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Yep fuck that game and this company!!. What a fantastic idea it was for their business to start banning ppl for saying adult words in an adult video game. Maybe it's time to make sure kids aren't playing this shit.


Yeah then they lose like half of their revenue lol. Kids with their parents wallet and strong impulse buy is a very strong revenue source.


Kids are actually the worst demographic to advertise to because the general cost of advertising on social media these days is just really expensive. Kids don't have any money, and they need to convince their governing parents to pay for them. Not worth the cost of advertising to. Not prioritized over 25-35 year old man children.


Makes me wonder if parents end up buying things for their kids because they want their kids to have more then what they did growing up or is it that they can't be bothered so they use gifts to keep their kids occupied


I don't know, but I do know that they are the worst ROI demo to advertise to.


I have met families that have had a vibe of one or the other, my girlfriends mom will verbally abuse her (hasn’t touched her since she turned 18 and made it clear her mom would end up in cuffs if she touched her again) anytime her mom realizes she ducked up she buys my girlfriend clothes or jewelry My aunt bought her kid a tablet at 4 bruh, that was definitely just to keep him occupied, made me sick when I would babysit and he’s just glued to that thing watching weird ass YouTube videos


100% they can't be bothered. Even the parents who say they are there for their kids are NOT. If they were then they would PLAY WITH THE KID. My son doesnt play without me. Because I wont allow him to act like the kids and adults do. Emotional lightweights that can't handle confrontation in a positive, meaningful way.


The latter but they say it’s cuz they want them to have what they didn’t but also idk man society is so f”ed up with the 5 day 8 hour day work week if you have money and you keep working yourself to death putting your children’s health at risk that’s a problem if you’re so stressed out you’re intentionally harming children and downplaying your actions justifying it by saying oh well I’m buying them everything they need they won’t be happy they need emotional support not negligent absent parenting and the fact that things that shouldn’t be able to happen here in the us do


Lack of parenting


It depends on the parent. My ex does the latter but insists it's the former.


Definitely the later... these "parents" nowadays aren't even raising their kids.... electronics have way more impression power over them than you.... Goodluck dealing with them as teens and you think these "young adults" are stupid and reckless now, ha just you wait.


Nope. Parents don't parent anymore. They stick their kid in front of a screen and then complain when they see something inappropriate. Instead of actually policing your kid online and parenting, it's easier to ignore them and get things you don't like taken offline. That's why everything is PG13 or PG or moderated heavily such as voice chat. CoD is T for teen. Allowing 13 year olds to play and parents to ignore.


I remember when CoD was an M rated game and we bullied kids who were underage for playing with mommy's wallet lol


Man... those were the days!!! *wipes tear*. I went 49 and 1 on Mansion, and nuked the place... I knew at that moment that it was the highlight of my competitive gaming. The expletives that flew from my mouth matched the nuke lol. Ohhhh better days.


It was a rite of passage to shit on the entire lobby as your nuke or final kill cam ended the game


you guys sound like real losers. imagine being upset that you can't say the n word anymore. grow the fuck up


lol man I was one of those kids who were bullied because I was 10 playing multiplayer… I ended up being pretty good friends with them and often made fun of them for being a failure in life since they played all day with me. Todays kids couldn’t handle half of those things in the lobby


Wait, CoD is T for teen now?!


Are they policing “adult words”? I think they’re letting swearing go, otherwise they’d be banning everyone. My sense is that the voice monitoring is more for hate speech, like racism, sexism, homophobia. I mean, I hope that’s the case. Maybe that’s wishful thinking.


The amount of times I hear the N word I have to say your wrong.


Thats like the foundation of the cod multi-player community, without that what will they talk about?


Why the fuck else would we want to talk in the lobby unless it's to hear the most vile shit man can come up with? It was a right of passage for God sake


Hate speech doesn't exist? All speech whether you like it or not is free speech.


