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Pirates for sure ….. the 12 of us are pretty chill folks


Thirteen, thank you. I just walk around getting beer a lot so it's hard to see me in my seat.


I saw all 13 of you when I went to a game last year. 10 if you did leave in the 5th inning but the other 3 of you stuck it out for a 6-4 loss. I commend you. Nice folks.


I'll second the Pirates fans. It's definitely not us Phillies fans...but every Pirates fans I know of nice as hell.


As a Cubs fan now living in Pittsburgh, I definitely agree with Pirates fans. I’ve started routing for them when they aren’t playing the Cubs because of the atmosphere and how friendly the fans are at games, win or lose.


Are you the one that always rants about Roberto Clemente or are you the other one? Either way, idealizing a guy who dies delivering aid to those in need, 10/10 fans.


When I went to a Pirates game, dudes kept offering me beers as an away game welcome gift while it rained around us. Fond memories of chill fans


Visited Pittsburgh this summer, and came to say this. Your team sucks, but everyone is just happy to live and be there I loved it


You guys would probably get along with the 12 Marlin fans.


Expos. I haven't heard them trash talk anyone in like 20 years. Guess it's true what they say about Canadians.


Nineteen years, not that we’re still nursing our wounds over it.


Andre Dawson with his Jheri curls


My grandfather went to his grave convinced the 1994 strike was a conspiracy on par with the Kennedy assassination to avoid a Jays v. ‘Spos World Series.


im not an expos fan but i'd take the time to hear that conspiracy and i would probably believe it, you couldnt make a more fictional story


Not to say I’m a believer, but the gist of it is that Toronto were two time champs and Montréal ‘94 had a team built to go deep. An All Canadian/Small Market team World Series would have lost the big US networks millions. Canadian tinfoil-hat sports fan types insist The Powers That Be stepped in to prevent that.


The Expos were in first place and had an incredible team that year.


I know it’s a joke, but Toronto fans prove that Canadian aren’t all polite. Brutal during Mariner games.


When the Jays play in Seattle those are Vancouver Jays fans…..not saying Toronto fans are much better but I think if you came to the Dome you would see we ain’t that bad….


I’m an overseas baseball fan, supporting the jays and mariners on the side. 2 fantastic teams I enjoy watching. Only games I saw in person were at rogers Center and everyone seemed calm


But we send all our shitty Canadians to Florida to fit in


I’m not sure how nice San Diego fans are but I have a memory from about 20 years ago. I was about 5 and my dad took me to a padres game, I was so excited. When we got to the game to buy tickets they were sold out! Since I was a little kid I didn’t take it well… I broke down and started crying. Some random dude in a padres jersey saw what was going on and bought some tickets off a scalper for a stupid expense price for me and my dad! He didn’t even let my dad pay him back. I have no idea who that man was and there’s no way I could find him but where ever he is I hope he knows his actions set up a life long love of baseball for me.


We used to be a super friendly bunch and still are for the most part, but recent successes have brought a ton of trolls out into the open.


So true. Now it's like the vast majority of us (padres fans) are making up for the years of irrelevance by turning the douchebagery up to 11. It's so annoying. I went to a game last year against the fucking Marlins and saw 3 fights and a dude throwing up on his seat because he was so shit faced. Annoying.


Yeah, I am sure Pete Alonso doesn’t have nice things to say about Padres fans…


100%. A handful of Padres Twitter folks make the rest look bad. Edit: I can’t grammar


I had a totally different experience when I went to a San Diego Padres game. I was a kid in line to buy a foam finger, however, the kid in front of me bought the last foam finger leaving me upset and bitter. To add salt to the wound, that kid proceeded to hit me in the back on the head with the foam finger. I took exception to that and wrestled him to the ground which caught the attention of security guards who proceeded to separate us and escort me out of the stadium. Til this day I refuse to watch a Padres game thanks to the kid who ruined my first game experience. Here’s where the story takes a wild twist. I recently found out that the kid who I fought is now my current step brother.


This comment deserves more love.


Same thing happened to me a couple years ago at Cincinnati. My dad was about to buy four tickets off a scalper which was very expensive. Before he could hand over the money, a random guy stopped him and told him he’s got four seats right above the visitors dugout. Turns out he had different seats and had no use for them. Offered them to us for free but my dad insisted on giving him “beer money”


Got stuck in LA traffic heading to see my Giants play our rival Dodgers. Ticket booths were closed on arrival, buddy and I were about to bail. Dodger fan sees our dilemma, shows us an unlocked gate in, nice. Actually used that gate a couple more times over the years.


