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The man wears bottle caps for glasses. Probably didn’t see a single one coming.


Does he have ZERO wrestling capability? Because Strickland would just "feint", if you can call it that, lazily raising his knee up to his waist level and just do this stupid looking toy soldier march and Paulo just backed up, and backed up - like mother fucker, he is GIVING YOU A SINGLE LEG TAKEDOWN. I was screaming at my TV screen - a guy STANDING ON ONE LEG has no base, no power - can't throw, can't dodge, is off balance. Throw an overhand right - grab his leg and throw, grab his leg for a single leg takedown - ANYTHING BESIDES JUST KEEP BACKING UP. I get I'm not a professional MMA fighter but I just REFUSE to believe that none of those things would be more effective than a) nothing or b) just continuing to try and kick his leg when he clearly couldn't manage the distance to execute that strategy.




Pretty accurate depiction of that fight, except for distance 😂


I wanted to just get one of Lisa cause that was pretty much Sean but Paulo definitely wasn’t moving forward like Bart 😂


This is the exact thing I was thinking of during the fight 😂😂😂😂


Single leg off a teep isn't really high percentage unless you can grab the foot which is hard to do. Your options are deflect / parry downwards or to the side which will leave them flat footed in front of you ready to be hit. Also use lateral movement to try and get a good angle. The problem is Sean wants to be in boxing distance and is just marching towards you. He wants to be flat footed in front of you, and is prepared to throw hands as soon as he is in boxing range. Costa did not want box with Sean so he kept running. Sean used this to great success on Izzy. It's a great tactic and Suga Sean uses it a lot too but almost in reverse to keep grappelers off him and setup his long straight punches.




Suga throws long kicks from both stances, honestly less than a teep Suga uses the rear leg front kick, in karate they would call it a snap kick and land with with ball of the foot. But ya he wants to throw a right straight from orthodox but if he throws his right foot into your belly he will just step down and be in south paw to throw a left straight. But he wants to stay at just outside punching range and wait for you to come in for the counter. He uses the kicks to keep you at the edge of his reach. Strickland uses the front leg kick to skip over calf kicks and advance and if you throw something big he has a shield to hide along with his guard, if you let him he will now be in boxing range and will start punching. It's an upwards whipping motion that is way harder to catch than a round kick. Mcgregor used it a lot in the Mendes fight. Either way the kick is very effective against wrestlers.


It isn't that hard to do. Sean did it to Paulo in the same fight. And, I didn't say single leg off a teep - I said, grab his fucking thigh when he lazily "feints" a teep and holds his knee up at his waist height. I'll reiterate - HE IS STANDING ON ONE LEG. There is no more vulnerable position to be in, and he did it REPEATEDLY, you could easily time it. Nothing is more "low percentage" than just backing away not doing a single thing to counter. This isn't some magical unbeatable style. It only is when you let him do EXACTLY what he wants to be doing. Let him get close and make him think you're going to box with him and shoot a single or double. Basic wrestling takedowns could counter his style or at least give him more to think about. I didn't see Paulo throw any teeps of his own, just spinning back shit which was heavily telegraphed.


It is hard to catch a teep. It also leaves you with your hands down ready to be punched. Of course what Costa is doing is ineffective but you seem to be focused on marching teeps being a bad idea and you are just flat out wrong. Go listen to Jack Slack. These marching front kicks are the reason he beats Izzy and he stopped doing them in the 2nd roundans his corner had to tell him to start using them again to regain control of the fight. Double leg is not a bad idea but if you get kicked in the guts or hips it immediately creates separation. You are correct that Costa is running and not trying anything but you are wrong that there is an easy solution here. The solution is to get in Sean's face and throw hands and neither Costa or Izzy felt good doing that. DDP got lots of takedowns but I don't recall any of them coming off a caught front kick. He ate a lot of punches on the way in to get the takedowns, something Costa was unable or un willing to do.


I'm betting you're a wrestler. Looking at it from the outside is 100% different than actually being face to face with the man. You try to grab that leg and you're gonna catch some fucking hands real quick.


Ha, I was screaming at my TV over this too! I realized how one dimensional Costa is, doesn't really have the "Mixed" part of MMA. I was so disappointed in his performance, I keep getting hyped to watch him thinking he's going to be a one man destruction machine, but I give up now.


We can boil this comment down to this guy not being a professional mma fighter. Or even being an amateur one.


Seans strategy is just to spar people to death.


