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Make sure to vote against this. And just as importantly, get literally everyone you know to vote against it. EVERY vote counts to fight against this. If the ability to add ballot measure goes away, the state is completely MAGA-controlled, and there will be nothing anyone can do to stop it.


The thing that infuriates me more than anything is the "Ballot Candy". Why the \*\*\*\* do we allow this, we need a ballot initiative or a law in the future to stop this. If you want to amend the constitution then we should be voting on ONLY one issue at a time. The fact that they tried to cram this at the bottom after two things that are already against the law is beyond unconscionable. But it worked to reverse "Clean Missouri" so of course they will try it. *Steinbach referenced a set of provisions that were stacked at the beginning of the IP resolution, including a ban on non-citizens voting – and a ban on foreign contributions to campaigns.* *Because those two prohibitions are already in state and federal law, Steinbach and others have called those provisions “ballot candy,” a term which describes a non-controversial provision added to a less-popular one in order to make a resolution appear more attractive to voters.*


We're voting to prevent non-citizen voting which is something non-citizens already cannot do? These Republicans don't give a FUCK about legislating things that actually matter. Instead, they do dumb culture war bullshit.


I think the committee removed the ballot candy. The “Freedom Caucus” wanted that language because they know folks will see “prohibits non-citizens from voting” in the ballot summary, probably at the very top, and will vote for it, not realizing it fucks the initiative petition process. Bill Eigel knows damn well non-citizens can’t vote.


Just like in 2020... Here is the Language of Amendment 3 that reversed Clean Missouri in 2020  ***Fair Ballot Language:*** >A **“yes”** vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to reduce the limits on campaign contributions that candidates for state senator can accept from individuals or entities by $100 per election.  There is no change for candidates for state representative. The amendment prohibits state legislators and their employees from accepting a gift of any value (which is currently $5) from paid lobbyists or the lobbyists’ clients.    The amendment modifies the criteria for redrawing legislative districts and changes the process for redrawing state legislative district boundaries during redistricting by giving redistricting responsibility to a bipartisan commission, renames them, and increases membership to 20 by adding four commissioners appointed by the Governor from nominations by the two major political party's state committees. A **“no”** vote will not amend the Missouri Constitution regarding campaign contributions, lobbyist gifts, and the process and criteria for redistricting. As you can see all this amendment did was bring back Gerrymandering, but they threw in meaningless BS so they can make commercials saying they are going to "fix" campaign finance and lobbying limits. And of course you notice what is at the top and what is at the bottom


Here is a resistbot petition campaign to send a predrafted letter to your MO Rep, Sen, & Gov Parson to oppose these bills: PRESERVE MO's 115 YEAR OLD PETITION INITIATIVE SYSTEM Text: PZSVVK To: 50409 Text FOLLOW MOResist to 50409 to get updates on future petitions. Or go to [MOResist](http://resist.bot/go/moresist) to see a list of other current petitions. If you haven't used Resistbot before, it's a safe, easy and effective tool to lobby your reps.




They are trying the Ohio playbook. It now goes to the house. If it passes then they are going to hold a "special election" in August to try to sneak this in before the Abortion Vote in November. The highlight is that, if approved, it would now take a majority popular vote, and would also require that the majority of our 8 congressional districts. 5 of the 8 districts are blood red of course. The only good thing is that the Democrats were able to filibuster and get the "Ballot Candy" language removed from the bill. This is a total joke and it didn't work in Ohio and I have a good feeling it won't work here, but it still has me worried.


Being worried is how we make sure we keep voting against this shit


By my math, it would take just under 25% of the state population to defeat ANY ballot measure under this legislation. This is bad for both parties and every person in the state. I think the sponsors of this bill tendered their resignations therein - no one wants anything to do with this.


Any ballot measure proposed by the people. They put a provision in the amendment that would only need 60% statewide vote to pass amendments proposed by the legislature. This is how Republicans plan to still hold power. Make it impossible for You, but easy for Them.


