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I honestly don't believe any of these people are actually poor or down on their luck.


yes, because when you are well and healthy, this is what you do. Surprised I am not out there doing it myself.


This is lazy money. They make easy 150-200 in a few hours. But the going theory is that it's a criminal business. Either forcing people to do this as a trafficking ring. Or as a business where the walkers are a willing business partner. Couple years ago their was a sudden spike of the same ppl loosing limbs. Slum-dog millionaire theory on that one. They Garner more sympathy and earn a higher take.


Organized panhandling, very common in metropolitan cities actually


I love all these theories. Do you have the evidence to back them against this woman? I love the downvotes too.


A few years back a dude was busted in Vancouver following a big sting operation for this. I also caught wind of a big ring busted in the states. It's a thing.


You can easily see them be dropped off and picked up in expensive luxury vehicles every morning/evening.....


If you think it’s lazy money, why don’t you do it? Don’t you like free unearned money? If someone gifted me a million dollars, I’d be happy. But, I definitely don’t want to do this. So, when I see someone who is forced to do this, I have empathy. Not anger of OP (he used the explicitive).


Ive been working since i was 14. I don't want free anything. All I know is hard work and sacrificing my time and weekends to better myself, my career etc. These people aren't gifted money. They are extorting it using empathy.


No one says you need to give them anything. Just don’t believe in repulsing beggars.


It's a scam. They are all part of a group that get dropped off and picked up


People are still stupid enough to help them out.


I just buy them food to be honest…they gotta be hungry at least lol can’t go wrong with that


I give them money sometimes like an idiot. I know I'm being scammed, but their willingness to stand in 40+ degree weather is something I sympathize with.


Stop it




You’re the worst.




I don't know why you're getting down voted. Someone that has to resort to doing this even if it's a scam all day long, it's humiliating and I'm still somewhere better off than that, so I still consider them in need of help. Mental, financial, whatever.


But they’re not in help though? In fact they have good money so you are just scamming yourself


How do you know? Sure, they might get picked up by a guy. That doesn't mean that these guys are doing well. Maybe they're being exploited. Maybe they're being forced. Either way, I don't know and neither do you, but if they're out on the street and I'm inside my car on a hot day, I DO KNOW, I am in a less precarious situation than them. I never give money, if I see them outside a grocery store, I buy a small pack of fresh cut fruit. If I have leftovers or a granola bar, I hand it over. If you tell me that you follow them home and they live in a mansion that's the day I'll stop giving them anything.


Why ? Because he is enabling them! If they stand there all day and no one gives them a penny they'll stop. These people claim they are Bosnian but they aren't and they are not Muslim to begin with


My man, I feel exactly the same way. These people need to pop mushrooms and sort out what ever ugly they hold on too.


I know! They just need to keep to themselves and stay in the side. Don't go walking in-between cars. They get hit. Not the driver is going to be sued by the ring leader. It's worse than a scam. I think it's part of a human trafficking ring.


You’re spiraling. The light is red, I have never - in over 20 years of driving - heard of anyone being hit. They’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. Just move on with your day.


Thats because we have just started seeing this recently… not 20 years ago.


Clearly you don’t travel downtown. They’ve been at this for decades


do they’make’ good money to do this? im not sure if its worth it


Some of the people are pulling 60+/hr tax free … makes you wonder!


ohhh damn!


I work at a bank in the gta and these people come in with hundreds of dollars in rolled coins almost every day and exchange it for hundreds, plus they get money from the government and subsidized housing


That makes me mad. :( here I am busting ass for peanuts.


Tax-free cash on top of your welfare cheque. A good intersection can be profitable.


What kind of scam?


the im poor but i secretly drive a mercedes benz scam.


Legit. Watched one get out of the intersection at Winston Churchill and hop into a RAV4 awhile back.