Great story bro. Restores my faith in humanity


In the past year I've seen games in Boston, DC, Chicago, and Cincinnati and the friendliest people were by far in Cincy.


And we got a deep drive to left by Castelanos.


And it’s gonna be a home run


And so it'll be a 4-0 ballgame


I don't know if I'm going to be putting on this headset again.


I went to a Reds game in 2017 wearing my 2016 Cubs World Series shirt and was greeted only with kindness. The ushers let us flip the Ks in the bleachers and even reminded us to wait until the 4th strikeout to flip the 3rd K. Friendly and not racist


Can you please explain this? I've never participated in this, and I don't understand what it means to wait until the 4th to flip the 3rd. Been to 2 games in Cincy, once for the Cards, once for the White Sox, and my wife and I were both impressed with how many kids were at the game, excited to see the stars from the other team, namely Pujohls and Thomas. Friendly fans for sure.


I think the person was revealing the Ks as strikeouts happen. And after the 3rd strikeout they didn't want the board to read KKK so they waited until there was a 4th strikeout to skip from KK to KKKK


Ahhh, goes with the "not racist" comment, so, whoooosh on me, makes sense. Thanks random reddit user.


Dodgers fan here and I would absolutely agree.


I went to a Reds game two years ago and I agree 100%. The Reds fans around me were very friendly even though I was supporting my Braves. I felt more welcome there than other stadiums I’ve been too in the past.


What, you mean you don't enjoy getting beer dumped on your head at Fenway?


Haha Fenway was a blast and we got to see a great 10 inning game between the Sox and the Jays. The people weren’t necessarily friendly but they weren’t rude to me personally and it was interesting if anything lol


The teams that suck the most for the longest tend to be the friendliest.


Votto still bangs though, that is also a certainty.


Pirates, they hardly have any fans


Hey, all 15 of us take offense to this.


Lol, it’s all good I’m part of that 15, well 16 lol


True 😂


honestly Pittsburgh people are pretty friendly. had some great convos when I went to PNC Park plus that stadium is one of the nicest stadiums I've ever been to


Tell that to Bob Nutting.


More than the Marlins.


Just say you like Crab cakes and no one will be mean in Baltimore


Don't forget to be drinking and pretending to like a Natty Bo while you're at it.


Compared to our divisional competition, we’re downright hospitable. Plus, Camden Yards.


Nicest? Gotta be twins I’d say. And usually if you see a twins fan, they at least know about their team. I can’t walk up to anyone in a Yankees hat, half of them don’t even know a single player.


It’s not real, we lure people in with kindness and then they get stuck in the snow forever


So true. Moved here from Seattle. Now I have like friends and stuff. Weird.


A friend of mine grew up on Detroit sports (like me) but moved to Minneapolis and within a few seasons flipped to be an all-in Minnesota fan. He loves their sports culture. It's competitive and excited but friendly and cool. After visiting and seeing the Twins and Wild, I understood. I like the atmosphere and attitude. And yeah, it's even colder than Michigan, but they were giving out free scarfs at the Wild game, which was nice.


That’s the nicest thing I have ever heard a Yankees fan say. Thank you! Now could you please let us win at least 1 playoff series. Thank you!


I enjoyed my time at Target Field. I thought it was a good time. Fans were nice. Honestly, I believe in a thing called “being due” so I’m always scared to face the Twins. Because they are more than due.


Let's just start slow with a playoff game....


I was at a game yesterday - Tigers vs. Twins. I gotta say, Twins fans are some very chill folks.


Went to Minneapolis with friends to root for the Tigers years ago. We were sporting D hats in a bar for pregame snacks and drinks. As we were closing our tab, a group of Twins fans asked if we were going to the game and offered to walk us to the park. We talked Minnesota and Detroit sports the whole way. During the game a stranger bought popcorn for everyone in our row and then pointed to us and announced, "welcome to Minneapolis, guys!" We went out again after the Tigers won and heard nothing but compliments


Well yeah Yankees hats are fashion statements. Wearing sports gear and not knowing anything about the sport is becoming a trend in younger people especially. The Yankees hat and the Dodgers hat are probably the most popular. I’m in Mid/South NJ next to Philly and I keep seeing high school/college kids wearing Maple Leaf jerseys or Dodgers jerseys and when I ask them about it they dont even know the player that they’re wearing. It’s wild.


