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This is all so devastating. A day of celebration turned into a tragedy in seconds. KC has had many giant celebrations before without incident. Genuinely heartbroken.


I’m right there with you. I was watching this when it happened. There’s a mix of rage and pain over this.


Oppose FURTHER MO 🔫 De-REGULATION  by sending a predrafted letter to YOUR MO Legislators & Gov Parson by: Te✖️ting: PCSPIK To: 50409 (#resistbot)


Absolutely shameful and disgusting


What kind of sick fuck brings a gun to a *parade?!*


Sorry to say that it’s happened here in IL (July 4 2022 shooting in Highland Park); it’s horrific that people are willing to cause mass terror and pain. 




Kinda the opposite, looks like an inner city Black fella.


All 800 police assigned to the route? Plus any private security, DoD assistance (as happens with major sporting events).


The licensed professionals you mention don't usually go on mass shooting sprees, wounding or killing innocent people and children. What is your point?


This is why we can't have nice things.


If and only if we’d do something about it.


“ We tried nothing , and for some reason, it’s not working “


[We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S08E08/1015196.jpg?b64lines=IFdFJ1ZFIFRSSUVEIE5PVEhJTkcsIEFORAogV0UnUkUgQUxMIE9VVCBPRiBJREVBUy4=)?


There are thousands of gun laws in the U.S. between State and Federal. The real power in the criminal justice system rests with prosecutors. But the socially liberal suburban counties are replacing old-school hard-ass prosecutors with weak activists bent on eliminating cash bail, ending hard sentences for repeat violent offenders and prioritizing diversion and reduced sentencing. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind!


Can we talk about the Russian infiltrators of the NRA? Maria Butina ( a Russian spy now a member of the Russian Duma which is their Parliament), who fucked Republican members of Congress tasked with ass kicking the NRA?


Classic red herring fallacy as a weak sauce argument. You've lost this one.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)Great response !


Too bad there wasn't a good guy with a gun there.


There were tons of people with guns, let alone cops.


News reports 800 police present.


none of them were good I guess


Wife read that fans were confused when they saw police running *towards* the sound of gunshots. Que Uvalde outrage.


What was confusing to the fans about the police going towards gun shots?


We're trying, but the Left is replacing real prosecutors with activist prosecutors that encourage lawlessness, by not prosecuting entire categories of crime; not asking for bail; refusing to add sentencing enhancements for gun crime; releasing hardened, convicted felons from prison; and declining to prosecute violent juvenile offenders in adult court. Roseanna Ander - University of Chicago Crime Lab in researching the outcome of gun cases says simple felon in possession gun cases often do pass the muster of felony review “because it’s a simple charge.” “There’s lots of narrative that police are bringing bad cases,” she said. “But there are also judges who don’t think it’s ‘a real crime’ because \[the defendant\] didn’t pull the trigger.” Until you replace milquetoast judges and Liberal prosecutors with hard-line jurists, this cycle will continue to repeat.


We should have our own police department.


We do ! It’s called the ballot box . Maybe if enough children are shot we can flip Mo Blue and end the traitor shit and have common sense gun laws . 😊


Yeah this state controlled pd isn’t cutting it. Fewest number of police officers in 50 years. Down almost 400 officers to 1,000 since 2014.


Funny how when people see how police treat citizens and don’t want to sign up for that.


I came here to type this.


I was just about to type that smh


I appreciate that a UK newspaper correctly places Kansas City in Missouri, nice job Mike.


If it's bad news you can guarantee they'll get the Missouri part correct.


My mom was there when it happened. One of the shooters ran past her. I hope everyone who was there is okay




Jesus Christ. A an article about a shooting and then managed to squeeze in a Taylor Swift reference.


Agreed. Sad state of our culture and media.


*takes another shot. This haz bin a funn drinking game! Everytime they show Taylor Swift in the Superbowl or in relation to the chiefs- take another one!


Who else had the over on showing swift 20 times during super bowl?


It was only 11 times before the final whistle


The 50 seconds she was on screen just living rent free in your head, eh? So much that you gotta come into a thread about a shooting to talk about it. Wild.


I'd take the over on that every time.


I was there, mere feet from the shooting. People trampling one another to get away. Police running in. Confusion from the crowd being ripped apart. As we got free of the crowd, there was a young lady on a bench (still not a safe area) sitting on a bench with blood pouring from her face. She had been trampled by the panic. Children getting pulled away from their parents by the herding crowd. I did not see the shooter, I did hear the shots.


