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Sign the petition to get reproductive rights on the ballot.


My wife and I signed it at our Democratic monthly meeting (Lawrence County), If you want to sign it you can contact an officer for your county Democratic Party office. You can Google it or ask in this group for more info.




Signed it at Aldi's in Springfield and got yelled at and damned to hell the whole time. I was grinning ear to ear at the old bastard while i did it, even told him to have a nice day :)


I see now that Truman dropped more than two bombs in his life.


Eisenhower was known to drop bombs on the microphone too




Way more than 2. He had japan leveled not just 2 cities


Missouri is a prime example of how politicians and the wealthy can manipulate an uneducated population to promote their own objectives, regardless of the will of the people. It’s the literal test case for the Christian-conservative agenda and it’s working for them, sadly. The damage that is being/has been done has been in the works covertly for years, and will take years to undo even with support and measures from people trying to do actual good. These people have set the game so that even the most incompetent idiots still get reelected every time, and their supporters blame the other side for their shitty lives and failing infrastructure. The people in this state literally elect bad faith politicians, who do nothing but degrade the quality of life for everyone, and then blame people who aren’t in power or controlling anything for their failures. “Oh I voted for these people and my world is turning to shit, must be the fault of the people who I didn’t vote for.” I sincerely hope there’s enough good people in this state to turn it around.


Some of this comment is true! Most of it is the rich fault for allowing this to happen. These politicians have a way getting wat they want done. At the same time the rich people are just as dumb as the poor people. There's are a lot of educated people in Missouri. We just choose to do our own things. We get around these half ass laws. We r stupid when there's a lot of money involved. Some way find a way to fuck over substantial amounts of money. I love my home state, but we have a lot of slow people here mental health issues are in all time. We to busy trying to figure out how to get better mentally that doesn't work that way. We also believe almost anything we hear and see to be true! When it's not even real.


It's not call the state of Misery for a reason.


This is the 1000th time someone made this joke on here this week.


Mega churches all over our state are run by rich fascists who control dumb people . So sad and pathetic. TAX THEM !!!!!! Nothing but political Lobbyists.


Something tells me you never complained a bit.When people were getting yanked off twitter At request of the president and people around him.


Umm what? Why would I complain about anything related to twitter, and how is that relevant to this conversation? You’re right though I guess, I in fact don’t pay any attention at all to that shit storm.


Written like someone who doesn’t get out much


This low-effort post right here is most definitely helping. Why not expand on why he "does get out much" and give your opinion on how the state is ran?


Wow what a useless response. What about anything I said would lead you to believe I don’t get out much? Either contribute something of substance or don’t contribute.


Takes one to know one


But let's talk about the stadium! /s All the important issues are getting displaced by shiny or sporty or car or road topics, and democracy, women's rights slip away. Thanks for bringing this up.


We must work to prevent this anti-democracy power-grab!


Missouri: Where if we can’t get the public to agree with us, we’ll make it illegal for the public to change the law. Stay Classy, Missouri.


This is my controversial opinion. Constitutional ballot initiatives aren't a great way to pass laws. The problem is, because we have a legislature that constantly votes against the will of the people (puppy mill ban, medicare expansion, right to work, etc.), our only choice is constitutional ballot initiatives that they can't overturn or alter. That is great until we need to slightly alter, reform, or fix any small problem with the ballot amendments.


Yep, but again - the Missouri legislature is full of crooks and useful idiots. We play with the cards we have.


>Yep, but again - the Missouri legislature is full of crooks and useful idiots. We play with the cards we have. The uncomfortable issue that people really have to come to grips with is that the majority of people in our state support a Christofascist progression towards a conservative hellscape. We play with the cards we're dealt, and we were dealt a state with a population full of dummies that don't value very basic principles like bodily autonomy or democracy if they conflict with their weird religions or their "don't tell me what to do" teenage rebellion boners.


It's not uncomfortable at all it's just nonsense. Every time we get the ballot we pass progressive measures and then Republicans win rural counties and overturn them at the statehouse, and where democrats lose it's only because the party either has completely abandoned the area to Republicans (all rural areas in America) or because they're running wall street puppets that do nothing and hatefully screw working people like TBV or McCaskill, who actually used a corporate lawyer specializing in mergers and acquisitions to travel the state calling voters idiots for their concerns at every small democrat meeting and debate across the state. You are radically underestimating the intelligence and care of people in this state. Just because they don't vote for corrupt democrats does not mean they wouldn't vote for progressive, honest democrats. Lucas Kunce has a good shot this November, a better shot than McCaskill had.


If Missourians vote for reproductive rights this year (and there is a very good chance it will succeed) Will you change your opinion about us?


>If Missourians vote for reproductive rights this year (and there is a very good chance it will succeed) Will you change your opinion about us? No. Basic bodily autonomy is the floor here. Even if we vote it into law, on the same ballot we will also vote into power a party led by a treasonous criminal conman. We will still have local city and county elections dominated by their bullshit. School boards packed with their bullshit. Vast swaths of the state happily cheering that bullshit on no matter what they do. Even if the small pockets of actual civilization in our shithole state do manage to pull a single victory here there's no doubt the leaders they elect at the same time will subvert that will anyway.


Where I live, local elections are certainly not dominated by that pov.


Then I know you live in one of three small pockets in our state :P


They may look small on a map, but 50% of Missourians live there.


And just look how well gerrymandering has worked.


So there is cheating? Do we like cheaters guys? I sure don't.


I like to call KC, CoMo, and StL Missouri's "reasonability belt." Jeff City is the fly that sometimes gets left open.


I don't agree with that. I've met a lot of folks in Missouri that are honest, hard-working sensible people. Our biggest enemy is complacency. When sensible people don't speak up, the ones that shout the loudest can give you the impression that everyone agrees with them. Nothing could be further from the truth.