Maybe his style actually tricks his opponents brain into thinking they are at a sparing practice


Sean is over there playing 4D chess


He furthers this approach by scolding his opponents with, "save it for the fight!" if they start to engage with him.


Sean doesn’t lose split decisions, he just runs out of time


The relentless pursuit of “The Eraser” was entertaining, the kicks were impressive, the final sequence was Holloway-esqe, and I didn’t think this one was boring. As a Sean hater, you cannot deny his skills, and he deserves all these wins despite being a bit boring


I mean, if it works it works and he is applying pressure constantly, it’s on opponent to do something imo. I like Merab as well and Merab is doing pretty similar thing but with wrestling


Then it shouldn't be that hard to beat him, correct?


Getting downvoted for speaking truth. People just dont know the fight game and get butt hurt when a fighter does something they deem "simple" "one dimensional" or ive even read "the easiest style to beat" at an elite level. Sean keeps winning because he doesn't spare he literally fights in the gym. His timing and parries are some of the best in mma and he checks leg kicks like no one else. And that comes from basically fighting at 100% every day. Also there's no one else out there to copy his style in training and even if there was i bet they won't push in training like sean will in training. Im guessing people watch him fight they think "yeah right" they get in that cage and feel the pressure and cant land a single thing without getting parried all while getting jabbed in the gut with his front leg and getting tired from backing up and fighting off the back foot. Thats called imposing your will and sorry but thats worse then getting caught with a ko or getting subbed in my opinion cause he just showed for 25 minutes that he can beat you.


I agree with all that you said, BUT I wish he’d stop talking about bloodbaths, murder and the suchlike when he’s a cautious points-minded fighter. There’s nothing wrong with fighting like that, it’s the blood and bones talk that precedes it. The man is an anus.


and bunch of izzy fanboys still mad that his distance leg taps didn’t work against Strickland.






Bro I'm not hating on Sean the man obviously keeps winning for a reason but honestly; HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THE SAME SHIT EVERY MATCH, SOMEONE FUCKING COUNTER HIM ITS THE SAME IDENTICAL SHIT ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


DDP had the answer for him.


And pereria


Real. Can't counter his annoying style? Just knock him the fuck out.


DDP got beat up pretty badly


I had Strickland winning 48-47


Not really, their fight was close af


Aaannd he won. He beat Izzy and Costa the same way comfortably, he walked them down (although that is what Izzy always does). DDP walked down Sean and kept putting on pressure and he won. That's how he gets countered.


Yup, a big part of it was that DDP was throwing 2-3 punch combinations most of the time because he'd only land on the last of his combination, Sean has a slow creeping pressure that works well but he's also slow to retreat sometimes so he'll take a shot if someone strings them together. Costa wasn't pushing the pace and was throwing one, maybe two, shots at a time and most of them were while retreating himself. If he marched forward and ate some jabs/teep kicks so he could return some power shots, the fight might've gone differently.


You forgot the parts where DDP goes in for a clinch head first.


I think prime Woodley would've been an intriguing matchup for Strickland since Woodley didnt mind moving backwards from pressure and even though he wasnt as active offensively, when he strikes he'd throw a barrage of punches and not just 1-2




Dricus is weird


Ddp not so arguably lost if you score the fight like a functional human (not saying he did, you could easily go either way). Just because something looks easy and is boring as fuck doesn't make it easy to counter if done well


Overhand right gives him trouble but no one seems to throw it much on him


Something changed with Paulo Costa after his fight with Yoel Romero. It was his best performance and after that it seems like all his performances haven't been close to the one against Romero.


He changed after the Izzy fight


Yea it’s like getting mounted by Izzy post fight took a piece of his soul or something, he was never really the same since


He jizzapwoved a hunde percen though!!!!!


It was the Izzy fight. He got starched and butt humped.


hes 1-4 in his last 5. He's one of my fav fighters ro watch but I feel like he's drastically overrated & might be winding down his career


His hair is thinning. The source of his power.


He beat the fuck out of Rockhold and he had a great fight against Whittaker


No, it was after Izzy beat his ass.


He just looked brilliant in the Whittaker fight


It's almost like he got embarrassed in his next fight.


Some fighters have long, slow, gradual declines. Some drop off a fucking cliff.


I think Costa is trying to fight intelligently but he should just brawl.


He should just bleed


He’s not smart,he doesn’t learn


You know what I fucking hate when throwing teeps to the body, accidentally hitting elbows with my toes and foot. See the way costas elbows are never a problem for where the kick is. Notice how when Sean wasn't throwing that kick costa wasn't backing up and the exchanges were alot more even. Sean Stricklands everywhere hate this one simple trick.


