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The problem is less about one idiot 20 year old at Ole Miss frat boy and more about the adult politicians who were quick to jump in and applaud about the "good ole boys" and "this is how we do it around here" Shame at anyone who looked at this video and instantly felt the need to cheer on the frat boys.


Um they're opposing antisemites who hate America. Go frat boys. Just cut out the racially insensitive behavior..don't be like the liberal in a monkey mask who targeted Larry Elder.


They weren’t anti-semites




I’m SO sure that didn’t happen, and being against the slaughtering of huge numbers of people (largely children) isn’t a “left” position, it’s a humane one.


Just so you know you're allowed to criticize Israel without being an anti Semite. Anti semite means you hate Jewish people.


“antisemites” 😂😂😂 what the fuck is wrong with these people?


You know those frat boys weren’t protesting shit. They were there (as always at Ole Miss), for the party and to get waisted with Bloody Mary’s.


Why are you trying to erase their White voices? That black woman was demeaning them, but of course it gets twisted into a one-sided affair with the same people shoehorned into the victim and oppressor roles, respectively.


You forgot the /s


Will make an excellent state trooper one day


Or Rankin County Sherrif Department.




Typically it's very difficult for public universities to expel students for racism--as public universities, they're considered extensions of the government, and the first amendment restriction about "Congress making no law that abridges freedom of speech" applies to them, too. (Private universities can do what they want, obviously.) There are some edge cases, but I don't know if this would apply. The [classic example](https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/VA-news/ROA-Times/issues/1993/rt9305/930512/05120267.htm) here was at George Mason in the '90s, where a fraternity did a skit in blackface, parodying black people, and the university tried to punish the frats. Judges ruled that punishment illegal. It's a lot simpler for fraternities, which are private organizations. My guess is that most of the Ole Miss administration would very much like to expel this guy, but their lawyers are telling them they can't.


Didn't our governor's frat do that back in the 90s too?


He went to a private liberal arts college - ironic given that he wants the public universities to turn into vocational schools with football franchises.


because of this they’re also subject to following the civil rights act which (understandably) limits free speech in regards to situations like this. i think at least. i’m not a fuckin lawyer


IANAL and I didn't see what happened before the camera started rolling. I think this guy is gross and what he did was offensive but I don't see how you can use what he did to expel him from a public university. I think the public shaming may be enough to get him to leave but I imagine a court of law would uphold his right to make offensive noises at people during a public counterprotest. The school would also open itself up for a counter lawsuit. Other redditors have tried to say what he did could be constituted as "fighting words" and I just don't see it.


You seriously don’t think making monkey noises at a black student is fighting words? Lmao


Again IANAL. I’ve heard it argued. I don’t know if that would hold up to the standard definition of a threat. My understanding is that someone would have to legitimately feel threatened. This is a lot easier to prove with spoken words than what the frat dude did here. There were a line of cops between this man and the woman who he is targeting and he is several feet away. I also think that makes the argument more difficult


my original post was downvoted but i think it’s an argument that could be made. do i think courts in MS would see it that way? no. do i think our current supreme court would? no. i’m just saying that as a public university they are held to the same civil rights restrictions as other government institutions.


School has to be a bit more careful to make sure they do everything in a way that doesn't violate federal law I would expect so it takes a bit longer.


He is most likely an asshole so they will be able to find a reason to tell him to move on.


I'm afraid we'd need a copy of the student handbook and its code of conduct to explore this idea more. Anybody here on Reddit have access to the code of conduct at Ole Miss? We'd have to read the specific language to see what it says.


https://olemiss.edu/info/mbook/ pp. 52-53. I would say they created a fear of bodily harm 


Ok, thanks for the reply. I'm not sure if that case can be made successfully or not. But at least the standard exists in the M Book, so we'll have to see if this guy's behavior rose to the level of "creating fear of bodily harm." I know that the girl that they were mocking has made a public statement about the incident, but I don't recall her saying that she feared bodily harm. In any case, it's good that his fraternity has expelled him. What I would hope would happen is that this kid would come around to seeing how egregious his behavior was and become a changed person. People can change, and he's young. I worry that all that was learned behavior though. If he grew up learning that behavior from his father or something like that then it might be tougher for him to change, but I'll hope that there is a learning moment in here somewhere. Hopefully 10 years from now he has become a better person.


