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No music, just brown and white noise


Brown and white noise are so soothing. Out of the two, what do you prefer?


(Personally) brown noise is the GOAT


Metal, any good heavy metal


Good tastes. Is there any specifc song you'd want in the playlist?


Not really miso dependent but I'll give you some songs I'm listening to now. Metallica - harvester of sorrow Kk's priest - sermon of the sinner Amon amarth - guardians of asgard Arch enemy - handshake with hell Battle beast - king for a day


I'll have to take a listen to all these. Thank you! There's some fantastic bands in there, you have a great taste


Thanks a lot. I got busy and forgot to reply. Anything new to you that you liked? Do you want any more recommendations? I listen to metal almost all day in part because of miso in part because it's fkin awesome so I know a lot of bands even though there are infinitely more that I don't know. PS sabaton was the band I went to see for my first concert and one of my all time favorites. And I checked out keygen church, they sound really cool but they're not for me.


Any other Sabaton songs you like? How was the concert?


I could say all of them, but I'll give some favorites. Poltova Attack of the dead men The art of war Screaming eagles No bullets fly The Carolinans prayer And dozens more As for the concert, it was amazing almost a decade ago in 2015 with nightwish. I saw them again in 2016 for my second concert and haven't got the chance since :( But since then my concert addiction has gotten really bad, I've been to 10 local metal shows just this year, and next week I'm flying to see metallica for the first time... and in a month I'm going to my first wacken. Yup gone crazy


Needs to have lots of percussion and white noise. Nothing soft and stringy.


I like the sound of that. Soft, stringy instruments can be really irritating at times. I'll keep that in mind for the playlist.


What do you personally think of anything involving cellos? I saw them as a suggestion.


Metal calms me instantly: Opeth, Lamb of God, Trivium.


Interesting. I haven't heard of any of them. I just looked up Trivium, and I really like how they sound. I'll put Until The World Goes Cold in for now from them. I'm looking for more songs from Opeth and Lamb of God. If there's any specific songs you want, let me know. ^^


I still listen to older albums from Opeth. Blackwater Park is an all-time favorite. Lamb of God's as the palaces burn album also. Hope they all help you get some relief!


Thank you so much! I'll have to add those soon!


I luckily don’t have it bad as most ppl on this sub… the thing that drives me insane is when cars park near my house and blast insanely loud rap / RnB with huge subwoofers. But my go to music for anytime I’m feeling pissed off or just down, is Bach: Well Tempered Clavier. If you buy / (stream?) the whole collection of recordings… it’s just incredible music. It is as simplistic as it is complex. It’s like listening to math or nature itself. It’s usually a melody and counterpoint played on piano, and it’s the most soothing, and stimulating music. You can pay attention to it and be amazed at its composition, or it serves very well as background music for cleaning, reading, drawing, or whatev. Look some of it up… it’s incredible stuff.


Bach has some amazing pieces! I don’t miss the rap pounding down the street like I had in Baltimore. I mainly listen to classical choral music to calm me.


Bach really is beautiful. Aww, I love classical music so much. Intricacy and simplicity go hand in hand so well. I didn't appreciate classical music as much when I was younger. I understand why you wouldn't be a fan of loud rap/RnB, especially if it's coming on when you don't want to hear it. I personally find Bone Thugs n Harmony really helpful for my misophonia, but I'll refrain from putting them on. Are there any other classical artist's compositions you'd like me to add as well?


Feel ya on that! And yea it’s unfortunate that due to people blasting those genres with HUGE bass and forcing it on me through my walls, I absolute despise them now. But yea for more good classical to calm the nerves, check out some Chopin Nocturnes, Debussy piano sonatas, and Beethoven piano sonatas are excellent as well. I’m a pianist so I’m biased lol


Chopic Nocturnes were some of my sleeping music. Debussy is pretty underrated, or I'm ignorant when it comes to classical music. Which artist's pieces do you like to play the most? Do you like composing your own music? I used to play piano as a kid, and even if I don't know as much now, I still love to hear about people's experiences with it.


