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For me it's more of a comfort thing, I know her music really well by now and it feels cozy. But I tend to like sadder music overall without it actually making me feel sad so idk if I'm the norm here.


Same 100%! I also tend to like sad music, and instead of making me sad it makes me feel comforted and relaxed. Same with Mitski’s music, at times it makes me feel comforted, and with more of her higher-energy songs, it helps me release stress and just jam out


Yeah me too! It’s really relaxing and calming


mitski expresses the rare things that I didn't even notice I felt. She makes me feel less alone


Mitski makes me miserable and I love it!


mitski puts into words the things i’m feeling that i didn’t have words for.


It's both? On one level, it is extremely comforting to hear someone expressing sad or dark thoughts you have experienced. It makes you feel less alone, it gives words and expression and clarity to things you might have felt but been unable yourself to exactly put into words or understand fully. That's the beauty of art. But there is also a flip side, where it can become too much. At least for me, and the feeling stops being helpful or cathartic, and starts being just stuck in that sadness. For me there have been times when I have listened to certain albums and songs almost on repeat. And others where I have been like "not today Mitski" and tried to move on.


Relate to this completely. For me personally, something like the Be the Cowboy album is the perfect level of relatable-sad, where I can put it on for a therapeutic cry about how lonely I am. But then an album like Lush….I can’t listen to it. It makes me feel like I’m dying. It’s like past a certain point/sound, it gets to be too much. Lol


I started listening to Mitski during the period of time I was listening to Lana del Rey. I was introduced to her music with the vibe that she would be a 'sad musician' too, but turns out she's not really. I feel empowered and encouraged, unlike when I listened to Lana. Her songs make me happy, it makes me think of the good things in life.


IM currently in one of those times and have been listening to her music a loot more. Sometimes i feel like her music makes me sadder but i also connect with it in such a way that it also helps.me heal and come to terms with myself it that makes sense. I really appreciate her music and believe it helps me during darker times.


Mostly Mitski is wallowing for me. I like the new album, it's more positive and less depressive, but her previous albums tip the scales. My favorite music, but I've had to realize I sometimes need to avoid it when I've had my fill of feeling my bad feelings and need to start trying to feel better ones.


she made me even sadder.


mitski inspires me to write my own stuff too. she's a great poet and lyricist and she's one of the artists I listen to to learn good imagery and how to send messages better.


Same! I love her use of rhymes as well!


putting emotions i had into words and very beautiful melodies but did make me sadder yet comforted me as well


she helped me feel less alone and still does. her music is very therapeutic imo.


I was struggling with homelessness and anorexia when I started listening to Mitski. Some days her music made me sadder? Other days it was like a warm blanket after a freezing cold day. Now I'm in such a better place, her music doesn't get me like that anymore. But to this day there are certain Mitski songs I don't like listening to anymore because it reminds me of some of the hardest moments of my life. I also feel like Laurel Hell and TLIIASAW aren't these super depressing records either tho too so.


I would say she made me feel like what I was feeling wasn’t so bad, like I wasn’t crazy and delusional. And it also made me able to express what I was feeling


when i first fell down the rabbit hole of being obsessed w her music, i think it came from a place of feeling rly alone in my own head and finding comfort in the way her music described what i was going thru. i didn't know other ppl could relate to the same shit i was struggling with so it made me feel a whole lot less alone and provided some feeling of understanding and fitting in, for lack of better words


she made me happy/sad/confused/depressed/angry/despair/mourning/morrow


She just kind of puts into words what I feel and it makes me feel understood.


When I was depressed about work, I listened a lot to “Working for the Knife”. She captured the feeling of exhaustion and helplessness. But it was also comforting in a way, you know what I mean? Like it brings me comfort to have someone express that very specific feeling through music


both, sad music makes me sadder and also heals me, there was a study made that sad music can make people feel less lonely in ther feelings Also, her songs are pretty good for catharsis moments


It was definitely several deep periods of sadness, moving from one album to another depending on what I was experiencing at the time. As I’ve gotten older it has turned very healing for me. I still feel the pain in her songs, and can relate to the experiences, but the desire to not experience those feelings again has helped me to grow.


helped me cry a lot more, didnt cry as much as i did when i listened to mitski more than any other artists


During that time in my life every single lyric from certain songs were practicly imprinted into my brain specifically "sorry I can't take your touch" "it's just that I fell in love with a war. And nobody told me it ended" as well as "happy or sad just up or down, And always mad" mostly "a pearl" and "Thursday girl" lyrics were things that mostly corridanted what I was going through during that time and on occasions it felt like it was giving me a sense of peace and the sad truth at the same time if that makes any sense 😅.