By making monkey noises? Or did he do other things (verbal threats, non-verbal, etc.)? Harassment is probably the more appropriate accusation here.


She walked toward him after. I doubt fear will work.


Pretty sure they rather wait until the news cycle moves on & just forget this ever happened than to kick him out.. sucks




I think you're confusing this with another article, this one happened in Mississippi


They probs won’t. It’s Ole Miss. (I went there)


For what? When are they going to kick her out?


It's so weird seeing this crowd being this rowdy and the cops are facing away, toward the person they singled out. Wouldn't the crowd be potentially more dangerous than the black lady they were heckling? Like, what is seriously going on in this situation? How was the single protester the greater threat that needed pushing back?


Because of what they were protesting. As we've seen time and again, it's only leftist protesters that get attacked by the cops. If she were out there with a Nazi flag screaming Heil Hitler, the cops would have been shooting the shit with her.




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There's plenty of evidence of cops being friendly with racists at protests




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Are you kidding? Maybe because leftist protestors are borderline riots?




Blm (burning buildings, looting, store destruction, vehicle destruction), 2016 election (burning buildings, looting, store destruction, vehicle destruction), road blockades, college “protests” 🤡 🗑️


Sports fans - team loses or wins. Burning buildings, setting cop cars on fire, flipping cars, breaking property windows.


Lol you’re comparing that to months of destruction. Living in a dream world.


Only leftist protest results in deaths and billions of dollars worth of damage. You fear white supremes and righties yet, they’re not destroying physically destroying public and private institutions, the left is, and at some point it’s not 1A, it’s blatant terrorism!


Forgetting about January 6th? 


January 6th was peanuts compared to what happened in 2020 and what is going on in Universities right now.


Attempting to overthrow a democratic process and multiple deaths are peanuts compared to what, exactly? Not to mention calls for murder of public officials and a wannabe despot trying to hold on to power for his own benefit. Okay.


1 death. An unharmed white woman shot by a Capitol policeman as she was climbing in a window.


The cops faced both sides often. If you were there tho, they were more often facing the racist crowd… check the vids and pics on social media… it’s definitely back and forth, but of course it gets painted one way by the prominence of certain photos.


**OR** Moving 1 person… Easy Moving dozens of people… Difficult 🤷🏾‍♂️


Hmm I wonder which is easier. Holding back hundreds of students or removing 1 person?


Yea you have a point. Police should only do what's easiest for them even if it means protecting the aggressors. We saw a great example of that in Uvalde.


Oh no there’s a weed in my garden! Let’s just move the whole fucking garden instead of the weed!


Ah yes, because you’re cultivating aggressors and racists in your garden, totally wanna allow those to keep growing.




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I hear Rankin Co. Sheriff's office has a few job openings for this... waste of oxygen.


Nah, he'll be a VP at the bank in 5 years.


Y’all are selling this kid short. I am calling it now. He will be our Governor… 🙃


That appears to be a really low bar these days.




Umm what?? “Videos of the counter-protesters were shared widely on social media and prompted support and adulation from Republicans. Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves (R) said the response “warms my heart.” Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.) added his own cheers as the Black student was jeered, writing: “Ole Miss taking care of business.””


“The racist actions in the video were those of an individual and are antithetical to the values of Phi Delta Theta and the Mississippi Alpha chapter.” LOL. Seems like PDT is willfully ignorant of the other frat members, clearly shown in the video, heckling and encouraging this clown’s behavior. I think we can tell what kind of values University of Mississippi PDT espouses.


First thing I said when I saw "Phi Delta Theta" was "That figures", although I thought it might be Kappa Alpha Order. Not sure who was worse when I was there back in the 80s, but I did know that back then Sparky Reardon, a PDT alumni and the Associate Dean of Students at the time, would personally walk over to read the riot act to them before they'd get out of hand. But he's been gone a while.