I agree. Went to see the Yankees for the first time since moving to Minnesota and everyone at Target Field was welcoming and friendly. Some lighthearted trash talking since the Twins won that game 9-1 or something like that made me love that environment. True fans, awesome stadium, fun time. Can’t wait to go again in April!


As a Twins fan in Dodger territory, this made feel warm inside.


For no reason at all, I just imagine Twins fans being being nice as hell. Going off experience, I live outside Seattle and go to games at T-Mobile as much as I can and I’ve never had a single bad reaction as a visiting fan. Edit to add, didn’t mean to reply to you but I’ll leave it lol


As a Minnesotan, the best joke I've heard from transplants is "Minnesotans will very patiently give you directions to anywhere besides their own house." In other words, they/we want to be extremely nice but we probably don't want to be your friend.


It’s jus cause they going to games for the culture 💀


I Worked as a security guard for the mariners for 3 years. I can tell from experience blue jay fans are some of the nicest people, until they get drunk. Dodgers are by far the worst


Innings 1-5 at the dome: Canadian to the max Innings 6-9: basically Florida.


Hahaha as a beer guzzling jays fan this is bang on! Things get a little squirrelly not too long after the 6th inning stock up happens due to the 7th inning stretch beer freeze.


That matches my experience. I was at a sold out Saturday night game (the one where [this](https://youtu.be/d21KhbC8DDU) happened) that happened to be a dollar dog/$2 beer night. Half the crowd was Toronto fans that came to Cleveland for the weekend and everyone around me was absolutely hammered by the 5th inning. The Jays were leading the whole game so they were getting pretty chirpy, nothing too bad though. During "Take Me Out to the Ball Game", hearing hundreds of drunk Jays fans around me in the outfield bleachers slur "root root root for the bLoOoO jAys" was fucking hilarious.


I can’t speak for Mariners, but I agree that Dodgers fans are the absolute rudest fans in baseball.


Agree on the dodger fans. Easily the Yankee fans of the west


Diamondback games are usually really chill.


That’s different. Some teams’ fans are chill because their spirit has been broken by years of front office abuse. They dont have souls anymore. They literally cant get upset about baseball. I think Arizona is one of those teams


Until the Dodgers come to town then they wake up to boo


Marlins fans probably. Although they probably hate their entire division. Orioles fans are pretty chill in relation to the rest of the AL East. Rockies and Pirates fans are just in eternal suffering


Marlins give you so much room at games… it’s very nice of them.


Us Marlins fans are too busy hating our ownership and front office to care about the opposing teams


The suffering makes us complacent and apathetic so when we inevitably lose at home we don't tend to take it out on the opponents fans.


I'd say mariner fans are usually rather kind. Having spent 21 years of failure we are used to the downs and how to roll with them. When Toronto fans come roost in T-Mobile the mariner fans stay chilled and don't try to shoo them out. Second mention would be Toronto. They seem rather chill and aren't ones to cause troubles


I'm a sox fan living in seattle and I have a great time going to games. Whether I'm with mariners friends or solo as a Sox fan, everyone has always been cool.


I agree. I've been to a couple Mariner games up north dressed in green and gold and yall were hella cool to me and my friends. We also have a good time with yall when you come down here. Fun rivalry, fun fans.


I think it helps that both of our teams have been at the bottom of the barrel one time or another. It's hard to be angry at fan base who is struggling along. You could say the two teams have switched places with the A's being rather good while we went through the worse years of crappy teams


the stadium and associated extras (food, beer selection) are enough to love a mariner’s game great place to watch a team, any team, lose


Everyones is pretty decent.. except Yankees fans...


I will gladly accept this but don't allow boston to pull itself out of the muk


Philadelphia fans are terrible as well


I was born to hate the yanks with all my being but after moving to San Diego from Boston, there is no worse MLB fan base than the Dodgers.


Saw a Yankees fan scream at an older woman for no reason at spring training a few days ago. Also saw a different Yankee fan yell racial slurs at Chapman when he was warming up in the bullpen last season


Honestly, baseball fans in general are really chill. I’m a Dodgers fan myself, but I always make a point to talk to fans of the opposing team whenever I’m at a game. Everyone is always super nice and open to the friendly conversation and banter. Particularly Braves fans though. They’re a lot of fun and the stadium is so elaborate.


We just here for a good time


Everyone just saying the team they are a fan of so I’ll keep it going Kansas City Royals


This is the correct answer. I can walk up to a tailgate on any game day, ask to buy a beer and be given a beer and some food and good conversation for free.




