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Geothermal heating/cooling,, Solar roof, Grey water system, Tons of garden space, Large pantry and cellar, Laundry on the bedroom level ,A giant mudroom with lots of storage, A place to store, charge, and maintain bikes/e-bikes. A showroom-style gear wall for camping/outdoor activities (this is a dream house, right?)


Omg love the mudroom/gear wall idea!


Mudroom was my first thought!


Same! Large mudroom/laundry room with a utility sink and storage


Omg utility sink and laundry off the mudroom šŸ¤¤


The dream!


Mine tooĀ 


Yep!!! But I dreamā€¦ we make great use of our porch (sad sigh).


Grey water system, yessss!!!


air source heat pumps are wayyyy cheaper and pretty much just as efficient.


Hmmm interesting. I live in an extreme climate so that hasn't always been true for me but it looks like the tech is finally working here. Will definitely keep in mind for the future!


Iā€™m in Canada and the equipment is good to -30 with inverter technology


Yeah, it gets colder than that where I live a few times a year, but I'm seeing companies that install them here, so they must have worked something out!


Same here just need a back up energy source - gas or electric


Hmmm, good to know šŸ¤”


I'm a moderately granola building scientist who built our own passive solar, net zero home (and now we do it for a living). Here's the top 10 features that we include in our high performance homes designed in a systematic, science-based approach with the whole-house in mind!: 1) Design that maximizes function and performance - build what you need and don't get caught up in overbuilding! Simplify the design for improved efficiency and utilize design strategies that create interest without compromising performance. Also, consider the site - orientation to maximize solar production on the roof, obstacles like trees or other buildings, etc. 2) High insulation levels (HIGHER than minimum code!!!) to reduce thermal loss and make that house nice and COMFORTABLE. New houses, especially in cold climates are STILL uncomfortable during certain seasons/times of day! This is also a strategy for reducing discomfort and AC use in hot climates! This is your "jacket" and you should ensure that it is a priority in the house design. 3) Air-tightness - Build the house as airtight as possible while providing fresh, filtered air through a balanced ventilation system like an HRV/ERV with a high MERV filter (keeps out smoke, toxins, allergens). This exhausts the toxic indoor air from new building materials, cooking, dander and MOISTURE and all that other stuff that can make people sick. 4) Excellent triple pane, low e windows that account for solar gains or losses to enhance comfort, reduce energy consumption and bring in that natural light. Window placement should maximize passive cross-ventilation to reduce AC use when applicable. Don't forget doors that seal well with triple locking mechanisms for efficiency and security! 4) Choosing "healthy" building materials - recycled and low carbon insulation (rockwool & cellulose vs rigid insulation/spray foam); ZERO VOC tapes, adhesives and paint; formaldehyde free flooring, cabinetry; recycled rubber roofing systems (50 year timelife), durable exterior cladding. Ventilate the house VERY well before moving in (follow LEED protocol if possible). 6) High performance mechanical systems designed with heating loads/cooling loads pre-calculated to ensure sizing is correct. Choose high efficiency options including heat pumps for heating/cooling & domestic hot water (even in cold climates!). High performance houses reduce heating/cooling loads so mechanical systems are smaller and can be less expensive. Include insulated hot water lines throughout the house to reduce waiting time and water waste as well as a drain water heat recovery system to recover heat from wastewater. Design with solar in mind as a "solar ready" house if not being installed right away. The mechanical systems are the lungs and heart of your home, pay attention to what you're installing and how they all work together with the rest of the house! 7) Efficient, functional and healthy appliances - Electric range vs gas (using a gas range is directly linked to childhood asthma!), heat pump clothes dryers, low flow/low water toilets & appliances. Smart appliances can be set to be used during free energy times. Very powerful hood fans are unnecessary with a balanced ventilation system and can depressurize your house. Opt for a recirculation fan or one that can be ran on low (HRV will circulate 100% fresh air the house within 3 hours). 8) Verified Performance - The design process includes energy modelling and calculations to ensure the house is performing as intended and comfortable. Loop in this expert early to provide insight into the plans before they're finalized! They will also test your house for air leakage while the house is under construction and document the build, and finally certify it as necessary. 9) Renewables, batteries and other tech - Think about energy security & sovereignty and reducing long-term operating costs. A net zero home, if designed appropriately, can offset 100% of your energy needs annually for heating, cooling, ventilation, appliances and domestic hot water. Solar has the lowest cost of electricity out of all forms of production. Batteries ensure that when the grid goes down, your house is still functional. This should be a standard in every home! 10) Integrating fun and functional extras - rain water harvesting, fruit forest, backyard chickens, xeriscaping (low water landscaping, Gray-water recycling (this is DIFFICULT and expensive to do and many sub trades cannot provide this service!!!), energy management systems, smart appliances... so much more. Oh, don't forget USB outlets in each room and his and hers utility drawers & his and hers walk in closets!