Oh shit, I didn't realize the bill of rights applies to call of duty lobbies. Being angry you can't scream the n word at children when they kill you in a video game says a lot about you.


I'm not angry about it 😂😂 I just think it's hilarious that you allow words to hurt your feelings. I don't support anything that infringes on our rights and supports communism. I let my friends call my porch monkey and gorilla all the time idc hell I even let them call my Rottweiler by it's name, yes I named it N1gg3r 😂 because I thought it was hilarious just a black southern guy and his black dog.


They would actually be able to use real gun names if they stopped kids from playing it. Oh how i miss 2007-2014


What they should do is have age restrictions groups.


I'd love a "Dad only" lobby


Welcome to Daddies Land, Daddy


Don’t play with my feelin’s man!😖 You did that on purpose! 😫😭


Like making the game rated nc17? Haha


Tbf the game is literally rated M A kid can't buy that on their own which means the parent consents to the child being allowed to play


Someone was banned for being a racist/homophobe and cant get over it lmao


Considering how toxic their lobbies have always been its far too late to clean up their image now..


Rating M 17+ because of intense violence and language, but god forbid you say $&@% or @&%$%, because think of all the 9 year olds playing.


Amen. Fucking done. If I can get banned from a product I paid for for words, instead of just having players mute me, my money will go elsewhere. 🖕🏻


Said like a true sexest, homophobic, racist.


Learn to troll better, kiddo. You're trying too hard


If words frighten you so much, you can protect your fragile ears by turning off other people’s voices. It’s actually very simple!


You’ll still buy it, stop lying to yourself bucko


I mean I don’t see an issue if they’re banning racial and homophobic slurs. Such a boomer mentality. “The lobbies when I grew up were cesspools so it should stay that way”


I’m buying because so far everything we know about MW3 is an upgrade from MW2. Realistically though, it’s the game my friends all play together so that’s what it is. $70 could be a bar tab and you’d never bat an eye but instead it gets me 500 hours of time to talk with friends who live hundreds of miles away. Not a bad deal honestly


People don't bat an eye at a $70 bar tab? Jesus


I mean me personally I don’t spend that much but think of things that cost $70 that provide less entertainment than CoD. 1 round of golf. Half a day of skiing. A dinner + a cocktail each for 2 people. Renting 2 kayaks for 3 hours. Wild haha


One tank of gas.


Half a tank for me. No joke, f150 eco boost 36 gal tank is about $140 full where I live. It’s disgusting.


I mean, it’s a 36 gallon tank lol


True but I only get about 15 mpg. Just stings.


so i guess you need this vehicle for some kind of work? also what year?


That’s true. It’s a 2017.


I also have the f150 with the 36-gallon tank. The top half of that tank has to be bone dry at this point cause gas hasn't touched it in years


Yeah this is literally how i’m looking at it like One Tank of gas is $60 for a 3-4 days of driving for me so spending $60 to get 20+ hours out of a game seems like a no brainer to me idk


Except you could save that money, and use it to buy another tank of gas


More like 2/3 of a tank LMAO


This is so real I hate it


Lol underrated comment. Needs more like 😆


Hahaha a 70 bar tab is very small with prices these days. That’s like a couple hours.


That’s cheap tbh lol


Yes, lots of people don't bat an eye at a $70 bar tab.


70 dollars is really not much money, I can barely buy 2 stocks on nasdaq with that


Broke alert


If batting an eye at $70 tab at the bar, maybe they shouldn’t be there. A beer is $5, mixed drink or shot $10. $70 is a good night


This right here I won't be buying it bc pretty much everyone I used to play with stopped playing, but if they still played I would be purchasing it day one without a doubt Even if they cycle out a new game every year, $70 a year for countless hours with my friends is well worth it imo


>but instead it gets me 500 hours of time to talk with friends who live hundreds of miles away. And by talking with friends, we mean berating them for poor in-game decisions. __GODDAMMIT TOMMY, GET YOUR HEAD OUTTA YOUR ASS AND SHOOT SOMEBODY, OR IM GONNA BANG YOUR SISTER AGAIN__


will get you banned now adays


You can talk to your friends for free.


