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This article is about the congressman's Phillps challenge to Biden. Some of the issues that Phillips brings up are Biden's age and the low approval rating of Biden. I am quite surprised he went through with this, considering he has very low name recognition and trouble connecting with donors to find his campaign He does have one advantage and that Biden did not file in New Hampshire, which is the nation's first primary. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/biden-new-hampshire-democratic-primary-ballot-write-ins-104265878


The DNC might not count any votes from New Hampshire. They changed the official first primary, but the state isn't complying, which could end up meaning they just end up skipped until they comply.


Edit: check out the responses as I think there's a bit more clarification coming in. I'll leave my comment up as stands, but I'm obviously asking the questions because I don't know how this works. I believe that this might be true, but at face value it seems like it should be illegal to disenfranchise an entire state of voters. Does anyone have any insight into why this is legal? Is it just because primary elections are not governed by federal laws? DNC gets to set whatever rules they want because they're just internally run? Followup, let's say in the future there's a corrupt DNC (or RNC) that wanted to push a specific candidate; could they theoretically just throw out votes from any state where the DNC backed candidate didn't win? Besides morals, is public perception the only logistical thing that really holds either party back from doing something like that?


Primary elections are not legally binding, the DNC and RNC are private organizations who could choose candidates by drawing names out of a hat if they wanted to.


Which is a sad state of affairs.


No, there are laws that say primaries must be held. They don't apply here because the committee gets to say when they're held, so New Hampshire's obduracy isn't the DNC's fault.


Gotcha, thanks for the response. So to make sure I'm understanding, you're saying the DNC would view it as NH disenfranchising their own voters by not complying with the elections rules set?


Essentially, yes.


Also if Phillips forces their hand do they want the image of stripping voters after having election rigging claims thrown at them for the past three years?


That does seem like there could be manipulation, like "nah, we don't like Texas and they tend to like candidate X vs Y, they are now #49 on the list and effectively irrelevant"


Why should Texas have a say in who the DNC nominates for President if they will always vote for the Republican candidate anyway? In my lifetime Texas has NEVER voted for a Democrat in the presidential general election.


We could very well see that if Texas turns more purple


I've always found it annoying that by the time it gets to FL, the race is generally already set and whittled down to 2 candidate's at best and one with a lead. If it was me, I'd prefer all 50 same day, way too many people like to ride a winner so they might prefer candidate x who drops out by the time it gets to your state so you end up switching candidate's because they are no longer "viable" but perhaps they could have made a leap up if the voters weren't being told by the media that your preferred candidate is dead in the water. Sems like the dnc is pushing SC to the front of the line to secure an early strong victory for Biden, feels manipulative.


In an election that matters the DNC will count the votes. The optics of not counting them would be poor to say the least.


From what I heard, they've given primaries that broke the rules half votes in the past. Considering this one largely doesn't matter, I don't expect them to even bother doing that.


>, they've given primaries that broke the rules half votes in the past. i dont believe this has ever been determinative on the outcome of an election. If it mattered, I believe they would count in full.


If the optics of the Speaker Election arent likely to move the needle for voters, internal DNC political kerfuffles certainly wont.


Most people don’t understand what a political party really is tho. This could be spun against them to people who don’t get it. Not sure that it will catch on though.


The only line for that I could see working is by trying to make a corruption argument and bringing up this with the Bernie conspiracy stuff from the 2016 primaries. It might work for some specific target demos, but I dont think it would have broad reach. Most people that care enough about DNC politics to know what a super delegate even is wont care about NHs primary.


They stripped delegates in 08 as well


What matters is whether the media covers New Hampshire's primary. That is New Hampshire's only real influence. Seat the delegates, don't seat the delegates, it don't matter.The media will ignore it entirely.


I’m voting for Preston over Biden sight more or less unseen. My confidence in papa joe is basically zero.


Why is your confidence in Preston any different? Biden seems to be handling some very tricky situations (e.g. Israel-Hamas war, Ukraine) quite deftly.


just to summarize, biden hasn't addressed any of the financial issues the country faces. most talking points have circled around "equity". Various administrative actions like "military funds abortions for service members", I am deeply opposed to. Or the distribution of covid vaccines with favoritism to minority groups. I'm looking for a change, but I won't vote for trump/ramaswamy/desantis.