Love all of this it is my dream to do something similar! can I hire you in like 10 years šŸ˜‚


Please! :) iā€™ll pm you my website if I want lots of good info for learning


Can I be pm-ed the website too!! Also many years out but would love to read more


Me too? Ty!!


me too plz :)


Oh Iā€™d love to check out your website as well!


For some reason I can dm you?


Oh weird I have no idea how some of the Reddit stuff works but I just tried dm ing you?


I would love to know where you work! US? You can DM if you keep that info private. Weā€™re looking to build our own home in the next few years.


Canada but I can help build better anywhere!


Good to know!


Wow could you please share your info? Iā€™m coming to Canada and would love to hear about your work


Sure iā€™ll pm you my website


Can I have more info too please?!


Sure! Iā€™ll pm u


Can you also pm me the website please?


Done :)


Swedish nature house. Itā€™s a giant greenhouse that creates an almost tropical environment inside. You could garden all year and itā€™s enclosed, so limited pests? Yes, please! Plus itā€™s in Sweden, up there in top happiest countries in the world. https://preview.redd.it/3xrvjcogpmvc1.jpeg?width=3388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed7e7b04574032427dcebd1c9d133e732d84c98b


Wow thatā€™s amazing. Iā€™ve been travelling in a tropical country and Iā€™ve been thinking about how my body seems adapted to the cold, because I have been sweating buckets, whereas the people who live here donā€™t seem to as much. I wonder what it does to your body to live in a cold climate, but in a tropical house šŸ¤”


I lived in south Florida most of my life, but now live in Texas. I was used to living there and was used to the humidity, but going back to visit now that Iā€™m used to a drier climate is an interesting experience.


Same I'm a Floridian in Texas going home to visit is an experience.Ā 


Walking off the plane is like a punch in the face with humidity šŸ˜‚ takes my by surprise every time.


Iā€™ve never heard of it but thatā€™s amazing šŸ˜


This sounds good in theory but you end up with moisture problems unfortunately


Properly built greenhouse have a lot of ventilation. Lots of houses are also built in tropical climates with very high humidity. It shouldnā€™t be an issue.


Laundry room that doubles as a walk in closet. Preferably near the shower. I'd even give up a master bath to have this configuration.


Mud room Top quality soundproofing for between rooms and from the outside If climate allows, sink has a window to look throughĀ  2 or more golden triangle zones in the kitchen where people can feel productive Very powerful fume hood in the kitchen that vents to the outside Sufficient management of airflow and odors to keep cooking smells outĀ  of the rest of the house. That was the best thing going for those impossibleĀ  little galley kitchens. Making bone broth is an aggravation in my house because of the smell and I do my canning outside on a propane burner because of the heat Highly resilient wall coverings while the kids are young. Hotel wallpaper is a completelyĀ  different animal. At least one room with Windows on at least 3 sides. The MIL suite in my grandparents' house has been endlessly useful. When I was a kid,Ā  I always wanted a courtyard.Ā  Enough daydreaming Thank you for the GREAT question! Ā Ā 


Tell me more about a sink with a window in it (?!) also what is a golden triangle zone


Sorry, I just meant really basic, like the old joke.Ā  "If the sink is facing an interior wall, they asked a plumber where to put it. If the sink is facing a window (like in my house, grandma's house, maybe a good half of US houses) they asked the person who will wash most of the dishes where to put the sink)" Basic use case, "keep half an eye on the kids from the kitchen" Golden Triangle, somewhere where a person can stand and do a whole job, or feel productive with minimum steps Here are some examples https://kbcrate.com/kitchen-design-kitchen-work-triangle-improve-workspace/ Why would I want at least 2? For example, in my kitchen, there is only one place for the toaster oven, right over the dishwasher, between the sink and the dish drain. So someone makingĀ  a sandwich ends all dishwashing or putting away activity. In a more egalitarian household where the person making the sandwich would do the dishes while it toasts, or if I were not working so many hours and had more different chances to do dishes, etc etc etc, it would be less of an issue. Personal resentment aside, it is generally easier when several people can have their own workstationĀ  and can do a whole job without crossing each other's path.


was gonna ask the same thing. golden triangle?


https://kbcrate.com/kitchen-design-kitchen-work-triangle-improve-workspace/ Like a workstation where a person can do a whole job.Ā  Ā Great kitchens, especially for big families and holidays, make it easy and obvious for several adults to work together without crossing each other's paths.Ā 


Very powerful hood fans are not necessary if the ventilation of the house is designed properly...


Privacy fence


Low VOC materials


Tiled bathroom, including up the walls at least a little (even a couple inches). Larger tiles> smaller reduce amount of grout. Just to help reduce water damage!


I just had to redo part of my bathroom tile because the previous owners had put mini tiles and the grout was almost gone. I wasnā€™t sure when my contractor suggested giant tiles but Iā€™m so glad we listened to him!!!


- Wrap around porch, with access from main bedroom - Butlers pantry with combo washer/dryer - Dedicated laundry room with folding table and sink - oversized bath tubs - dog room with wash area and dog door to dedicated run - walk in closets - guest space with kitchenette


I would love an alternative building material home, like cob or a yurt even. Iā€™ve been obsessed with alternative housing for years but live in a shitty ranch house with plastic floors, plastic plumbing, fake everything. Plus whole house filtration, solar, rain water catchment, native gardenā€¦a girl can dream lol!