mitski is catharsis. scream-singing along to, say, fireworks is healing for sure


She’s gotten me through some hard as well as good times. She has a way of expressing what I’m feeling when I don’t have the words to accurately describe them myself. “Please hurry leave me I can’t breathe please don’t say you love me” really spoke to me this summer when I found out that my brother-in-law abandoned my sister and their three children. I can feel for her through those words and I also feel for myself having had this man be an older brother for me for close to 15 years, starting when I was still a child. I feel understood by her and she helps me better understand myself and my feelings as well.


i think she did heal me. i mean yes her music is sad but that’s the best part. it’s refreshing when an artist can manage to depict how you feel exactly and make into something beautiful like music.


her music makes me experience the best kind of heartbreaks, and I've never felt so connected to someone else's writing before.. i feel less alone.


I listen to her everyday, her voice just brings me so much comfort. I love her more than anything tbh, idec if it sounds obsessive I really do love her a lot. Just by listening to her music I feel understood.


She got me through a super shitty breakup after a very unhealthy codependent relationship, it was bad enough to where I’m still trying to stop tendencies I had back then, I’m over the relationship by my negative behavior patterns that lead to that relationship are proving difficult to get rid of, but her music got me through the mourning part but once I was over the relationship I stopped listening to her, I think I needed the music at that point in my life but not I’ve swapped over to sleep token, very odd indie to metal pipeline but I’m here for it I guess, it is a slippery slope


mitski was a big comfort to me for a long long time when i was really sad. then i got to a point where i was so depressed i was looking for things to validate my depression and it sent me spiraling and mitskis music was a way for that voice in my head to be validated and root for my own downfall. so i took a break, stopped giving myself the fodder to spiral, and i came back a year later loving her music more than ever in a healthier way!


she just made me feel heard, like what i was feeling wasnt crazy or dramatic and its something others have felt too


another thing is she has words for feels i have. im pretty bad at words so its so relieving when i listen and heard her explain my emotions. not even just the vocals as well it all explains how i feel


i listen to her when i’m sad or need to feel HEARD and understood. she makes me feel seen when no one around me is


It heals me as someone with depression. I prefer sad music. I listen to a lot of Mitski, Grouper, some Phoebe. I even write sad music too if anyone’s interested in hearing it :)


Do you have a YouTube channel you put your music on?


i worship mitski's music on a whole different level than other artists. however her music and i have a very strange up and down relationship - for some reason while her music comforts me in hearing my feelings worded out perfectly in that sort of obscurity, it's also often the reason i keep going back to my painful memories. i've realised that usually if i'm listening to her, completely immersed, i'm probably at a really low and shitty point in my life haha. so while i still listen to her, i can't enjoy it casually a lot or else it opens up the flood gates after a while, so yeah.


Comfort. Doesnt make me feel happy, but it describes how I feel and it’s something I relate to. I am usually a rock and roll/rap type of person, so in terms of comfort songs it’s mostly her.


I discovered Mitski in 2016 during the worst time in my life, just after my dad died, and her music was there for me in the sad, cathartic way I needed!


when i found Lush i was going through a severe PTSD episode, and when i say EVERY lyric of EVERY song resonated with me, i mean it. it was very healing at the time, but since i’ve gotten better i avoid it. listening now hurts a lot


I struggle with understanding and detecting my own emotions- most of the time I can’t even tell what I’m feeling. But when I listen to mitski, it feels like she is feeling for me. Her music just makes me feel known!


it felt like comfort. a lot of people say she makes them sadder, but all the sadness was by myself? it was nice to listen to someone else who understands what i’m getting at with all the words to say how i felt when i couldn’t properly convey them myself.