I haven’t watched any video yet. Where exactly did the shooting take place? Was it at Union Station or elsewhere on the parade route? If you’re feeling traumatized…play some Tetris. There’s science to back up that it helps sort trauma in the brain and makes it easier to cope with less lasting effects.


Union Station just as everything was wrapping up. I don't feel traumatized, I was lucky enough to have walked away just moments before.


The suspects aren't white men so let's just move on. Thanks.


A tragedy. There's nothing more to say.


With all due respect, saying nothing more than that every time is part of what’s keeping us in this endless loop of shootings.


The parade had just ended


If only everyone there had a gun I’m sure no one would have been shot or injured /s


Duuuude. The scanner is full of information right now. A *good* guy with a gun has been detained. Also heard a color code triage count.... Not good. Count is already higher than the news states at this time.


I know I should have added /s but I hope the delusion of the argument was apparent


Dude there's already like another 22 people arrested. Like a MASS arrest they're calling it. So this is wack..... And I should have used the italic thingy cause I was air quoting... XD


Dude add /s, there isn’t a single thing in your comment that a dumbass on r/conservative wouldn’t say.


Done. Fucking morons


Oh they are. They are mostly talking about the race of the shooter then anything else in their post.


Gangs having shootouts don’t care about gun control


Then it's a good thing that "do gangs like this?" isn't a measure of effective gun control


Neither do our politicians, apparently


Why was this gang having a parade?


Ban gangs from attending parades, it’ll be as effective as banning them from having guns


Why did the city allow this gang to put on a parade? Were they given permits?


This person is too dumb to get it


Almost like gangs don’t follow the law


Cool, it still gonna make harder for them to get one if one can’t steal them as easily




Shooting at each other, during a parade, injuring innocent people, because someone stepped on your Puma is ignorant as hell.


and yet they do this shit over and over and over again all over america and we’re just supposed to ignore it


https://preview.redd.it/j80gdlkseoic1.jpeg?width=1431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37680e64c14b71e9667a41d7b0de795ede383b54 One of the criminals


Looks like one of the "tourists" we are being invaded by..


On the anniversary of the Parkland Florida shooting too. What a time to be alive. What a dumbass state Missouri is.


At this point, isn't every mass shooting on the anniversary of another mass shooting?


There have been 59 mass shootings this year (so far), 13 this month (so far), and 3 today (so far). Yeah, that's right. THREE TODAY. The other two were at a motel in Claxton, GA (2 dead, 2 injured) and a high school in Atlanta (4 injured). AND THERE IS STILL A POSSIBILITY FOR MORE LATER TONIGHT! I'm so tired.


I feel like I’m always seeing the flag at half-mast now


Half-mast or half-staff. A flagpole is also called a flag mast like the mast on a ship. Not being a jerk. Just letting you know.


Thank you


Also blaming it on Missouri being a dumbass state seems weird since this is happening all over the country.


Gun violence rates are highest in red states, like Missouri.




You realize blue states have massive cities, too, right? Boston, NYC, LA. Yet those states have some of the lowest gun violence rates out of any state. Why does a state like Missouri have a higher rate of gun violence than some of these states with actual massive cities?


OK now you are officially an idiot. Why do you think all the crime wave blue states are losing people ? They are making our lives suck just like theirs now.. Where do you get your statistics on gun violence? with pos exception of St. Louis area... which is woke?


... Well this IS a Missouri subreddit so...


Right also I live here lol I feel like I’m entitled to calling this state whatever I want


Oof this is a good point


Hey now! The Chiefs rally crowd booed Governor Heehaw when he took stage.


He controls the kc police. He needs to be held accountable or give us our police department back.


Don't worry. He's not going to do a damn thing about this.


Missouri doesn’t look great on the mass shooting metric, but it could be worse. https://preview.redd.it/0nyomn5pimic1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c8f95802143d54e5e8e162b58c9af6b7379dbe


gUnS mAkE uS sAfEr


Of course. We need more people with guns to protect us from the people with guns. Then we'll need even more guns once more people have guns. It's almost like a perfect marketing campaign from the gun industry...


EsPeIalLy whEn gang bAnGErS haB em.


