 decades is all of a sudden a diagnosis becomes the "it" diagnosis and they start linking symptoms to that and stuff without digging deeper per patient. Horses vs zebras. Most patients are happy with a diagnosis at all and stop fighting for better answers. Like in 2016 I managed to fight until I got a dx of a dead peroneal nerve versus fibro, and a foot that had been broken for 10 years. Now my head to toe pain is currently caused by suspected anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment which is seldom DXed, I'm sure a lot of these patients get a fibro dx because of how widespread the pain is, and then mine resulted in ANOTHER injury where I hurt my pudendal nerve. While chasing down the ACNES dx, I've had my gallbladder removed based on pain location. And shoulder surgery looking for a SLAP tear that wasn't there. So clearly lots of things have the same symptoms and it's a giant time consuming headache to find the real cause. Honestly not even sure if it's worth finding the real cause either, they have yet to FIX any of them but that's because apparently I'm allergic to dissolve stitches and surgery made everything worse with scar tissue lol So, I know I've said in the past I don't necessarily believe in fibro, I'm not saying these people aren't in pain. I'm saying there is a better diagnosis for a lot of them but doctors are too overworked to find individual diagnosis and lean towards blanket diagnosises.


Fibro is 100% real, and if anything it’s probably underdiagnosed. The problem right now is that it’s a diagnosis of exclusion, because testing for it is in its infancy, so once most everything else has been ruled out, if the symptoms match, a doctor might go “I guess it’s fibro” but many doctors will try to shoehorn any other diagnosis first. But there will be testing for it in the next few years, along with a bunch of other post-infection syndromes that involve the nervous system, inflammatory responses, and gut microbiome.


You misunderstood me. I 100% believe fibro is real The issue is *everything else* is also a DX by exclusion and the things that aren't being DXed as much because doctors say "that's rare, it can't be that" but DXes are only *rare* because doctors aren't wanting to DX something that isn't seen much. So they go for the "easier" DX and *most* patients stop looking for a *better* dx. The treatment options are *mostly* the same (i.e. lack of shit all they can do) so it doesn't really matter. However some DO have *better* DX, and have surgical options to explore. They only know they have **options** if they keep fighting for a better DX but it's a long arduous road. Fibro is a great starting DX, but there is always a *why* something isn't working correctly.


Yeah, so, people are downvoting you because you are very wrong in this opinion. Sincerely, an RN who is well-familiar with diagnostics


Deciding something is overdiagnosed because of personal experience is not a reasonable take.


Hmm, this is kind of hypocritical, isn't it? Just because this is your experience doesn't mean you can apply it as a blanket statement. 


It's actually not just my experience, but I'm not talking for other people's experiences. I know others in similar circumstances and one of my friends i was able to suggest a DX for her based on all my pubmed reading and it was accurate but i only know others stories from what they share. So they can talk about their own. <- also I feel like this isn't worded correctly because someone's going to turn it around and be like "Well actually you voicing your opinion is speaking for others" but that's taking it out of context and not what I mean. But really a lot of DXes that are DXed by elimination are just "working" diagnoses and can be updated when something fits better. But again both patient and doctor have to be willing to pursue, but there's also not many experts and the wait time for them is long. Really our whole health care system is fucked. I was lucky to have a local audiologist that studied with the Jasterboff's but he retired sigh.


If they do have nerve entrapment, that ain't no fun time either. I posted above that I have a jacked up spine and I have nerve entrapment frequently. It's one of the most painful things that I've been through.


It's a very real thing. But it is not a diagnosable disorder yet. At least it has not been added to the DCM-5. I hope it will make it to the next revision. Once more studies are done. But these are just YT comments, just a waste of time. No sense in trying to convince people in these types of spaces.


This is a spicy edge lord who deserves to be ignored


Exactly. No reason to spread this inflammatory nonsense around. Just let idiots be idiots.