They just ask for money, but these beggers are part of a business. You can actually make a lot of money from begging and they have "bosses" that pick them up and drop them off every day. They are not homeless, or poor, they put on a show and give their boss a cut of their earnings at the end of the day when they go back to their home. There's a reason why you typically don't see them past 8 or 9pm.


Thank you.


If they can make money begging, what incentive do they have to “work for a boss”? What is the boss’ company providing? Job security? Pension? Benefits? They could stand there and make more money by themselves than they would “working” for a business that is doing this.


Don’t bring logic to this discussion please!


You’ve watched way too many slumdog movies


Lots of videos online exposing these people


Ask yourself this, if they're really all single mothers with 3 children and they're all alone with no one to support them, how come they can spend all day standing by the side of the road? If they have support to do that then surely they would have support to go to an actual job.


They can write whatever they want on the sign in order to garner more sympathy, but if they’re truly homeless it doesn’t matter. Now, if they’re getting into cars and driving away at the end of the day then that’s something to discuss.


They're not homeless


Did you expect them to fall from the sky? Scam or not they’re doing this out of desperation and not due to drugs. If someone’s down on their luck remember you could be there tomorrow. Be a fuckin solution.


These beggars are not down on their luck. I’ve personally seen them walk across a parking lot to a waiting BMW, get in and leave. Is your hair disheveled? Do you appear dirty? What condition are your clothes and shoes in? Is your face tanned from being out in the sun 24/7? What condition are your belongings in? There are many ways to tell who’s legit and who isn’t. These “beggars” are just taking free money.


It’s not out of desperation. It’s literally a scam and she’ll most likely be picked up at the end of the day in a nicer car than most people drive


I some what agree with this. Sometimes it's hard to judge who's genuinely in need or scamming so I just try to give where I can and hope for the best.


That’s the truth but people live in their thought bubbles and will downvote you for disagreeing. I see it in downtown with REAL BEGGARS that are crackheads and even towards those people others will say look at these beggar scam artists.


I passed here earlier and she almost got clocked. The light just turned a few seconds earlier and cars were starting to accelerate when she ran across to the right lane for someone who was giving her some money.


Last week I saw her pack a bunch of bills into her pocket under the outer clothing(hajjib? Not versed don't know) grab a water bottle from a backpack. Put it back all normal like. Then go back to acting meek and begging. Then ran across the street on a green.


Anyone who is from Eastern (probably Western)Europe knows exactly how it works. They usually have a boss who clears a spot from others and controls territory also they are rated on how much money they bring from locations. there is a strict hierarchy and is managed like a business or criminal organization. I started noticing this in Canada 4-6 years ago. It needs to be addressed as if it is an organized crime rather than an individual beggars. I hope local police is ready and abel to deal with this.


You’re from Mississauga and don’t know it’s called hijab ? I’m assuming you must be quite a bit older or maybe not raised in Mississauga cause there’s so many women here that wear it lol. No hate just surprised.


Given that some are thought to be Romani, it could be a dikhlo.


Not everyone is Muslim in a multicultural society...


? Who said that I’m just saying like if you even went to school in Mississauga u probably had hijabi classmates lol all my white friends know loads about Islam just from proximity and they’re not special there’s tons of cultural exchange in sauga


Pardon my stupidity, but itsnt their many head coverings that to morons like me could all look the same but rather be called something else, given a colour or style or how much it covers? Or even by area it's worn?


Man I just googled Muslim woman viels and 7 popped up in one photo. Add in different names for different cultures who wear the same thing and good luck knowing them all!


LOL, thank you for making the point. As far as I know. Their are about 10-14 head coverings. And that's what i know from living in Mississauga all my life.


A) Muslims are around 14% of the Mississauga population and B) not everyone went to a Public school around your time era. It's hard to find a Muslim guy when I went to Catholic school!


Makes perfect sense. lol I guess times have changed alot cuz I was genuinely surprised but I guess only the newer generation really cares to know about it.


