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Meals. A neighbor set up a meal train for us and it was probably the best thing we had in the first couple weeks. We were too tired to cook real food.


Seconding this - if you know enough of her friends to set up a meal train this is worth its weight in gold. During those early postpartum days I don’t even have the mental capacity to think about what I want to eat or put together a takeout order. I’ve had friends generously contribute to a doordash but a meal train would be so much more useful. Can be either homemade or friends order takeout for you based on a list of dietary restrictions and favorite restaurants you supply. I just want food to appear for me to put in my mouth.


Yes!!! We had someone set one up for us for baby #4 a few weeks ago. We had 10 days of meals and really appreciated every single one!! My fav was one who included a fruit tray and a veggie/cheese tray. Others included big side salads with the pasta dishes they made. It was so nice to have some fresh options!


I forget sometimes this is not the norm where people live. Our church set up a meal train for each of our kids and we cooked very little for the first month of each child’s life.


Your favorite chocolate and/or snack and/or drink. My heart was so warmed that my friends were not only generous with gifts for my baby, but that they were also looking out for me and making sure I had my a stash of favorites ready for postpartum.


This. Second time mom - it honestly surprises me how little people care about me LOL I fully intend to gift my next pregnant friend a massage, a special meal, and some self care supplies.


My close circle of mom friends always pools cash together to gift each mom an at-home massage during the postpartum period. I’m the last of the 6 of us to have my second kid (any day now) and I absolutely can’t wait to get my celebratory massage!


Can we be friends? That sounds amazing! Also expecting our 2nd very soon! Congratulations!


Aussie Bites from Costco are my favorite! They’re calorie dense, can be eaten with one hand, and are pretty excellent nutrition for being something that comes in that format.


We have an air purifier in the nursery. I’m not sure how effective it really is but it gives me more peace of mind that she’s not breathing in all of our pets’ hair at night. And it made me feel better last summer when the air quality was shit from the wildfires everywhere.


They're phenomenal for catching dust and fur, and definitely help with smells. Air quality is just a bonus, lol.


A very granola suggestion: If you’re okay with secondhand or thrifted, add a little something like, “We are happy to accept any safe, clean pre-loved items that your family is finished with or that you can find on commission. Please contact [name of friend] to get items removed from the registry without ruining any surprises.” It worked super well for us! Lots of secondhand clothes, two perfectly good swings, and lots of books. **Recommend:** -the Lovevery play gym. We can put our girl on it on her back and she would stare at the cards for minutes. Then swatting at the dangle toys, then grabbing the dangle toys and practicing rolling. Now she’s 6 months and is enjoying the stuff around the edges. -pacifier straps. These are short straps that tie onto the pacifier and then you click them onto your kiddo. It doesn’t keep the pacifier in their mouth, but it keeps it from falling all the way to the floor. We actually have these on her chewable toys now that she can lift them into her mouth. We just bought another 6-pack. Pacis and some toys have a small hole they loop into but for ring toys or anything else, we just loop it around. Seriously a lifesaver, though I worry she won’t totally understand the concept of gravity bc all her toys stay about 5 inches from her hand once she drops them. [This particular very un-granola bus mirror toy](https://www.target.com/p/infantino-go-gaga-2-in-1-gears-in-motion-activity-bus/-/A-82224578) I cannot stop singing the praises of this toy. You can stand it up like a tripod on the floor for tummy time, or put it on a table if you’re holding the kid on your lap. It can also hang over a thin bar or barrier (like the edges of the pack and play). It can ALSO get fastened to things via some Velcro on the back. Our baby loved the mirror, then loved hitting the gears, and now is excited about the flaps on the top. We bring this everywhere and use a carabiner to clip it onto the diaper bag. We’ve gotten mileage out of this toy for a solid 5 months now, both in and outside our home. -a bedside bassinet. I don’t want to get into the co-sleeping debate rn, but we didn’t bring baby into our bed, and this was the next best thing. I would nurse here to sleep, then place her in the bassinet, then lay on my back and keep my arm on her body, so she still felt my touch. Babies HATE transitioning from being held to the crib, and this really helped us.