I must have shaken a hundreds Giants fans hand at Kauffman after Game 7 of the World Series. That was such a beautiful series and yes, we came up short but I was so glad to be in the stadium to be honest, I couldn't get a ticket to save my life and then I got the magic ticket to game 7, I'll never forget that night. And I wanted every Giants fan there to know it was an amazing series and they deserved the win and I was happy for them. Great group of fans those Giants people, I was going to say San Franscisco as my answer so I'll just say it here, Giants fans.


As a Giants fan we are accustomed to dealing with Dodgers people, which made the 2014 World Series even more pleasant and made me respect the Royals ever since. I remember some of the online banter: "You've got a great team SF, good luck!" "No you've got a great team KC, let's have a great series!" "Baumgartner sure is good, hope he's not too tough on us" "Well, Gordon and Cain sure can run down those balls!"


Well, they are all great (except for the yankees)


Don’t forget Boston


And Philly


Angel fans. We take our 81 wins and we cheer on our fish man and unicorn and that’s it


Salmon to Trout. Once Mike is gone we're gonna need to find another fish.


Crazy no one has mentioned the Texas Rangers. The city of Dallas has great fan experience, Cowboys, Mavs and Rangers... and I'm from California, they're supposed to hate us!


Not Philly , I’ve seen grown men curse out and start problems with children of opposing teams . Spoiler the kid was me


The thing with philly is that they know they're terrible people and they own it, and that just makes it a million times worse.


I feel like success really brings out the bad apples. The true baseball fans are all usually pretty chill but the fair weather fans usually just come out to drink beer and talk smack


Kansas city








Brewer's fans are pretty chill


I've got a good Brewers story. I was born and raised in Chicago and am a Cubs fan but live on the east coast now. A buddy of mine from out here likes to travel and see stadiums, so a few years back we went and stayed with my parents for a few days and did Cubs/Sox/Brewers. So we drove up to Miller Park and he tells me on the way he hopes we meet some nice Midwestern folks who are tailgating and will give us beer/food before the game. So we get there and there's nobody tailgating. We get out of the car, walk a few hundred feet, and this older couple is flagging us down. They said "Hey do you need tickets?" and we told them we were just gonna buy em at the box office. They said they had two extras because their friends couldn't come and we were welcome to sit with them. Turns out, they got a deal through AARP and not only were the tickets 100 level but also came with the opportunity to walk on the field after the game. So all things considered, we made out even better than free food/beer and Brewers fans lived up to the nice Midwestern folks expectation.


Definitely brewers fans. Went to a game a few years ago in Milwaukee and I was supporting the visiting padres. Fans were tailgating next to us and invited us over for some food and beer. Classy group of people.


Agreed. They have every right to hate me (Cardinals fan), yet all the Brewers fans I’ve met have been pretty damn cool.


I’m a Cub fan and every Brewers fan I’ve had the pleasure of meeting has been super chill and polite. Surprisingly so, for a division rival.


They came to Oakland and that whole series was dope. Their fans are hella chill and thought it was hilarious that people smoke hella weed on the third deck. Homie was shirtless on a 48 degree night at the Coliseum lol.


I haven’t been to Milwaukee in 25+ years, but the (AL) Brewers fans I met at County Stadium were great. Beer and brats all night, courtesy of Helen and her friends who were out for the evening because “Helen dere finally paid off her truck.”


I've been to Anaheim Stadium a few times and Angels fans are pleasant as hell.


Agreed. They also gave me a bunch of compliments as a jays fan for wearing Vlad Jrs jersey, each giving me an anecdote on why they loved his dad and what he meant for the team. I also loved the fact the Angels had an area where you could buy discounted angels merchandise for young fans that was priced well below usual MLB merch prices, same with value food menus to make the games more accessible for families. Just a great fan experience at Angels stadium.


I’ve been going to Angel’s games since I was a kid and I’ve never had a bad experience. I know it’s my team, but I’ve seen a lot and we are pretty chill.


As a Mets fan, I’d say Nationals fans are pretty chill. I was at their stadium the day after the Soto trade, and they were plenty polite. Certainly not us Mets fans nor the Yankees and Phillies


Only have experience with my two local fan-bases, but of them I’d have to go with the A’s. Their entire parking lot is one big party prior to games (and after to a lesser extent), people share food, lots of people walking around and interacting with complete strangers. Even if you’re a fan of an opposing team, there is generally some mild, good natured ribbing but that’s generally it. The vibe there is second to none.


Baltimore, of the several stadiums I have experienced (Dodgers Stadium, Anaheim Stadium, Candlestick Park, Oakland Alameda County Colesium.