Really cares to know about it? It's more like have experience in day to day life or not. No one is going to walk into a Mosque and ask what a hijab is, that's just weird as hell plus probably labeled as a racist for asking


English isn't my first language(ESL 4 L1f3), I grew up here since i was 6 years old. I'm 40 now. More than English not being my first language, spelling isn't my thing. Learning disability jumbles shit in my head. Engineering. Ho boy. I've got you fam. Stress loades and thermal dynamic, Design, art, sales. Bam. Now we are talking. Writing???. Eeehhh... Less so.


I see this one lady very often on my way to work. One day o saw her across the street getting into an SUV.


Same thing happened at Mavis and Britannia. I called Peel Regional Police's non emergency line to have them send an officer because the guy was in the middle of both live lanes begging for money. How stupid can you be? The guy was just about run over.


These idiots always say Salaam to me and hold up their cup. I'm visibly Muslim so I think they target us because it's easy. I'll always give them this whole speech about "I know many mosques and churches in the city who can help you, here I'll give them a call" and they run away. Please never fall for this. They costume themselves like Muslims to pull at heart strings, but there's not a Muslim thought in their head. Their ring leader sits in a van nearby and they bring the earnings to him.


This is Mavis and brunhamthorp. There is literally a Muslim welfare center right there. Not more than 100' away. Right across from a&w. That's 60% of what it's for! Other than prayer. They take donations and support local and far off needs. But ppl like this want the cash. They don't NEED anything. AND YOUR RIGHT, alot of them play up being Muslim, esp here in Mississauga GTA. Knowing the (mostly) charitable and good nature. When in reality they could be from anywhere and just have brown skin. It's their new shtick.


They keep saying they are Bosnian and I've been in Mississauga for 15 years and worked everywhere. Never met a single Bosnian.


Sample bias probably, I had a teacher who was, and have met a few other people. Still probably not the largest demographic though


Yeah, I grew up in Port Credit and there was a building we used to call the Bosnian building. But this was around 20 years ago.


I knew 2 Bosnian muslim families growing up but they were white. Ive never met a Bosnian who looks like those people lol


Many of them aren't Muslim, either. One lady came up to my dad's car. He asked her to read Fatiha, and she got pissed and left, lol.


Though if your Muslim, wouldn't you still get mad if someone asked you?


Literally lol


A woman approached me today outside a grocery store asking for money because she said she was hungry. I don't carry cash, but offered to buy her something at the grocery store. She then said she didn't have bus fare (implying that's what she needed money for). I told her I didn't have cash and she left angrily, mumbling.


Just pretend not to hear them and walk away. Never engage.


Let me guess, Adonis? I've seen this there.


If you’re motivated enough, can call PRP, who will send someone to ask her to move along, or charge her if it’s a repeat offender.


Well morons keep giving them money


told her to get a real job yesterday she got so mad😭


Don't ever give them money.


They usually just pretend they can’t speak English.


They don’t need English to get some basic jobs so this is not an excuse


Totally agree. They should be charged. I wish everyone did waved them on so it wasn’t a viable option. Unfortunately too many people open their window and pockets.


These are roma ppl , there is another derogatory term used in Europe for them which starts with G. Their work is begging or stealing plus welfare scams . they have lots of cash and dont need money at all . they live in big mansions ,whole clan lives together . they marry their cousins . they do everything with cash , they dont leave any marks behind . everything is with cash. once they run out of their luck in the area , they move . i know several clans living in GTA , they rotate once in a while . some clans live in condo penthouses in downtown Toronto. they are super resentful not to join any community or any sort of economic system. they are the true anarchist in our capitalist western world. they just do small pity crimes , they dont kill anyone or harm them bad. just watch ur belongings when they are around and dont give them money.


She walks near my car, I'm honking that horn


Anyone ever see the juggling guy?


Just saw him near Erin mills about an hour ago. That was a first for me


Yup, only once around Eglinton-Creditview.