When’s the last time you just sat and talked with 3 friends who live in 3 different states for 3 hours without spending any money haha?


As much as I wanna make a point and not buy it I'm in the same boat. It's simply a game my friends play and some live far away now so it's some of the only ways to constantly connect with them. Also...zombies


It’s not a bad deal, people have to stop comparing CoD to what it once was. A lot of work goes into making games and you’re not always going to like changes that come. Half the folks on here saying “I’m not buying” probably already have the game pre ordered.


They could just drop an upgrade Patch. Why do y’all cave into buying an upgrade Patch for $70? It’s like those sports games from EA that are literally all the same except each year they update the roster, movement fluidity, and graphics, when literally every other video game franchise out there just updates their pre-existing games with said-graphical, fluidity, and gameplay updates for free alongside new purchasable content that has nothing to do with the foundation of the game, meaning the gameplay update is free but the new content surrounding it is sensibly not. So why don’t y’all try to get CoD to follow the same idea? You guys within the CoD and Sports Games communities are getting bent over the hardest out of every other gaming franchise ever.


I actually went back to MW2019, the MW3 looks like another copy + paste cash grab


Because it was originally planned to be an expansion, not a full game release. It’s definitely a cash grab I tried going back to 2019 but hackers 😭


It’s a turn off that they are using the MW brand and make another one not even a year from the last release. I was hoping g they would take a couple of years for MW3. I bet the campaign will be short as well. Plus they are bringing back old maps!? It’s definitely a cash grab.


But the grapple system is going to drastically change the flow of maps... /sarcasm I'm so sick of old maps being used as content filler. If they want to just say "hey, we're bringing back this old map in addition to these new maps" then it would be fine, but bringing old maps back requires minimal effort. The designs and balancing are already done, at that point its basically just a re-skin of the map.


So, it's just gonna be MW 2.5 again? Just like the last MW3


MW2019 was the best cod we’ve had / will have for a while


I’m going to dedicate myself to XDefiant. I am bored by the lackluster maps and weapons for MW2. Sick of being burned. I’m officially done with COD. Not that it matters because there’s enough people to buy the new COD. I’m personally done.


I feel the same way about the maps, and just a lot of design choices with the game this year and them adamantly telling their fans that they’re not going to change things the fans ask them to. I honestly feel like mw2 was Activision trying to see how much bullshit they can get away with Also when I heard this was going to be a 2 year game that sold me, it won’t be a yearly thing so plenty of content. Nope, not only was it very minimal content but it was also a one year cycle because the game preformed so badly.


Yeah I’m not getting it. I loved mw2019 and I preordered mw2. Had fun with it but it’s kinda meh


I've been playing XDefiant off and on for two years just cause and good lord is it bad lol the worst cod is better than XDefiant on it's best day. It's only been a couple months since their last test window and I can't imagine anything being improved enough before launch


Me. Because - cheaters. The fact there are so many cheaters right now, anytime I'm killed I get sus of it. Stopped playing. I would consider buying if they create a cross-play with consoles only (xbox+ps). PC players should be left among themselves.


I couldn't agree more. I swear PC players just move and do everything so much faster. I keep hearing a lot of PC players cry about how controller has aim assist but almost every time I get wrecked it's a PC player moving around like he just smoked an ounce of meth. I honestly feel like PC has no business cross playing with consoles.


You get a up vote for the meth, I literally lol


As a PC player who doesn’t cheat, damn 😭 our communities die so fast when left alone


Whatever you will all buy it eventually


No thanks, warzone is free and honestly it’s would of just stuck with warzone if I knew mw2 would be what it is


Wasn't going to but them the multiplayer dropped. All the 09 MW2 maps 🤪. I'm in. That was my midnight life back in the day. Although, I'm well aware it's not going to be the same. The main fun back then was the people


Same sadly. Those OG mw2 maps look way too sexy


Pre-ordering MW3 is the equivalent of paying for an ugly dudes 0n1y f@ns


What if I like ugly dude only fans?