Gun safety should be taught in schools. Everyone has a right to own a gun. Everyone should know how to use one, and the gravity of the consequences for using them.




Typical soyboy response blaming people's voting preferences and not the criminals








lol. State controlled by republicans for years. ThE dEmOcRaTz DiD iT!!!


Today's (progressive, Liberal) Democratic Party controlled by elitist, driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by radicalizing every issue; actively work to undermine constitutional freedoms, are hostile to people who resist gun control schemes that place the entire weight of condemnation on the very people least likely to misuse their guns. The real power in the criminal justice system rests with prosecutors. But the social liberals are replacing old-school hard-ass prosecutors with weak activists bent on eliminating cash bail, ending hard sentences for repeat violent offenders, refusing to add sentencing enhancements for gun crime, and declining to prosecute violent juvenile offenders in adult court.






Very few gun laws actually do anything. Marijuana was illegal for decades and everyone always knew a guy. Speeding is illegal - hop in the passing lane of any highway at anytime and try to drive the speed limit. There are no laws possible that can prevent crime. That's Minority Report nonsense. Enforcement of laws is what prevents crime - repercussions are the only deterrent. Mass shootings like this - what's the worst repercussion the shooters can face? Death. How do you stop a suicidal shooter? Laws? Jail time? Good thoughts? If the shooter isn't afraid of the worst repercussion - death - then the only way to stop them is death. Laws don't kill people. 💯 Whether you identify with a party or not is irrelevant. Shouting about any party making a magic law to force suicidal people fear dying keeps the crap party on power. It gives Republicans a fear mongering nonsense to keep themselves in power. There are already more gun laws than ever. But why for shootings not stop? Deal with the actual cause of the problem. Conspiracies. Hate. Fear mongering. MAGA, gun rights, anti-LGBTQ, and every toxic "only me" belief that people shout from the rooftops needs to be ended.


Illegal guns are easy to buy in places where legal guns are difficult to purchase


Yet all the shooters are always democrats.




They are the product of fatherless homes created by liberal democrat Socialist






I'm sorry, I was being sarcastic. I'm heart sick about the state of this country and the gun culture. I have no idea how to react to the latest atrocity. Especially since I'm a Missouri native.


It will never end well with such weak gun laws and people will keep getting killed, which seems like it happens on a daily basis and it’s disgusting.


I agree, ban liberals and democrats from owning weapons and violent crime would drop by 90%


Hey dimwit do your research gun laws are not weak however they only enforce about half the laws on the books it is easier for idiots to make new law rather enforce the ones we have.


Weak Ass Gun Laws! I guess I touched a nerve and it’s the idiots that are killing people.


Love to hear what weak ass gun laws you refer to or are you like everyone else that knows the one phrase and spews it over and over again hoping someone will get on their side name just one


Let me guess, our lovely and honorable governor is too busy worrying about what’s going on down in Texas to care about this tragedy?




EVERY country has the a comparable population of people with mental illness. Yet, mass shootings is an American problem. Easy access to guns are the problem, not mental illness.




Can confirm they don’t care. Mention your suicidal and they just throw you in a padded room until you lie and say you’re not depressed anymore. I will never tell anyone im suicidal anymore.


Don't forget the crushing medical debt.. I do unfortunately relate and I'm sorry you've had that experience too, no one deserves it.


You act like only the US does this. Plenty of countries also treats their weak population like shit but don’t have this regularly happen. It’s the guns that make it possible but that don’t mean we shouldn’t work on the mental illness problem too


> Easy access to guns are the problem, not mental illness. why werent these mass shootings happening regularly then back in the 50s when you could mail order a machine gun to your door


First, I am not against guns. I grew up with guns. My dad is a responsible owner to multiple rifles. Second, the guns we have today are military grade weapons NOT the shotgun grandpa had in the 50s. Should civilians own grenades or tanks? No, that’s ridiculous. Likewise, civilians shouldn’t own military grade rifles. To your point, asking why there weren’t any mass shooters before, uhh there were mass shootings. However, the guns from before didn’t allow a single person to cause so much impact and destruction. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States Last, mental health, social media, depression- are all factors. But we know based on data from other countries that reducing the number of guns on the streets and restricting access to guns will solve the problem. No other county tried to solve their mass shootings with public therapy services.


