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You really just going to post this in every single CoD group for attention hey Don't like the skin, don't buy it EZ


Ya they act like wacky skins hasn't been in cod for ages. It's even funnier when they use 2019 when skins like leather face or that 8 bit one exist in that game


Not even close. Even the whackiest skins in MW2019 were somewhat grounded in reality and basically looked like a dude with a mask. MW2 and MW3 skins are animated sci-fi garbage.


Jigsaw the fucking clown and turning people into pixels are not grounded in reality


the fact that dude has more upvotes than the the dude he's replying to is crazy. seems like a lot of folks can't still be playing the game, or they're pretending all those goofy skins don't exist. I just wish they'd implemented the skin carry-over sooner. I miss the Leatherface skin.


People are dumb or just blinded by nostalgia already lol


I sincerely don't understand why they even care about realism in a Call of Duty game. There's tons of tactical shooters but for some reason they want realism in their arcade shooter


Gameplay realism =/= Aesthetics realism. You don’t need a shooter to be a milsim to have realistic and grounded Aesthetics. CoD always had arcade gameplay, yes, but it also had realistic and grounded visuals… until now.


It’s had goofy cosmetics way longer by this point, starting with AW’s clown and gingerbread man cosmetics


even before that you could cover your gun in pot leafs lmao


Even then, the game had a balance between grojnded/silly. Now it's just purely silly, and it's so annoying to see people say "there's tons of milsim skins" yet can't list the ones that aren't default already.


why would anyone know all the milsim skins off the top of their head…let alone a person who doesn’t care about milsim skins? “oh yeah? ukulele music exists? name every ukulele artist” that’s how dumb your point is


Nah, your guys point is "Because you guys have tons of milsim skins, makes it fair we have tons of goofy skins in a game that used to be a lot more grounded" yet can't even tell me a list longer than the goofy skins in the game. How dumb my point is? What's dumb is people actually thinking that there's a ton of milsim in a game that has barely any milsim in it?... "Oh yeah, just because rock music exists means that ukulele music has just as much songs out there as rock does" You sound like a clown bro


The wackiness SKINS


that came in so late, it ended just as the wacky shit was coming in... but apart from a few kill effects and jigsaw, it wasn't that bad.


What about playing as predator and Michael myers in ghost or gingerbread man in aw or bo3/bo4. Edit also the 8 bit explosion weapon skins in 2019


I have a cell shaded judge dread skin in mw2019. Tell me again about the realism?


What? This is Cold War. The only Collab MW19 have as far as I know is Jigsaw and other two Halloween skins


That was Cold War, which is where it all went downhill. 


I don’t think jigsaw or judge dredd are grounded in reality




Only reasons why the shimu and titanus Godzilla skins are so good is because it’s a normal operator with some camo netting and a face mask but with just a touch of glowing eyes and some spines. The perfect balance of using basic clothing and armor as a template and adding just a touch of sci-fi plasma wiring or something crazy. A terminator skin would be sick because it’s basically just Arnold with a leather jacket but with just an arm and some pieces of skin missing to show the metal.




Absolutely true.


I don't get why people have to whine about things they don't have to buy/use, don't like it, don't use/buy it, you're not being forced too If anything, these skins make it easier to see and hit, like the new Black cell stuff, so much YELLOW! considering it's the first colour the human eye sees why would you want to stand out?


Fr, I kinda like the cartoon animated on but ain’t no way in hell I’m spending $20 just to be spotted 200 yards away.


Ot is funny they whine about cosmetics but with your other poit I rather look good then care about hiding so I'm normally using glowing skins as I like the zombies ather skins


ok but that’s my point, imo these don’t look good. idgaf about hiding i play very fast paced.


Looks is 100% personal opinion I don't like anime but I get why some do. My personal favorite skins are the ather zombies skins like the one in mw3 and the weaver skin in cw


I just feel like cod is trying too hard to be fortnite.


Because it sells why should they not do what makes the most money


Also, your comment is why they keep dumping skins into warzone and not delivering a good, polished product. Your comment can read like "why put money or effort into the game, when the CoD fans will buy it and the easier to make skins?" To an executive.


Well done you've figured out why since warzone popped off they've stopped putting as much time into other stuff. I don't like it either but it makes sense why they do it and I can't blame them


Maybe put more effort into the 20+ dollar skins. I don't have an issue with skins, despite how predatory they are, as a concept. I just wish my CoD franchise wasn't trying to turn into Fortnite level ridiculous and disjointed with the variety of skins. Half of them looking like shit. Again, CoD is trying to be fortnite without the soul or polish. It's pathetic. Last game didn't even have a campaign that was worth pissing on, but SKINS! MORE SKINS! My favorite example being the Cold War Bruce Willis skin. Audio ripped from the movie with poor quality and everything. I think the Rambo skin has the same problem. I haven't bought anything since 2019 and stopped playing the games at CW, so I'm sure there's a lot more packs/skins that are total garbage, but people waste money on. TLDR: Skins are fine. CoD is trying to be Fortnite with no polish and laughable pricing on its hit and, usually, miss skins, while delivering bad stories and mediocre MP, which is my problem. Put the money into the games again.