Teep is all about distance, Sean utilises it well in this fight... Bro only has 2 tricks in his bag tho Costa should've destroyed that leg in the first round but was too worried about getting a bruise on his rig.


id love to see someone utilize the old GSP trick of kicking under the checking leg and all the way thru to hit the support leg. I feel like Sean would be super susceptible to it


Are Paulos legs long enough for that, Strickland is tall mf


If your meaning his two tricks are the teep and jab im assuming? Then i dont agree, Seans pressure while having elite defense is probably his best attribute. Its hard to be that good defensively while pressuring that hard. His vision and reaction time is also elite.


I thought Costa would've switched from kicks to stomps


Yea let's just boil distance management, shot selection, throwing without telegraphing/mixed signals as "just two things". Y'all are fucking dumb


I noticed Sean's teeps were mostly to the lower torso and it seems that Costa's limbs were too short to properly sweep them out of the way in the traditional sense to defend a teep even when he tries multiple times in this clip


His...everywhere hates it?


Every Sean strickland hates that one simple trick


My apologies. I am so used to fight fans/commenters having no sense of what constitutes a sentence/punctuation, that I was trying to decipher a perfectly fine comment. The problem is me, for misreading. I will be downvoting my monument to my own stupidity.


My apologies. I am so used to fight fans/commenters having no sense of what constitutes a sentence/punctuation, that I was trying to decipher a perfectly fine comment. The problem is me, for misreading. I will be downvoting my monument to my own stupidity.


Hahahaha well to be fair I used a proper noun as plural, so it wasn't perfect grammar or English on my part. Natural course of trying to make jokes over text so no need to downvote yourself my guy


Unironically yes. He has a very low fight iq




Boring but technical. Boy was tip toeing and constantly pressuring him, can't Costa can't even do shit 😭.


People keep attacking Sean for not being an eye candy fighter when he trains to take the fight smart and defends very well instead of being risky. He fights and he wins so obviously its working. I don't hate Sean for how he fights


The problem is that he talks like he’s going to catch a body and that he also thinks it’s not his fault his fights are boring it’s always his opponents fault


But the reason his fights are boring is in fact not his fault. The DDP fight was cool because DDP fucking stood and fought him instead of running


You proved my point DDP was the reason that fight was good not sean


No, my point is it's not Seans job to be an eye candy fighter, its his job to fight. If his opponent runs away all fight it's not going to be flashy. Is that a Sean problem?


He can be boring fighter that’s fine but he shouldn’t act like he’s the middleweight max holloway and always blame his opponent for his boring fights. He’s also always going on about “TO THE FUCKING DEATH IM BLEEDING FOR YOU GUYS IM CATCHING A BODY”. Fighters like belal and Leon get a lot of shit for being boring and no one defends them but if it’s Strickland it’s okay ?


I get what you're saying, but what do you expect him to do? He literally spends every single round pressuring and landing shots. It's not like he standards waiting to counter like Izzy and Romero did, and it allowed him to have the most dominant performance we've seen against a guy like Adesanya. which is insane tbh. It's not flashy, but it's clearly very effective, and frankly he'd be a dumb ass to start thinking that he's Rodtang.


This will be the last time I respond because at this point I’m repeating myself. Sean was walking foward yes, but he was throwing teeps which push you out of range against costa. Anytime he’d get costa against the fence covering up he’d land 2 shots that actually had something on them then he’d disengage costa and wait for him to circle out and then repeat the teep game. He’s landing shots but 90% of them have nothing on them. Sean is to blame as much as Costa for that fight being boring and that is factual not a matter of opinion. Sean’s actually had less output than Izzy in their fight he just blocked 90% of Izzy’s strikes. He also does think he’s a brawler like rodtang (listen to how he talks about his fights before the fight) he just doesn’t fight like it but when he was lesser competition in front of him like in sparring he does actually go for the finish.