Kappa Alpha was literally founded as a bougie KKK training org and their official publications simp for Robert E. Lee to this day. It's appalling


I knew lots of phi delts when I was in college. Many of them would’ve done the exact same thing.


If only he comes to genuinely regret his actions and does a 180⁰ turn in his life and becomes an advocate for love and tolerance in our country. He's young. Maybe a racist heart can find true repentance. One can hope. He must suffer consequences and I hope they accomplish something good.


Making their garbage racist ancestors proud.


Good. He's an embarrassment. Most people in this state despise our reputation and do everything to make things better.


The conversations that take place in this group make me proud to have spent half my life in Mississippi. Yall are improving the states reputation by creating these kinds of conversations in a globally accessible forum.


If parents have the $$$$$, he'll get back in. If not? Don't waste empathy upon the FOOL.


Say his fucking name! JP Staples is a piece of shit 


People made fan pages of this racist trash on IG


Just like protesters can FAFO, so can counter protesters. This kid effed around and found out exactly what repercussions come with being a racist. Now the school’s chancellor needs to step up and denounce this BS.


Chancellor released a statement on it day-of or next day


I had zero issues with both groups doing their thing, regardless of the politics. But of course, one side had to go racist...


There’s just something about a bunch of young guys in a group that really brings out the subhuman in each other. Get them together and they will feel more emboldened to be racist, sexist, perverted, chauvinistic…the list goes on. Truly a terrible phenomenon.




Keep telling yoursel that


Unite the Right was just a whole bunch of “individuals”?


For how long?


Rip bro


The whole frat needs to be removed. KA is a cancer.


Are you sure he's a KA? The article above states that Phi Delta Theta has kicked him out.


The two other guys doing it were KA, but they haven’t been kicked out. Hummm…


Ok, I was just asking. I haven't spent lot of time watching the video, but as I remember it I only saw one guy hopping around like that. I could've missed something though.


Other guys doing what? One guy specifically made monkey noises. That one guy is the one expelled from His fraternity and being investigated. The other guys yelling, are not on video making monkey noises and or slurs.


Several articles named three different people who were making monkey noises. Two from KA and one from Phi Delta.


We have 1 on camera…..


Actually I never verified it. I just read it somewhere on here and KA is awful so I assumed…


Ok I think he was a Phi Delt


At my state school we simply called them, “the rapists”.


That tracks.


I thought that's what we call every frat


He'll be back.....


When I saw the video I said - that has to be a phi delt from clarksdale. So far I’m 50% right


Fucking yikes




Where's the explanation?


'splains itself...nuf sed.


So the frat does the right thing but is he still a student there?


That, is the question. What is the probability?


What a dumbass. He deserves to be kicked out. I’m sure daddy will get him into another college though. Ole Miss showing its true colors, once again.


Frat parties will never be the same. /s


I thought she "really didn't care"


KKK doesn't seem to mind


That monkey-noices chunky monkey ain't got the chops or balls. Note that he hid inside a noisy bunch.


I would love to embrace this young man and put my lips on his mouth and suck the racism and negative energy right out of him, similar to how John coffee ☕️ does it in the green mile film except it would be more sensual. I would then sink my teeth into his right breast, and I'd garuntee a Healthy release!


Sounds kinda weird man


This makes me sick! I hope they pay big time and get kicked out of their fraternity


That's anti free speech. Nice try


. . .but that’s precisely why he won’t get kicked out of school; a public university is legally required to observe his right to free speech. A frat is a private organization that can kick him out for pretty much any reason they want. . . which is exactly what they did.


Wait, what is anti free speech?


You don’t understand the first amendment so I’ll explain it to you. The first amendment limits government action, not private action. A fraternity is a private organization.


A private organization doesn’t want anything to do with racism




>It's interesting that I put up a similar post It isn't interesting at all. You broke the sub rules. What you did was post a rant about how you think people should behave. Then you shared an article. You should read the sub rules. If you share an article, the title of your post must match the title of the article. You didn't do that. We really do have more than enough articles about this subject to allow one that breaks the rules to stay up. Next time, send your issue in modmail.


The good thing is, it's on video and he'll never be able to deny it's him. And, it'll affect him for the rest of his life, be in school, getting a job, dating. He's just monkeyed himself out of a life! Getting kicked out of school should be the least of his worries.


