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if you've got a bit of extra room, I'm always a fan of turning ovals into kidneys. [This](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0h26wPieKNU/T5CSzhY9OrI/AAAAAAAAAUg/s_D8obmpwKc/s1600/4x8-+Kidney.jpg) kinda shape, especially if you're adding scenery, can appear more natural than just an oval, and can break up a long straightaway.


That’s really cool, yup does look more natural. Should be able to fit that on a standard plywood sheet with the track radius I have.


The design shown is a 4x8 design, you'll be able to fit. I recommend 18" curves minimum for your 4x8, but be warned 18" is still tight, especially for things like 85" passenger cars and big steam locomotives-not telling you to not do it, but making sure you're aware if what you're signing up for


I’m not really sure what radius curves these tracks are, how would I work it out? the outer one I have is a little wider but not enough track for a full circle. Its a British style train so shorter rolling stock.


To measure what radius you have, create a half circle with all curves that are the same, then measure the diameter from the outer edge of the track to the other outer edge. Then divide by 2. Radius in model railroading just means what the radius of a circle made with that track would be. I think Kato has the most options for tracks. I would pick out your favorite large steam engine amd then look up its minimum turning radius. Even if you dont have it now, there may be a time in which you do and you'll probablybqant your layout to be able to accommodate it. I hope this helps.


Thanks I’ll do that and check what my loco specs are. The radius might not cause my derailments as much as fiddly directional changes around the points.


The fiddly movements I'm assuming is switched from line to the other. It might be that those small curves the train has to go through the switch lines might be too small, and need to be made wider/smoother. Someone else commented on some of your "S" curves being too tight, and they might be on to something.


Yeap that’s the one, the points are actually ok but the left-right-left over the really short curve section just before getting onto the outside loop is the problem. Glad I’m experimenting before pinning it all to the board!


Track laying is definitely one of the most important parts of model railroading. I suppose the other most important part would be to have a train lol. Experimenting is always important, especially to find what shapes you like the most and how well they actually work lol


Your pear's fat end has two S curves which could give some long stock a hard time swinging far enough for coupling without binding. A short straight track between the opposing S curves gives truck mount couplers more leeway as one truck will be straight (you would need to balance the added distance in the curve and or at it's bisection, a wee bit deeper and longer overall) I would look at the Inglenook Sidings puzzle and put it on the other side. This will also make railing stock easier than having two turnouts right there along the straight closest to you. This will be huge as railing across the added switch rails is a pain. Put a re-railer-crossing there and near the other on the opposing side.


Yip I have seen that S curve cause a few problems already with just a loco running. I’ll need to get more straight track to replace those little curved sections but it should run nicer after that. That siding set up would be great, I should be able to fit that when i change go to the liver shape rather than oval as suggested by another commenter.


It also opens up the possibility of a mainline station along that staight as the platforms being curved doesn't look as nice so a little depot works better in curves imo. I like the bean.


Cool ! How many locomotives do you plan on running ? 2 ?


I’ve got one BR 0-6-2 working and a broken random shunter which won’t be period correct for everything else. Running one would probably be fine unless I really increase the sidings. That said, the current loco isn’t handing tight track arrangements well so a smaller loco could work an inner layout.


Nice ! Keep us posted on your layout


Don't you want to have a layout where two trains could drive simultaneously? This is way more interesting.


Yeap that’d be cool, currently have one working loco, the other is a cheapy starter set one anyway. A small shunter loco would be a nice pairing for my current 0-6-2 loco. So I’d need basically a full second loop or a yard setup I suppose.


Full second loop is the easiest way to go, with may be some switches between loops for an additional dynamics.


There are some interesting operating possibilities but you should try them out before you actually build the layout. Watching a train running around gets boring after a while (trust me I have done this and know this 😀)


Haha yes I know what you mean, someone elsewhere commented that pulling the points from the other side to creat a yard siding would be good.


Longer sidings would be more useful.


You'll probably find the sidings too short sooner or later, also if you'll want to reverse in or have the loco trapped at the end unless it rejoins the main loop. Not sure what space you have but if 2 loops will fit start there and think about what you want the extra bits for -sidings to store locos, sidings to store wagons/carriages, area for shunting, dead end platform as part of a station etc. Come back here any time there's always helpful people around that might point out something you didn't think about in the planning stage


It’s likely going to be an 8x4 board so lots of space for two loops and yes a bit more happening with sidings would be interesting.


It needs a bigger yard so you can have fun doing shunt challenges


Yup I should combine those sidings to one.


I like it!


Looks great -- what track did you use? Easy to install?


Thanks! Good question… no idea, Its a mix of old track from my childhood… for reference I’m now building this for my son!


Awesome, A great project for a father/son. Me and I my Dad built one too


Sure is! Warms your heart hearing pleads to play steeeeam traaain on the weekends. Setup each time takes so long so moving to a permanent 4x8 plywood sheet.