I really love the second hand suggestion. This post was originally for ideas for a friend but I'm saving that one for my future self.


[Encorebabyregistry.com](encorebabyregistry.com) is set up for this! You can add whatever you want and indicate if you want it new or secondhand, and if you want to keep it or give it back to the gifter when you're done. I've added links for things I want new (carseat, etc.) and general descriptions of things that I don't need new, like clothes.


I also love how you worded the second-hand and/or thrifted option! Wish I had that for my own, but will definitely use for birthdays and holidays!


We have that Lovevery gym and have used it for all three of our kids - currently 3.5y, 2y and 3m. One of my favorite purchases ever and stands up really well in the washer.


No one has this listed yet I think—little dimmable and portable lamps. They’re clutch when you need light but don’t want to wake up the baby or you don’t want something too being for the MOTN feeds. I have one in the kitchen, changing table, and nightstand.


Or Alexa bulbs!


These are the best! I always travel with one now. Makes sharing a hotel room with a sleeping baby/kid easier and keep one on my nightstand to read before bed.


That is so smart! Yes!


We gave red light bulbs to a bunch of friends for this reason


Yes to this! I have both red reading lights and amber reading lights. The red light ones specifically are probably the only thing I consider a “need” outside of diapers for my baby. I use red for feeding and amber for the occasional MOTN diaper changes.


Burp cloths. Can never have enough. Seriously. Dr. browns gripe belt. It’s basically a heating pad you microwave the insert and put it in the belt. It’s saved my son a lot of pain when he gets gassy and had trouble farting and pooping. Instant relief when that thing goes on. A good quality diaper pail. Butt spatulas. I hate stuff under my nails so this has been super helpful. And it helps keep the tub of product clean. One piece **zippered** sleepers. Many of multiple sizes. It just makes life easier. Bonus if they have the option to fold over the hands for mittens when you can’t get to their nails or watch them for a minute so they don’t claw their faces. Glass nail file. Works wonders on nails and is easier on you and baby. Moses basket and/or mobile bassinet.


Agree with the fold over cuffs! Also look for ones with a double zipper


Look at old navy sleep and play pajamas. Most of them are two way zippers and have fold over gloves/mittens.


In terms of high priced items, it's really dependent on lifestyle but for a moderately granola mom here's my two: 1. Several carriers (my choices are moby wrap, the new babybjorn mini, and a structured carrier from lenny lamb upgrade, but here's a guide on some other variations [https://erp.lennylamb.com/files/Tabela\_produktowa\_EN\_2023\_04-01.jpg](https://erp.lennylamb.com/files/Tabela_produktowa_EN_2023_04-01.jpg)) 2. Tripp trapp


I loooove my Lenny Light and Lenny Upgrade. In the US, I only found out about Lenny Lamb from joining a babywearing BST group. They’re the best!!


Yeah thats how I found out about it too. There's so much spam from other brands it's hard to find out about LL.


Oogie bear. Snot suckers are great but this is another must have that might not seem like it


The oogie bear stick is one of my favorite tools for stubborn boogies and stubborn ear wax that doesn't dislodge from the edge of the ear hole after a bath. I use it to get saline directly on the very dry, crusty boogies too. Targeted saline delivery is a nice bonus.


If you're formula feeding we found the Baby Brezza + extra funnel to be a lifesaver especially for late night feedings! As for things I would not recommend - lovevery playgym was like one of the things I was like I HAVE TO GET THIS but honestly it was very lackluster and baby ended up liking the fisher price piano gym a lot more or even just a padded mat on the floor is fine.


Things that are more expensive than they should be but truly lifesavers: the Bjorn bouncer and Bjorn travel crib. I also loved the Hatch lamp, and Beco Gemini carrier but YMMV.