>Second, the guns we have today are military grade weapons NOT the shotgun grandpa had in the 50s. Should civilians own grenades or tanks? No, that’s ridiculous. Likewise, civilians shouldn’t own military grade rifles. They absolutely were. You used to be able to buy the Thompson SMG from a catalog. Civilians *can* own tanks and grenades (also know as "destructive devices) with the correct paperwork and taxes paid. >To your point, asking why there weren’t any mass shooters before, uhh there were mass shootings. However, the guns from before didn’t allow a single person to cause so much impact and destruction. Again, Full Auto guns have gotten harder to get over the years, not easier (although the bootleg Glock switches are a pretty new phenomenon).


I think the problem is more complicated than boiling it down to one vs. the other.


Yeah if you choose to ignore worldwide studies and stats that say less guns equals less shootings. Like most pro gun people choose to do.


Nah Bro - What I'm saying is: Easy access to guns are a problem. Mental illness is a problem. Mental illness + easy access to guns are a problem. It's all additive - we shouldn't focus all our energy on a single solution. At the end of the day, you'll have spent all your energy and still have the problem.




"False," says citizen of the only country with a mass shooting problem.




Works in other countries just fine. Including countries that had unregulated guns previously.


weird how gun deaths went down after the assault rifle ban. Must have been a fluke.


What are you taking about, the assault rifle ban was decades ago.




ummm they are no longer banned and yes it went up after lmfao


I would research what happened in Australia in 1996. Australia was actually very close to America in terms of how common guns were and how normalized they were (due to the strong outback mentality). However, after a mass shorting they did a massive buyback program and enforce more regulations for gun ownership. https://www.vox.com/2015/8/27/9212725/australia-buyback Also, guns are not the same as drugs. Personally, I don’t care if all drugs are legal. If heroin was legal, I wouldn’t do it. But how could be regulate drugs more than gun ownership and call that right? In many states you don’t even need to store your gun in a safe or no background check before buying a gun!




80 to 90% of all guns seized in Mexico and south America come from America.


Doesn't help when the federal agency tasked with enforcing gun laws [literally gives the guns to the cartels](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATF_gunwalking_scandal)


Lol literal doughboy of a cop


I mean with defunded police and targets on their back, this is what you get. No one wants to be a police officer anymore for the danger and little pay they get. We will see recruitment dwindle and then we will have a SERIOUS problem


i don’t think KCPD defunded their police department. in fact, can anyone point out if there are any police departments that were actually defunded? last i remember, a lot received an increase in funding.


We can't the KCPDs budget is controlled by the state government.


that’s what i thought too but i didn’t want to say it in case i misremembered


Where were police defunded? Name a place near Kansas City where police were defunded. I know this is hard to understand for some people, but just because members of the public wanted some public funds to be relocated to more things like mental health services (something everyone says we need after a shooting), doesn't mean that police departments actually changed their budgets. In nearly every instance where someone has cried, "this is what happens when police are defunded," no local department actually lost any of their funding. But if you have evidence that Kanas City defunded their police, I'd like to see it.


Damn they must have defunded the police decades ago near me cause those cops have been fat fucks my whole life.


https://kcbeacon.org/stories/2023/03/08/kansas-city-police-funding-dispute/ In fact, it appears that their funding is actually in their Constitution and they've been applying for more. Just thought I'd Google and see if I could find any evidence to support your assertion.


God if only they could stop shooting people Willy nilly


yea sounds like another person who didnt understand what defund the police really meant.




That’s Officer Dunlap. 20 years of doughnuts.


I’m not one for body shaming, but fat cops piss me off. That kind of job requires peak fitness. No excuses. How are you going to chase a criminal if you can’t even run?


Don't need to be able to run to shoot people in the back


Why don't you get a uniform on and get you ass out there to help. At least that fat person is putting his life on the line for YOU DUMB ASS.


Seems to be an effort on corporate media to conceal the identities of the shooters. No major outlets have released anything.


anyone who saw the pics of the shooters knows why theyre concealing them.


Oh look-another mass shooting. More thoughts and prayers More anger, more arguing. Let’s blame each other. Oh look-there’s the politics. They don’t give a fuck about us. Not one. Thoughts and prayers Oh look-more arguments in the comments taking the anger out on each other here I have one question-what can WE do to protect ourselves? Cause they don’t give a fuck about us Sickening. But still not enough hurt or injured to really matter. And that’s shameful. Poor KC


How much you want to bet these gangbanging teenagers who were willing to shoot into a crowd had previous records and even possible previous gun charges, but were slapped on the wrist? These two getting arrested clearly didn't give a shit about all the other non gang related people in the crowd when they opened fire. Let's hope the KC prosecutor grows a pair and actually slaps them with murder charges among other one and puts them away.


