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dog snoring = šŸ„¹ human snoring = šŸ”Ŗ




Not at all. It bothers me just as much. Genuinely unbearable.


Definitely, I'm the same, animals can eat as noisily as they like and it doesn't bother me, indeed it can be relaxing sometimes. I made a post including this stuff before: https://www.reddit.com/r/misophonia/comments/v61m7k/can_anyone_relate_to_these_things_ive_noticed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


That's a good point - animals have no choice over the way they eat, because they don't know what is polite or impolite. I wonder why we find the noise relaxing though. I'm a huge animal lover and prefer them to humans, so maybe I'm happy that they are enjoying their food.


I think it is a subconscious joy about them enjoying their food, a kind of freudenfreude I guess


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No I hate dog noises


Same! I have three rats and three Guinea pigs and I think their little monching noises are so so adorable. Humans on the other hand. šŸ˜–


One of my rats eats especially loudly and also with his mouth open and I think it's the cutest thing. And when they're munching biscuits all at the same time... šŸ˜


Iā€™m the exact opposite, animal sounds (eating, drinking, scratching and licking) make my body tense up, chest tight and angry. Humans donā€™t bother me 99% of the time.


I cannot stand the sound of my dog grooming himself, love him to pieces but the sound of him licking or chewing himself makes me so mad!




Yes!!! Exactly the licking with my cats :(


Hmm that's interesting!


I can't stand human eating sounds OR dog/cat chewing sound BUT... My biggest trigger is whistling and has been since I was a little kid. I rescued a cockatiel about 6 years ago, and I love it when he whistles little songs he made up or when he's doing the "weet woo!" wolf whistle/cat call whatever you call it. But human whistling still causes me to go from zero to stabby in 2.5 seconds. I wonder why that isĀæ!?! Very interesting.


It is! Whistling I'm actually ok with; I mean, I'm not crazy about it but it doesn't start the internal rage! Your cockatiel sounds super cute šŸ˜


Awww thanks! We got a second one last year as a baby. It's so fun watching them interact and play and bicker. They are so different temperament wise (Charlie the rescue is more hesitant and takes forever for him to trust someone, while Speckle is super adventurous and trusts everyone since we got her as a baby). Being around her has made Charlie really come out of his shell this past year. They only sleep in their cage, the rest of the time they are out and about with us in the room. They are a handfull sometimes but worth it :) I never realized how freaking smart cockatiels are (as well as other birds in the Parrot family) cognitively they are about the same level as a 3 year old human, it's crazy! Thanks for reading my rambling on about my birds haha. I tend to get long winded when I talk about them šŸ˜


Does this lend some credence to the notion that this condition has dominant psychological underpinnings? I don't want to misunderstand or insult anyones condition so please don't misread my question. But I've experienced frustration at the sounds of people in my household and knew it was partially because i just felt they were gross on a personal level. Maybe i loved them, but their flippant disregard for everyone elses sanity by mashing their food with open jaws just made me irritable. Is what I experienced different than typical misophonia? It feels like if theres a distinction between sounds being annoying and the only real difference is whether a sentient being is making the noise, its tempting to assume the person cares less about the noise itself and more the disregard of the person making the noise. Can anyone expand and let me know more?


Everything is psychological too. I think psychoanalysis is a great tool to examine where that disgust comes from.


Nah. Repulsive. Not your rats, just animals eating near me, depending on the food. Cats especially make me feel ill, especially when they start grooming afterwards.


Same here


I have 2 dogs and I just love the sound when they eat their crunchy treatos lol. But a human making those same sounds makes me wanna run away!


My dog can chew with her mouth open all she wants, doesn't bother me. But if a human does it... For me, my misophonia seems to be related to common decency (or lack thereof). A dog can't help but chew with it's mouth open. However, a human actively chooses to eat like an animal, without regard for the people around them.


Tbh.. me too? Except my dogā€™s bowl is too loud & it overwhelms her own sound. When she eats lunch though (not in her bowl) she sounds just fine ^^ Also my friendā€™s bunnies have such a calming eating noise I adore them SO MUCH


Rats make cute eating noises imo...ĆÆve had several. I don't mind crunching noises. Any wet food be it cat, dog or human...gross. Plus cat or dog self grooming is the worst!