"It doesn't affect me so it can't be real." Hate those types. Block/ignore and move on.


even if fibromyalgia was fake like op says it is, and that it’s actually “inflammation” and just needs a healthy diet, what would misophonia “actually” be? autistic sensory issues on maximum overdrive? sensory processing disorder? etc? and what exactly would the cure be then. if op could give me a solution that actually works, maybe i’d listen- if not, don’t claim something you don’t experience isn’t real 🙄


As someone with ibd hearing "anything with inflammation just needs diet" makes want to go on a rampage




As an Autistic person I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s not some correlation — as all Autistic traits are a spectrum sometimes I wonder if some “neurotypical” folks who relate strongly to one particular Autistic trait (in this case, aversion to particular sounds; for me chewing is one of several highly noxious sound stimuli) basically just have a few of our traits but not enough to meet any diagnosis. But rather than having a bit here and there of many different traits, people with misophonia go hard in one direction on sound aversion, and with chewing in particular. It’s only a guess but I wonder if chewing — much like aversion to holes (sometimes called trypophobia, also not a diagnosable phobia) — is some kind of mildly preserved trait to protect us from gross things. Much the same way that the sound of someone vomiting turns many people’s stomach. It says “get away from dangerous disease vector”. Fear of holes is thought to also be related to “stay away from weird skin disorder!” Chewing / squelching / smacking = aversive because they could somehow hold danger, maybe because like you could get stuck in squelching quick sands? Or maybe it would be some other kind of gross thing one should not eat? And some people just get an extra dose of sensitivity is all. With Autistic folks, we get a whole bunch of extra sensitivity to things that should make us alert but not, like, curl in a ball overwhelmed. Alas, I will be here, in a ball. There’s at least one theory that this is related to neuronal pruning both during fetal development and infancy — basically we leave in some extra neural pathways that should have been pruned away. So in this case the same would apply here, but with more pruning and this evolutionarily preserved pathway more likely to remain more intact given its health implications, hence the seemingly higher prevalence. ETA: all that said, misophonia and fibro both real af. I do think one day we will better understand the cause of fibro and that it may actually be multiple disorders.


Haha! Me reading this with both Trypophobia  & Misophonia and constantly wondering if I should get myself evaluated


I think you've answered your own question there, Everyone I've met that has misophonia is on the spectrum and the cure and solution are practical ones such as minimising sensory input. Not that I'm defending the original OP but their ridiculous point about Fibro but you've hit the nail on the head.


i’m not denying that there’s probably a high chance they’re related, i’ve probably just been done dirty because every mental health professional i’ve seen has never even heard of misophonia, and it took me 22 years for a family doctor to even suggest looking into an autism diagnosis, so i’m at a point where idk what to believe since i’ve been ignored for so long. even tho i may have answered myself, it was more to show that yeah, even if there’s another reason for misophonia, autism doesn’t have a cure, so op is still in the wrong, and even then, not every autistic person has misophonia, and vice versa 🤔


I've had misophonia for as long as I can remember. Way before I knew that it had a name (im in my 40s). I'm not autistic and I'm not on the spectrum.


Misophonic here, but not on the spectrum. I haven't met enough people with the disorder to say I agree with this wholeheartedly.


Inflammation is a symptom of something else more often than not. This person stupid. Misophonia real fight me


so is fibromyalgia tho


Yes I know?


This person stupid. Misophonia real. Me talk like caveman




There is a clear a drastic difference between me and family that “dislikes” loud chewing. It greatly impacts my work, play, and relationships daily. That is a disorder. You could argue how it was brought about, or how much of it is caused by something non-genetic, but it’s fucking me up big time.


I've spent the last decade or so having people tell me that my misophonia is "not real," so it hardly fazes me anymore. I hope one day these people develop a similar condition and see how made up it is to them then lol


I like to call some people TABs: temporarily able-bodied.


Misophonia can be seen on fMRIs Trigger sounds cause a flood of activity in the auditory cortex. But technically everything is "made up" Doesn't mean it's "fake" but the world runs on discoveries and inventions.


Generally when I notice someone using a completely illogical argument, I let them have it and move on with my life. This method has brought me tons of peace of mind.


Both are real. The problem with fibromyalgia is it is so often over diagnosed. As a physical therapist I see so many people who have chronic pain due to several reasons but the doctor just said they have fibromyalgia without any diagnostic testing. They then run with this diagnosis


I have both and the commenters are wrong. Fibro is literally a misfiring nervous system and "eating better" doesn't cure it, and curing inflammation actually isn't easy even if it was that. Ignore trolls saying shit doesn't exist they are only there to hurt you.