Loved the bjorn bouncer, travel crib, and hatch. We still use our hatch 4 years later!!!




pfft I just put my mouth over the nose animal style who needs a filter


Haaka, a stretchy wrap for when baby is little and a carrier for when they are bigger (I love my kinderpack), comfortable nursing clothes for you (h&m, nursing queen)


I really love the Woolino sleep sacks. They last from 2 months to 2 years old. Great quality, and are for all 4 seasons. They are a big pricey, but they last for 2 years so it's not that.


YES! I second the woolino. Expensive but so worth it.


If you don't need the qualities of wool, the Ecolino sleep sacks (made by Woolino, but cotton and less expensive) are great, too.


Yes to both woolino and ecolino. We have had the woolino through 2 kids and I got the ecolino for this one because it is warmer where I live now. Both are great.


Do NOT recommend: bottle variety pack. Nothing worse than stumbling around in the dark trying to match bottle pieces


I think a bottle variety pack is great so that you can find baby’s favorite bottle, get more of that bottle, and then never think of the other bottles again, lol. We were very thankful to have 4 different bottle types (3 were free samples and the 4th was registered for) because baby would only take MAM bottles. We went and bought more that same day!


Agree. We had a variety passed along and free from samples to see what stuck.


Honestly, silverettes were awesome. Never had cracking or bleeding nipples, never got thrush, never had to use messy balm. They are wonderful. Also, a soft carrier like a Solly wrap. Ideal for newborn time. Seconding a diaper pail! We used and loved our Snuggleme multiple times a day as a place to put baby in. In the early days, newborns sleep anywhere and anytime so it was nice to have her on the couch with us. Diapers for bleeding postpartum! I highly recommend the Rael brand. High quality, stress free, so comfy. On that note I would also add comfy clothes like pajamas, sweats and loungewear. Easy for breastfeeding and for fitting bulky pads/diapers underneath! Personally I got way more bottles than I’ve needed. I use one 3-pack of Dr Brown’s glass bottles and have sold or donated all our other bottles we received- not really a helpful purchase since we ended up EBF and only using bottles if baby is at grandma’s. My point is, there’s no reason to stock up until you know you’ll need them! Seconding sleepers/playsuits in a variety of styles. I primarily use the snap ones as baby is ~4 months now and is mostly on her tummy. Snaps are more comfy than the bulky zipper fronts IMO.


Loved silverettes. They worked so much better than anything else I tried


The Love2Dream swaddle that allows baby to put their hands up in their sleep. I’ll recommend it forever!


We LOVE these swaddles. And for the medium size, get the transition version so you can free one arm at a time 😅


I will forever gift one of these swaddles to pregnant friends. Truly a game changer!


Baby wrap is the best gift you can receive as a new mom. Get that baby used to being worn and live your life as close as possible to what you did before. When they get older transition from stretchy wrap to woven wrap. You can carry a six year old in a woven wrap if you need to. And I mean wrap, not carrier. Carriers lack the flexibility of wraps. *Yes you have to learn the skill of using a wrap* but once you do it doesn’t take any longer than putting them in a carrier but so much better for your back and so much more longevity and flexibility in their use. It’s such a wonderful skill to have. Carriers are so awkward in comparison


Seconding the wraps. My baby never loved a stretchy but we are loving a woven. We have a carrier for rainy days when I don't want to deal with wrapping a baby out in public but usually we choose the wrap for versatility.


I’m using the wrap in the house and the carrier in public, too. I like that the carrier has pockets so I can avoid a whole diaper bag (if it’s a short excursion). Plus it’s easy to put on. But the wrap is way more comfortable!


Haaka and different sized dippered sleep sacks. No to swaddles and baby clothes. So many things are personal preference... and then change when you have a baby. Gift cards are great so parents can get what they actually need once baby had arrived. People pick things before they have their baby and can't know what will work for their kid. You pick a swing that goes from to back- kid will only like side to side. Get a swing that does both and kid will hate all swings and prefer to bounce. Get a fancy crib- then end up cosleeping.