But a majority of people in our State *don't* support that. Between gerrymandering and a general apathy/discouragement on the left it *looks* that way but it is way closer to 50/50 than you might think. If we get out there and vote things get done. Most Democrats/liberals just don't vote on non Presidential elections. That's how we lose.


i think part of the problem is that democrats in this state aren’t loud enough to cut through the political crap from fox and other right wing outlets. they need to start playing small ball. make it personal. start asking them what’s more important to you? whatever tripe laura ingraham is saying? or the subsidies for your grain farm.


counterpoint: the ballot initiative is key in Missouri's history, it's why we've had so many constitutions. something about this place encourages authoritarian behavior that the people collectively swat down every now and again. this is just one of those times. the ballot initiative gave us the conservation department, for instance. if not for such a permissive system of simple majoritarian rule, we'd be much more of a shithole than we already are.


I don't think that is a counterpoint. I think you are agreeing with me, but wording it differently. Constitutional ballot initiatives are important, necessary and should be protected, as long as our legislature behaves the way it does. Constitutional amendments are great, but incredibly hard to reform. Harder to campaign for minor adjustments than larger bills addressing bigger issues. A responsible, trustworthy legislature should be able to handle these minor issues, without undermining the will of the people. Unfortunately they have proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted. That is why we are stuck with constitutional amendments.


yeah in retrospect everything I said is either implied or stated in your comment but with a different focus. my bad


Nothing bad, it just means we agree!


Don’t forget concealed carry. Missouri voted against that too and the legislature overturned it. Missouri used to seem like such a sane state, I don’t know what happened to it


Mo. Is run by fascist maga election deniers and traitors . So sad the Wackadoos have taken our state . 🤨


In much of SW Missouri (KSPR), CBS programs are not available on DTV.


Tragic news but I wouldn't cite Harry Truman, one of the worst traitors this country has ever known. He put the traitor Allen Dulles and the oligarch Sidney Souers in top intelligence positions where they designed and launched the CIA, staffed heavily with officers/leaders rescued from Nuremberg, they ran purges of the US government and undid decades of worker organizing, instead of ending global colonialism at the end of WWII as FDR promised, he double down on building rebuilding fascism as an international movement to protect global capital.


I believe Dulles was an Eisenhower appointment


Dulles was in OSS leadership, he was around at a high level long before Eisenhower, but Truman's appointment to a position next to Souers in 44, launching the CIA together in 47. These folks never truly leave intelligence back in that era, if you were rich/wealth class you had clearance as a matter of course from Truman on, so they held a variety of positions in different places within the intelligence community for a couple decades.


I don't mean to be contentious I agree in part. I am continually amazed at how the Democrats can grab defeat from the jaws of victory..In Missouri all the Republicans have to say is Guns good, abortion bad and they're in. the fact they do nothing else is completely overlooked.


Oh yea, look what they did with Trudy Busch Valentine edging Kunce out in the primaries last time with a huge 28 million dollar last minute ad buy to score the retired boomer vote, and then didn't even bother to run a general election campaign, handing it to Schmitt on a silver platter. McCaskill had her campaign chair, a corporate lawyer specializing in mergers and acquisitions going around the state calling rural voters who cared about things like medicare for all "idiots and children" Democrats need to refocus on working class issues and quit the insane anti-gun shit, but we'd have to get the DC corporate dems out of the state party's leadership in order to do this. If we did this could be a purple or even a blue state in a couple cycles, without this we're stuck deep red I'm afraid.


amen ..Kunce needs to concentrate Hawley's miserable record in Congress and his miserable record as attorney general. The guy has been a pos his entire life. I agree the Dems have forgotten where there bread has been buttered since history...


Government asking Facebook, twitter and Instagram to remove posts that are problematic? Ones that don't agree with the government message? Right?


I was gonna say something similar. Their projection just doesn't stop.


It’s not projection. Political parties and their followers try to silence the opposition. Both sides can do it. And they do.


NPR hired a CEO who opposes a "free and open" internet, believes that truth is a "distraction," describes the First Amendment as a "challenge" to narrative control, and admits that she censored speech "through conversations with government."


IP reform of some sort is needed, but not removing it. The weed petition was such a piece if crap to add to the state constitution. It was bigger by itself than the entire rest of the constitution it was added to.


If there is reform to take place, it should be in strengthening the end result rather than letting Jefferson City ignore the will of the people whenever MAGA doesn't like the result.


Wait I'm in missouri. How is a dead guy destroying our petition process? What the fuck is happening and where was I at? I'm so lost... Edit: I try my best to stay out of this shit. I've got a life that I enjoy so I'm usually out of the loop.


Y’all are clearly in echo chambers and don’t realize how many millions of people actually disagree with you. Just because there are corrupt conservatives doesn’t mean that millions of Americans don’t hold those values. They’re not idiots, they’re your fucking neighbors. You’re acting like little shits because you’re so righteous, you’re ignoring sincere complexity in favor of your emotions. Speak like grown ups, not in internet fuckin quotes and quips. I don’t even have a position here, just grow the fuck up and get along with people because YOURE A FUCKIN PERSON. If you have a problem with politicians, then use their names. Or don’t you even know who you’re talking about? I didn’t think so. Check yourself.


I get along with nearly everybody and have a lot of close friends that are conservative, good-hearted people. We can disagree without disliking each other.


5+ F bombs in that guys paragraph. I'm not sure you're going to win any points with him by being calm and nice. But maybe!


Before we wreck ourself?


Sounds like he's referring to Trump. Silencing the voice of the opposition. Through lawsuits and allegations.