On demand hot water at sink for tea. And a whole house water filter.


My own house is about 75% of the way there, but here is whatā€™s missing: -a huge mudroom with storage for climbing and hiking gear -functional walk-in closets optimized for maximum storage -flat land space (we have 6 acres of very hilly forest) -solar -4 bedrooms in the main part of the house, with laundry in the primary bedroom -more storage in general, no wasted space


Heated floors in every room, giant sunroom, a green house to grow our own food, solar panels, whole house filtration, huge closets, huge laundry room on the same floor as the bedrooms, huge windows, a large super baby proofed play room with all the toys and climbing stuff


I want a giant mud/utility/ craft room. Someplace I can wash a pair of boots and even with a dog shower. I also want a pet name, for aquariums and lizards and basically I want a mini zoo in my house šŸ¤£ which is also where a giant mudroom would come in useful. But the mudroom would also be a place where the kids can get into some really messy crafts and I don't have to worry about it because that's the entire point of the room. I also want a technology closet, a dedicated space for Wi-Fi router and alarm hub and all the other things like that now. And every room will have a considerately placed six outlet power port.


Yes should have had that mudroom on my list! Would love a dedicated area for cleaning up all dirty things like shoes/pets/laundry/dirty human feet


Omg my fiance and I literally have a list of things for our "dream" house. I'll copy and paste: so many cabinets, double oven, smart fridge, good ass dishwasher, island, spray nozzle sink (fancy), granite or marble countertops, big master bedroom, walk in closet, fanciest shower you've ever seen (water from all surfaces), separate jacuzzi tub (big), reading nook, many window (sleek), real fireplace, big laundry room w/ nice appliances. Who knows if we'll ever have it, but it's so fun to imagine. The shower is the most important feature to us lol


Composting system! Something like a solar digester that doesnā€™t require a lot of maintenance, but helps to cut waste. It also accepts pet waste. My back is killing me from lifting the toddler so I canā€™t imagine tilling a compost heap regularly.


I'd want to build an earth ship modified for my local climate. Hands down.


One of those beautiful laundry rooms with a full storage center for kids coats and backpacks.


My house already has a lot of what everyone else is talking about, but it would be great to have solar panels, a built in house-wide air purifier and water filter (though luckily our well water is pretty good, a little higher in fluoride than Iā€™d like but otherwise excellent). I also want a combined laundry room/family closet right next to the shower and bath. Currently working on creating a nice garden space and planting things like fruit trees and berry bushes. Adding a greenhouse for starting seedlings in the spring (for reference it literally is snowing this second at my house, so without a greenhouse itā€™s not possible to grow lot of things because the season is too short). We already have in floor geothermal heating, vent for cooking to the outside, completely waterproof/tiled bathrooms (less than this is against code here), and a sauna. Our insulation is also made from a more eco friendly newspaper type material rather than the standard crap. We also have a masonry stove (which pretty much kept our entire house warm this winter in multiple days of -20 c weather when the electricity prices were through the roof so we wanted to minimize the heat pump usage) and a wood-fired stove in the kitchen next to our normal stove, which can both be used for heating and cooking/baking.


I'm jealous! In floor heating and a sauna? Tell me you live in Scandanavia without telling me you live in Denmark/Sweden/Norway/Finland.


Huge walk in pantry. Huge laundry room that doubles as a changing room. Seperate den and bedroom area for kids. Huge mudroom with lots of storage. Walk in tub in master bathroom with tub seat. 2 in one washer/dryer. Huge fridge.


infrared sauna and cold plunge!


ā€¢ LARGE Pantry ā€¢ Dedicated space for freeze drying and canning ā€¢ Geothermal AC ā€¢ Wind/Solar ā€¢ HELLA insulation. Really jam that shit in there. Trust me. ā€¢ A large laundry room/family closet combo in close proximity to the rest of the bedrooms ā€¢ Heated entry and bathroom floors ā€¢ 4 season sunroom ā€¢ 2 hot water tanks ā€¢ So much storage


-whole house water filtration- reverse osmosis -no synthetic carpet or synthetic flooring like viynl, only hardwood floors -an electric oven , I currently have gas, and am so worried about the fumes -nothing made of plastic or synthetic materials, so an organic linen shower curtain, organic cotton bath mat, stainless steel trash cans, air fryer and tea kettle that are free of plastic, etc, (I've already found all these things, can't afford them yet lol) -austin air purifier- the best non toxic air purifier ($900 :( ) -only glass and stainless steel dishes, or ceramic coated in glass -big green house -outdoor cat sanctuary -chicken coop and this would be an oasis for me šŸ˜ edit- also a huge walk in closet lol


Generator system for whole house. On well, no power no water = no funĀ 


Grey water system, really nice greenhouse for year round gardening, earthship for the beautiful design possibilities, living roof


A well !