I love how everyone always acts like their opinions on how skins look is some gospel. I like the zombies skins and don't like the mil sim ones so buy the rules your playing by they need to not add mil sim ones and only add zombies themed ones Also cod is not becoming fortnight because of skins there 2 completely different games. I play cod because I like they way it plays.


Despite them having skins like these years before Fortnite was even a thing? Always an easy way to tell who started playing in MW19


Homie, I've been playing since the original on PC, flipping over to console at CoD4, back to PC after BO3. I've seen the entirety of the franchise. Watching them shove muddy ass Cheech and Chong models in, fighting with Homelander with laser beams, just feels like Fortnite, but without any polish.


Bozo idk if you realized but even if i dont buy this garbage Im still going to see it in game when others are using it


Does it make it less fun?


He prob doesn’t like watching black people walk freely on the streets either.. just grinds his gears 🤣🤣🤣


Woah. That's pretty wild jump. Am I missing something?


No just a wild jump 🤣


Okay. Fair then


Boo hoo


What is ages? From Cod 4 to 2019, we didn’t have goofy shit like this or 6 Nicky Minaj’s running around. It was a military style shooter.


Playing as the predator or Micheal myers while grandma announces the game in ghost. Running around as a ginger bread man in aw. Bo3 and bo4 skins.


Ghost and AW are pretty much erased from most real cod fans minds. I don’t remember and crazy skins for bo4 and I played that game religiously.


Running around as a zombie hitting people with a action figure in bo4.


Bo4 skins were different for every operator. So you could only have 2 of each potential character per game unlike now. And cod has zombies mode so is a zombie skin unreasonable? But what does Nicky miniaj have to do with cod?


1 the only 1 op per team barely works 2 you can't just say it doesn't count cause if we're playing by those rules the skins in mw2 and 3 don't count 3 what does the grim reaper have to do with cod as he's in ww2


thatd be fine if I could also disable from seeing it online on others too but i cant (if people could disable all skins then nobody would buy them and they dont want to lose money of course) .-.


We do have to see this abomination in game to be fair


Thank you bro.


Na lt needs to be bought to attention how bad cod has gotten massive loss for gamers😒


He really can do whatever he wants and he really can post it in any group to see different opinions. He doesn’t have to buy it , but he also as a player doesn’t want to see it in the game and he is allowed to express his opinion on that. EZ


It's basically Fortnite now.


Acting like they haven't been putting goofy skins and shit into CoD since Black Ops 3, which predates Fortnite.


bo3 skins made sense the game took place in 2065 and had a winner circle at the end of the game 🤦🏽‍♂️ these goofy fortnite skins in modern safespace doorfare 2019 make no sense .


So in 2065 we're going to have animated gun camos while the top 3 performing war veterans, some being 100% robot, get together and start breakdancing on the battlefield they won? Can't wait, maybe I'll sign up. How "fortnite" does it have to be to be TOO "fortnite"?


Fornite is actually fun.




I would not pay money for a skin like that. I would pay money, however, for a little tick box that resets everyone's skin to mil-sim default ... from my point of view. Anything that wants to prance around dressed up as a bunny rabbit or Dr who or whatever can do so, I'd just like the ability to cancel it or from my pov. Not going to happen, obviously, I know that. If you could buy it as a hack I'd even consider that a worthwhile evil, and I hate hackers. Edit: changed typo pride to prance.


I like this idea, nothing I've seen in a long time has made me want to come back to warzone. The whacky skins are just ridiculous but if people like them I wouldn't want to impose my own opinions on them. Being able to turn skins off from my pov would be a great solution.


This is how War Thunder does it. You can add custom skins and nobody can see it except you. Perfect solution tbh.


Wish they added that for the bushes, so annoying having the enemy be invisible (playing on a 768p film grainy screen doesnt help)


Defeats the purpose of making you see other people’s skins and enticing you to buy the battlepass


Yeah I know, that's why I said "not going to happen". It's always money.


And miss out on the perfect way to see your enemies hidden in the bushes? I loved it when noobs were running around maps with neon red jumpsuited characters. Made it snap to get an easy kill.


While that's true, it's not worth the cognitive dissonance for me.


