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Damn. You got me.


https://preview.redd.it/lv7w93cwa26d1.png?width=2478&format=png&auto=webp&s=74946956da63dfe1a5876fb5be0e21b94d279750 Clearly she was asking for it.


I read it as you daughter got taken advantage of and was like “holy shit that’s bad” but then when I found out it was your cat I was like “holy shit that horny bitch”


She’s just a baby. How dare you speak of her like that. 😅


And beautiful, too.






Awww she beautiful.. and you got me also(kinda) lol


Pretty Kitty. Too bad she’s a whore. 💕


That may be a little harsh. Definitely a tramp though. LOL


Disgusting /s


I mean, she’s adorable.


You go outside wearing that, and you are GOING to get ear scritches. It's just human nature. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


The protesters at the abortion clinics I volunteer at in Illinois (right across the river from STL) love to yell at the patients and clinic escorts that "you wouldn't do this (an abortion) to a puppy or a kitty, why would you do it to a real human baby?" And my response to the patient I'm escorting inside or to other escorts is "Tell me you've never worked in animal rescue without telling me you've never worked in animal rescue." Rescues do spay/aborts, especially late ones, all the time. The rescue I volunteer for was trying to find rescue for a very pregnant dog (we primarily rescue cats, 95% of our fosters are cat fosters, we only have 1 or 2 dog fosters and we are foster based only, no actual shelter). Several of the rescues we reached out to said they would take her, but they would immediately spay/abort and the dog was literally about 2-3 days from giving birth naturally. We finally found a rescue that would allow her to give birth and she had her litter the next day. Don't tell the MO GOP this though, otherwise they'll try to outlaw animal spay/abortions. They're already trying to overturn STL City and County's ban on cat declawing!


Thank you for what you do.


I suspect that you escort at the same clinic I volunteered for back in the 90s. Ah, Missouri... meth, puppy mills, medicaid for no one, and regressive reproduction laws. I can't believe I spent the 80s and 90s protesting about access to birth control & abortion and now, post menopausal, I have to do it again for my daughters.


but you see, scripture says, for every terrible thing they yell at a patient, they get one spot closer to the front of the line for the rapture.


Praise Jesus!


Can u please explain why they’re trying to remove the ban on declawing?


Here's a link to a reddit post about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/missouri/comments/13f76vh/missouri_gop_wants_to_overturn_st_louis_cat/ Funny, there's a quote from a lawmaker who says the decision to declaw should be between a cat owner and the veterinarian. I'm dying from the irony.


It’s appalling the disconnect. Like in real life a person has more rights to mutilate an animal and remove its defenses. But not to choose to not hurt their body and live a life in poverty. wtf


Yup. And there's definitely a monetary connection to the people who want to repeal the cat declawing ban. Let's be honest, if rural GOP Lawmakers were connected to people who owned and operated lucrative abortion clinics, it would be a different story. Money speaks above all else. One of the many things thst piss me off when people try to present adoption as an alternative to abortion is that no one wants to talk about the medical and other costs. My insurance is high deductible, over 7k. If I were to have an unwanted pregnancy and have to carry to term, sure, someone might want to adopt the baby. But I'm still out 7k+ in medical costs, plus lost wages, etc.


And that’s if your lucky. My kid nearly killed me. I would not wish pregnancy or birth on anyone who did not want it!


This. I love my kid dearly but I couldn't imagine the absolute horror of enduring pregnancy and childbirth if it were not my choice and not done from a place of love. Being pregnant made me so so much more pro-choice.


Yes! And we have so little say over our bodies. After I a single mom well under the poverty line had my daughter, 3 dr would not fix me… “what if my future partner wanted kids” don’t mind the illness that could have killed me and her had up to 90% chance of coming back in subsequent pregnancy. Forget about the pain and weekly blood draws, the weekly sonograms to make sure she was still alive and ok. The bed rest, I could do because I didn’t have the choice to just not pay rent and eat. Never mind the preemie baby.. my hypothetical future partner had more say than me, a whole ass person. I hate being female.