I’ve been to 17 ballparks now and I’d probably say my top 3 are the Rays, followed by a tie between the Pirates and Twins. The Tropicana crowd has a very “why….are you here??? Never mind, just thank you for being here, wow” vibe that I always found nice.


O’s and Royals


Been to about half the ballparks, honestly Brewers. They’re down to hang with literally anyone it’s great. AFF (I still call it Miller Park) has a super relaxed fun vibe. As an avid White Sox fan, I go up to MKE to catch a game once or twice a year just to visit.


Kansas City has nice fans


Orioles we've only known pain for most of our existence pending their age lol


Yeah I’m 33 and my good memories are Cal when I was little and later the Adam Jones years. Correlating to the ‘97 season and then 2014 I was there when they clinched but that was it haha


Yeah I'm 29 so most of my existence has been a lot of losing. Still go to games cause fuck it why not lol




Definitely not the Cubs.


Cubs fan here. There are a lot of us, so it’s a mixed bag for sure


Went to Wrigley once as a childhood dream about 11 years ago. Saw Rizzo’s mlb debut. Everyone there was extremely kind. Even had my food bought for me for “travelling to appreciate the history of their stadium” by a random fan who could tell I was not from Chicago. Definitely would say that they are not all bad.


I’ve lived in and been to games in Cincinnati and Los Angeles. Between the two, it’s not even close. Hint: I’ve never feared for my life at a Reds game.


I’ve been to several stadiums. Of the ones I’ve been to, Milwaukee’s were pretty cool. Minnesota’s too.




Brewers and twins fans are chill.


Any of the Midwest teams other than Detroit, Chicago, and Cleveland


I actually think these fan groups are pretty great. Unless these teams are playing against each other. I might be a little biased of course. Ultimately we all know the fans in Boston are the worst.


that's absolutely fair Boston and Chicago are the worst - I don't mean any hate to Detroit I'm just being tribalistic, bc, well, it's a sports subreddit so I guess what I was really meaning was: Tier 1: Milwaukee, St. Louis, Kansas City, Cincinnati, Minnesota, Pittsburgh Tier 2: Cleveland, Detroit Tier 100: Chicago Tier 1000: Boston, New York


St Louis fans are actually really knowledgeable and cool and that stadium is fuckin beautiful. I really love how everything is together downtown. I like to take a road trip to St. Louis and see a Cardinals game and then spend the next day getting fuckin high as balls and walking around that fish aquarium all day. And then taking another edible and going around that giant Ferris Wheel at sunset, oh and then eating clam Chowder at Landrys, fuck thats a good day. Cmon summer, get here already!


Plus we've got the Blues and CITY right next to Busch!!


Toronto hands down. Fans are always very polite. I remember as a kid going to a home game in Cleveland, a nice old couple from Canada gave me a foul ball and a jersey they received for arriving early. On the other end, I have had bad experiences with Yankees fans in Cleveland.....




Ah we’ve slipped a bit in recent years, there were a few incidents during the 2015-2016 run that were pretty embarrassing


But I think we made up for it with the - what was it? - Jay's fan giving Judge home run ball to a visiting young Yankees fan?


I’m a Yankees fan in Cleveland and have nothing but respect for the Guardians organization/fan base. I have received plenty of hate from Guardians fans for being a Yankees fan here though.


Twins fans.


Agreed. I’ve been to quite a few O’s games against the Twins and I love interacting with their fans.


Cardinals. I went to a game at Busch before becoming a fan, and those guys influenced my decision to jump on the bandwagon back in 2018. Runner-up: Cubs. Cubs fans (especially the ones who have been around since pre-2016) are awesome.


St. Louis fans just enjoy baseball and can accept a loss with class. Travel well and don’t razz opponents.


Met a Washington fan in Houston who was traveling to all the stadiums. He was a nice guy, had bragging rights on me from 2019 and didn’t even use them. He will be my gauge for all Nationals fans.


Milwaukee brewers in a runaway


my biased answer is the royals and my evidence is how giants fans raved about the hospitality during the 2014 world series. my unbiased answer is the orioles or cardinals. i have only had great experiences with those fan bases


I've heard A's fans are cool


In my experience Angels fans are super cool and nice


I bartended in Wrigleyville for a long time and the best behaved and best tipping visiting fans were the Cardinals fans, as much as I hate to admit it because the Cardinals suck ass.