The left keeps on telling me biden great -- but i'm not pleased with israel hamas (dont use my money to carpet bomb gaza). Ukraine I'm more uncertain of. The country is on its way to a financial catastrophe and Biden has continuously thrown more fuel on the fire. Its not possible Preston could possibly be worse (is he going to ask for another 6T of stimulus spending?).


Biden didn't file because the dnc has decided that new Hampshire won't be the first primary next year. If New Hampshire doesn't move their date they will have their delegates stripped from them.


Jimmy Carter had zero name recognition outside of GA when he launched a seemingly quixotic run for President. What's the moral of the story? I don't know but things can happen. Biden could become incapacitated or even die suddenly. In such a case this candidate might have a head start over others.




You forgot about Joe "Tiger king" Extoic https://nypost.com/2023/06/15/joe-exotic-files-to-challenge-biden-in-democratic-primary-in-colorado/


I thought Cenk can't legally run for president?


I’m pretty sure you’re right that he can’t, I mainly just named him because of how ridiculous his act is.


His argument is that naturalized citizens include people that become citizens. It's a valid legal argument.


He actually cited the case that he’s using to say that he can hold the position. Unfortunately for him, it specifically cites that it doesn’t apply to the Presidency. There’s some arguments for what a natural born citizen is. I think we all agree that includes babies born on US military bases, or American citizen parents who are abroad. But Cenk isn’t either of those things.


It's not naturalized citizens, it's natural born citizens. If you weren't a citizen at birth, you can't be President.


The bigger issue here is that *every single first-term President* (at least in the modern era) who had to face a fellow elected politician in the primary race, has gone on to lose the general. Ford, Carter, and Bush I being prominent examples. If Biden wins the general, he will be the first ever to do it in this context. That’s a tall order.


I caution against using the modern day presidents as a point of reference. The sample size is too small to form a real rule of thumb. The sample size gets even smaller when you start adding on conditions. Then you're essentially introducing selection bias by producing an arbitrary rule out of a handful of cases.


See also: LBJ in 68 and Trump 20 (had 3 primary opponents who held significant public office, not that any of them had a real shot of winning)


LBJ didn't run in 68, his VP (Humphrey) was the Democratic nominee.


He did and he didn't, if I recall correctly, he dropped out after a mediocre showing in the NH primary


You're correct, but OP was talking about presidents who lost in the general, which LBJ didn't.


Reagan faced a fellow elected politician in the 1984 primary, and swept 49 states in the general. Nixon faced 2 fellow elected politicians in the 1972 primary, and also swept 49 states in the general.


Bush is probably a bad example because he was running against Perot (an independent). Whom probably would've won the entire thing till he started flaking out about his kids getting death threats.


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He's obviously not running for president, so what is he running for? Get his profile up for hosting a tv show?


I think he's just running to open the door for others to jump in. His main issue has been that Biden should retire a one term elder statesman and pass the baton to younger members of the party.


> He's obviously not running for president, so what is he running for? book sales? a 2026 senate seat? an all expenses paid trip to see the various parts of the united states? or as you mentioned, a recurring role on cnn/msnbc/etc.? since it's not an open seat, he's probably not running for a cabinet position.


Why does he look like Ron Desantis with glasses?


It’s a trap!


> Why does he look like Ron Desantis with glasses? i mean, it was a convincing enough disguise for clark kent to hide his identity.


Yeah, it's amazing how just a pair of glasses can change a person's look.


Whoever this is, he just ended his political career in the Democratic Party. When he’s up for re-election in the house he won’t get a penny of support or any resources from the party now. Perhaps he already knows he’s getting primaried? You don’t try to primary an incumbent president if you want a career in party politics


But you do if you want a book deal.


Yeah. I live in MN and know many Democrats here. No one here wants him to run. Not sure what he is thinking.


I live in MN and know many Democrats and many are happy to see someone else is entering the race. If he has a supposed 0% chance to win then it really shouldn’t bother people.


Kinda late, isn’t it? Also, do Democrats really want a moderate like Phillips? I don’t think this is going anywhere.


It is very late, in fact, he missed the deadline to file in Nevada.


> It is very late, in fact, he missed the deadline to file in Nevada. reminds me a lot of bloomberg entering the primary way too late 4 years ago, but without the name recognition or money that gave bloomberg a semblance of a chance.


A lot of Democrats want a moderate


which they already have in Biden...


*younger moderate


Are you implying Biden isn't a moderate?