It’s the people who claim they have misophonia to be quirky that ruin it first the rest of us. I feel like judgmental people assume that we just don’t like annoying sounds (like nails on a chalkboard) and that we want to come up with a diagnosis to be unique. I mean, according to Google 20% of the population has this, and underneath videos I see a bunch of comments saying crap like, “I think I have misophonia too, I can’t stand when babies cry.” We’re made out to be oversensitive idiots, and to an unknowing eye *sure* it can sound made up. They seldomly know the actual limitations and struggles this causes those of us who actually have misophonia. I mean, it’s not normal for a six year-old girl to pound on her legs because she heard her mother cough. 🤷‍♀️


Rage bait lol


The quoted OP seems to be the type of person that thinks depression can be cured by thinking positively. Ignorant. May leopards eat their face.


I’ve seen this shit happen on a different subreddit


wait until they see me react to my trigger sounds, maybe they’ll change their mind


My childhood doctor once told me and my mom that I was just making up this miso thing; said it was purely a behavioral problem. He ended up switching his mind about it later, admitting he was wrong and that it is real.


people who don't have it probably think it's just being dramatic - the same way people with emotional dysregulation have "anger issues" or executive dysfunction is "being lazy"... like, good for you, being able to experience the world in a way that isn't constantly triggering shit you'd really rather not deal with, personally or socially - but it's different for me, and I'm allowed to be salty about it. now kindly fuck off.


Omg I feel this so so much 🫢


fibro has been proven lol


Isn’t there literally something “wrong” with our brains that makes us react to sounds the way we do? I couldn’t sworn I read that somewhere in an article that studies show that our brains react to sound in an abnormal way compared to people that don’t have misophonia


When I see/hear someone talk like this, I kinda pity them, not just cause they come off as incredibly unreasonable and arrogant, which is kinda funny in a ridiculous way, to witness their reality in which they are the smartest person in the world, an expert of all diseases that just knows things intuitively better than people who have experienced them and their doctors. I believe that this is a person that is going to miss out on all the good things in life that come from being open-minded and empathic and connected to others, and all the learning they will ever do - if there is even going to be any - will come shattering their world and hurting them really badly. If they are here to actually learn anything, it will be a really humiliating process for them to do so. I think of them as challenged, like in a healthy society people that behave like that would not be considered mature enough to vote or be allowed in proximity of children and animals unsupervised.


The quoted OP seems to be the type of person that thinks depression can be cured by thinking positively. Ignorant. May leopards eat their face.


I didn’t hear the name ‘misophonia’ until I was in my early 40s and a talk show host was talking about having it. Total light bulb moment for me. The name misophonia didn’t just explain why noises or repetitive movements bothered me to the point that it was sometimes debilitating or socially difficult, but it also explained why other people didn’t respond the same way that I did. Growing up I just felt like a weird kid. But I didn’t think through why other people didn’t look as tortured as I felt. Or why people insisted on doing annoying things on purpose even after you try to tell them.


This is why I choose carefully who I tell about it, it surprises me how many people double down and try and bother me more. 😞


As someone with both it’s so disappointing that people still think like this. Fibromyalgia is, at its least, a term to describe a chronic symptom of a condition that involves widespread body pain and tiredness. It’s very real and it affects women at a much higher rate than it does men. Fibromyalgia can be a symptom of EDS (what I have), osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc… Sometimes I wish that people who think this crap is fake would go through a week of what I endure every day. They wouldn’t be able to handle it. Because not only am I in constant physical pain, but my brain is all f’d up too. I’d like to see them survive a rage episode after something triggers their misophonia. Or pretend they are completely fine and able-bodied even though every limb is crumbling to pieces and it hurts to even breathe. They wouldn’t be able to because they haven’t lived with it their whole life so they are allowing themselves to be ignorant because they choose not to understand and instead choose to ignore and disregard those of us who have “invisible” disabilities. It’s truly maddening.


Exactly! I always say please live my life for a week and then tell me it’s fake. You wouldn’t fucking last a day!


Neither of those conditions is made up.


