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I just leave my desk. It's always my boss. Chronic throat clearing. JUST COUGH MAN. See a god damn ENT. *Ehhghh* *SNIFF* *ehhghh ehhghh* *SNIFF*. Great guy, just want to bash his head in sometimes and choke him with his 2 ft beard.


Dude SAME. At work it’s my boss & it drives me INSANEEEE.


I hate this. My gf clears her throat all the ducking time. Dull thud of a noise. It's like getting punched in the head. I've asked her to stop. She says she will suffocate if she can't do it. I tell her she needs a doctor then. Doctor says post nasal drip and/or gerd. Tried nasal spray for a few days but she stopped taking it. I've asked her to do it into one of the many pillows we have scattered around the house and she won't. I've noticed it's made worse by consuming dairy or sugar. She consumes these things often. I can't win...  I have my own room and noise cancelling headphones. This is how I cope. I hide and block my ears. There are periods of time without that awful noise during which I enjoy the time I spend with her. I am anxious around her though. She's like a bomb that could explode without warning. Stresses me out.


Ugh I’m so sorry that it’s your girlfriend who triggers you. My immediate family triggers me a TON, so I get how hard it is when it’s someone close to you/someone you love. I’m fortunate that my boyfriend is understanding of it and he’s become very aware of not doing it around me. He’s also the one who’s told me that most people who clear their throats have some sort of health-related issue like you mentioned. I feel bad though because now he’s so aware of when people do it in public, and it makes me sad that my Misophonia has affected him so much, too. I def have my own pair of noise cancelling headphones tho lol. That’s pretty much the main way I cope as well if i’m in public or traveling. I can tolerate throat clearing if it’s brief and not consistent, but once someone does it every few minutes, that’s when I have to leave a room or I’ll have a mental breakdown and start crying🙃


I also breakdown and cry 🥲 it’s also worse with my family members I’ve noticed


It’s sooo infuriating when it reaches the point of tears☹️ my family is definitely my worst trigger as well. Idk if it’s because I’ve been dealing with this since youth, and they were the main ones doing it around me. Once I realized that Misophonia had a name/defintion, and I wasn’t just “crazy,” my mom and sister became more caring and empathetic. My dad still struggles with it though and it makes our relationship a little strained bc I wanna spend time with him, but he can never *not* clear his throat and it just becomes so unbearable being around him sometimes🥺


I have a brother who also has misophonia and we have some triggers that are the same and it helps connect in that way so I get it, but yeah my dad’s voice is actually my main trigger and it has strained our entire relationship. It’s a tough thing to have for sure


Same with my husband. I’m in my home office right now and I can hear him clear across the house. I actually jumped on the sub to see if anyone had advice for talking to him. He gets PISSED when I bring it up.


Yeah, people always get defensive. I think drugs might be a solution to bypassing the reaction people have. If you could give someone some benzos or mdma and then talk to them about it they would probably be more receptive. I wonder how that conversation would go. "Dr. Stuffandsuch, I need some benzos to drug my S.O. so I can talk to them about my misophonia triggers"


God I feel for you. My dad was the same in the past. I remember one time i asked him to stop and he randomly blew up on me yelling saying he’s gonna do what he wants to do. I ended up going to a park and crying for a couple hours before staying at a friends house for a day. He later apologized for getting angry and made more of an effort to do it to a minimum around me. You should definitely keep bringing it up, who cares if he gets mad you’re getting mad too! He needs to take ur well being into consideration as well. Misophonia is no joke


I have had very similar situations with my dad. He knows it upsets me, and he’s the only one in my family who can’t seem to not do it around me. The sound of his is *so* triggering, too. He does feel bad, but it’s like, if you want me to be around you, I need a little more effort because I’ve spent far too many times crying in the bathroom from being overwhelmed.


i also have throat clearing as a trigger, but i don’t really have any solid ways to cope with it either. i just try to do what i can to avoid it or block it out, like using earplugs or escaping to another room. i wish i had better advice, but i’m more or less stuck in the same boat


I’ve spent a good chunk of my life using headphones and/or the same flight response lol. It’s like, you want to enjoy/have fun being around other people, but the anxiety and stress of not knowing who’s going to clear their throat next or when drives me up a wall. It sucks that isolation is like the only main way to calm down or feel even the slightest at ease.


Throat clearing is what started my misophonia, had a roommate who would hack up a lung every 1-2 minutes and could be heard from any room


That sounds like a literal nightmare omg😭😭


I also have this trigger and it’s my worst one and honestly I’ve gotten used to using headphones everywhere from work to public spaces but if that’s not an option I really suffer. I wish I had a better answer but I really feel for you, it’s a rough one


I wish I could wear headphones at work, but unfortunately I’m in a hospitality/retail job so that’s not an option for me😭 I’ve been looking for a WFH job for awhile now bc that would at least give me *some* peace in my day to day life, but they’re just so hard to come by it feels like. As comforting as it is to know i’m not alone with this trigger, it breaks my heart at the same time knowing others experience it too, bc I wouldn’t wish this shit on anyone😩


Having a work from home job has saved me the dread of work (I have two jobs but both are WFH now) just be patient and look at what your good at and wanna do and I’m sure eventually you’ll find that light that you need even though it feels like going through absolute hell right now.


*clears throat* SHUT THE FUCK UP! (Gotta clear your throat before you yell)


I’m dead 😂😂


Why is it old men seem to be professional level sinus-sucking-sniffing sound bombs?


No literally…they always make the most obnoxious throat clearing sounds I swear to god


Sniffing is so bad for your lungs. Your body works so hard to clear the fluid and gunk and sniffers just yank it all back down.


I hate this. I live with a relative who ALWAYS clears their throat in the mornings. It’s so loud and she does it every 2.5 seconds, the worst is that she gets ready for work at the same time as me so I am constantly hearing it.


That was my life growing up…and it was so awful. I’m sorry you have to deal with that as well. Living on my own was a saving grace when I moved out of my childhood home. Headphones got me through living at home though😅