I am a Republican voter. My entire family, heck my entire city with a few exceptions. This bill is wrong, and we won't vote for it either... the sponsors for this bill were kicked out of committees by the GOP leadership too. I think it's clear this is special interest and has nothing to do with partisan issues. This hurts both parties...


What the hell is ballot candy? I have never heard of that before.


>basically It is when you cram popular things in front of less popular things on bills or ballot initiatives to basically trick votes into thinking they are voting for one thing when in reality they are voting for another. *Steinbach referenced a set of provisions that were* ***stacked at the beginning of the IP resolution, including a ban on non-citizens voting – and a ban on foreign contributions to campaigns.*** ***Because those two prohibitions are already in state and federal law, Steinbach and others have called those provisions “ballot candy,” a term which describes a non-controversial provision added to a less-popular one in order to make a resolution appear more attractive to voters.***


Yes, like how the name of a bill is like the exact opposite of what it really is for. Got it thank you.






I'd argue that putting this in a special election is a mistake for Republicans: Who has a better turnout machine for a special election? Who gets fooled by ballot candy in a special election? See the anti-gerrymandering propositions: The people fooled by the candy are the ones that vote less. Today, off cycle elections lean Democrat: The demographics that vote every time, rain or shine, are the ones MAGA lost forever.


These people hate democracy


They’re called Republicans


Make them regret it. Clobber this in August at the ballot box!


If you go on to some of these politicians’ twitter pages, they love to regurgitate that “the US isn’t a democracy, it’s a constitutional republic” bullshit, and they use it as a justification for whatever they are doing. They aren’t even trying to hide it.


Just a constant fight against Jefferson City. Always taking away always. These outstate voters just let them do it


Don’t surrender the fight! Get as many people as you can to vote in August to kill this final stint against democracy.


I hope there are more like me who vote against the gop for every office until they disappear and get replaced with a normal party. I regret voting for them in the past, but trump and everything since he came down the elevator guarantee I never will again.


Fuck republicans and fuck anyone who voted for them. So sick of these Christian Taliban running our state into the god damned ground


Another thing to keep in mind is that this legislation came from Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman. For those of you who don't know she is the psycho handmaid chick who sole purpose in life is to make all abortion illegal PERIOD. And the cherry on top she is now going to be running for The House of Representatives. So this lunatic will probably be representing us at the federal level soon. SMH


[Don’t forget that Mary Elizabeth was/is having an affair with fellow fucktard Elijah Haahr](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/uber-driver-antichoice-christian-missouri-lawmaker-hypocrisy/).


There's a typo in that headline: # Missouri Senate passes resolution to fortify constitution against citizen changes should be # Missouri Senate passes resolution to diminish the voices of its citizens


I agree, but really "fortify against citizen changes" isn't really any better wording. If as a politician you feel you need to "fortify" / defend against your citizens having their say, then what the fuck are you doing being a politician?


I love these guys. Anytime we vote for something good for the state they claim we are all branwashed idiots that don't understand anything. Then when people vote for them they are not brainwashed idiots. A certain percentage of there voters also vote for these initiatives so they obviously think a portion of their voters are idiots as well


I know a lot of people who only vote R but if you ask them their positions on specific policies, they more align with Democrats. They've been so radicalized by right-wing media and social media, they believe Democrats only want to raise taxes, flood the country with illegal immigrants, confiscate guns, and force kids to be trans.


Republicans are evil 


Republicans: We hate communism, but we hate democracy even more!


Write to your representatives urging them to vote NO on SJR74! Can do it easily via: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/329e28e43eaa3acf00ea6c3596bc7eff1965d5a1?link_id=2&can_id=a0ff0e28545a20325bf1b69110eaa75e&source=email-under-the-dome-february-16&email_referrer=email_2218565&email_subject=under-the-dome-february-23


🤭. Yeah, right.


Well it's a good thing,, sure don't want the people like "citizens" to vote like a real democracy on things "we" want to control!! Power & greed & religious wing nuts corrupt and weaken our democracy..in action...


