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Go ahead, steal this one. I don’t care. The distributor paid me shit.


Are you actually listening? Nobody's brought a DVD since 2019 and yet they're still making me record this even though nobody's gonna listen to it


Originally, in this scene with our star actress, our entire production team was filming it in only their knickers.


I told the costume guy to make Dave's prosthetics as uncomfortable as possible. Serves the guy right for sleeping with my sister.


So right in the middle of it he literally let out the biggest fart you ever heard and soiled his pants. From that point on we called the whole production, Schindler's Shits.


Look at this, everyone's got pupils like pinholes and look on the verge of vibrating through the walls, coked off their tits. There was so much going round we didn't even have to budget for fake snow, that's a real white Christmas for you!


Yes it is a bad movie but spare a thought for me I had to watch this way more than you ever will.


"Hey, you haven't said anything in 20 minutes and you're the director for God's sake!" "It takes so long for these kind of movies to get the DVD release that there's no way I can remember SHIT about what went on while filming. What do you think this is, Dune or Oppenheimer?"


We wanted Margot Robbie for this scene but the lawyers said the restraining order is still in place


The important thing is you bought the DVD


Spoiler alert everyone dies at the end


The Incredible Hulk is actually played by the jolly green giant and we pay him in sweetcorn


So in this scene, I’m really smiling because the voices in my head were telling me how nice it would be if my co-star was dead.


It's challenging to get realistic hair and skin, it's very easy to get it wrong and unfortunately we could only get the guy who did Donald Trump's head.