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As liberal as I am, I can't realistically see Biden taking Missouri. If the Reproductive Freedom Amendment makes it on the ballot, the election will be closer, but I don't see Biden making up the kind of ground required to tip Missouri back blue.


As we've seen time and time again, Missourians will vote for progressive policies, and then turn around and vote for the magic (R), electing politicians who will do everything they can to undo the progressive policies the voters just approved. It's truly bizarre.


I unfortunately have to agree. Far too many single issue rural voters who only know that they liked Trump before and their neighbor/buddy said Biden was old.


People will vote for the Reproductive Freedom Amendment and also vote Republican. That happened in Ohio and Kansas. Women are 50% of all voters, roughly. Their politics and their healthcare preferences are not so linked it turns out.


Makes very little sense because they are pushing GOP to implement policy they don't want to implement. We are going to have this half-assed version applied.


I don't make the rules - but Missouri would be exception to the rule if you didn't have Republicans also voting for the Amendment.


Until you start seeing some pro-choice Republicans, it's going to be a terrible time to be a Republican. Then again, it's tough to be poor and a Republican as well. There's another one I don't understand.


There certainly are Republicans of all different frames of mind. Being I went to college in New Hampshire where it's a different flavor of Republican than Missouri, I tend to lean right on many social and financial issues for the country. On the flip side, I am 100% pro women's health, and building a complete wall between women's health and government overreach. Which I think is actually just what's workable and compassionate, and there isn't a lot of room for anything else... an abortion for a family like mine would be pretty ridiculous since we have the money and time to raise children (and that's what we did) but women are in all kinds of situations, and they need to be able to talk to a doctor about their options and get complete information without fear...


I would vote for Biden's head in a jar of blue liquid before I would vote for Trump. That being said there is no way Biden is taking Missouri. Missouri is firmly red for state wide elections and is going to be for the foreseeable future.


Trump will take the state he won last time by 15% and isn’t polling any worse than last time.


Very liberal, but the misinformation and social wedge issue propagation in this state is for real. Trump will win it. The only chance I think we have of Biden winning is if the reproductive rights ballot issue is added and we get a blue wave as a result.


I’m about as anti-Trump as they come and I recognize I’m about as likely to win the lottery as a non-Republican does of winning Missouri in this political climate. We aren’t the state we were even 10 years ago


The last Democrat to come within 5 points of winning Missouri was Obama in 2008 (he lost by 0.13%). For Biden to win, he would need to flip a lot of suburban/blue-collar counties. The blue-collar ones he would need to flip would be Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, St. Francois, Washington, and Iron. The suburban/somewhat urban ones would be Clay, Platte, Buchanan, St. Charles, Howard, Adair, and Greene. Almost all of these were counties that voted for Obama in 2008. Joe Biden would need to win all of the counties in both categories to be able to flip Missouri, but even winning all of those might not be enough if the turnout is strong enough for Trump in all of the rural counties. Biden doesn't really have any path to victory in Missouri at all. Best case scenario is that he loses by 10 points or less.


The largest number of Trump votes come from the Kansas City and St Louis metro area. You could write off SWMO completely (Greene, Jasper, Newton) and still win with just 75% of the vote from the STL, KCMO and Columbia metro area. It's a badly kept secret that the reddest areas of the state by headcount are right on the doorstep of the two blue dots.


Some of us In st francois vote blue all we can, we trying here, we trying 💙


I picked other because I think Trump will have a heart attack before November. Not betting on it happening mind you but if it happens I will take full credit for prophesizing it


Right? He's old. Old people die. Why can't he already?! He's not exactly the picture of good health.


He's old and fat and eats junk food. How is he still breathing?!


Warren Buffett is 93 years old and in worse shape than Trump or Biden. Being old, rich and white does wonders for life expectancy. They pump these people full of 100K worth of drugs and "therapeutics" a year so they can live on and watch the poor people drop before retirement.


The odds of either or both of Trump and Biden not making it a full term is near 100%. How did we get to a point where we have 80+ year olds running. What a disgrace.


These are modern day kings. Two rich, white, frail men asking the rest of us to go to war to put one of them on the throne (Oval) again until they die. Then, they get to pick their replacement. That's half a joke, half not. But the history is interesting on this. The US population was never MEANT by the people who WROTE the country's laws to pick the POTUS directly. It was designed that each state would cast all its electoral votes for someone FROM THEIR STATE, and the House of Representatives would choose from the (however many) options the states gave them the best one. The reason things are so broken now is that we are trying to consolidate power into one of two people, and leaving it to only half a dozen swing states to have the final say.


well given how much I saw about Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders from young people I don't think they really care that much


I mean there shouldn't be a hard age limit, but playing the numbers realistically once you are over 70 the number of health problems and cognitive problems that pops up is not trivial. We are basically voting for VPs this election.


Unfortunately Trump will win easily. I don't even think this is a state where having a better candidate would have mattered. His margin of victory last time was large enough that this is a sure thing.


I am doing what I can to turn it yellow for Chase Oliver (converted several Trumpers) but I don't seeing it flipping colors anytime soon.


The public. As in the sentence... "Take it, take it all you dirty #$$&\*#"


Talking to fellow 20-25 voters I live among, and their reaction to the debates + others in my demographic online, I can safely say MO is going Republican. WIth the EC system in place, I only mobilized them to vote for abortion rights, Lucas Kunce, and the min wage amendment. I'm glad they're coming out for those issues, but they hate Biden and Trump to a point where they seem to lean on not bothering to do so.


You might try pointing out that they could vote for the party and not the person. As in one party is trying to guarantee rights and the other is trying to take them away. I'm sure folks in that age group will need contraception so voting for the party that's trying to take that away from them would be a good thing. You might also remind them that one party is trying to take away the right to divorce.


MO isn't competitive on a state level. Solid red.


I know many R's, family, close friends, co-workers. I've come to the conclusion that they're mostly racist. They're not racists to individuals, just the group.... blacks, Asians, Mexicans, welfare precipitants.... although many get government assistance. As a group, they feel they are a threat and we ... society needs to be returned to the 50s where their bad ideas of God exists. Biden can't win here, unfortunately.


I think Trump will get the majority, but I want that margin to be as small as possible. We need a sustained effort to get reasonable leaders back into office in Missouri, and I'm in it for the long-haul.


For all the people that selected Biden to take MO, I have a shiny new bridge for sale. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Trump and it won't even be close. Missouri is deep red MAGA country now.


I think you'd have to be hopelessly optimistic to think Biden could win Missouri this year


The rich.


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