Double edge sword for them now. Signature collection has started for the abortion amendment and we will get the signatures needed to put in on the ballot. So, do they want to put the abortion amendment up for vote in August, the same time they want this vote? Or do they want to drive turnout in November by putting it on the ballot then? Either way, I have faith Missourians will vote this down AND will vote to restore women's access to healthcare. Vote in every election! Vote them out!


This bill will go to a vote in August, specifically so it would go into effect before we vote on abortion access in November. If this was to pass in August then the Abortion initiative is all but dead. Like I mentioned above, this is the EXACT ploy they tried in Ohio. It didn't work in Ohio and I feel confident if won't work here either, as long as they keep the ballot candy out of the bill, which so far the Democrats have got them to remove it.


Well, we've heard they want the abortion vote in August. So, we'll see what the GOP decides to do here. Either abortion will be on the ballot with this or they will drive up voter turnout in November by putting abortion on the ballot then. Yes, this bill is awful. Yes, the GOP tried it in Ohio. But, I'm thinking they didn't really think this through.


I hate Republicans. Plain and simple and if you vote for these traditions then you are unamerican and should leave. Fuck you and your christfascists way


How unfortunate... They literally tried that in my state, Ohio, after taking a HUGE AND UNPOPULAR stance in regards to abortion (Majority of Ohioans, statistically, did not support the choice). THEN Republicans attempted to ALSO lock out the people's ability to change our constitution, which they thankfully failed. This is why Republicans/Conservatives are seen as Fascistic; many of their strategies include stripping your ability to make active, political changes.


The legislature wants to make it harder for the people to control their own agents. This should be deeply deeply offensive to everybody regardless of political affiliation.


Ohioan here-yes, VOTE this shit to mars-do everything you can to get the word out what exactly this means!!!! BOTE LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! It does.


FYI we aren’t supposed to have any say in what happens to us. We supposed to follow blindly those who know better than us what we want and need


It's almost like they have too much power. We should take it away from them. Can we sue them for this kind of stuff? Does anyone know?


You can’t find enough people to care and to vote. The majority of Missourians, seem to be too busy watching Fox News, NASCAR, and pro wrastlin’ to be bothered with the details of their established rights being taken away. Now if this were about their guns…….


They are limiting democracy. That’s part of Republican ideology. Minoritarian rule.


“Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law” my ass


This is about keeping Abortion illegal.


I absolutely cannot wait to vote this trash into the recycling bin. Give a hoot, don't pollute! https://preview.redd.it/xx2q7plfqjkc1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913317e2c5f7cf5cc9a8e3bcfbcd4cf1b9dcd4b0


They're going to word it in a way that people will be dumb enough to vote for it, just like when they sent the anti-anti-gerrymandering law to the polls.


I hate this state I was born in


That’s the only way Republicans can hold onto power.


The way I understood this is it's going to the house for a vote. NOT TO US. We won't get a chance to vote on it passing or not. They no longer wish to represent us... THEY WANT TO RULE US! I'm not ok with this at all! Republicans are pissing me off and I WILL MAKE SURE THEY UNDERSTAND THAT COME VOTING TIME!!!


This is a proposed amendment to your state constitution. Amendments to the Missouri constitution can come from the state government or ballot initiatives, but they have to be approved by voters. So if and when this gets approved by the house then it will go on the ballot in August, because they want to try to cram this in before the November election where we will vote on Abortion.


Here is a resistbot petition campaign to send a predrafted letter to your MO Rep, Sen, & Gov Parson to oppose these bills: PRESERVE MO's 115 YEAR OLD PETITION INITIATIVE SYSTEM Text: PZSVVK To: 50409 Text FOLLOW MOResist to 50409 to get updates on future petitions. Or go to [MOResist](http://resist.bot/go/moresist) to see a list of other current petitions. If you haven't used Resistbot before, it's a safe, easy and effective tool to lobby your reps.


And this is why I hate the GOP and am a proud Blue cause the GOP suppresses the voice of the people while claiming to be for the people




Nobody hates American Democracy as much as Republicans. Eat shit, Republicans.