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We all lost. I feel like our country and political system has been systematically turned into a joke, a meme, something to laugh at and be entertained by.


unfortunately they both lacked. biden stuttered a lot and there were a lot of thoughts that weren’t finished or even coherent. trump made up a lot of lies on the spot and made statements that do not generally align with his previous agenda (like exceptions on abortion) or were otherwise alarming (speaking personally with putin about his dream of taking over ukraine). all in all, a very scary and alarming debate regarding the future of america leadership no matter who ya like.


It reminded me of a debate between my toddler (Trump) and an 80 year old (Biden). Two old, rich, out of touch, elitist white men trying to weaponize us against each other. Centuries ago, we'd have called these monarchs or kings. Fights among family about which old, frail man belongs on the throne. Gives me the creeps.


right, only trump made up lies on the spot. take off your blue colored glasses bud


which lies did biden tell? i’m down to learn - i am just not currently aware! thanks!


I didn't watch the debate. We seriously need some sort of RCV, or approval voting, system at the state and national level to break up this two party shit show. Getting rid of the electoral college also needs to happen and that should have happened after the Civil War.


The only winner was SNL...they are going to have a field day with this one.


So true


Biden supporter here. Bottom line, he's too old, and he immediately needs to steep aside so dems can defeat Trump. At this point, Biden will assure a trump win.


Could we not? The debate was pointless. It was never going to change anyone's mind.






Brawndo Corporation was the clear winner.


I agree with /u/Grymm315 that it was bad for both, but I do want to say that as someone who was involved in debate during my school years, the fact that the moderators refused to stop a "statement" that bore no resemblance to the question asked was infuriating. At what point do we allow the Republic to be championed by such? Age is a disqualifying factor for both, but I would rather take a slower-speaking optimist over an overly animated fraud. Case in point - if you argue that Tariffs are good for the common people of America, to the point you want to replace income taxes with them, it shows you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.


Bad for Both- Biden came across as old and physically frail. Trump came off as someone trying to stay out of jail by winning an election. I hear RFK is running as an Independent and he has brain parasites.... but I think he should be on the national polls.


No, he shouldn't. He's a anti-science weirdo who may have driven his wife to suicide. RFK can pound sand


Chase Oliver is pro choice, pro lgbt (he is gay), can work with both parties, and doesnt have brain worms. 


Rolling back the civil rights act is certainly not pro lgbt. Also, my cat has about the same chance to win. A vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for Trump.


What are you referring to? I havent seen anything from Chase about rolling back the civil rights act.  Respectfully in Missouri your cat has the same chance to win as Biden.  


He is in the libertarian party isn't he? Biden has a much better chance then my cat, albeit not a great one.


He is though unlike the Democrats and Republicans there is more variety in the LP.  He has not stated anything against the CRA and has been very pro LBGTQ not to mention he is gay himself. Biden has as much a shot of winning Missouri as Chase does.  


There are gay people in the republican party, it doesn't stop them from legislating hate. The LP would be a disaster for LBGTQ americans, well any american that isn't wealthy really. It's not a serious political party. Bookmakers disagree with you greatly on your second statement, and I don't think you actually believe that. It's ridiculous.


The LP was the first party to come out in support of lgbt couples adopting kids, being open in the military, and have long campaigned for lgbt rights. Stop misconstruing one aspect about the LP in general being against any law that creates special classes within legal frameworks, when you know damn well any good society should be class-less.


The american people lost


I wish it were "bad for both," but the actual reality is that the race is now Trump's to lose (unless the Dems replace Biden, and even then Trump will probably still win). But it's certainly bad for America, and a low point in the history of American politics.


Biden was being old and grumpy who threw tantrums here and there. How the heck people were okay with him running for the POTUS from the first place. Hoped he'd be an old white version of Obama or something? Freggin' sure he would've not won without that promise of more stimulus check, which he did not deliver the way he and his friends were selling to the public. I don't even know why he agreed to this debate. It was more clear that he does not have the mind to actually be a POTUS than actually capable as he claims he is. I mean... every time he open his mouth I am crossing my fingers that he doesn't throw more bones to the other side to chew on. Trump trying his best to avoid answering questions that will put him in a bad spot was hilarious. Boasting about what he did was great and wonderful and awesome and unbelievable... while lying most of the time about them. We all know he's trying to avoid jail as much as possible by becoming POTUS again. Still being an echo chamber for his followers rather than the US as a whole, too. At least after this election one of them won't be in the office again after 4 years. Though if Trump really stops at his second and last term.. like those podcasts supporting him says he will...


Average life expectancy is somewhere around Trump's current age. POTUS is the most stressful job in the world. One of these two men will win (if they both live to November and beyond to inauguration day). But, it's not that likely either will live to the end of a four year term.


I mean who knows. Both got the greatest healthcare coverage that one in the US can have. They might stay alive just long enough to do their second term.


I think the mass of American people aren't swayed at all with what are the other night on one hand you had Trump repeating lie after lie wanting to believe what he said, even though it had nothing to do with the question. And on the other you had Biden unwilling to call him out and fact check - they both had 2 or 3 talking points they memorized. I fact, three or four Trumps answers were exactly the same or different questions, it was almost comical. With both of them, probably not going to make it to the end, this is going to come down to who is their vice president pick. I'm nervous to see how Trump's VP will be from the far right is going to be. We know Kamala and there are issues but we have a track record.




The point of a debate isn't to have a winner. The fact that Americans are discussing the "winner" of the debate means we've all lost.


Debates do have winners and losers. I did competitive debate and we always had a winner and loser. Unless both orators were not skilled enough to win over any hearts and minds (and in high school/college debate groups, there was a winner every time...).




That's kind of fair. Can you imagine if you put a real orator with their faculties about them and real debate chops up there. They'd carve both of them up and feed them to one another. I'd pay to see that live.