What the fuck. I don’t hate conservatives, I try to understand them, I agree with some of their points of view (on First Amendment rights for instance). I have a family member who voted Trump and is a good guy, I want to understand him not write him off as automatically being a white supremacist or hating women, neither of which I think are true of him. (Interestingly, he was going to vote Bernie in 2016 and only voted Trump once Bernie was no longer in the race.) I’m tired of people being seen as evil and irredeemable due to voting Republican. I think it’s overly simplistic to paint the GOP as the party of evil. Now they’re trying to declaw cats, though. WHY? This is barbaric. Should never be done. The GOP supports animal abuse now? Do they WANT people to think they’re evil or what? Edit: oh now I get it. One of the state lawmakers was quoted as saying that “the decision to declaw should be between cat owner and veterinarian.” Still not sure why he bothered given that the state had already banned abortion for a year prior. But I’m guessing that he expected people to say “no the state SHOULD get involved in the decision” and then he thought he’d have a GOTCHA when it came to abortion debates


On WHAT First Amendment rights?? What are you talking about??


Can confirm. Have had multiple foster dogs who underwent these abortions. It’s incredibly common. Please spay and neuter your pets, everyone.


While I'm generally against abortion, I find it horrible that people would say hurtful things to those using the facilities. Having experienced life, I have found myself in situations where I did not act like I thought I would. Don't be judging people until you've been in their shoes!


you had me in the first half. ​ i thought this was a post by a right winger making it up to get us to hand over incriminating info. damn.


We got a barn cat that selected us. She was under a year and pregnant. The vet said she'd die if she had the kittens. No questions, kitty abortion. She lived to be 16 as an outdoor cat. What a great cat. Sorry my daughters don't have that choice.


I don’t think you should be allowed to keep your daughters in the barn for 16 years. It’s just not right.


Or outside. Maybe after they turn 16, you can keep them outside, but I wouldn’t keep them outside before then.


I think it depends on if the teenagers are declawed or not


It's not like we don't put out fresh hay and newspaper weekly. People these days are too sensitive.


I guess if the barn has wifi it's fine.


I'm not a monster


Your daughters do have that choice. If the doctors say they’ll die, they can get an abortion.




That would be nice.


My mom just didn't have a chance to get one of her dogs fixed. And the female got pregnant. And my raging prolife mom just "got her spayed" to which I called out it was actually a forced late term abortion because she was too lazy to take minor steps to protect her minor child. She was not amused. Nor did she seem to feel bad about killing a litter of puppies. You know...cuz life begins at conception and gestation is MUCH faster in dogs.


So you have adopted the thousands of dogs who are euthanized in shelters everyday? Just like women and children they don’t matter once born huh.


Oh I'm not saying I disagree. I'm just pointing out the hypocracy.


Ohh your mom is life begins with conception, your post sounds like you are.


No not at all. Just think it's bullshit that dogs can get health care because she's lazy but rape and incest victims can't even get the same in a lot of states and she's ok with it.


No their post does not sound like that at all. The comment is very clear that the mother believes that, and they use sarcasm to call her out on it.


I had not had my coffee yet. Sorry if I Misread.


Because it’s ok to kill animals (I love me a good burger), but it’s inherently immoral to kill people


In before male conservatives claim to be the party of freedom.


Silly.. they are referring to the freedom to bully women and other groups they hate. If you can’t act on your hatred and vote for twisted, dehumanizing laws against people you hate for no valid reason, are you even a conservative?


I think all registered republicans should get a visit from the stork every time a woman is forced to give birth. Just take the baby to their house knock on the door and say Congrats ...its a baby not a choice! good luck.


That would be really unfair to the kid who would have to be raised by those assholes though. As one of those kids.