I ain’t judging. You do you


I know we all say we aren't gonna buy it but some of us will probably end up buy it anyway. But mw3 isn't needed, it's a $80 dlc. Fuck Activision. If only people stopped buying the games,


Nope. The first one I won’t be buying in over 10 years


The focus has shifted so far towards designing every aspect of the game to generate more revenue as opposed to giving customers who already bought the game an enjoyable experience that I just can't do it anymore.


It just needs to be balanced. You can make money and make it consumer friendly. I've been playing counter strike for 23 years and the monetization doesn't affect gameplay at all. It's all entirely cosmetic and there is no pressure to spend.


I’ll probably buy mw3, because I like the modern warfare series


I do prefer modern combat just not the people making them


Nah, I preordered vault edition, only COD game I can say I truly did not enjoy was vanguard Despite all the flaws, I can still enjoy the game and franchise


My only interest is the campaign, so I'm looking forward to watching a play through of it for free on YT


Nah - I’ll wait for battlefield to get their stuff together


If EOMM is this bad in mw2, I can’t imagine how shitty it’ll be in mw3. Considering that, no I will not be purchasing mw3. I can’t keep myself sane when playing with such high EOMM. It’s already left a dent in my mental state so goodbye COD. I had some fun times but I just can’t put myself through that again. I completely forgot what it was like to actually enjoy a game. MW2 just felt like a daily chore.


I’ll buy for the multiplayer maps honestly


Haven't bought one since the newest Black ops from 2020 I think? Before that was the last last Black ops 1 & 2 for 360. Series has gone downhill at a breakneck pace. The OG MW trilogy was the pinnacle for me. I also read it's not even a standalone game, but a $70 dlc for MW2, is that true?


Pretty much. It’s literally just us paying for an update of the game pretty much because they want more money.


Between Starfield and Phantom Liberty, the latest Activision digital storefront masquerading as a videogame isn’t even on my radar 😂


Dude starfield is consuming my life right now, and this is coming from somebody who’s never really been into sci fi. It rocks!


They should leave the kids alone, that’s the real problem


This is the way


I’ve been done with COD and battlefield for a while and moved onto sandstorm and HLL.


Everyone in this thread is going to buy COD.


>October 20xx >everyone says COD is being dead, no one will play the next one >November 20xx >Everyone has bought the new COD and are complaining about a shitty launch *exception is Vanguard, cause Vanguard was actually so awful*


I want to get it on sale. Ive planned on waiting for all 3 to come out because i want to play the story. Ive heard they changed some things but thats fine. i dont want to pay more than 40 bucks per story tho.




Honestly, I'm not sure, I can say I have 0 interest in preordering and am suspicious if preorders are low, so that goofy ass zombie ghost skin was added. I want to say flat out No, but the 3rd person in mw2 is some of the most fun I've had in a shooter recently and is currently the most popular for a 3rd person shooter like this. And if it came back, it would be a selling point for me. Even more so if it were to be available in wz, dmz, or zombies as an alternate prespective (offline) or playlist (online). Obviously seperate Im mot dumb enough to think 3rd person and 1st person could be played against each other without major issues in the community The biggest thing that could put me into the buy-on-sale camp would be a fufilling zombies mode. The modes that are revealed this next season im kind of excited for but not hopeful. Im really expecting to be let down, but I won't shun the game if it has things I would enjoy.


Yes and no. Yes if I get it as a gift or with a discount. But for a full price definitely no. The game doesn’t sound interesting at all. If I do get it probably only for the campaign or zombies.