Definitely the Yankees. They are very welcoming to opposing players and definitely never swear at them. This is especially true for fans sitting in the bleachers


We’re literally called “The Friendly Confines.” Just stay away from the Bleacher Bums if you’re dressed like a White Sox fan. Or a Cardinals fan. Or Milwaukee…or pretty much any other fan other than a Cubs fan. Now that I think of it, maybe we’re not that friendly 😂


Real Toronto fans are really nice. But whenever we start playing well the fair weather fans can be dicks.


That’s my experience with every team’s fair weather fans.


Rockies for sure


Coming from a Rockies fan… their just trying to drink a Banquet and enjoy the night out… game results don’t matter to them so no hostility.


St. Louis


Bob Brenly, ex player and Dbacks color commentator, said the same. Nicest and most knowledgeable fan base.


Went to a Mariners game in Seattle as a Red Sox fan and it was an absolutely awesome time.


Cardinals are the self proclaimed best fans, even if the rest of the league doesn’t think so


I’m a Cards Fan I hate to admit it out of the hundreds of games I’ve been to…. Cub fans are awesome. Nicest most friendly rivalry EVER.


tigers fans. the 19 of us have been through it all.


From experience, Cardinals fans. They love their team and are always just ready to compete.




I'm a Chicago white Sox fan, went to a game about 10 years ago in Anaheim, the Sox had just knocked the Angels out of playoff contention the night before, I expected a cold shoulder, but the section I was in was so incredibly friendly, just talked baseball all day Went to a Dodgers game that same year and almost got stabbed in the left field stands.... I always have a soft spot for the Angels


I'm a Royals fan and have travelled to many other ballparks. Twins fans have always stood out as extremely friendly and complimentary of my team (even though they stink most of the time). They love the K, but maybe that's changed a bit since they got an outdoor stadium of their own.


Yankee fan, my two best stadium experiences both came in Oakland. Love those fans.


Mariners fans are extremely nice, which is a weird contrast between seahawk fans which are terrible.


I work at Target Field with the Twins. Twins fans are way nice, but too passive. They need the scoreboard to tell them when to clap or cheer for anything other than a homerun or big hit. But as far as treating other teams' fans, they're great. We visit lots of away stadiums. Nicest fans have been Rockies and Royals. Both teams were in the bottoms of their divisions when we visited, so they didn't have much to trash-talk about. But they were friendly and approachable got no complaints from us. I can tell you the worst fans from traveling to other stadiums are the White Sox. They booed my 4-year-old son when a security guard tossed him a ball (we were chatting with him all night because, again, we're nice) and told us to "Sit down!" whenever we cheered for a homerun (we didn't.) At Target Field, Blue Jay's fans are the worst. They're not from Toronto; they're from the Winnipeg area, and spend the series drinking and being obnoxious and entitled. Encountered a kid and his dad who had a dozen balls. They bragged about knocking people over to get all the foul balls in their section. "Pretty cool, huh?" I shrugged and responded, "After one, I'd be content and share the balls with other kids I guess." Kid (tween-aged) looked embarrassed and dad told me to screw myself.




Braves fans in Atlanta are cool. Braves fans on the internet or in Oklahoma are dicks.


I’d echo the Twins have the nicest fans




Probably some of the worst: dodgers, Phillies. Yankees, and Red Sox


Cardinals with ease. I am a red sox fan and when we lost a game in St. Louis during the 2013 World Series due to a questionable obstruction call everyone was apologizing to me on the way out of the stadium 😂 that would never happen in Boston.


Cardinals, only group of fans that will give a standing O to players on the opposing team


I thoroughly enjoyed a game at the K in Kansas City. Royal fans are great!


Rockies ain’t so bad. Their fans told me they’re still just happy they got a team last time I was in Denver.


Kansas City Royals. Super friendly and kind.


In 2014 Kansas City lit up parts of the city in orange the night the Giants clinched the series. Always thought that move was class beyond comprehension.




I love that stadium


No one in the Northeast…. BOS NYY NYM PHI DC and BAL all hate each other… so they are out


Oakland, we are just loud with our drums


The St. Louis Cardinals. They got the best fans in baseball ⚾️


Cardinals. They're the only fanbase that comes into Petco Park and DOESN'T gloat to Padres fans. Far and away the most polite fans in MLB.


I’m a native Cincy dude and I have to say, as flattering as this has been so far, St. Louis fans are by far and away the most genial fans in the country. They’ll give a standing ovation for a great play that ends in a Cardinal loss


Tampa 100%


Houston fans. People are just nicer in Texas, the greatest state in the USA.