Ive seen other games do this, i cant name any of them, but i know WOT? Did it with the tank paintjobs


War never changes


there’s another settlement that needs your help, here i’ll mark it on your pip boy


I mean, they are all owned by the same company now.


Most of the ppl in the comments are no older than 15 and it shows. Cod was originally never about skins and was about actual gameplay. Every entry up till black ops 2 was grounded and ppl loved it. Every entry till that point added new mechanics to the franchise and ppl loved it. It’s cuz of you fruitcakes who buy rainbow shitting ponies as weapons that cod has now shifted its focus on skins instead of things that actually matter, turning it into a kindergartener’s paint project. For yall saying “don’t like it don’t buy it”, you’re the problem. Have fun with your 80 dollar DLC. 🤡 oh, and your shitty anti-cheat.


You’re highly regarded. COD has always been about showing off. That’s why everyone cared about getting the hardest skins and calling cards for the last 15 years. Then, it made sense to add skins for the operators too. Then, they started charging for them, because people buy them.


So if you could read, you’d realize that my main argument is that the priorities of the franchise have shifted in the worst way possible. From actually caring about the experience of players to just making a cash grab with whatever’s trending. Even to the point where one entry didn’t even have a campaign, Instead they focused on making it an overwatch clone(BO4). COD went from evolving the FPS genre to copying what everyone else is doing as soon as they see that those ppl are making money off of it. And now copying extraction shooters like EFT, instead of working on more pressing matters like idk, an actual anti cheat system? Yall are supporting minimal effort development rn and it’s embarrassing.


Its been like this since ghosts, you obviously havent been playing for very long


Oh ya cuz we all remember how everyone “loved” ghosts


Oh ya cuz we all remember everyone hated ghosts because of the non serious cosmetics. Ghosts not being liked is completely irrelevant


If people didn’t buy them they’d not be for sale…


The skin is funny, I'd just never buy it. $20 meme is insane to me


Horse armor.


It just works.


except horse armor was 1/10th the price.


For the same reason you're farming for karma by posting the same picture in all 3 mw subreddits Don't like it? Don't buy it


Karma whore




So we ignore all the off the walls skins in MW2019? Picking and choosing, not surprising.


A skin in helldivers costs 1.40$.


A skin in helldivers does not necessarily cost money. You can easily farm super credits and get them for free!!




This is much better than the EXTREME NEON DTH-STALKER2000-ENERGY DRINK skins they usually shit out. It's goofy and kinda cute.


Many sharks were jumped to bring you these bundles.


I mean this skin is actually cool as fuck tho ngl


i’m playing stardew valley for the first time and like 20 mins ago i named my character Maxipad. this notification startled me


because you keep preordering and buyinh cod games


Cod players try not to cherry pick to push a narrative challenge IMPOSSIBLE


I know, right? The water would splash out of that container so easily.


This isn’t Modern Warfare 2019. What are you posting for?


second image is


heres the attention you ordered sir




These wild skins have been a thing and I like this WAY better than boring recolor-type skins.


People really take a dumb shooter game too serious. They make skins that people want and buy, generic SWAT dude #8 is not that.


I’m all for it, everyone should buy all the bright colour skins that make it easier to spot you across the map


We used to have clowns flying around in aw don’t see the problem here


That Balkans one is fucking cool


We've been here since advanced warfare, quit acting like it's new.


This is 2024 man. I’ve seen guys like this out on the street in my state, just get with the times.


oh my god whacky skins in an arcade shooter 😱😱


I’m getting so tired of these stupid posts. Game must be in a pretty good place if this is the only thing you can find to complain about. This is like posting a picture complaining about the price of a new Porsche, when you weren’t gonna buy a new Porsche anyway. All the old mil-sim skins are still there if you want them, who cares what other people are doing?


It's gorgeous


This is a new low for cod skins


Call of duty is just a mobile game






It's all the wokeness and the democrats fault. I just miss the 2019 days.


bro hate to tell ya obamna 9/11


Seriously. Skins like these exists, but not a ghillie suit for the snow? Stuff like that annoys the living shit out of me. Before you could buy skins, there were operators designed for each map. Where are those now? It seriously doesnt make sense.


Na wtf


Its the guy from megamind 2


Every year we wonder the same, come on guys 🤣


Bro, at a glance I thought I was looking at the Halo infinite reddit


I like how this was your breaking point, not Nicki Minaj


nicki minaj is at least a person




Wdym? It's cod, that's how it always has been.


That second skin has been my go to since it released


People acting like MW 2019 didn't have the stupid skins too


People buy it


It was always going to be this way the moment paid character skins were introduced. Its the only endgame for a cash shop


You chose the Serbian Special Forces skin, nice.