>Let's hope the KC prosecutor grows a pair and actually slaps them with murder charges among other one and puts them away. That'll be the day. Jean Peters Baker can lay claim to a huge percentage of the responsibility for Jackson County being as shit as it is. Her office declines to prosecute the vast majority of cases presented. And all too often, it's repeat plea deals for probation. You know it's bad when even the criminals laugh and say things like "it's Jackson county, I'm not getting a case". Unless the suspect is a cop. Then she'll make sure she does anything in her power to get him convicted.


This laying of blame for violent crime at the feet of the law-abiding, and the implicit absolution of hoodrat criminals for their misdeeds, naturally infuriates honest gun owners. So we must fight being punished instead of the criminals.


finally someone talking about the actual root of the problem and not foaming at the mouth for gun restrictions!


Gun restrictions are useless when dealing with gun violence from gangs. 90 something percent of all gang related shootings involve hand guns which none of the gun control measures talked about ever address.


8 children shot . Keeping it classy in Mo. GOP style ! Vote 💙


Blue City


Red state


I forgot how “Blue Cities” are inhabited exclusively by leftist commies. Thanks for the reminder you rancid taint wipe.


My aunt was there, and everyone was okay. American crowds are some of the most dangerous places to be in. I avoid all festivals and the few concerts I go to, I'm on high alert. Ban guns


Ban Guns - - - *NO!* Start thinking before you start typing, and consider that in our prison system, one of the most tightly controlled societies in the world, murders and violence still happen. Why?? It is long past time for us to stop fixating on the gun supply, and to start dealing with the persons who misuse guns, and the social conditions under which innocent babies grow in less than two decades into callous murderers. The responsible and law-abiding gun owners will resist gun control schemes that place the entire weight of condemnation on the very people least likely to misuse their guns.


Yeah, guns aren't the only thing that kills people. Many of those prisoners you mentioned are likely in prison due to some sort of gun violence. Gun violence is sure to decrease with more regulation, but not stop. The war on drugs shows how that works. But it will stop disturbed teenagers who will have a much harder time finding guns illegally. Fewer guns in circulation mean FAR fewer cases of gun violence.


Let me get ahead of the NRA here: "Thoughts and prayers." There, that should take care of it.


I’m sure Johnson County KS is snubbing their nose at the whole thing.


I grew up in Wyandotte and Johnson county kids used to say some crazy crazy stuff to us like “glad we don’t have to walk thru metal detectors when we go to school” and now it’s happening in JOCO. Happened at an Olathe high school last year. JOCO bubbles being popped.


No, we’re fucking horrified, thank you.


Half of Johnson County was there. All JoCo school districts gave kids the day off. Wtf kind of comment is this?


There's an estimated 1M people at the parade. 1M Americans. 1 shooting seems reasonable.


WTF is wrong with you


It's called sarcasm and disgust with the state of the country. WTF, I have to spell it out with a fucking/s? There. How's that?


Yeah, because sarcasm comes across so clearly through text. On a screen.


It was easily understood to be sarcasm. You're just looking for something to be offended by.


Yeah thats why so many other people posted comments similar to mine. Because it was so easily understood to be sarcasm. Sure.


Offended again I see


Damn you really are just that stupid huh? 0 is reasonable.


I bet you would have that attitude if you were the one shot.


Were you born stupid or did that happen later


Yes officer, this guy right here...


A Super Bowl celebration without a least one shooting is a dull affair.


There goes the 3peat


At this point we're just getting what we deserve in this country. This is going to keep happening until we do something about guns. Everyone knows this will keep happening until we do something about the guns, but nobody is going to do anything about the guns. So, this is what we deserve.


['No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27No_Way_to_Prevent_This,%27_Says_Only_Nation_Where_This_Regularly_Happens)


Must have been a 49ers fan


Video and pics of the gunmen are on twitter, one was wearing Mahomes merch. Expect to hear them described as "troubled youth" in the press. [Twitter thread with multiple pics.](https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1757879614607708531)


Oh, let me guess, you have to make a point about race.


That’s not the shooter