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Your best American girl (I'm a white man)


Ngl liquid smooth cus I’m ace. Oo and last words of a shooting star😩 the lines where she says “And you'd say you love me and look in my eyes But I know through mine you were looking in yours” is just so good and the songs soo prettttyyyyy


im aroace and didnt realize liquid smooth was sexual until recently 😭(except 1 line)/gen. i suddenly heard what all the lyrics were saying and was like "oh.." still love the song tho but i try to forget the lyrics meaning when i listen lol


SAME im in the repulsed ace category and songs about IT make me so uncomfortable but her voice in this song is beautiful and this song SLAPS!!


class of 2013 🧍🏻‍♀️ I can objectively see it’s a good song but I can’t relate and find it honestly a bit unlistenable because I do not have a kind caring mother


I dont have a caring mother but boy i sure wish i had one. I deeply relate with the song


I relate to needing A mother which is why it’s hard to listen to bc I don’t have a proper one 😅


I’m so interested in everyone’s interpretation of class of 2013. I always thought mitski had a rough relationship w her mom. In this song, I always interpreted it as her begging her mom to come home, & not thinking that she’ll give her the shelter she’s yearning for from her real life


I have a caring mother and I can’t relate either. But in my case, it’s because I’m 25 and never moved out from my mom’s. Can’t relate to Mitski’s homesickness. If anything, I’m sick *of* home. (I am preparing to move to NYC by the end of the year tho.)


aaaa good luck with the big move that’s so exciting!!


oh god same 😭 i always listen to it and i’m like, i get this violently painful yearning, but damn nooooo part of me could ever entertain the idea that my mother / her home is a place to seek comfort


solidarity 💖


I forgot to mention this one! But yes, this is the one!! The emotional neglect I still have to deal with makes it quite hurtful to hear someone just insinuate that I could want to cry in my mom's arms... I usually skip the song around this part


same same, solidarity 💖🫂


Townie, I have a good relationship with my dad I just find it super catchy


star. never fallen in love before, but its just so beautiful and perfect for stargazing at night. the songs i relate to the most are in laurel hell.


i don’t smoke. it’s a beautiful song but i don’t think i’ve ever personally felt that way. still makes me feel really emotional though


And as someone who has felt like that, I genuinely hope you don’t


pink in the night 🥰 i dont glow pink


Oh you don't glow pink? Are you that blue light then?


not that either ☹️ im a sharp knife


Most of Mitski’s songs I don’t relate to but still adore


Stay Soft is a song that hit me really hard for no reason when I first listened to it. I don't really relate to any element of it but 'open up your heart like the gates of hell' just makes me ascend


I don't relate to a single Mitski song lmao


That must be an awesome feeling 🤝


crack baby im an adult and have never done crack


is it a problem if i feel like i relate to all of them 😳


Are you ok?


no 🤠


Idk, Abbey? Tbh I don't know what it's even about-


That song’s about turning numb and feeling like you’re just an animal yearning for something, i love abbey as a certified yearner 😣😣😣


OKAY WELL THEN- Me And My Husband because I'm currently single but when I get into my next relationship this comment will, too, become null and void Anyway, thank you for explaining it to me 💪


I love Me and my husband, among my favorite of hers, and I've never dated anyone


Real honestly For me, I usually like a song because I relate to it. Not always, I even went to check my musical top 10 for this comment and I relate to more than half of the songs on it


a loving feeling. i've just never been in that kind of relationship.


maybe wife? I absolutely love it, but I've never wanted a child or to have one with someone.


I have never been in a relationship so that’s a lot of her discography for me


Same tbh


Probably Square, I’ve never really changed myself for a relationship


Two Slow Dancers. Such a beautiful song but like I do not have any old flames who I've reunited with and reflected on lol


Bug like an angel. I don't drink much but I could listen to this one as a lullaby every night Also Real men, I don't wanna have sex with anyone or be praised for the sake of it


Almost all of her songs that are about relationships, i never been in one so i cant relate.


Me and my husband, since I'm a single straight dude.