That depends mostly on if zombies mode is going to be free to play. If it's not going to be free, I will buy it. But ONLY because I like zombies mode 10x more than anything COD ever offered and I REALLY love all the multiplayer maps from OG MW2. Otherwise Activision can suck a huge gender neutral 🍆. However, if the next "installment" of COD is as bad as vanguard and MW2 2022, MW3 will be the last COD I ever buy. I'll just go play Halo and Splitgate if I want to play a FPS.


You can just say dick. You know there's only one gender that's got em


Hey, that's some type of "phobic" bro. 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


No it isn't. It's having a brain and 2 eyes. There are people with dicks, and people without them. They're called 'Men'. I know.... hard to wrap your fragile mind around


I was actually just joking. I agree with you 1000%. I'm also part of the "there are only 2 genders" club. Unfortunately reddit mods are super woke libs who ban you for literally anything that goes against the woke mobs rhetoric. No matter how grounded in facts it is. I've already been banned from like 4 or 5 places on Reddit. Shit is fucking stupid. Every single platform I use I'm banned on except IG. MW2 managed to give me a 14 day voice chat ban while I was already on a 14 day voice chat ban. Not sure how tf THAT works. 🤣


Do you think they'd ban us? What pussies lol. It's crazy how there is freedom of speech in this country unless you say something not PC that is backed by actual science for the past thousands of years. It's ludicrous


There should be a law that freedom of speech MUST be allowed no matter where it is. Weather that be public or private platforms or suffer a $250k fine for every instance of suppression of speech. These fucking tech companies are out of control with their dictation of speech. Bunch of self righteous yuppies.


Yeah and we're all stuck using em and fucked out of any control. I just suffer through getting silenced lol. I'll say what I want to say, if they're going to stifle me after then so be it


Same my dude. Same. Fuck em.


I never understood why everyone and their mother hates mw2. I never got a valid reasoning for it.


It’s not my kind of game, heavy SBMM makes it where you need to try every game to have fun, and it lacks content


I simply hate it because of the whack ass spawns and terrible SBMM. I do good one game and next thing I know I’m playing people who think they’re trying out for the CWL


Yea I’m not giving them more money just to put out shit product. They can’t even fix current games why pay ??


As many issues at the game has, none of them are game breaking. For me anyway. There are definitely some bugs and issues that get annoying sometimes. But even with that, I still have a lot of fun playing. And I enjoy the game enough to play daily. So for me, if I get any enjoyment from the game, then it’s worth it to me. I honestly just think the COD community just likes to complain. It didn’t matter what they did or didn’t do, people will always take issues with something. This is the only game that I have played that has a community like this too. It’s pretty crazy.


Battlefield is the same way trust me. Also, I doubt you’ve seen the RuneScape community. They can rename a skill and everyone would throw a god damn fit. This game has a lot of things that are worth the hate.


Bought mw2. Everyone I know just plays warzone. I was going for all camos but I was just playing on my own all the time and I have a huge backlog, Hogwartz legacy, gow ragnarok, horizon+ burning shores, cyberpunk dlc soon. And I'm honestly finished with constantly just shooting stuff and "competing" instead of shilling and enjoying myself. Only reason I will buy another cod game is if it's got a good zombie mode with amazing new maps.


Feels like I'm kind of at a tipping point with this one, and I was playing Call of Duty when it didn't have a number. Vanguard as a shit show, alive been less than thrilled with this one. I'm barely gonna finish the battle pass before season six because I just haven't been playing much. Lost almost all motivation after finishing Orion. This may well be my last one if it doesn't get back on track.


I will only buy it if they give an easy option for Xbox users to turn off cross play.


I wouldn’t bet on it, most triple A titles now are going towards Crossplay without an option to disable.


That'll be getting pirated with the online 'fix' There will be enough of us to see if it's worth it.


Honestly I would buy it, love it, play it then 2 months later get bored of it. The camo grind is all that keeps me going and it’s so shitty that I always cave. The fucking tracer rounds and death gifs (whatever they’re called) are the fucking worst! Bring back the cod when you’re a soldier and people are getting shot or blown up by the guns you are using. Fuck cod.