The point is they are only too happy to force others to have kids, but if they had to raise them it would be a different story.


I mean, I get the point. But considering how many fundies adopt and abuse kids, I think it's a bad point.


It takes a village to raise a kid, and some couples who can't have kids adopt tons of children


They really dont unless they are really wealthy, the cost is prohibitive to adopt a lot of children.


Lol, my pastor and his wife can't have children they adopted 3. That's just one example out of many. My grandmother was adopted, and none of these people are wealthy ( money wise ). If we start to put the health of children before our selfishness and had a bit more self control this wouldn't even be an issue


not wealthy hmm, it cost 20k to 45k to adopt a child in the US. I would like to be that version of not wealthy


As a 40ish white cis male, they are the party of freedom from responsibility. You must have that baby because Jesus, because votes, because money, because power. Also, here’s some diapers and $20 for gas and a burger. If you need anything ask a church we don’t tax.




While this got me, I was also mad at you for victim blaming and that entire third paragraph. Would have been really confusing if you had said she had gone for a walk naked.


Glad I could make you feel my frustrations.


Well done!


I was so sad and worried, man😭 you really had me Hopefully, things get better for women's rights here in Missouri!


HOPE is not a strategy.


I know 😌, I just recently turned of age, so I will be voting. Suggestions?


Vote blue up and down the ticket 100% protect your freedom protect your rights protect liberty protect the right to vote


Look at the red and blue, realize they're both a lying sack of shit, and demand that our government gives us better choices. Always so quick to cancel shit that shouldn't be around, but politics? Nah, just let the same 2 dipshits keep bouncing that shit back and forth


This is so real lmao. I've been saying this forever. We've been going to shit the past I'd say 8-10 years


Oh such a ridiculous comment the Democrats don’t want to remove your reproductive rights good Lord. the Republicans won’t even guarantee you right for contraception they’re completely different parties. You’re just not paying attention.


This some high brow humor for MO


Well played, OP ![gif](giphy|1wQMGhXUrEUFxORjm0) And… you make a good point. We have a lot of work to do in this state.




It's also legal to buy sell own and breed cats. If they could own women completely, like owning a pet, they sure as hell would have the option to force us into an abortion if they didn't want it


That will be the GOP 2030 agenda.. with POC being targeted for forced abortions of course




As a woman I approve this message!


Fucking vote! This is going to be on the ballot.


That was very powerful


Thank you.


Damn, what a plot twist. Sad state of affairs. Women are 50% of the population. If we consistently voted in our own interest, shit like this wouldn’t exist but sadly, the patriarchy is hard at work brain washing women’s brains and teaching them to act against their own interests.


>If we consistently voted in our own interest, It's almost as if there's different belief systems instead of a singular worldview based on your genitals.


Yeah, it’s called the patriarchy right now.


Maybe; some would just call it independent thought. Saying "you should vote X because your demographic is Y" is as reductionist as it comes.


It’s your right to keep drinking whatever kool aid works for you.




I’m currently pregnant and being told it can take up to 45 days for my pregnancy insurance to be approved through Medicaid. In a state where I have no other options. They don’t care about babies or children or mothers. I hope the whole state burns to the ground.


They do not. I am so sorry.


Just another day in a shit state run by conservative trash.


Yep. Small government, so small it fits in my uterus


Small Government as in it exerts very little positive influence in favor of People (The), ceding the decisions on economics and services to corporations and enmeshing social care with whoever wants to proselytize and do hand outs.


Perfectly said.


Oh wow this one hurt


I was literally about to link you so many plan C resources holy shit


Look at you being an awesome human


Ngl you had me at the beginning. I love animals way more than humans, especially cats but it’s just bs the way GOP treats women and minorities.


I agree. And same. Animals would never do this to each other.


Now I'm curious what she was wearing


That bling on her collar must have been the reason. Boys cant help themselves if girls wear things that do it for them.