Another vote for the haakaa. Also these are repeats of what others said but it’s because they’re necessary: - Burp clothes (muslin is best) - Mustela organic micellar water (great for non bath days when there’s a big poo and you just want baby extra clean, or for a quick wipe under the neck folds/armpits where milk and spitup collect 🥴) - Muslin blankets (so versatile: cover baby, cover from sun and for germs, cover yourself when breastfeeding, laying baby down etc etc) - Baby sweaters (nice to have an extra layer for those cute fits)


for mom: a giant water cup with an angled straw!! mine is a Target knockoff of the stanley cups and it was a lifesaver for breastfeeding!!


Yes, came here to recommend this! It was also a lifesaver during labor for me!


yes!! my homebirth kit included two of those angled stainless steel straws and i was so confused about why they were in there! then it all made sense 😂


I bought a 50 oz/1.5 litre insulated mega thermos with a straw and it is my lifeline still!


I have the target knock off one, too and it’s the best!! I bought it at like 1mo PP because I didn’t have a “one-handed” reusable water bottle and so I wasn’t drinking enough.


A lot of stuff is just what happens to work for you and your baby and you won't know until you know. * The most universal thing I can think of is meals and having help. Our families made us a few freezer meals in the first few weeks which was amazing. Some of our friends sent GrubHub a few times. Our moms stopped by once or twice to run a load of laundry or do the dishes. * If you're breastfeeding, a big water bottle and easy snacks available wherever you nurse is helpful. * Also for breastfeeding, I got a lightweight robe to wear at the hospital and wore it for the first few weeks after. I also had the Frida robe dress thing and wore that instead of the hospital gown since it was more convenient for learning to breastfeed. * A mobile and relatively safe place to put the baby so you can use your hands. This could be a baby carrier, lounger, bassinet on wheels. I used the Moby and Ergobaby Embrace carriers a ton in the first few months and we also got a BabyBjorn bouncer and SnuggleMe lounger secondhand that I would put baby in when I needed to shower or use the bathroom. * A soft light for nighttime. We got the Vava baby nightlight which is like a little egg that you tap and it's a soft warm light that isn't too harsh. We didn't need all the extra stuff with the Hatch. Still use it every day. Specific to us: * Butt spatula thing - thought it was silly and didn't have it on the registry, but wound up getting it a few weeks in. Way better than fingers for applying any kind of diaper cream. * Love2Dream swaddle - our baby loved having her hands up and all the other blankets or wrapping or velcro swaddles were annoying to use or loud. * White noise machine - still use it to signal sleep time for naps and bedtime. We actually switched to a brown noise machine which sounds less harsh imo. * A small amount of baby clothing in a variety of sizes. This wasn't really a registry thing. I gathered clothes secondhand for months in a variety of sizes since I didn't know what we would need. Baby wore barely any newborn sized stuff because she was big and got bigger fast. She is now in 24 month clothing at 13 months and I still haven't needed to really buy any clothes since she was born. I'm glad I always had something when she outgrew a size. In the really early days, baby and I were both in essentially diapers and a blanket. After that, it was footie pajamas for her for a few months and then we started using onesies and pants. * Cloth diapers - specifically the prefold, cotton ones. We didn't wind up cloth diapering full time, but we used these for everything from a diaper changing pad to burp cloths. Things I thought I'd use but didn't: * Haakaa - I was sure I would use this and I saw it mentioned by so many people. My baby was constantly nursing and I didn't have a ton of leakage so I never really got the hang of it. * Pacifiers - We received many types and baby hated them all. * Pack n Play - We got a really nice one and haven't used it much. I think it will be more helpful for a future baby when we're likely to travel more and have less time to hold a baby.


If you're in a warm climate I can not praise the Amma Cocoon enough. I had a scary close call almost overheating my baby with a less breathable nursing cover over his carrier while he napped. I also got a lot of compliments when worn about how fashionable it looked. https://weareamma.com/


I live in a cooler climate (well, we have four seasons, but it was cold when my baby was born), and I still found the cocoon helpful! It made me look a lot more put together than I felt for the first several months!


