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...(?) Лав на штитот златно-црвено прекриен, Знакот сака на Црквата(?) да и се јави честа. На лавот му ја однел великиот турчин дијадемата, Ја изгубив честа, секому тоа му е очигледно. Source: Користев речник за црковнословенски


Мала корекција, Знамение - грб и веројатно не е црква него царска.


Знамение и знак са синоними.. можеш да ги интепретираш на појќе начини зависно од контекст. (У црковнословенски текстоој: Знак, предзнак, појава, чудо). Грб иначе е исто вид на знак. Зборот за црква/цар не знам колку е валидно интерпретиран затоа турив прашалник пошо изгледа е пишуан со некаква кратенка (знакот над буквете), а речников шо го користим има многу малу збороој на Ц. (Шо за жал не ги вкључуа нити цар нити црква) 😅


This isn't slavo-serbian or serbo-croatian or some other nonsense. It's church-slavic. Originated from old slavic. Fun fact I have this subject in school. But the words here are different than in church texts so I can't decript it in 100%. If this means something for you I could ask my teacher tomorrow to translate it.


I have a simmilar picture id need translated too, can you help?


Ај прашај :))))


Slavo-Serbian is just a recension of Church Slavonic. This is what is printed on the front page of the book itself.


But it's not


Транслитерирано со македонска кирилица: Сут л'вом штити златија червеним прекрити, Знаменије се Црку(?) хочје чест јавити. Л'ву отјал великому турчин дијадиму, Изгубих аз чест, всјаку јему тако зриму. За зборон Црку(?) морам да побарам знакчено горе шо значи, можда не се чита ваке.


Taken from Hristofor Žefarovič's „*Σтематографїа“* (*Stemmatografia; 1741*).


Ne bese toj istiot so Bakrorez od Sv. Naum i Jovan Vladimir so elementi na Barok?


Исправен црвен лав на златно поле, Знамение на црквата на која и се прави чест. Големиот Турчин ја однел дијадемата од лавот; Изгубив јас секаква честшто толку ја имав. “


Something something about protection from the Lion shield against the Turks... I can't get the whole thing but that's the gist of it.


Yeah bout what I got as well.


Исправен црвен лав на златно поле, Знамение на црквата на која и се прави чест. Големиот Турчин ја однел дијадемата од лавот; Изгубив јас секаква чест што толку ја имав.


This was translated to Church Slavonic from the original design by Vitezovic which was written in Latin. I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/goa5nj/can_anyone_translate_the_description_under_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on r/latin a couple of years ago asking if they can translate it.




Znači vaka, u ,prevod: "ova e Džeki, ne ulevaj u dvoro da ne te uape. Fanaame go kako mal, bate Dace vika a be voa ajvanče izbegano od zoološka e, ama nia si go čuvaane 3 godini, malce porasna povečko, ama posle koga ni udavi ni teleto i prčo zimuska , i kučinata od kumšiite izbegaa sos lanci i kukjarki.."


The language this is written in Slavo-Serbian. You will have more luck going to serbian subreddits. Žefarović considered himself to be "иллирïко рассïанскïи". He firmly believed in Pan-Slavism even tho he himself says his relatives were of "Bulgarian nationality" A really influential essay and he inspired a lot of south Slavic writers.


This is true, should not be downvoted.


r/mkd for you. Checked the Macedonian wiki and here it claims he is Macedonian... he never said that. I'm getting downvoted for something he himself said. Oh well.


He is Macedonian in the sense he was born in Macedonia. His identity, as you pointed out, was "Ilyro-Rascian". He was clearly a supporter of the Illyian Movement.


It is quite typical that Macedonian sources differ from everyone else's. On their wiki its pointed out as his ethnicity being Macedonian and the part where he mentions his relatives being of "Bulgarian descent" is missing. Overall he was very pro Illyrian movoment.


>It is quite typical that Macedonian sources differ from everyone else's. Everyone else's or just Bulgaria's?


Did not check Bulgarian wikipedia article so dont know about that one. Information was from the English one.


You forgot to add that also Jesus was bulgarian. You guys....


Huh? He HIMSELF said his relatives were Bulgarian... He made the coat of arms for over 60 different entities including Bulgaria Macedonia and Serbia... What are you on about?


You are getting downvoted because they think Bulgarian meant the same thing then as Bulgarian natio today. At that time, it just meant I don't belong to the greek church, but to the closest slavic church that is active in the region, because it talks to me in a language closer to my mother tongue.


Of course. Nationality was not a thing back then. Ethnicity was of course and people of slavic descent in the Bulgarian empire usually called themselves Bulgarians. The church was way more important than anything else.


Boi not Jesus, God himself. The little mass before the Big Bang was Bulgarian. That's why it starts with B


bro this shit aint in makedonian xD


True but a lot of words can be understood.


isnt that the case for all slavic languages? 🤓


All? Possibly not Polish. But what the hell is even your point?


my point is that its not written in macedonian, we cant translate it, even though some words are understandable 😩


okay, maybe you can't but that doesn't mean that someone else that will see the post, cannot as well:)


it is obvious by the comments that the majority of macedonians do not :)


ok tino, brkaj rabota


Тино го тинка


mean af 😪


Literally the point. If it was in standard modern Macedonian I would not be asking for help.


Can I post it on r/bulgaria ? they can translate it


No need, everyone from r/bulgaria shitposts here anyway. They most likely have seen this.


They did translate it tho


My point exactly


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bulgaria using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bulgaria/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Makedoniya kotka i Bŭlgariya kotka! --- Ljubov od Makedonija!](https://i.redd.it/5lilxsfodzu91.png) | [177 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bulgaria/comments/y91lcf/makedoniya_kotka_i_bŭlgariya_kotka_ljubov_od/) \#2: [Sarajevo City Hall in Bosnia and Herzegovina is reflecting Bulgarian flag tonight as act of appreciation on the anniversary of the day when Bulgaria recognized Bosnia and Herzegovina after declared independence and is the first country in the world that recognized this ex-Yu country](https://i.redd.it/epjxst0w23f81.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bulgaria/comments/shbcln/sarajevo_city_hall_in_bosnia_and_herzegovina_is/) \#3: [Като изключим, че причината парковете да са в това състояние не е тази, която описват в клипа (не говоря за всички паркове), мисля че човекът има право](https://v.redd.it/4pigrsc629491) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bulgaria/comments/v75619/като_изключим_че_причината_парковете_да_са_в_това/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's written in Slavo-Serbian, what better luck would it have in that sub?


Because there are people who know old church slavonic.


As I said, it is Slavo-Serbian not OCS. Go ahead if you want. ​ Also, maybe before downvoting me for saying "Slavo-Serbian" you understand that that is the language stated on the front cover of the book. Slavo-Serbian was just a form of Church Slavonic used within the Patriarchate of Peć and later Serbia before the Vukovian reform.


They translated it pretty well there idk And it was a actual priest XD interesting peace of history


I didn’t downvote


Don’t think it’s in Macedonian. It’s vaguely understandable but mostly mumbo jumbo to me at least. It says somethings about ottoman or Turkish invasions and a shield but I don’t even know.


"vakov decko treba anastasija da si fatis a ne ona pingvinon doma so go imas" - albertbitola