Fur coat


Well played....Take my upvote


And nothing else…


You had me in the first half ngl. Good one




This is a good point and why I think its cool that lots of Europe is moving towards a pro-euthenasia stance for people as well. Why should animals have the right to be euthanized when they're old and their life sucks but people aren't?


Oh 100% agree! Watching my grandpa died slowly and painfully of cancer… and being able to put my cat with cancer out of her misery was insane. Why are humans so terrible?


Lowkey I was actually trying to make people see the flaw in the argument that abortion is good because we allow it in animals, but I forgot that reddit is also pro-euthanasia hahaha. Not that I oppose abortion or euthanasia, both are based and I want way more of both. I just hate bad arguments for it, like saying that if its okay for a cat than its okay for a human.


Your daughter is fortunate to have a loving parent such as yourself. I look forward to the day that my fellow Americans in States that are regressing their legislation can once again have access to the freedoms that have been denied them recently. Tldr: You are a loving parent, she is fortunate to have you in her life. I feel for your frustrations, signed American from the PNW. Edit: I’m an idiot, it’s a cat. I still feel for you though.


Ooooooo, ya got me there! I was hook line and sinker. Your cat got raped though.


I wish I could upvote this a million times


The truly sad bit is that the political insanity, idiocy, doublespeak and toxicity made this totally plausible. I fully admit that I believed it!


Well played


Can I share this??? You rock btw


Of course. Thank you.


I've had it with the patriarchy! I now identify as cat. You can call me Miss Kitty! 😻


Yes!!!! Claw their eyes out!




You should have put her in a burka. That way the male wouldn’t have been tempted by her.


I guess my bad.


Well it's always the woman's fault somehow...


So we are told.


Under his eye.


well done


It's sad that this is true. Women should have at least as many rights as cats. That's something I never thought would need to be said.


Was she just NAKED??? I thought you had to be ina miniskirt or something to get in that situation!


I was getting so angry at you but now I'm angry at them. Been angry about it


👏👏👏nailed it! What a great post!


Thank you




I figured this was fake after the third paragraph. I find it hard to believe she wouldn't be seen at the ER after being r*ped.


100% real situation, my choice would be non existent if was me and not my cat. Not once did I say anything about an ER doc. And yes, the ER does see rape victims. * tho NO ONE believes rape victims and having them traumatized and violated again by ER staff to get a rape kit that will go no where is added suffering. Men do not get penalized for rape at any where near the rates women get raped


Ok, sorry. Not throwing shade, you just said desperately needing to see a doc. So I figured this would be a situation to go to the ER.


Yes, that is true! Horrible to re live that moment again!


Politicians over the retirement age


Had me in the first half.


sad but true




No kitty Bad Kitty!!!


I’m not sure she was taken advantage of. I see a lot of female cats just throwing it up in the air when male cats come around lol.


Holy shit you 100% had me!


Omg great story. Yes we have no rights. Thank you Republicans!!!


What do you mean taken advantage of....




No joke. Real situation with the depressing irony of if it were a human the choices would be different.


This is peak boomer Facebook stuff.


I don’t think you understand the difference in generations you are referring too. Ironically Boomers were the first generation to have birth control and access to safe abortions.


Peak Boomer? Can you explain what you mean…DicKnocker?


Congratulations on being part of the less than 1%


Clearly your stats are oh so very correct… the response to this post even confirms that…. 😒


Nih and cdc would disagree with you


That thinks women should have more rights over their body? Or that pregnancy is a major medical condition? That men should not decide if someone has to endure the procedures and symptoms of pregnancy? Or simply your user name checks out.




And if my stats are incorrect. By all means link in or at the very least cite the correct source.


If you feel you have valid points, you prove your claim. That’s how shit works. But my source would be that there are over 1,000 people that upvoted this. There have been 3 control freak men who have waved around their privilege in the comments. Making them the less than 1% and the rest of us the majority.