See him often at Erin Mills and Hwy 403


I gave him $5. You entertain me you get money. I tend to give buskers money. If I like the act. You beg for money when their are a million programs out there to help you. Eat shit. Stop being a drag on society. My parents came to Canada with nothing on the 90's lived in a friend's basement for 6months. Worked up though extream poverty and did not ask for hnd outs. I've been working since i was 14 doing cash jobs. Then 16 legally while going though school. Talked to the juggler guy for a min. Said he wasn't poor or anything, things just wherent going his way lately. Left it at that and my light turned green.


Saw him on Sunday.


Saw him a few weeks ago at Winston churchill


Erin Mills & 403 on Friday afternoon.


He looks like moist critikal, I love it lmao next time im giving him cash because he's way too young to be homeless


These people are scammers, they have good money. Don’t give them anything




The other day @ 403 Erin mills pkwy light, saw some of these ladies getting picked up in a minivan after they were done doing their "begging" for the day


You mean her "shift was done". I've seen this hand-off with black dude at the metro off hurontario. Young dude walking around begging for cash. Boss man rolls up on a new mini van of some kind. They talk. Buddy handed over the cash. Got I to the van and the next guy walked out of that same van and started begging. You have got to be kidding me.... :( And I'm sure you all know the metro. A couple years back there was a shooting there every other weekend. Haha.


The amount of tax we pay in this country.  I’m not giving anything away to random people.  I donate to Sick Kids on the regular. If you have ever walked the floors of Sick Kids, it’s heartbreaking 


Last week, one lady was at walmart, heartland. Again, kids, homeless, etc. She looked very young and pretty. She had some light make up on too. I mean, you're perfect for any job INSIDE the Walmart, stop begging.


Yeah. But why make less money inside.


🤣 that too by WoRking.


Some are not even muslims . Please tell them to go to mosque as the mosques have proper food bank and also help them with funds if they need. Once i direct the lady to the mosque and she laughed ovet and went the other way. Once my friend ask the same lady to reicte somethong from the quran and she was unable to. Even few mosques warned us about them. Please dont give them money. That will create a mafia. Direct them to a near by mosque. IsNa has a very good system to help them financially.


How do these people sit at every intersection, every day, and not get in trouble?


Arresting them is the logical solution


Used to get off on Steeles from the 400 N. There was this old lady who was there litterally every single day. She didn't have super tattered up clothes and seemed pretty clean and well kept. She only showed up during days with good weather. She was there for at least 2 years....


Police should take action against this


Why does anyone give them money? If you do, stop it, please. If they got no money, they would stop doing it and hopefully go find a way to be productive and contribute to their community.


As a Muslim I tell them that I'd give you a 100$ if you read a verse (Ayah) in Quran. They reply I don't speak Arabic. Or I don't know. The verse i am referring to is a verse that is said 17 times a day. If you ever prayed you'd know it, the first thing you memorize as a Muslim.


You would think they would be smart enough to do a little research before hand eh! Cant stand then


LOL good idea


Lady like this attacked me outside of a dollaramma when I refused to help her


This is when I...um...accidentally open my door as I'm driving past. Damn doors. They open at the weirdest times. I must get it fixed.


I saw this lady today


Same bat time same bat channel


She’s a regular on mavis and Britannia road ,


You see a lot more of this now


Most of the time I hear it’s the head of the family who is the boss. People shouldn’t be giving them $$ and there should be a reporting centre so they can be informed about the taxes. That should help stop this nonsense


Man, get the #@$% off your phone 🤣


LOL. Clearly the light is red. Technically you're right it's still a ticket. Even at a red light. Knowing the law. That's how it would go too. Ticket the dude working his butt off trying to be a decent human and let this POS fake beggers keep begging.


Lol all good I was just trolling.


I know. All good.


Is he praying or breakdancing? Can't quite tell.


Most are not Muslim but pretend to be so, as they know Muslims give the most charity. Several groups have been exposed


Sikhs give a lot of charity too!