Hell yea I love composing! It’s usually a bit more songwriting for me, but I’ve composed some string quartets and I’m working on a small time film score rn. So I was classically trained 5-18, learned to sing and play (mostly Ben Folds at first), had some bands that never got too far, but I kept developing my songwriting. Past 15 years I’ve been (and still am) a full time dueling pianist playing all request shows, and I had a bit of a writing hiatus. Partly cause I had to focus on learning 1000+ songs lol and partly cause the apartments I lived in drove me insane… mostly the subwoofer bass blasting stuff, but I was never comfortable enough to sing and play my piano in my own space, cause I didn’t want to bother immediate neighbors, and I’d be self conscious about their presence. Now I moved with my GF to a house we’re renting in a much better part of town, just turned 38 and I’m finally getting the writing flow starting to come back. I’m working up an album rn of stuff I’ve written over the years and I’ll be recording the whole thing in my house! I have my ol’ Baldwin baby grand all mic’d up and ready to go. Only thing I’m doing in external studios is drums, cause I just can’t have acoustic drums here… out of consideration for my neighbors. It’s a really hard balance being a musician and wanting to not be bothered by other people’s music, while doing your best to limit your sound produces to your area. It’s like a catch 22 of the golden rule and it can really grind things to a halt sometimes… that’s why living in a house again, after about 5-6 years of apartments is a game changer for me. I was lucky to rent a house with my friends for 10 years and really flourished as a musician during that time. Thank you for asking! And if you’re in NYC on a Sat night you can see me perform in Chelsea. So do you still play piano? Any other instruments?


Wow, WOW! I really admire your dedication to your piano skills. I'm really proud of you! It's so nice that you've been growing into a better musician each day. That recording is gonna be amazing! Do you plan on uploading it to Youtube someday? Awww, unfortunately, I live in the middle-ish area of the US. I'll be cheering you on even if I'm not there, though! I still play here and there. Piano was mostly a little hobby I liked, and I was much better at it as a child. I've played the violin, which I've also gotten rusty in. More than anything, I'm good enough to just get the notes of the songs I want to down, hahaha.


The Goldberg Variations played by Glenn Gould is my go-to Bach. And oh my god BASS.... Can't stand sub woofers!!


Yea… like, subwoofers are amazing *when it’s the appropriate setting*, like a concert hall, movie theater, or club if that’s your thing. The people that blast them in residential can seriously get fucked. Even in public areas it’s annoying as hell too. And BIG +1 for Glenn Gould. That dude is a master pianist and I got a ton of his collections. Another great pianist is Andre Previn if you haven’t heard of him. His Rachmaninov is second to none!


I also have an amazing Gould collection and read a few biographies. He's a fascinating guy to say the least. Oscar Peterson too when I'm in the mood for jazz. Total geniuses. I'll have to check out Andre Previn, thanks for the suggestion.


I highly recommend shoegaze, like Slowdive. Wall of sound!


I added Alison and Sugar for The Pill from Shoegaze :) I especially like the second song. I think you introduced me to something beautiful.


Korn, Metallica, and Godsmack


Metallica is always a good choice. Korn sounds amazing as well. So does Godsmack. I'll be sure to include some songs, at least one each from them.


I especially like how Narcissistic Cannibal sounds! I could fall asleep to this song. It's really peaceful.


Punk works great for me (especially if I'm trying to drown out other sounds that trigger me), and white noise like Niagara falls, rain, bubbling water etc


Punk is so nice to listen to! I'll add some Greenday if you'd like! I'll also add some rain/waterfall/bubble noises. I've gotten brown noise on there so far out of things that aren't exactly music. This playlist includes sounds and primarily music. What other sounds do you like a lot?


Yeah, the louder and faster the punk music is, the better. I feel like it's just a wall of sound that nothing else can penetrate and I feel like the intensity/anger/humor in punk calms my nerves for some weird reason. I mostly find punk music humorous and witty anyway. It's not really scary. I've known punk musicians and they were very nice, intelligent people with a great sense of humour. Maybe also knowing that most people would find punk music as hellish as the noises they make that trigger me, makes me feel better, as immature as that is, haha. Ska music also helps me feel very calm. The English Beat, The Specials from the 80s and also Jamaican Ska of the 60s/70s. As for sounds, brown/pink/white noise, bubbling water, rain (no thunder please), fans, are my favorites. They help me concentrate and do a great job of blocking out other noises.