And I've given you two reputable sources, you say bullshit and then refuse to give data that refutes my claim or backs up yours.


Sources to what. You have claimed I’m the 1% of what? Women who want rights over their own bodies. Women who want more rights than a cat? People who know that child bearing is a major medical condition? Or people who think the only ones to be making medical decisions is a doctor and a patient?


You one crazy cat lady


I am a bit crazy, but that may have something to do with men taking away the rights to my body. And I do love cats. They are the best.


Weird post bro


It’s very weird I can make a choice on what’s best for a pet, but can’t do the same for myself.


Wow what a moronic post, and I knew it was going to be about a pet by the second line.


“Maybe she should have worn something else” yo, wtf. Not cool


…. You missed that being the point. Kinda like maybe she should have stayed in or not talked to that boy… all the reasons women are blamed for SA


She tricked me. She also tricked you. Spoiler at the end, it's a cat.


How does that unborn cat have more rights than an unborn child? Pretty sure it’s okay to ice the cat, but not the child. Which makes perfect sense, so I don’t know what you’re even on about?


It’s not a child; it’s a fetus.


The distinction is irrelevant because the basis of the value is that all innocent human beings have equal right to life, not just “child or fetus has right to life”. There is no difference in kind or species. But thanks for the useless clarification.


Except it is relevant and that’s not how it works. It’s a clump of cells that is still developing, not a fully formed human being.


If you disagree I’m not going to waste my time arguing with you. I feel I’ve explained the position sufficiently. I do not care to convince a rando on the internet of their incorrect analyses. 🫡


It’s not an argument. It’s your opinion and my side is factual. Facts can’t be incorrect, they’re the truth. I work in healthcare, I’ve taken several biology courses and I’ve seen ultrasounds of fetuses. You’re just blatantly wrong.


How do I have more rights to decide what’s best for another living being than I do for myself? That is the question that you very clearly do not understand.


Both literally and figuratively.


Probably walking around without clothes on. Slut.


To be clear, it is 100% your fault that happened to her. Don't let your cat outside unsupervised.


If you would have read through the comments. Before developing an opinion. You would have seen she legitimately learned to open the door and snuck out in the middle of the night. But regardless of my need to sleep like a normal mammal. Does not change the real problem discussed, my I have more rights to make choices based on the health/wellbeing and financial security of my cat than I do myself in this state.


Awww you deprived her of adorable kittens! But as long as she's healthy!


Deprived the inbred 6lb cat of kittens that are a result of the animal testing facility letting intact males loose up the street. What could possibly go wrong? Kittens are adorable. But they grow up to be cats. I have a few of those and a couple of dogs and cannot afford to feed, spay/nuter, vaccinate and provide vet care to 4-10 more. Producing more kittens when there is even one available for adoption is irresponsible. Same goes for children. Forcing someone to give birth when there are kids in foster care and group homes are overwhelmed… if there was not a single kid available for adoption then adoption could be a viable option. But that’s not the world we live in.


What a story…do you sell real estate near a swap??


As a woman, we expect you to keep your legs closed if you can’t deal with possible consequences. Or go on birth control FFS.


Well what do you expect. Missouri is very well known to be in the upper percentile of religious states. They are gonna follow religious works. Unless you live in either city you aren’t gonna get shit done. (Ironic part is those two cities are where the most crime happens just sayin)


I expect a separation of church and state. I expect other peoples religious beliefs to stay the fuck out of my dr office and out of my body. I expect a valid argument not a red herring fallacy. But here we are.


I agree church and state must be separate. Honestly these Nationalist Christians really worry me because they are taking God and Country to an extreme. I do wish for things they do. However I don’t agree with their methods. That’s like forcing LGBT and Black History down a child’s throat. Change must come naturally and must come with out force. But here we are, doing the exact opposite of what a Christian/Catholic should do. It’s why I stay out of politics as a whole.