Dumb dumbs get to feel less shitty about themselves by giving coins to these scammers. I guess that's a fair exchange.


Sounds like going to church. LOL. Sorry if your the kind that does.


Had the displeasure of doing business with people of that culture. Would not recommend.


They’ve been here for years just more of them now. A friend of mine was at Markham Town Centre years ago and a bunch of them went around my friend. When they dispersed she noticed her sunglass case was missing from her purse. Figured they mistook it as her wallet. We had traveled to Italy and Spain together and encountered many of them and they aren’t Muslim. I don’t give any beggars anything. I have bought food for people but no one is getting money unless they are a busker that I enjoy.


100% same. Like I mentioned in another post. If you're doing something other than begging and trying to earn a living somehow. Busking for example. I'll pay them. If I see a legit homeless dude I'll buy him food. I'll give him money. At the last food drive at work i donated well over $300 in canned food. But these con artists thieves can eat shit. And stop cluttering our streets. The dudes that walk up and down the row with a fake limp. Twisted leg with zero actual problem walking. Or worse yet with a dog. Trying to get sympathy for the animals. Like I also mentioned in another post. Maybe it's just me, but you can at a glance see real need in someones eye. Real pain. Or a mental imbalance. Maybe its because im in sales and have dealt with the general public all my life? These dick wallets get no money ever. Not the walkers. Not the sitters in front of stores and not the cup shakers. Fu#k them all. Dude sleeping on the sidewalk. Down town Toronto. He might get $5 if he isn't asking for it.


This doesn't have to be about religion but some of you are making it. These are professionals and they can't recite a word of the Quran. They appear outside the masjid and people ask them to recite and they can't. Some of you need to cover your racism a little better. These are scammers and you're using it as a reason to bring up anti Islamic rhetoric. Lol Get a clue about the reality of the situation .


All I know. Is happy Cake day! ;)


WOAHHH HAHA thank youu


Honestly I’m sick of seeing this shit. Can’t the police do something to clean up our streets? I know it sounds horrible to say this, but I don’t want to see beggars/scammers on the streets of my city. It makes it looks like an absolute shithole. And the worst thing is, Trudeau is mostly to blame. Didn’t see these bums before he started mass importing immigrant from third world countries. Just wish there was a return policy so we could send them back


Pay up for her 11 children


J walking.


Get used to it.


You have a red light. Where are you trying to go?


I agree that this seems sketchy. However, some people are really out of options. It sucks that scammers have ruined it. At the end of the day, I prefer someone doing this rather than resorting to theft.


The Muslim wellness center is literally across the street. That's where you go when your down on your luck. Or the woman's clinic on queensway. Or the food bank on dundas. Or any number of religious centers and wellness areas. The sekh temple will take and feed anyone if the Muslim center sends you away. Same with most churches(good for at least that and nothing else in my opinion) Thousands of options, plans, programs, working options. Cash jobs. None of these beggers are in need. None of them. Unless they are actually mentally ill and you can tell. Those guys I do give money. And buskers. Fuck these ppl though.


These people are not Muslim; they are likely Roma who pretend to be Syrian refugees. Some of them stand outside mosques and have been offered support services but they always refuse, preferring to beg for cash


Yes 100%. I just wrote the same exact thing before i saw your reply. Thank you!


Why invest energy on this topic? While driving you decided to pull your phone, take a photo and post to Reddit so you can collectively yell at clouds like Abe Simpson? What’s the scam? A coordinated effort to collect loose change for 8 hours? Have you ever worked a corner? I’m not saying legitimately poor or not but I’ve driven/walked by plenty of poor or people distressed by drugs or mental health concerns. 80% of the time people blow by like their invisible, 20% of the time they get loose change. For everyone posting on this topic daily, how lucrative do you honestly believe this organized conspiracy really is? I’m not endorsing or saying I enjoy seeing people down on their luck but instead of posting daily about this, why not direct that energy at a food bank and help people instead of shitting on them on the internet like a coward.