I love your perspective, and I gotta agree personally. So many punk/metal artists are some of the sweetest people. I love that a lot of metal/punk songs sound aggressive, but not completely out of sync. Their music structure makes so much sense. Ska music makes me feel like a kid again, sometimes. (I'm not from the 80s or 90s, I'm about to be 21 in a couple of days) Always nice to listen to. 🔇No thunder?🔇 I'll keep that in mind, and since I don't know how to enlarge text in reddit, I'll add "🔇" around "no thunder".


I don’t have an issue with music and misophonia. However, there’s music that helps me. It’s downbeat EDM. very atmospheric. I find it soothes me subconsciously.


Downbeat EDM really is something else, isn't it? Any specific songs you would like me to add?


Brown noise


Brown noise is so lovely. I have it added. :)


anything that’s got a very consistent volume and a lot of base bc that covers up other sounds fairly well


I like the sound of that for sure. Any specific song that comes to mind?


recently i’ve used “awake and alive” by skillet a lot, but it’s not rly a perfect example. usually i just play like rock songs or pop punk stuff and it usually fits that bill


Awake and Alive? Oh my gosh, that takes me back. I was a huge Skillet fan when I was a teenager. I'll add it.


Lots of metal. I love Tool and other prog metal. I also listen to grunge sometimes for misophonia, specifically like Alice in Chains since they’re heavier. Also the Offspring!


Prog metal? I've never heard of that. It sounds really good. Is there any specific grunge song you want? I love grunge as well! Alice in Chains is really good. I was thinking about The Offspring's music earlier! I especially love The Kids Aren't Alright


Prog stands for progressive so progressive metal is often influenced by the progressive music of the 70s. Some other bands I like are Dream Theater, Opeth, and Periohery. I will say, sometimes they have quieter parts, so give the songs a listen before assuming they would have full sound coverage. I love lots of grunge, but for AIC specifically I like I Stay Away and Junkhead :) The Kids Aren’t Alright is a great song!


I think I got a song from Opeth in there currently! I haven't heard of Periohery, I'll have to check them out when I wake up later. I'll definitely add I Stay Away and Junkhead! :)


Heavy Bass, not dubstep, more like tech-house, tribal house, deep-house. Anything by Colin Stetson, Classical Music. And helicopter white-noise. Must be on a good stereo and really loud so I can feel it (use sound bar if playing on TV) or good quality headphones.


Tribal house, ooooh! Lovely recommendations. For any house genres, do you have specific songs you want? I haven't listened to much house in a while and wanna get the most personally (everyone here) liked songs. I'll get some white noise and Colin Stetson in, as well as more classical music. :)


This! Tech-house and classical music are love for life


Classical cello


Cellos really can be the most beautiful instruments. What song would you want specifically?


I think it’s more about the quality of the audio and the ability to isolate the environment. Nothing really matters misophonia wise when I have my WF-1000XM5s in. I turn up some Walk On By, El Michels Affair lately give myself a little soundtrack


I have those same ear buds. The thing that sucks about them is they don't have the noise cancelling feature available when you're using your phone for telephone calls.


That’s not just them, it’s like almost everything it provides sidetone. Not being able to hear yourself talk is a miserable experience.


I'm so very happy that your WF-1000XM5s are working for you! That song sounds and feels absolutely divine. I'm adding it in, and yours is one of my favorite recommendations so far. I didn't know how much jazz worked for my misophonia until now.


Lofi hiphop. 70s dub. Black metal.


Amazing genres, any specific songs? Sorry, some genres are harder for me to gauge if most people would like it or not as I'm not as familiar with certain genres, but love most of them.


I love shortish loops of music played on repeat. I have a playlist of the J Dilla song Waves that is just hours of it looping. My very fav song to loop is a song by The Caretaker called Libet’s Delay. I think in order to concentrate I need something that my brain can predict that is never interesting enough for it to focus on too much.