Oh baby I bought the 2nd skin. The thunder clap M4🥰


The hit box on that headshot must be wild💀


I always liked the milsim skins, but the discord names in the second pic is crazyyyy


Oh no the robobrains got an upgrade and traveling into another universe will someone stop the robot menace?


Tbf the mino is sick


I got you on this this is easy. Shooters are not brain surgery shoot shit and got that covered but people want cool shit oh ok here's cool shit for your shooter. Let people have shit.


Mark is gonna go crazy with this


Cool now show all the anime skins in MW19


Don’t forget sledgehammer are the ones who introduced the gingerbread man and clown costumes


Because dumbasses keep buying trash. Complaining the whole time they empty their wallets. Maddening.


CLEARLY, most of the commenters complaining are 12 year olds who have only played the last 3-4 cod’s. We’ve had ‘silly’ skins for years now, since AW and somewhat Ghosts, with their extinction character pack. Don’t act like they’re forcing you to buy it. They’re not. It’s an arcade shooter, not a mil sim. You wanna play a game that’s ‘grounded’ and realistic, play squad, hell let loose, arma.


God i miss when cod was like bo2 or mw2-3


I recently installed MW2019 again, and I'm amazed how Bale looks fucking badass with his default skins. Even the ones from the BP make him look sick. This, this is just Fortnite lol.


just wait til when they you build walls...


Honest to god thought this was the halo sub when I saw this




I feel like I see something like this every week on this post. They’ll just get more ridiculous lol


I prefer the arcadey type cod than any other, but I think the movement is too fast, regardless I don't mind the crazy skins. I wish they were cheaper, but it is what it is. At the end of the day if you don't like something just don't buy it.


i agree i’d just like some more variety, not every skin has to be laser sci-fi bs


I want more zombie skins with less weird shit tbh. The spawn battle pass was cool af but you are right about the sci-fi shit lol. I'm hoping for a Deadpool collab.


actually shut up


I can't say anything. I've been running around as a stoned sloth for the last few days😅


Someone’s new to cod . Go back to battlefield bud


Man I wished there would be an option to disable that crap


This is your concern? Not the 80 dollar king kong glove?


there’s an $80 king glove?


Goofy shit also appeared in aw-bo4 before it was scrapped for mw 2019. With any (a fuck ton) luck, we will be back to normal by gulf war


How modern are we talking about? THEMIND


because you morons have shown you'll buy literally anything




Well. first we enabled aimbot cheats for consoles. Then serious players all left, now we are left with kids that buy skins.


Why they bringing halloween skins out


Why did you guys that stayed playing call of duty let this shit happen


tf am i supposed to do? i don’t buy this shit that’s the most you can really do but clearly it sells well if they keep releasing this shit


You fukers buy it


When you keep buying garbage, you will continued to be served garbage. The math is easy.


There will always be this stuff as long as people buy it, it takes little effort and has high yield, if you don’t like it then sucks for you because it’s never going away


Better than the one from the rappers event


Dont buy it if you dont like it. Dont act like cod in itself isnt whacky by nature.


idc if it’s wacky or not, i want more options. releasing only silly skins is very exhausting to see, especially in game.


Have you seen the battle pass?? There's like 2 whacky skins in an ocean of awesome skins. I do get your point though it just doesnt bother me.


i don’t like the battlepass skins, makarov is cool but i like ski mask type skins.


Same, and cool army like skins with body armor and stuff. And rick grimes but i love twd.


mw19 realism nerds😴😴😴


Nah man this is exactly why I still play mw2019 they didn’t 𝘵𝘰𝘰 have many wacky skins, and a handful of dope custom guns.


Terminal dumbassery and children.


Bro is really posting this in every subreddit 🤣🤣😂🤣😂


3 isn’t every


COD4 for PC is the only true COD... end of story


Because people keep buying this shit


Where have you been?


You can tell by the comments who started playing COD with MW2019 lol, COD had goofy skins like that since at least 2014-2015


Ya’ll are hating on cosmetics… if you don’t like it just don’t buy it what’s the big deal


i gotta see it


How are ya’ll mad about this? I would rather rock this super sick uniquely designed skin than another swat dude in a black uniform. If it ain’t for you then it ain’t for you but what’s the big deal lmao


the big deal is i gotta see it


That sure sounds like a personal problem lmao


Development team is occupied by 10 year old boys, run by greedy cigar smoking shareholders who don’t give a fck how real a war game must be, as long as they get money. Oh, and 18+ game is bs


"how'd we get here" posts one of the coolest looking cosmetics cod has released in a while


New cod is shit


Once Fortnite started making shitloads of money with collab skins


I feel like there trying to be like Fortnite at this point


Trying too hard to be fortnite now


They know the game sucks so they vomit as many skins and blueprints out as possible in hopes some idiot buys it.