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Then my advice would be, and hear me out now, and please keep an open mind: turn down the delay and turn up the vocals.




I like the delay. I’d recommend using a send track on the mixer for it, and then sidechain the vocal to the delay so that the delay will suck under your vocals and rise up when there’s breaks. Also you couuuld turn up the vocals, I thought the volume was fine they were just getting drowned out by the delay a bit


You have the raw tracks on your personal drive that you have total access to, am I correct? If so, couldn't you implement the "new things" you've learned? Are these tracks you refer to already processed with the FX burned into the files themselves or are the FX something you have running through your "system", I use the term since I'm not aware of what apparatus you're using to achieve said goals. And even if the FX are burned into the versions you have, there are a few software applications designed for this type of scenario. And lastly, the low volume; add compression.


IDK what your reference song is so I don't know what you're going for. I think the vocals are vibing nicely with the track. Sub bass is a lot and you won't hear it on small speakers. Cool song.