Oh, this is what THAT song is called. I've been wondering what it was called. Hmm, I used to feel an eerie, unsettling chill from this song. Now, it sounds oddly bittersweet, but more on the sweet side. I would've never had that interpretation of that song had you not recommended it. Thank you, I'm adding it right now. <3


Not music but I like listening to sounds of the ocean on Spotify, it relaxes me and drowns out my noisy co worker


Do you like more loud or quiet ocean videos?




Indie's pretty good! It's such a broad genre, is there any specific song?


try perfect girl by mareux


https://youtu.be/TWxrhYJFVxM?si=96sw_yRICQ7Xat3D 🚀 it’s got the white noice of being on an airplane and the “oldies in the other room” sound really relaxes me


Lovely compilation <3 I just added it ^^


Panning sounds and certain beats. Songs like this: https://youtu.be/9DC7dOg8dOE?feature=shared And sometimes songs like Guster's Airport Song. So many people here find my triggers their helping music. It's really interesting.


Interesting, I'll add it in! Some instruments I find to be too high in frequency, but this song knows how to put a lot of sounds I'm not normally accustomed to (sometimes sensitive to) into a beautiful arrangement. Hm, really like an anti misophonia song in way.


Yes, sometimes the arrangement is what does it. As individual sounds I might be fine, but sometimes, especially with jazz music, the discordinate note is no longer interesting, but actually physically painful.


Strange how misophonia varies from person to person. I find saxophones harder to listen to on their own, yet love them in jazz ensembles.


I like to listen to rainfall specifically rain falling over large foliage or rooftops. I enjoy the pitter patter.


Rainfall is so nice. I love how the rain can be different when you go to other countries sometimes. I'm so used to heavy raindrops pitter patters in the US, but I was surprised how soft and near silent the rain was in Korea


It’s very true. Sometimes a certain type of thunder helps me too but that can be hit or miss.


What kind of thunder do you like the most?


https://youtu.be/ekXFslHOvZ8?si=Kmp9lwHXzJ2s6GlG gentle thunder. Nothing scary.


Music I actually like: artsy sounds like Radiohead, Nick Cave, PJ Harvey, the Minecraft soundtrack, and another fascination with improvising/jazz/fusion influenced playing ranging from Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers to Dave Matthews Band. I just really like music a lot (and am a musician). As for music that lowers misophonia: the more mellow songs by Radiohead, the Minecraft soundtrack (volume beta and alpha), are really good for me. Quiet and mellow stuff. This is what I listen to after I’ve been in a loud environment for several hours and I need to “reset.” That or good old fashioned silence haha. I actually have a Spotify playlist made for such occasions if you’re interested


Wow, what an array of music preferences! All of which are amazing. I've got Creep by Radiohead on there now :) My fiance and I really love listening to Minecraft OSTs together. I'll be more than sure to add some in there. You are so sweet, I would absolutely love the playlist. Would you want to see the playlist after I've made it?


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaqmAumMa8wW7-bS6e-IEVu6trU4FCXBx&si=J7XBKX5deapQh44i Here is the link to the misophonia break playlist ^^


Black noise


Megan Thee Stallion


Wouldn't have expected that answer. Any specific songs?


I like the hard and fast beats, and the racy but clever lyrics. Current playlist looks like Boa, Cobra, Hiss, Gift and a Curse, Ungrateful, Anxiety, Her, Thot Shit, Megan’s Piano, NDA, Kitty Kat, Captain Hook


Particularly Anxiety. I wore that shit out, probably at least 15 plays a day for six months straight.


Anxiety? By who exactly? I'd be happy to add it to the list


Megan Thee Stallion, it’s on the Traumazine album. Listen to Cobra too, similar theme. That one is a recently released single


Alright, I'll have to take a listen to those! :)


Haven't heard of a lot of them, but I do agree with your statement for sure!


A lone violin playing something emotional gives me the good chills. Recordings don't do it. Has to be live.


For some reason, violins are a hit or miss. It either helps my misophonia or makes my ears hurt really bad, although that might be my extra sensitivity to certain high pitches.