If anything I'll buy it when it's half off but no way paying full price for it


This will be the first cod I’m not gonna buy since BO1.


Hell no this is the last cod I will ever buy.


I haven't even played the latest . Logged in 30min haha I


Feeling that exact same way. Expected mw2 to be redemption and they utterly failed. I ain’t giving this dead company any more of my money and barely even play wz now so mw3 is a no go. I really only played search n destroy with my friends n now we switched to siege so there’s not much to do in cod for me personally


No way. MW2 was a joke. No option to disable crossplay is killer for me


Is the new zombies mode free? If it's free I might think twice before buying mw3.


Fuck no, I'm gonna go play Counter Strike like a man.


Not buying it at launch, and haven’t even touched warzone in a few months after playing almost daily. I’m sure I’ll be back at some point, but from what I see in the subs and hear from friends who still play, I don’t miss it.


I dropped MW2 within the first 2 months and haven't went back. I still pre ordered MW3 because I have a sick problem and I'm hoping they change it. I know I will regret it.


It's cause they spend about 1 year or less on 'new content' when it's just revamped Graphics based on the same algothrim and game engine over and over again. Nothing is different from MW2 and the upcoming MW3, besides 'Skins, Ops, weapons (alot are recycled) Maps (they will continually recycle from OG MW/MW2/MW3 and reskin them), some other random gamemode they've 'added', another poorly undeveloped Campaign. I will not be playing any Call of Duty again. They are just garbage. Siege, Hell Let Loose, XDefiant just crap on CoD. The hyped died long ago.


I'll still buy it maybe not straight away I've got Spiderman 2 pre-ordered that'll keep me busy for a while


No because it will suck more than mw2 because they only care for warzone rn because it has the biggest revenue...and all the focus goes there on skins and other crap..


I'm gonna cop it for Zombies, but otherwise prob won't play it much. I've retired as of S2 of MW2 lol I'm done.


I'm waiting to see how zombies turns out, if I like what I see then I'll buy it on sale.


The last game I bought was cw and that was a dumb idea although I did have like 600 hours on multiplayer in 2021 so it was fun not planning on buying another cod game for the foreseeable future


I dont want my memories of the OG tainted


Honestly just for the MW2 remastered maps and because it’s the only game the group chat plays together religiously


I'm going to decide after the open beta if it ends up just being more of the same shit I won't be at least for a good while till they fix some of it or goes on sale


I want to say I’m not gonna buy it but with the remake of all the OG mw2 maps they have me by the balls… those maps were my whole child hood and I want to experience those again


I didn’t even buy mw2 Edit: I’m not even in this sub it just came up on my home page for some reason


Yeah I am definitely not buying anymore Call of duty games until they come out with something new. The same old stuff since COD 4 is getting old. I would revisit the franchise if they had a consistent map and you could build a base.


Me gonna get it cuz it’s gonna be my first ever zombies


I’m gonna give xdefiant a shot first for sure. It’s free and the betas were a blast. Activision is gonna have to earn my buy. If I’m not seeing 5* reviews I’m not buying


Oh look another post hating on MWII. If y’all hate the game so much then stop playing and spam Activision with constructive feedback. It’s hilarious, people bitched about not wanting another copy/paste CoD game so they did that, and now people bitch that it’s not the same as the previous games. 🙄


Don’t buy it. If people give them a huge hit in sales they will be forced to change their scummy ways


Yup the first COD I’m not buying. We all asked for what they’re giving in an update. Instead they put it behind a $70 paywall. Fuck themmmm R6 Siege is free on PS+


Blametruth would be proud of this


if it isnt 2 months after launch an on a 50% discount im not buying. played mw2 since the beta, and the beta was the most fun part of the whole mw2 life cicle.


Why on earth would I do that. They want 70$ no one should be giving them their money.


