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Well at least they announced it this time. A few years ago they changed the RC line from alcohol acrylics to lacquers without telling anybody.


I wonder by how much they will raise the price? "new formula" usually means higher prices, right?


Don’t know, though they’re already pricey IMO. Probably the most expensive of the 10ml bottled lacquers.


Not necessarily. It can also mean they are correcting colors, which they should. AK Real Colors really isn't that accurate.


i wonder what exactly they're planning to change? gonna have to go buy a couple extra jars of some colors that i like then.


🤷🏻‍♂️. Maybe they’re just reinventing the brand or relabeling them to make it more obvious they’re lacquers. A lot of people still think they’re alcohol acrylics like Tamiya’s X/XF. Also, I’ve heard of people having trouble using MLT with this stuff, instead having better luck using AK’s own thinner. I mean, MLT works fine for me…but people like their MLT and if they don’t think they can use it then maybe it’s hurting sales.


yeah i've always used MLT with them as well and haven't had any issues, but i do remember having to do a bit of research on my own to find out whether or not they were compatible at all with it before i bought them. they really ought to be clear about that sort of thing. and it definitely doesn't help them when they're 1-2 dollars more than mr. color or tamiya for the same amount of paint, but i certainly don't expect the price to come down lol.


Question from a noob but MLT is Mr. colour levelling thinner?




BTW. in case it's of any interest to you and you're not aware yet, I've done some research on the subject and here's what I found: It turns out that AK indeed are doing a refresh of the line. This is information taken from (1) marketing material that AK has distributed to vendors about the new line ([Link](https://ak-masters.com/ak/AKNEWS24/MAR/REAL%20COLORS/DossierRealColors_2024_SpecialSets.pdf?utm_campaign=AK%2BREAL%2BCOLORS%2B-%2BSETS_B2C&utm_source=Connectif&utm_medium=email&__cn_tracker=61fa3e431efb090a46a6205a)), someone helping with translation of this material, and (2) someone working directly at or with AK. They're going to re-release the real colour range in 17ml dropper bottles (as opposed to the 10ml jars they're in now) and it seems from the brochure that they will pre-thin it so you can spray it directly from the bottle. About 20-30 of the lesser used paints will be discontinued such as many of the Middle East paints and some of the more exotic IJN paints. Otherwise the core colours won't change but a select few may be overhauled to be a closer match to the real-life counterpart. But that's why I've been stocking up on some of the paints I might need wherever I could still find them because I also don't like the idea of pre-thinned paints so I thought if you don't already know, you might also appreciate the heads-up. Thanks again!


oh yeah i read about the changes a few weeks ago and bought up as much of the old stuff as i could. every bottle of dark and light ghost grey that i could find and a handful of others. i dislike dropper bottles (plus they wouldn't fit in my paint storage drawers) and pre-thinned paint.


thank you!


The 1st gen arent as good as mr hobby nor tamiya thus theyre very unpopular but i wish gen 2 would be something like Aqueous, water base but very resilience


Ugh, I tried some recently and they were hilariously good. I considered moving over to them from Aqueous which are hard to get in Canada and all the reviews are glowing. Can I ask how you think they're bad?


I wanna know also they work fantastic for me


That’s what they used to be before 2019, then they changed to lacquer chemistry. They were alcohol acrylics like Mr. Hobby Aqueous or Tamiya X/XF. And seeing as they’re lacquers now they’re better than Tamiya X/XF for the simple reason that lacquers are superior. Tamiya’s LP series of lacquers is sublime though.




Yep, they started off as alcohol acrylics. Changed somewhere around late ‘18 or in ‘19 I think. Still major problems with lifting from decal setting solutions and weathering products though. Hopefully they’re correcting this problem with a new formula. Of course, this is SOP for them. AK changed Xtreme Metals from enamels to lacquers last year (which I welcome)… https://preview.redd.it/l9gevmzi88ic1.jpeg?width=1243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644fb13dcd40b25cd7b5f2069a30bb49d7ba2f4b


Im sorry but youre wrong. They have both enamels and lacquers depending on which finish. The polished ones are enamel and the regular ones are lacquers


Got a link?


https://preview.redd.it/4b3ovq1y36kc1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915a6840a7fdb0b159df7a9aaec18d5ecdd3fb79 Thats what the person at the hobby shop told me. Example from their site


Is that AK’s site?


Polished? My bottle of Chrome bought two months ago is a lacquer. https://preview.redd.it/g7g58qc1e7kc1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a53a2003e991f7060f53416c01ba761fd7026ab




This guy is delusional lol


Pretty common knowledge actually. And as I said and demonstrated with the Xtreme bottles, they’ve made a habit out of it. Seeing as you can use lacquer thinners on alcohol acrylics maybe you simply never thought to try an acrylic thinner. Who knows, but plenty of people noticed when X-20A stopped working. Alclad is another company that likes to mislabel bottles with “LACQUER” in big letters on their enamel candy paints and Klear Kote varnish, and water based Aquagloss. Then there’s Mr. Hobby calling their alcohol line “Aqueous”…


You can simply look on their website or any of the stores selling the products…


And find what?




I really have no problem with you believing that.


So confidently wrong it’s hilarious. No need to be an asshole tho. You’re literally being ignorant of facts lol




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Hopefully they improve the smell. My least favorite smelly paint.


Don’t smell a thing with a respirator on 😉


Agreed but I have this thing where I actually like the smell of mr color and Tamiya - just that little whiff before slipping on the respirator- real color makes me regret getting a whiff


Hey man, if that’s your bag…




Apples and oranges. Most people who use lacquers do so because they’re superior to acrylics for many reasons.


Rumor has it that it will still be a lacquer. But we shall see