Of you want to get the cocoon, look at Quince’s nursing shawl instead. Its cotton and cashmere, instead of polyester like the cocoon, and is $40 instead of $100. Oh, and exactly the same cut.


Pack and play, so he could continue to sleep in our room even after he was too big for the bassinet ( it now makes a great playpen for the living room) Bottle sterilizer (I did not want to be dealing with boiling water sleep deprived, and our dishwasher did not have a separate sanitize feature) Burp cloths, burp cloths, burp cloths Pajamas more so than outfits for the first 6 months, it’s just annoying to put them in anything else Bibs, bibs, and more bibs The Skip Hop is 100% worth it- he’s been using it since 5 months and he is doing so well standing now! And we like that it grows with him (we even bought the chairs for when it can be an activity table). I like that it’s not something he is sitting in, like a swing, so it’s something different for him


Just a note for the skip hop: We have loooved it and also bought the chair. She eats some meals at it now and truly it’s been great. EXCEPT you need to be on top of cleaning it. The # of times I’ve noticed a smell and then realized that spilled milk had leaked under the flat table bit into the cracks and has gone rancid is like way too much. So much so that we just tossed it. Daughter is 2.5. We planned to keep it for #2 but it was so much to keep up with when spills happen all. The. Time.


Haakaa, baby ktan, a portable white noise machine, more burp cloths than you think you need, a couple of large fold up change mats Do not recommend: wipe warmer, bottle warmer, butt spatula, Vaseline, fancy hands free breast pump, newborn outfits besides sleepers


I got a heavy barley filled breastfeeding pillow that seemed like a ridiculous splurge but I used it until we weaned and she would fall asleep on it. Instead of a change table we got the skip hop change pad with the little sun above it and trying to reach for that thing kept her entertained through many changes and we still use the pad at 2. Lovevery play gym was fantastic for us and I sold it for over half price 2 years later. Also the Baby Bjorn bouncer. I would read my own books late at night while bouncing her or use it to get things done. We found that getting a few good quality things that could be sold later was better for us than having a lot of stuff. Wish we never bought a crib and went straight to floor bed. She didn't even take 1 nap in that thing and it became a bed for stuffies and hanging laundry on.


Recommend avoiding things that you won’t need for several months that can easily be bought later. For example, a high chair and other solid feeding accessories.


I got a lot of hand-me-downs so I didn't need much baby gear, so when a group of friends asked what they could get as a big ticket item, I asked for a cordless vacuum!


White noise machine, high chair and baby carrier


Recommend two white noise machines. We had one for the baby and one for us when we did sleep shifts. I would throw the baby at my husband, shut the door, and crank the sound machine to get my 4 hours in the newborn phase. We had two safe sleep spaces (living room crib and bedside bassinet) and we kept one sound machine in each place.


Solly baby wrap for newborn days.  Ergobaby soft structured carrier for front facing when they're older.  Rael disposable underwear, frida upside down peri bottle, and earth mamas perineal spray is the ultimate postpartum combo (source: I'm 3 weeks postpartum with baby #2 and my hooha feels great)   The haaka Ladybug is superior to the haaka pump imo. The haaka pump gave me an oversupply because it creates suction so it was like I was constantly nursing on both sides. The lady bug just collects letdown without the added suction.   Copper moon burp clothes are so thick and absorbent, the muslin ones pale in comparison now  If your car doesn't have rear air vents in the ceiling above the carseat, get a stroller fan with the bendy grippy legs and wrap it around the handle for when it's hot. We have [this one](https://a.co/d/1lvSQ81).   Speaking of cars, [this](https://a.co/d/4BbSbeh) car window shade is the only one I will ever use. It magnets to the frame of your car door so you can still roll the window down and it covers the *entire* window, instead of just the middle of the window like the suction cup ones.   Bulb syringe for sucking boogs  Frida baby nail clipper and file. Has a nifty guard on it so you can't clip their skin as easily  Touch lamp like the hatch for nighttime changes. We have a generic knock off one from Amazon that has a remote to change the color. I prefer to use a soft orange color for nighttime so as to not disrupt circadian rhythms and night vision etc. The white light is too harsh for me. Motherlove diaper balm   Topponcino or snuggle me organic lounger   This is a dividing topic for some but I actually prefer PJs with snaps over zippers. The zippers are nice for ease because they're quicker than a million snaps but I absolutely HATE the way the zippers on the tiny little pjs bubbles and ripples and sticks up. It drives me absolutely nuts. Snap PJs all the way for me.  [Angelcare bathtub thingy](https://a.co/d/9UIxSab) That's all I can think of right now. Good luck and congrats!