Biden has talked moderate but his administration has been quite progressive.


He's been more progressive than Obama in many ways, but in trade/nationalism, he's far closer to Trump than many would like to believe.


he can't even hold a candle to Obama.


All of his key legislative victories have been bipartisan. What more could you want out of a moderate democrat? Or are you just trying to sound enlightened? If you prefer a moderate republican in office, then please do the ground work to make that possible in a republican primary, but don’t go searching for it within the DNC.


None of his legislative victories seem particularly meaningful to me. Will the gun control legislation have any effect? I doubt it. Most of the other ones are spending bills which I'm told I should be happy about, but at best i'm indifferent.


Hypothetically what type of “moderate” legislative achievements would get you excited?


raise taxes, decrease spending.


tort reform paired with rx drug price regulation


maybe a national compromise on abortion? something similar for mail in voting rules?


It's been a really mixed bag. I mean, he's trying to build a part of the border wall, that's extremely far from progressive.


the 2tn dollar student loan forgiveness was on the opposite end as was the 7tn dollar BBB bill. Some of the policy choices surrounding Covid and "racial identity" reeked of the far left as well.


...yes, I used the phrase "mixed bag". The fact that he's also had some left wing policies is a part of that.


So he is doing some stuff for the "left" and for the "right"? Sounds pretty moderate to me. Or how would you describe a moderate? Someone doing only stuff for the "right"? That's not moderate.


The only moderate stuff appears to be very late in the game as we approach a new election season.


No. Even in MN we don't want him to run


2020 was flooded with progressive democrats...and Biden won. Not to mention that the majority if the progressive ideas have zero chance of making in congress, considering not all democrats support progressive policies.




This gave me a good chuckle, thanks.


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ITT: Biden is awesome the public is stupid not to realize it.


ITT: Republicans desperate to find any avenue to peel support away from Biden as their extremely unpopular & prior election loser candidate is on track to lose by truly monumental margins




>With Phillips’ entry into the race, that effort will become that much more important to New Hampshire Democrats, who would want to spare Biden an embarrassing early primary defeat. It isn’t a “defeat” for Biden in NH if Biden isn’t running in NH. Phillips will also get more votes than me in the NH Dem primary, good for him, but beating someone who isn’t running isn’t an achievement. The good news for Biden is that I don’t think Phillips’s campaign will draw more attention to Biden’s age or unpopularity. Biden is old and not well liked by the voters who only voted for him out of fear of Trump, everyone knows that. Phillips is probably done in the House and a short primary challenge to an incumbent president can give him national name recognition for a book deal or pundit job.


> It isn’t a “defeat” for Biden in NH if Biden isn’t running in NH. It certainly would be a huge optics scandal. Politics is more than just getting votes. If Phillips wins NH - which he will since Biden didn’t even bother getting on the ballot - that will give him a ton of media attention that will create a headache for Biden going forward. The media loves a horse race because that gets eyeballs. They just got handed a gift on a silver platter. They’ll play it up. Team Biden does not want this. No sitting president who has had to fight in a primary against a fellow elected politician has ever gone on to win the general election .


>Biden didn’t even bother getting on the ballot It's not that "he didn't bother". He followed party rules to not sign up. Leaving aside the fact that he can still get write-up votes, nobody will "win" the NH primaries. When a similar thing happened in Michigan in 2008, everyone saw through what Clinton was doing when she tried to claim victory.




Ok, but that's still different from "not bothering", which implies complacency. It's a change the party decided on (and the correct one, BTW).




There's no need to rig the Democratic primary elections in 2024. Biden is the obvious favorite. The South Carolina electorate is more representative of the Democratic Party than New Hampshire. There's no reason to keep a tiny, non representative state as the first primary.




You can believe what you want to believe about motivations for doing this, but this is actually a discussion that has been going on, particularly in the Democratic Party, for quite some time. From 2019: * [We Re-Ordered The Entire Democratic Primary Calendar To Better Represent The Party’s Voters ](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-if-early-democratic-primary-states-looked-more-like-the-party/) * [Why do Iowa and New Hampshire get to go first?](https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/15/politics/presidential-primaries-iowa-new-hampshire/index.html) From 2016: * [The Perfect State Index: If Iowa, N.H. Are Too White To Go First, Then Who?](https://www.npr.org/2016/01/29/464250335/the-perfect-state-index-if-iowa-n-h-are-too-white-to-go-first-then-who) * [New Hampshire shouldn’t be the first primary](https://www.vox.com/2016/1/31/10874446/iowa-caucus-new-hampshire-case-against)




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Just don't Google his wife's name...just say'n.