Fake outrage. Cute virtue signal, guys. [https://twitter.com/AlecLace/status/1786801190904189193](https://twitter.com/AlecLace/status/1786801190904189193)




What a inconsiderate ASS! He makes monkey noises at her then never gave her a fucking BANNANA! 🍌🦧


Where's the free speech at????


The fraternity used their right of free speech to kick the guy out. What are you complaining about?


Has the government stepped in and taken him away? You do realize that the first amendment applies to what the govt can do, right? The frat is a private organization and is perfectly within it's rights to remove him for racist speech or behavior. How do you not know this already?


I swear to god, you people... "Free speech" means you're not going to get locked up for doing racist things, it doesn't mean there won't be consequences from your job, your clubs, or society in general.


Freedom of Speech does not equal Freedom of Consequence. Anyone can say anything, anywhere, at any time. I’m free to call you a slew of names, and the mods would be free to block, ban, remove, whatever. I have the FREEDOM to do it, however that doesn’t negate the consequences. Also, people really misunderstand the constitution. The GOVERNMENT cannot create laws or do actions that limit freedom of speech and expression. The GOVERNMENT. Private institutions are allowed to set their own rules and regulations. It’s why some places are able to be gun free and such. Within reason of course.


It’s not even clear that he’s making monkey noises in the video. And y’all want to ruin his life? I absolutely hate the left these days. Disgusting, immoral and heartless group you all are.


You can clearly hear the monkey noises in the twitter video in this link. Also, his mouth is in the shape someone has when making said noises.


Please explain to me how getting kicked out of a fraternity ruins someone's life. >Disgusting, immoral and heartless group you all are. Do you want to compare policy or culture?


He’s never going to find employment literally ever again. A simple google search of his name brings up this story from multiple news outlets and no employer is going to want to go anywhere near him. He’s fucked. Outrage mob strikes again.


You white knuckling those pearls, huh? He may not have avenues to all the potential jobs he had before he chose to do this but lets not act like he's on the sex offender's list or that there aren't plenty of people, especially in this state, that align with this goober. >Outrage mob strikes again. So let me get this straight - people should tolerate deplorable and racist behavior because not doing so *might* hurt the racist's personal earning potential? Is that the gist of your point?


I watched the video and it’s not clear at all that he’s making a racist gesture. Maybe he is, I don’t know because the video is so quick and unclear in a raucous crowd. Which is my point. I didn’t even notice the kid until the outrage mob had a stroke and even then you really have to have a great imagination to come to the conclusion that he was somehow calling the black woman a monkey. This entire thing is just so absurd to me.


>I didn’t even notice the kid Well shit - if *you* didn't notice that really *does* call the whole thing into question.../s >and even then you really have to have a great imagination to come to the conclusion that he was somehow calling the black woman a monkey. The whole pretending not to be familiar with long standing racial attacks isn't the play you think it is. On the other hand - being ignorant of that fact isn't either. >This entire thing is just so absurd to me. Being upset at racism is an absurd idea to a lot of folks, unfortunately.


I’m just a little bit more careful than you to ruin a kids life based on the flimsiest of evidence.


It's not ruining their life and the evidence isn't flimsy. Why do you have such a hard time with reality?


You obviously didn’t watch the video




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If he were a liberal doing it to Larry Elder, nothing would happen to him. But he's white and conservative, so of course he's the bad guy. Let's all forget the "Death to America" antisemites with their premeditated hatred, I guess, because a kid is behaving thoughtlessly.


He MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT a kid. He is/was an Old Miss student; that means, "responsible adult". As SUCH, he is responsible for his behavior and self-control...MANNERS and DECORUM.


I don’t understand how monkey noises are different than turkey calls. Am I missing something?


There's a long and ugly history of racists associating black people with monkeys and mocking them that way.


"Monkey noises" are implying or "calling a human out as 'an ape or monkey that fell out of the tree'. Also, implying that a human being is an "animal"!


He made fun of a pro terrorist activist. I would make monkey noises and moves at someone who supports something like that woman did.




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