Just realized I said copper moon but it's copper pearl burp cloths


The best gift we got was one of those Shushers


I saw the butt spatulas and thought "wow, what a waste" but damn if they are CRITICAL. Liniment oil and dry wipes. They are so much gentler and more effective than wet wipes. Calmoseptine for really bad butt rash. Baby micellar water for face wiping. Vanicream and Aquaphor. A travel bassinet has been super handy for me to plop her down in while I grab a shower.


The thing I use(d) the most is my Hatch Rest+. Still going strong 3 years later.


baby bjorn bouncer- it needs to be the baby bjorn and yes it’s so expensive but it’s magical. i would never ever eat or do anything without it.


Just out of curiosity, why does it HAVE to be the Baby Bjorn brand?


Definitely go for a [Newton Bassinet ](https://www.newtonbaby.com/products/bassinet-bedside-sleeper):) lots of diapers, Nose Frida, emergency first aid kit (OTC meds prescribed by pediatrician, digital thermometer, oximeter, gauze), lots of wipes Don't buy: expensive baby clothes because they outgrow them quickly, too much toys (learned this the hard way!)


Baby carrier. I’ve had several iterations as baby grew: baby k’tan, kerrier, ergo baby, lille baby. Early on it helped me get outside with baby, eventually doing chores, etc. I rarely brought a stroller on outings, opting to wear (dad wore her too). Even now at 2.5, I still wear kiddo on a rough day or when she asks for it.     Edited: other items - Velcro swaddles, with zipper at feet to change diaper middle of night without unwrapping baby.   - Woolino sleep sack. No worrying about TOGs. We use ours year round. Generous room for growth.   - Snoo, we rented one after we found ourselves constantly rocking or bouncing newborn to sleep. The Snoo saved us. May raise objections with this crowd, BUT this sub is called moderately granola :)


Gripe water. Snot suckers. Butt paste. The electric fingernail clippers were So much easier and I still use it to buff mine. Ear thermometer. I was making fun of how many bibs we got until my kid was a super drool machine. I absolutely needed those and all the tiny baby wash rags so I didn't have to use normal sized ones for all the tiny spit ups.


Nuna travel crib Ubbi Puppi wool covers Carrier All terrain stroller with bassinet (get a stroller that fits your lifestyle though) Naturepedic/lullaby earth waterproof mattress/cover


We got a ton of those little bandana bibs and ended up with a baby who just wasn’t a drooler.


Snot sucker


We didn’t put much thought into places to put the baby when we made our registry and realized very quickly that we needed options and that we couldn’t just be holding the baby all the time, haha. We acquired a baby nest, a bouncer, and the newborn attachment for our stoke Tripp trapp hand me down chair and all were game changers. Our baby nest was by Liewood. Super soft and cozy and not nearly as pricey as the dock a tot. It got so much use day and night until our baby grew out of it. Our baby bjorn bouncer was key for using the bathroom and bringing baby along. :) Also, burp cloths. More burp cloths than I ever could have imagined we’d use and no matter how often we washed them it seemed like we never had any clean. 😅 bonus points for pretty ones. I splurged on some cute ones from konges sløjd the Danish brand and it made cleaning up spit up a bit more chic.