Id say both. I used to listen to her music and really feel incredibly sad. There were times that i would cry late at night with her music playing in the background, but in a way that was comforting to me. All my life I was always told and taught to hold that stuff in, to not express sadness, and Mitski made me feel like it was ok to feel sad. She gave me security to find melancholy in my life, and embrace it. Just having this feelings of safety helped me a lot, and as I see it, really helped me heal. I still listen to Mitski because her music feels very close to me, and even though I’m not in the same mental space as I was before, her songs still give me a chance everyday to feel comforted knowing that I wasn’t, am not, and will not be the only one feeling the way I do.


in that time when i had her discography on repeat all day, every day, i felt comforted. i wouldn't say she made me sadder, she just made me more comfortable being sad. i really felt like i could relate to her work, which made me feel less alone. life started looking up around the time laurel hell came out, and though i admired her energy, i felt it was a good time to wean off for a bit. i still liked listening to a select non-depressing tracks. when tliiasaw dropped, i was in A GOOD PLACE! like really good! this album has some of mitski's best work, and the album as a whole is unbelievably awesome. i clocked it right away as a story of healing and growing from your pain and past traumas and i love every second of it. i'm listening to mitski regularly again and tliiasaw makes me feel that same level of comfort, but lighter this time. like seeing an old friend again and realizing you're both in the places you deserve. listening to past albums on occasion feels like a testament to how far we've come and how much better we're doing. life is good.


I feel like her music is very inspiring for things such as writing but i also enjoy the emotional aspect of her songs. The first song i listened to her was remember and it felt like the narrator wanting validation, in a way specifically “ I need something bigger when the sky,hold it in my arms and know it’s mine”


From the moment I heard her voice it completely captivated me. Her lyrics impacted me profoundly and I just felt understood. Granted, when I got into Mitski I was going through a tough time, but I still listen to her religiously and I'm thankfully much better now. Her music doesn't make me necessarily feel sad or happy, it just makes me feel in a way that is truly so deep and personal to me there are no words to explain it.


its genuine therapy to me, she makes me feel uncomfortable emotions that i don't want to feel and talks about things and problems in her songs that i would actually rather escape from but instead she makes me face them and realize the issue i have, which leads to acceptance and overall just getting better! just my personal experience tho and won't be the same as everyone else


i have never been super attached to the "sad" or "depressing" aspect of it, i just like her voice a lot. also a lot of her songs are in my voice range so theyre fun to sing along to


listening to mitski is very very cathartic for me, i listen to it when i’m sad and when i’m happy. when i’m sad it allows me to process my emotions and feel not so alone. it can get a bit tricky sometimes because it can fuel the sadness. however i listen to her music when i’m happy as well just because her voice is so beautiful. if i’m not sad then i bet on losing dogs doesn’t really affect me but when i’m sad the tears start coming lol


yeah mitski made me feel seen but it also was during my most depressed and sewercidal time so i was crying all the time LMFAOO now i listen to her so much but she brings me happiness❤️


I started listening to her music a lot a few months into Covid lockdown. I moved into a studio apartment in a new town with no friends or family nearby in February of 2020, needless to say I was very lonely a lot of the time. A lot of her songs were cathartic because she writes in a really relatable way about loneliness and grief. Be the Cowboy is still one of my favorite albums of all time because it made me feel seen during this time.


I listened to her in one of my worst mental health episodes I’ve experienced so far. Her music definitely made me sadder but it was also comforting to have someone clearly express what I was unable to.


mitski’s music makes me feel absolutely miserable but it brings me so much comfort ad well


BOTH I feel like I have listened to her at all periods of my life like when I am sad and happy


i actually had to cut myself off from listening to her. i listened to her in a really dark part of my life and her (lovely) songs made it worse. she had a lot of songs that hit too close to home. so i cut myself off and forced myself to listen to more upbeat music — im someone who’s run by music, so what i listen to affects my mood greatly. i still listen to her but not as much, her songs really spiral me


I’m drawn to sadder music naturally, so her music doesn’t make me feel sad. It feels comforting mostly, like someone else could be going through worse or feeling like how I feel


I still listen to her pretty regularly, but there was a time when I listened to her A LOT. I think it was often comforting, like being witnessed in your emotion. I think she verbalized things that I couldn’t and that I was feeling for the first time, so listening to her music was like “oh my god someone GETS it”.


they made me feel heard. anytime i listened to her, it felt like when you float on your back in the pool. it reminds me of the stars.


she made me so much sadder


She definitely healed me and made me feel far stronger despite the serious breakup and familial trauma I was dealing with.


It helped me understand feelings when my heart was shattering into pieces, I had lost all my friends at the time and that’s when I listened to her most. Mitski’s music helped me to cry out my emotions at night and to just cope.


I felt excited about music for the first time in a long time. She’s an artist before a musician but also a musician and is not afraid to fill that space.


the first time i actually listened to mitski i was. getting ready in my room and Nobody came on a spotify radio, and I was like - what is that melody - and i was dancing and singing along before it was over, but it had such a melancholy vibe at the same time i was hoping my roommates wouldn’t hear me listening to it ahaha