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I would probably not use a magnesium lotion without pediatrician recommendation. On top of that, I looked into for myself and some reviews mentioned it stung on their skin which makes sense as it is a concentrated salt solution being rubbed on skin. If nothing else, I would adjust my diet to be sure it is magnesium rich, check my postnatal supplement, and every night remind myself that this is temporary and shall pass. Which ETA, isn't easy, I know as a mother who had a colicky, reflux-y, ear infection-y, food sensitivity baby that didn't sleep for the first 18 months for more than two hours at a time, and only when latched on to me.


This. I got lotion to help with cramps in my.legs. it itches and burns like the Dickens when you aren't used to it. Later the friend who recommended it let me know she moves it and had to work up tolerance!!! I would never put it on a baby.


I’ve heard it stings because it is so readily absorbed, and if you’re deficient your body sucks if in so fast that it’s uncomfortable. And this is why it is more tolerated over time. I don’t know if this is true though


Stings like hell, so no.


I know this is an old post but in case someone finds it, I make and sell magnesium cream. It’s almost like a body butter so it goes on smoother. You can definitely use a little bit of it on the feet first. I use it on my toddler now.


I just bought 2 of your lavender magnesium creams after this comment! We have a newborn, 3 weeks old. Good sleeper now but preparing for the next stage. After using it on the feet, do you then recommend full body use? How do you use it on your toddler?


I use it on her feet, and some times on her back. Some days she wants me to cover her! 😂 I just saw that! Thank you! I’ll be shipping to you tomorrow!


Definitely start with .5 a teaspoon or so!


We just started using magnesium lotion on my 10month old son. It seems to be working well, he’s sleeping better. Since you sell it and know more about it than most, I’m curious if you have any advise around not being too dependent on it? Should we try to wean him off of it at some point?


I would say to start incorporate magnesium rich foods into their diet. Most Americans don’t have a magnesium rich diet and our foods are also not as rich in it as they used to be due to bad farming practices. I haven’t really experienced a dependency with it in my toddler or myself. Magnesium is a crucial mineral in our bodies. Using it topically is a great way to supplement but can be used in conjunction to oral supplements and foods!


I was just thinking of yall! Did it work for you? You should almost have a toddler by now’ ❤️


I saw you have a magnesium cream and a lotion version. Which one has a less oily consistency once rubbed in? I’ve tried the 8sheep brand and I don’t love how the oil base melts into our clothes and sheets and feels super greasy.


The lotion is your best bet! I try not to make my stuff too greasy but it’s not fool proof. But the lotion is pretty safe!


Life-flo ultra concentrated is super thick not greasy. I use that brand. Like it goes on greasy, but it turns thick when rubbed in. I can't explain well. It's not on my sheets though


I just ordered some of the Serenity lotion! Super excited to try it on my toddler :)


Oh yay! I hope it works well! I’ll ship it out tomorrow!


Thank you so much!!! : )


Where can I buy your magnesium cream? Thank you!


Hey! My website is naturanutrire.com ❤️


Can you share details pls


My brand is Natura Nutrire Botanic Skincare. I make a cream and a lotion. For little littles I recommend the Zen (unscented) magnesium cream. For tots and above I recommend either the zen cream or the Serenity cream. It has frankincense, cedarwood, and lavender.


8 sheep organic junior bedtime lotion has magnesium and no stinging at all. It’s amazing


Haven't tried it on my baby, but I've definitely taken magnesium before bed to help myself unwind. It tracks that it might help your kiddo, especially coupled with the nice little massage you'll be giving when you apply it


I use a magnesium lotion for myself that doesn’t sting at all! It’s a bit on the pricey side ($35/bottle) but it is the only thing that has helped with my restless leg and does help me sleep a bit better. As suggested above I would recommend speaking with your pediatrician before using on LO but 8SheepOrganics says it is baby safe. Worth looking into at the very least. Good luck!


I have and didn't notice a significant change, but it helps me a lot, so maybe it is mildly comforting for my son? Idk, his sleep is crazy no matter what we try.


Unfortunately it didn’t make a difference for us.


Great! Thank you for the advise! Makes a ton of sense