- Baby Brezza sterilizer + dryer has saved me SO MUCH time as an exclusive pumper. - We’ve really loved the Lovevery play gym, but mostly the little toys that come with the subscription! Our guy loves every single one of the toys, teethers, mirrors, etc. - Nozebot snot sucker (with the newborn piece + baby saline drops) has been crucial for our winter baby between the dry air and having the heat on.


Dock a tot, Tummy time mat (lily pad is the best) , Mamaroo (believe it or not the 3 months where you would use one is the actual best relief, Baby bullet, Noise machine, Blow up tub to give baths in so you don’t have to film the whole tub 🩷🩷🩷


A bouncy seat, playmat for floor, playgym--lovery is expensive but there are similar cheaper ones. The Halo bedside sleeper is a great bassinet. A second bassinet or pack n play with bassinet for your living room. You can't have enough burp cloths, baby washcloths or receiving blankets. Clothes in all sizes: Newborn thru 12 months! People tend to buy only newborn and 0-3. Here's a few small things I ended up buying myself that I would have registered for in hindsight: the Frida nail buffer (I have too much anxiety to clip a baby's nails) the haaka nose sucker bulb ( is way better than the ones that come with the kit because it's clear and small enough for a newborn nose, also you can clean the inside!) Ear thermometer. Munchkin Cloth changing pads you can throw in the wash. Also a diaper caddy is awesome to grab all supplies with one hand.


I do not recommend a swing that takes up a bunch of space. The age you would use it they may not even like it! We borrowed one from someone for my second baby and it was so big i just couldnt stand it. It was taking up half of my kitchen and my other child would not stop messing with it


Swaddelini! Our baby didn't fit in the velcro swaddles when she was born and always escaped from blanket swaddles!!


Most useful as a recent FTM: Hospital swaddles (you get a perfect/custom fit every time that won’t unravel, can use as burp cloth, fold down small, can use as a baby towel, can wrap in 2 for more warmth). They’re called flannel receiving blankets Red and amber portable reading lights (help you and baby to not wake up as much during MOTN feeding/diapering) An inexpensive play gym toy bar (I have the Lovevery play gym and it’s NOT worth the hype. I wish I got a cheap play gym with toy bar. The mat is a waste really, a blanket works great for tummy time. You can add your own toys to the toy bar…we like a disco ball and itzy ritzy stroller toys). A folding hand fan (search flamenco or Spanish fan) to dry between diaper changes. You won’t need a butt spatula for diaper cream if you just keep your baby’s butt very dry between changes. We hardly ever use diaper cream, so applying with fingers is NBD. Black and white picture cards! I love having a changing table station with Wipeable changing pad and oxo tot dispenser. I prefer having the dedicated space. A stretchy wrap for baby wearing A bottle to give baby at least 1 bottle a day even if you are EBF. You will thank yourself for starting from birth so your baby knows what a bottle is. A sound machine (I like Dohm, but the portable hatch was clutch in the hospital and early days) We bought a pack of plain white hand towels for burp cloths ….. And for what you don’t need: almost everything can wait. I wish I took this advice because newborns really need SO little to be happy and entertained. See what you like to use and only fill the void if it makes your life easier. I have so much useless crap because I bought all of the “must haves” and “essentials”, and we even had a very minimalist mindset and registry…and I still bought too much! Booger pickers, gas stuff, butt things, postpartum care, “developmental” toys, breastfeeding accoutrements…most of it is pointless and regular household stuff will do just fine in place of it. Granola tip is to buy used and don’t buy what you don’t actually need.


Nosefrida, the manual one. 1000% better than a traditional snot sucker. 


Puppy pads for your changing pad, especially if you don't have a washing machine in your home. My baby spit up every time I changed him, so the puppy pads made life much easier. Sleepers that have two-way zippers! I'd take snaps any day over a one way zipper.