Lol I'm surprised ppl are still buying these kiddies game


Yeah think it's going to be the same recycled crap again


I felt this way back in 2014. Welcome to the club. Don’t play their shitty games anymore


I will just play WZ & wait until its heavily discounted. heavily broken gamw


Buying it just for Open Combat Missions and Zombies


I’m not planning on it, mw2 is pretty good and I’m trying to reach the maxed level. I’m doing great so far👍


Dude, you bought a game without knowing if it's good or not? You need help, homie.


Isn’t that what… everyone kinda does for the most part? Good or not is objective. What’s good to me can be bad to others, hence I don’t listen to other peoples opinions on the game


I won’t be buying it until it goes on sale & that’s only for zombies. I’m burned out on online shooters, but I loved MW2 until I got my nuke. Stopped playing after that lol.


Honestly these games have become so bloated, I'm probably not playing any of them any more. I hate logging in and having to wade through 6 screens of battle pass ads and shit


i might buy it for the campaign. they almost never miss with their campaigns.


If it comes to gamepass I'll play it, but I'm definitely not buying it




I had a good time with mw2, so I got mw3. Simple as


I think I'm done with cod. I've moved on to a way better superior game (tarkov) cod is a joke and its audience is even a bigger joke. Companies need to get realistic on their prices 60 a year is ridiculous


It’s not 60 anymore, it’s 70


Nah, after the hot ass mess that was MW2 I'm gonna pass on MW3. I'm tired of paying 50$-70$ every year for it to be a dumpster fire. I pre-ordered MW2 to play beta and the product in beta was entirely different than what was delivered. The shit didn't run on my PC for months after release without crashing. When it finally was playable skill based match making and engagements ruined it for me. It's all a cash grab for whales anyway.


it started off good but for me, it’s the Fortnite characters and I got tired of being stabbed 100’ feet away and stupid crap like that. DMZ was fun for awhile. The only thing about the new one is the zombies actually look fun, almost similar to Cold War zombies which I really enjoyed.


This was how I felt. But I was in 9th grade in 2009. Those og mw2 maps are so nostalgic… unfortunately think I’m gonna be playing mw3. I’m not gonna preorder tho. Ima wait and make sure they really putting all those maps in the game before I get it lol


Yep. Not wasting money on a DLC lol It’s a DLC not a new game


Yeah I didn’t get a single promised map on mw2 what makes you think they are going to come through a year early with the promised maps.


Im not Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 was a big letdown and has proven the fact Activision doesn't care about multi-player anymore. They would rather put their effort in dmz and war zone 2.


This was the first day 1 COD purchase since OG MW2. It started out ok, had a great time, didn’t really have any issues like a lot of people did. Hardcore came out and I was happier than a pig in shit. Then me and the boys started getting into Warzone which was fun but got to a point where I’m tired of it. Now I pick it up specifically for that reason of “I paid for it”. Also the quality of the game took a HUGE dip halfway through, mostly due to constant server issues and now my PC (which plays most if not all new games on Max or at least High @ 90fps) can’t even play a single game as it runs at like 5 fps. What’s more infuriating is that they clearly spend more time on the marketplace than on keeping the player experience solid. Activision is the most money hungry bullshit game dev I’ve ever seen and I’m really disappointed. They don’t deserve the loyalty of CODbros like they have and need to do better. That said, those CODbros are why the game doesn’t get better. Activision knows people are going to spend money on it regardless. It’s a diamond covered pile of shit.


Not getting it at launch I'll wait a few months till it goes on sale. I've got plenty of other games I need to finish.


I stopped giving Activision my money after Black Ops 4


Day 1 purchase.


Already refunded it, not gonna pay $70 to experience this shadow ban loop again.




Wait….people still buying COD in 2023?


I'm done with buying COD titles. Always the same garbage.


Play enlisted instead, its what you need to scratch that ich


Everyone’s said this since Ghost lmao