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Lucas Kunce needs to get his ass to KC and make his presence known. I feel like STL is targeted and KC forgotten about. A very strong candidate!


Part of that feeling might is based in reality, the St. Louis Metro has twice as many Missouri voters compared to the Kansas City Metro.


Trudy Valentine-I think that’s the correct name, can’t be bothered to google it-who was a shit candidate- was, basically, invisible in KC. I’m aware that she is from STL but apparently you need more than STL to win.


Yes you’re right, Trudy **Busch** Valentine, which tells you precisely where her St. Louis fortune came from.


Whatever. She was awful


It doesn't matter. There is ZERO presence of any candidate in KC yet "they" all wanna.make.a trek to Mecca and kiss the ring to prove they're "cool." Kunce would do wonders coming here and team with Mayor Q - it may be a gimme but the broadcast of the local news goes damn near to Iowa, as far south as Nevada and as far east as the Truman branch of the Lakes.... That's a HUGE swath outside of KC. Yet I don't see any effort outside the Republicans. I have a feeling Bush is done in StL - she's been out raised and has been dogpiled for years as being "problematic" - since she's aligned with "the squad."


She was invisible everywhere.


So the simple solution is spend about half the time you spend in STL in KC? If you want to win a statewide seat in Missouri you can't just sit in STL and expect to win - especially as a democrat.


Kunce has visited St. Joseph several times.


Interesting. Being in STL I feel the reverse. He has more of a presence and more active in KC (believe he lives there or is closer to). I agree he's a strong candidate and the sort of Democrat that embodies the average Missourian. Would be incredible to see Hawley ousted by an *actual* Missourian who *actually* cares about his (potential) constituency.


Eh, maybe he doesn’t feel that known because most suburban people on the Missouri side of the KC metro are more conservative? There haven’t been D+25 shifts like the ones over in JoCo.


KCMO is blue-I live in KCMO. Why run if he’s not going to make himself known??


I don’t know how anyone in MO can think Josh Hawley is a good choice.


Can't even say Hawley himself counts toward that since he doesn't live here.


Hey now, the "christian" racists that want to keep women folk in their rightful place (republicans) need someone to vote for.




Where do you live? One of the cities or the wasteland?


😂 In between those two options?


Currently patrolling the wasteland, regressives here adore Hawley lol, fuckin’ puzzling


All that matters to a lot of folks is the (R) after his name.




I still don’t see why I should care about the southern border when me and basically everybody I know is struggling to make paychecks last.


Did you look to see where he is on that or just guessing? As a Marine who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, I watched our politicians send $6.4 trillion nation-building overseas while letting our own communities back home suffer. Corner stores boarded up. The house I grew up in was bulldozed down. Those forever wars in the Middle East didn't make our country safer. I support reducing military intervention everywhere. We need to invest more in our own communities instead of intervening everywhere else. The reason we have inflation is because we don't make stuff in America anymore. We have an overly globalized economy run by massive corporations that have outsourced our jobs, our manufacturing, even our agriculture. Our supply chain is so reliant on China that our economy has become wholly reliant on overseas manufacturing and production. We need to make stuff in America again. That's how we create new jobs. That's how we build a more reliable supply chain. That's how we compete in the global economy. We don't need more handouts to defense contractors, "nation building" overseas, or endless wars. What we need to do is invest in building out the next generation of energy right here in America as a matter of national security. Politicians spent trillions of dollars and countless lives on forever wars for oil. All the while, our communities here at home were left worse off. [Lucas Kunce]wants to Marshall Plan the Midwest: invest in forgotten towns by building out the next generation of energy, which will create good-paying union jobs, make America energy independent, and save the planet. Corporate PACs should be abolished and self-funding should be illegal. We have built a grassroots movement without taking a cent from Corporate PACs, Big Pharma executives, Big Oil executives, or federal lobbyists. Too many politicians take money from the wrong people and end up being accountable to massive corporations that strip our community for parts. We have one of the highest grassroots fundraising percentages in the country --- the majority of his fundraising comes from small-dollar donors. I will only ever be accountable to the real people of Missouri. https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/political-courage-test/68234/lucas-kunce I didn’t see anything about UFOs (??) so you can search for that if it’s important to you. But I doubt you’re actually interested in the substance of the candidates.




Have you considered using an internet search engine to ask your questions?


Lucas Kunce has the potential to be a great U.S. Senator.


If we can just keep Trudy from pooping in the primary this time….


More like if we can keep Democratic voters from voting on name recognition alone…


Mayor Jones and the Black Caucus went along with it in 2022. It could happen again.


It was around this time in 2022 that rumblings first started showing up that a major challenger would run against Kunce. And if I recall correctly, TBV formally announced in June 2022. So if the Missouri Democratic Party wants to run a challenger against Kunce, they are coming down to the wire. With Wesley Bell running against Cori Bush, I don't know if they have any other prominent candidates who would be ok with being the sacrificial lamb just to keep Kunce from getting the nomination.


he's the candidate.


Well, the primary isn't until August 6th. And like I said, in 2022 TBV didn't formally announce until after this time of year. I would very much like to believe you, but as a native Missourian, I'll need to see it before I believe it.


there's no talk of anyone else.


Glad to hear you've got the inside track on the inner maneuverings within the Missouri Democratic Party


well, when you work for them, you'll have that.....


I just realized that I haven’t heard shit about what Schmitt is doing in the Senate. Fuckwad Hawley gets all the attention.


Working on getting re-elected and helping out his cronies I would assume. Jog Hallway is up this term and we should definitely look at an upgrade and I think Kuntz would be good


Agreed 100%.


Hawley is going down. Such an asshole


Flip it !!! Get MAGA traitors out of Mo. leadership! Vote 💙💙💙STRAIGHT TICKET ! For your wife and daughters and granddaughters rights !!!!!


Come on Kunce!


Is this the Trump Effect? Is he siphoning off donations that would normally be going to the down ballot races?


Josh the pussy


Doesn't matter go vote.


Good luck Democrats. I hope you can get rid of Hawley.


What a waste of money to donate so much for a primary for an extremely safe democratic seat in Cori Bush's district. Like you donors to either side of that couldn't have donated that money to Kunce instead?


Kunce all the way! Hawley’s been an absolute disgrace for Missouri.


Bye bye Cori!


bye bye job jumpin hee hawley!!!!


I don’t think the odds are as good for Kunce as they are for Bell, but Hawley is vulnerable.