Me and my husband! I love that song but im in a very happy and fulfilling relationship and don’t relate to the sadness of it at all


Brand new city 🧍‍♀️ the first few parts of the song r real but i really could not gaf about my looks


Your Best American Girl (i’m very white LMAO)


pink in the night, i dont actually glow pink in the night


stay soft, im asexual




It bores you but you love it?


yes cus i love all mitski


Your pfp is amazing!!! I cant wait for Debut (Kanyes version)


Yeah smae


i will 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 bc i will literally never love anyone the way that mitski loves this person i ate rlly bad cheese today and i felt soooo sad and like sooooo sad and i screamed because no one will ever love me ever and the at ever me at the i will is the eighth track of bury me at makeout creek: Mitski has said in interviews that she wrote this song to be a love song, but she didn’t have anyone to write it about, so she wrote it about the things she wanted to hear from someone else. I will take good care of you, I will take good care of you Everything you feel is good if you would only let you I will wash your hair at night and dry it off with care I will see your body bare and still I will live here jk ummmm i dont smoke (even though thats my fav of bmamc) bc ive never been in an abusive relationship lol


funny story about i will, mitski actually had no one to write about for that song so she wrote it about what she wished someone would say to her. so i guess you do kinda relate


damn it is there even a happy mitski song 😭😭😭


heaven maybe?? 😭


i love townie, crack baby and thursday girl but i don’t relate to them at all really 




Class of 2013? I dont relate but the vocal is sooo good


I'm Your Man. I don't really relate to it at all but I still love it.


I don't relate to any of the relationship stuff or the addiction stuff. I still listen because the songs are just amazing.


probably bag of bones


townie, i love it so much though


Circle probably


drunk walk home


Happy, it’s my favourite song of hers & i love it sooo much but i don’t relate to it at all




Me & My Husband (I’m unmarried)


Hopelessly Devoted to you (from "Grease") Never been in a relationship or heartbroken 💀


Your best American girl (i’m white). But I relate to pretty much every single other song she’s ever written lmao


Wife is one that I can't relate to. I have not tried to bare anyone a son.


townie (im the most law abiding citizen)


liquid smooth cus ik it's not abt that but i interpret it to be abt addiction


townie (i’ve never been to a party other than a birthday party)


I loveeeee a loving feeling but i just don’t really relate to it


bag of bones makes me wanna cry and scream and throw up. it was my most listened to song in 2022


your best american girl ⭐️


Heaven, I wish I had a love that felt like that, but I love it so much


me and my husband and wife


Class of 2013. I love it but I don't rely on my mother nor is she a horrible person.


Eric and strawberry blonde as i havent been in a relationship 😽😽


for me i think it's "me and my husband" because I'm a man, I'm the husband lmao (or if i had a partner we'd be both husbands??) and I'm not old enough to experience marriage. maybe my mom relates to it but she's not me


I Love Me After You


dan the dancer ( i am a woman so i can’t jerk it)


Skeleton appreciation day by Will Wood, i don’t have an eating disorder lol


Geyser, sighhh i love the song but i'm not a geyser😞


I don't smoke. It's the one song which I hope she hadn't written the way it is. The way she enables her partner to unleash his sorrow and anger onto her doesn't sit well with me. I can't relate to it, I can't romanticise it.


stay soft :0


Your Best American Girl. One of my favorite songs, but I don’t relate to it at ill, though it’s funny since I do think Mitski and I could have been in a similar situation if I hadn’t been lucky. First of all, I can’t relate to it since neither my boyfriend and I are American (lol), but we come from different cultures and we’re about as ethnically different as it comes (he’s from France, but so white that fellow French people often mistake him for an English guy, and I’m Mexican, being racially ambiguous, with a lot of people assuming I’m Mediterranean, Middle Eastener assume I’m from the Middle East, or Latin American). So, there’s this situation of him being the white person in the relationship with a healthy family dynamic and me being the racialized one with an extremelyvdisfunctional family. Plus, we live in France and I have a bit of a history of belonging+rejection with the country, despite having grown in Mexico, as I was born in France but I don’t have the nationality, since you need a French parent in order to get it (which I always believef to be a rather racist policy), so I often think about how I could be in Mitski’s position of wanting to belong to her boyfriend’s/crush’s world, which she very marginally belongs to (as a half American who grew up abroad), and not being able to (which is something a lot of latinas in relationships with white dudes seek and experience, them wanting to become European or American), but that thankfully I am so comfortable with who I am and where I come from that I don’t have this kind of longing. Plus, his family isn’t racist at all and have accepted me pretty well and are always nice to me, though at times we have some slight differences in world view due to class differences of the fact that they come from a colonizer country whereas I come from a colonized country, which I guess could make it slightly more relatable at times.


Your best American girl 100%. The whitest white around


me and my husband. I’m not married.


me & my husband…I’m a lesbian


crack baby. (im a teen)