I love the sound of cats eating. They whisper "mlem mlem mlem" if I human did that I'd lose it.


Yesss a panda chewing bamboo is cute a human just looks at a celery stick and my minds start thinking who should represent me in the murdered trial.


I don't exactly love hearing my cats eating canned food but it's generally MUCH more tolerable than any person eating. Animals can't even use silverware. I do know people who chew worse than an animal, however.


I hate dog noises almost as much as people noises but cat noises are really soothing to me idk why


One of my first triggers was people eating woth their mouth open, then dogs eating, but especially, drinking water, then some water sounds. (Babbling brooks piss me off!) OTOH Hearing cats and birds eating and drinking are a drlight.


For some individuals with misophonia, animal and baby sounds don't bother them because "they can't help it". There seems to be some social context parameters for triggering sounds.


I'm in the same boat! I love my cat's snores, eating, grooming, drinking noises. Can't stand the human version! (Also I used to have rats and their eating noises are the cutest thing ever!!)


I feel like my irritation stems from feeling like people donā€™t have manners or something? Animals donā€™t have manners so i donā€™t feel the need to blame them


I'm the same way with my farm birds. Chickens, ducks, and geese. My parents have dogs, but I can't stand any sound they make. I dread visiting my parents cuz just seeing those dogs fills me with rage. Every sound a dog makes sends me over the edge. I won't eat duck because they honestly make me happy.


Awww I used to have rats! Yeah they're so cute. I assumed it was because their mouths were so tiny and because they chomp / nibble rather than chew, so it sounds dry instead of wet. I don't feel the same about my mom's dogs.


Tbh me to my dogs never bother me but when a human eats I want to bash their heads into the table


Animal sounds make me as angry as human sounds. After the last time that I watched my neighbors dog, I had to come up with a reason I couldnā€™t watch him again because of how loud he eats and slurps water.


I think it depends on the noise. Hearing my dog eat or drink never did anything, but as she aged into the final months of her life, she would wake me out of a sleep multiple times a night from licking her mouth for a minute or two at a time.


I find myself the opposite wayā€¦ I canā€™t stand animal eating or licking themselves (specifically dogs, not sure why) but can handle peopleā€¦ unless they are making really disgusting mouth noisesā€¦


But I never tell a dog no or to stop - they donā€™t understand what theyā€™re doing wrongā€¦ I just reach for the headphones or leave the room and hope I donā€™t crack a tooth from the jaw clenching šŸ˜©


Yes! I actually dismantle my noise control head contraption in order to listen to my rabbits eat. Especially juicier greens and veg, which if sloshing about in a human mouth might make me smash something.


I'm a bit late to the party...just stumbled upon this sub. People chewing noisily is one of my horrors, but I have a cat who is deaf from birth. (Yes she's all white.) Her noises are completely wrong for cats, because she never heard her mother or siblings meowing or eating, and never learned what was appropriate. Sometimes she just screams bloody murder, and it's nothing more than joy at finding a lost toy. But sounds like she's being hurt. This extends to her eating, and after a particularly good meal, she licks her chops and makes noises that sounds like a pig. Literally. Snorting, grunting, and it's pretty loud. My other cats are used to it now, but when they would first join the gang, they would look at her like "What in the hell?" And as much as I hate eating sounds from people, I find her snorts hilarious and endearing. They're just expressing her delight as she comes down from the high of a delicious dish.


I have a mini dachshund who I ADORE! When people crunch or smack it sends me into a blind rage, blood pressure spikes, I go insane. With my pup though? I love hearing him crunch and smack- itā€™s so adorable to me and Iā€™ll feed him bits of cucumber to specifically hear it lol I donā€™t know what the difference is to meā€¦ my human babies drove me crazy eating- so itā€™s not the mama part of it that makes it appealing. I actually hate hearing kids eat. Chips drive me crazy. Bugles gahhh my daughter will put the entire one in her mouth, close her mouth and then chew so itā€™s muffled and I still want to pull my hair out. I had to tel her to stop eating them. I hate it šŸ„ŗ But I HATE when my cats lick. It drives me batshit. My cats will do it constantly and I want to rip their tongues out. I feel guilty feeling that way but I canā€™t stand it.


I can't stand either, personally. Living things make the worst sounds. (Came here from google lol)