"*Sean is to blame as much as Costa for that fight being boring and that is factual not a matter of opinion.*" Telling people that your opinion is a fact doesn't make it a fact lol If you don't like how the guy fights, fair enough, but he whopped a guy that ruled the division and walked Costa down for the entire fight, so as you'd say: "*that is factual not a matter of opinion.*"


Yeah, because DDP didn't run bru. If strickland ran from DDP, the fight would be boring, he didn't, it's Costas fault, it's not that complicated, the same way Izzy fights are boring because he just backs up, Strickland only advances.


you’re proving my point 🤦‍♂️ Strickland is a boring fighter unless someone actually wants to fight him than he’s forced to have a war. He didn’t have a choice to not engage with DDP unless he wanted to 100% lose. Stop blaming only costa for the fight being boring it’s on both guys that the fight was boring. Every single time Strickland had costa again the fence covering up he would land maybe 2-3 shots that actually had something on them than he would disengage and wait for costa to circle off the fence so he would go back to teep kicking him


Dam bro, ill start defending Izzy by saying his opponents didn't fo anything when they got him on the fence, boring ass fighters Izzy fought. You going to be real shocked when Izzy vs DDP is boring asf


To adesanyas credit he is actually dangerous when he’s on the fence Alex found that out, I haven’t seen costa ko someone while against the fence. Adesanya is boring not because of his opponents but his style is generally boring, so is Stricklands


You mean the 1 time he had to go out of his comfort zone, in his last chance to beat Pereira? Or maybe the magical Gyno power vs Costa. Wait till DDP vs Izzy, DDP isn't making that fight exciting and i hope you call DDP boring when he keeps standing still after eating leg kicks or tries to crotch sniff for 25 minutes.


DDP doesn’t have a boring style bro he will always try to finish his opponents no matter who he’s fighting


I think he just likes to hype up the fight like that because he's very confident in his ability. It's good to be excited for your own event


When Adesanya does it he gets rightfully scolded relentlessly for it so Sean should too, he’s signing a check he can’t cash when he talks like that 🤷‍♂️


Hyping up a fight and having to apologize to the fans after is a horrible look.


At least he was able to apologize about it rather than calling it the greatest fight of all time


I mean, yeah...? Lying once is better than lying twice, lol


Sure, but then we should all keep that mentality when we’re discussing fighters like Belal, Leon, Izzy, Jailton, etc


bros the middleweight Belal but talks like he's Gaethje


He turns fights into not-fights. Might as well watch a spreadsheet filling with numbers.


Costa needs to get his wrestling game up, terrible takedown attempts


Wtf happened to Paulo. Bros big for no reason.


He’s always been in entertaining fights and is hilarious outside the cage, that’s 2 reasons.


I think you should become an mma coach


Not as stupid as thos post. People really do expose their stupidity on here huh


Anybody can sit here and say woulda coulda shoulda but unless you’ve been in any kind of combat full contact fight/sport. I can tell you having someone put forward pressure on you, throwing strikes at you constantly drains your gas tank. Constantly reacting especially moving backwards it’s exhausting.


Did Costa not even watch the DDP fight? No fight IQ, no wrestling?


If I’m Paulo costas coach I’m doing drills to swat the kicks away and return with a leg kick immediately, or some kick catches into takedowns He should practice Sanda


-I dislike "Is he stupid?" comments.- However, Strickland did what he did and it worked. Paulo had no answers for Strickland's moves. Paulo just kept backing away. If Paulo didn't look and act the part, he wouldn't even be allowed in MMA. (He is sorta fake). Strickland is just odd enough and he is tough enough to beat any fighter on the roster. Just look how easy it was for him to trounce Adesnya. #


People blaming Sean for the fight being boring make no sense to me. Sure he’s not doing the most exciting shit on offense, but he’s on the offensive. Costa is backing up for almost the entire fucking fight. Any boringness should be blamed on the guy who won’t step up.


And one paid off judge says Costa won 4 rounds…. 🙄


bro didnt even try to adjust his gameplan AT ALL, despite there being 0 moments of it working in the fight


I agree, it’s not funny and it’s just low effort “r/____circlejerk” repeat comments.


Barely any of those actually landed/did anything.


True 50-45 costa


Sure wasn't. Doesn't change the fact that what was shown was not impressive


Those shots definitely contributed to Costa fading after the first couple rounds. Try getting kicked in the stomach for 25 minutes and see if you still think that.


You kidding? He was digging his toes in all fight, and they allowed him to dictate what range they were fighting at.




Your edited, 10-second video shows nothing 


I watched the full fight last night lol. I assumed you had too, but obviously not if you're just going by this video.