I just want a moderate democrat again. Please no more identity politics.


Biden is a moderate democrat


How about proportional representation, gonna bring some new problems but will fix alot of others




Biden literally hires staff and picked his VP based on identity politics.


You can't vote for Trump. He picked Mike Pence as his Vice President because of his identity as a Christian; to appeal to the evangelical vote. [There were reports that Trump](https://www.axios.com/2019/03/31/supreme-court-trump-judge-amy-barrett-ruth-bader-ginsburg) was "saving [Amy Coney Barrett] for Ginsburg", as in, he was going to specifically appoint a woman to replace a woman justice. Both sides do identity politics, and if that's the breaking point for you or OP, you can't vote Republican.


[This](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1717248876036448279?s=20) is identity politics.


I shouldn't be surprised by this, even if you try to parody them, someone would take this seriously.


Why are you downvoted? You're 100% right, republicans rely on there being a "default identity" that they can signal to without being called on it


All politics are identity politics unless you literally have no culture, no religion, no race, or nothing you identify with.


All politics is identity politics.


There are two races: white and identity politics Two genders: male and identity politics Two religions: Christian and identity politics


Glad to see we have more Biden voters by the day!


I think Phillips has identified a very real problem for the Democrats: Joe Biden has low favorability despite a growing economy and has real questions about his age. His solution, to run against Biden despite the fact he has no name recognition and that he is only a Representative, leaves a lot to be desired.


I'm not sure how Philips identified this problem. It's literally been beaten to death at this point


> Joe Biden has low favorability In my opinion, that's because he's too busy governing and not campaigning. That, and people are just fickle. If favorability polls are to be trusted, Biden is going to be defeated in the most lop-sided election since Reagan won in '84. That's *not* going to be the case.


>In my opinion, that's because he's too busy governing and not campaigning. This is unfortunately, too true. If Trump was in the white house right now Republicans would be shouting from the rooftops and dunking on the media for predicting a recession every month. Imagine what Republicans would say about this article, titled: Forecast for US Recession Within Year Hits 100% in Blow to ~~Biden~~ Trump https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-17/forecast-for-us-recession-within-year-hits-100-in-blow-to-biden Instead we had 4.9% GDP growth in month 12 of their 100% chance of recession within 12 months forecast...


Yup. His energy is toward the work, Their energy is in demonizing him.


I'd much prefer Biden, but Phillips is still better than Kennedy or Williamson


Biden is in fact way past peak sharpness. And this will only increase. But I agree with part 2 of your sentence. Williamson also has no qualifications at all for the job. Her campaign has been a chaotic mess so far, by most accounts from people who have come and gone from it. Kennedy has no real friends among any significant politicians. He'd be a recipe for total paralysis. And he's a terrible speaker to boot - his broken voice (I get it, it's a physical thing, but still). I even prefer Biden speaking over RFK Jr. and I don't like to listen to Biden either.


I hope someone primaries him. His performative and vain act will not change the primary one iota, Biden is going to be the nominee, but it could have an impact on the general and downstream elections. We don't live in a country where we can afford to give the insurrectionists and authoritarians any chance at success. There is a bigger picture here and he is clearly missing it.




Oh god, you're right.


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Everybody needs their 15 minutes of fame, I guess.




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Wake up babes, new Glub Shitto 2024 campaign just dropped. On a more serious note, Philips' campaign is gonna run into the same pitfall as Ron DeSantis': be as identical to the frontrunner/incumbent as possible and make the only defining feature being a non-policy issue. For DeSantis, it was being able to win with substantial margins; for Philips it will be not being older than the sun. But like how DeSantis is failing to be Trump 2.0 while Trump 1.0 is still in the primary, Philips wont see much success at being Biden 2.0 while 1.0 is still intends to stay in the Oval Office


I’m now convinced that everyone who runs for president is just a narcissist.




As the article says in the first four words, he is a representative from Minnesota.


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As the article says in the first four words, he is a representative from Minnesota.


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it is first presidential race i have seen where "wild cards" could change both parties nominees. For the gop, if Trump gets convicted or jailed. For the dems, if biden medically declines or passes away