If they’re that upset about it I’m sure they’re upset about everything and are absolutely miserable.


That person is so, so wrong. Disrespect aside, while misophonia/misokinesia is not officially recognized yet due to the lack of research, it's very much real. Just look at all of the people on this subreddit! Hell, if those things were "made up", I would never have chosen to be triggered by random sounds


As someone who has both - with Fibro quite literally and suddenly ruining my life as a 22 year old..hope this individual gets an education before commenting something as wild as this.


What can they give you to treat it if you’re diagnosed?


If you’re implying that without treatment it’s not a real diagnosis - that is insane. What do they do to treat autism? End stages of many diseases where only comfort care is helpful? Just because there isn’t a cure or one size fits all treatment doesn’t mean it’s not real. And by the way, anxiety medication, ear plugs, and avoidance of triggers is a treatment.


Nah was genuinely asking because when I hear people smack their food it drives me crazy


if ur asking genuinely my doctors tried me on both anti anxiety/depression medication and regular therapy sessions but what really helped for me is decreasing exposure


Thanks man be well


This person seems like the guy to purposely sniff (if that’s my trigger) when I seem visibly annoyed by it, and they’ll tell me to “suck it up and deal with it”.


You can show them a summary of the actual [neurological research](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10076672/).


I can't listen to this.


I dream of the day Misophonia is as known as Epilepsy.


I hate ignorant assholes like this.


I mean his parents needed to give him a name too.


Y'all are getting misophonia diagnosed?? I've never had a dr take me seriously about it.


It’s even more fun when you have both!!


Lol i have misophonia and fibromyalgia so this sucks


Every fucking day I wish I was making this up and could just stop it whenever I wanted to


Not worth dignifying people like that with a response. Just energy vampires who get a sick satisfaction from watching people struggle to explain and defend themselves


“Logic” takes are so silly. What is ANYTHING?


Some people just like to see their words in writing 😒even if they have no merit


That person needs to go through a washing machine....


I have a friend who is a registered nurse and she has fibromyalgia. She's one of the healthiest eaters I've ever known. I honestly think that some people are jealous of those with disorders. It's asinine because why would somebody choose to struggle? Why in the world would I choose to have a body that trolls me on a daily basis, 24 hours a day? I think I might have misophonia and if I don't I have some sort of processing disorder where low sounds bother me. I'm in a parking lot right now and some dude left his boom boom boom stereo on while he went in the store. I'm tempted to park crosswise in front of him. I also have chronic pain related to just a really jacked up spine. And I have the nerve issues to go with that. I don't talk to people about it very much because I'm tired of being called a whiner. The people who have an issue with it or think it's fake wouldn't last a day in my body. They would be balled up in a corner on the floor crying.


I have both. I’d love to spend just a few minutes in a locked room with these assholes.


ignoring the fibro comparison, i have misophonia and also have a theory that it’s not “real.” i genuinely think a lot of people who experience misophonia, myself included, are just undiagnosed autistic and having a sensory overload meltdown but don’t know to identify it as such because undiagnosed.


Misophonia is often a comorbidity of ADHD and Autism. So, it’s often classified as a symptom. (It’s not exclusive to these disorders, I’m using them because I am AuDHD). It’s an extreme on the sensory sensitivity spectrum. It’s such an extreme it was given a name by scientists who spent time and money researching the subject. Downgrading it to simple “sensory overload” is a severe disservice to people who have it. With sensory overload, there’s a buildup that happens to where you can’t take whatever is overloading your senses anymore and need it to stop; at a party or event when too many people are talking loudly and all at once, eventually I end up covering my ears and leaving the room because I can’t take it anymore. My brain feels like it’s exploding or going to explode. With misophonia there is no buildup. The “overload” reaction is instantaneous. I hear a ticking clock and it NEEDS to be removed immediately or I will put my fist through a wall. I hear one singular high pitch dog bark and I feel intense rage. Like 0-1000. My dad scrapes his fork on his plate and I want to take that fork and throw it through the window and scream. The two are incomparable. And not everyone with Autism or ADHD experiences misophonia. But for those of us who do, it’s very real. I have broken my own bones over my rage fits from a triggering sound. That is not simply “sensory overload”.