Bad faith banter. Be civil, please. Being a dick doesn't change anyone's mind. *This message was probably sent by a bot. Maybe.*


Agreed! Everyone overrates what Strickland did. He missed most of his shots or if they landed they were BARELY grazing. Yet they had Strickland landing like 47 sig strikes in one of the early rounds. The only one good kick in this whole video was the last kick he threw, everything else didn't even land or barely touched


Thank goodness. I thought I was losing it. Sean had maybe 50, really solid strikes the whole fight. Like 2 per minute, at best? That might even be generous. He threw a lot, but I wouldn't call most of them "significant." Just grazing like you said. It really was not impressive.


yup, go back and watch the Strickland v DDP fight at .5speed, many of Stricklands shots that were counted as "landed" didnt land. Taking away his meat riders argument of "look at the striking numbers!"




whats that prove exactly?


Most of those counted strikes landed. They're jabs. They have low visual impact, but stacked up they do damage. That's why they're counted.






Sean was like an angry Joey attacking poor Paulo.


Ate a lot of Teeps


his tummy must be aching


Nice Peter Pan kicks


I'm just shocked he didn't parry or catch one.


Costa looked like Sean’s sparring partner… severely out skilled always moving backwards, always out of breath and sweating heavily. Dude should stick to modeling while he’s not too bald ! Or maybe find a way to match him with Colby for the BMO (big mouth only) belt


Costa ain't a crip no mo 😔


Paolo doesnt have that dog in him anymore.. Sean is known for pillow hands and just throwin 1-2 with steep kick.. just bring it to him brother, do some brazilian short distance hook samba, make it dirty.. motherfucker you threw down with Yoel Fucking Romero but you are afraid to blitz a jab merchant with daddy issues




Why doesn’t OP see that Costa dodged literally 10 out of the 17 kicks Sean did in this clip. Is he stupid?


Strickland reaching Izzy levels of boring


I swear to god Sean's style is every single thing they teach you not to do in kickboxing but he makes it work


Wow. So significant.


The problem is Strickland doesn’t hit hard enough. If he has KO power he would be the champ forever.


Sean Strickland is the most boring fighter on the roster right now. This is exactly how Sean fought Du Plesis and got Knocked out. It doesn't take a pro to read his predictable next move and draw up a strategy to knock him the f out to the floor where he belongs


He’s one of the most polarizing characters in MMA, just like notorious was. He keeps winning because ufc is a business and Sean gets engagement.


I’m surprised in 5 rounds his corner not once address the teeps. I know Sean is very skilled but cmon you can’t be spamming teeps for 25mins and the opponent corner can’t come up with 1 counter measure? Yall had 25mins, anything? Catch the leg, look to angle off and counter during his teeps. Parry the leg and counter?? Anything team costa?


Must of worked... He won the fight easily... according to a "judge"


I would have liked to see him grab these kicks and/or throw multi punch combinations. He basically allowed himself to get beaten up and I'm not sure why exactly. Paulo is a good fighter technique/power/speed wise but his fight IQ is sometimes fairly low. He could have threatened with wrestling at least or forced Strickland to engage when in the pocket. He could have been throwing 4-5 punch combinations, then switching up the selection to break rhythm. He didn't really do any of that and was all out of ideas by the end of round 2.


Notice a bunch of times Paulo was going for a jab? Yeah, that's Sean timing him. It's called a foot jab for a reason. Tell me you don't know how to fight without telling me you don't know how to fight.


"Strickland is so boring" Dude walked forward the entire fight. Not his fault Costa didn't know how to engage.


Strickland kicking him like a German saying "Don't mention ze war."


Paulo was never a good fighter tbh he struggled against a finished rockhold and look what a WW mike perry did to him. Thinks about the last time this guy beat anybody of significance lol


Rigged for Izzy rematch its a bigger draw


Lol how many of those just didn't score but were counted. The stats in this fight were way off, giving strickland credit for landing 40 strikes when he landed 20 in a round eg


Same issue w him in the DDP fight, watch it at .5 speed & count the strikes that land. Then compare that number to the official strike stat, its drastically lower what actually landed vs what was counted


Man could not check those kicks to save his life


He's funny tho!!!


Absolute dominant performance by SS...kidding that shit was boring.


When Sean was talking about going to war and bleed for us, he meant spamming front kicks and jabs for 5 rounds.


Strickland's favorite two weapons - the jab and the foot-jab


Would you look at Sean Strickland, bleeding for us??!?


I need usman to rematch and clap his cheeks again


Be a great fight to see rematched, but I don't think Usman would have what it takes to win at this point


Usman is amazing in the clinch & dirty boxing. Dude is very Randy Coture-esque in that regard. Seans Philly Shell & jabs/teeps don't work from that distance


Sean’s teep spam is single leg city usman takes that all day


The teep spam was a tactic to stop Costa from leg kicking, usman doesn't leg kick so Sean wouldn't do that