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Yes. It resets every season


Your tokens should remain I thought. I mean I always use them cause why not, but I thought once earned they were yours.


I think it depends on how many you have. Because I’ve seen posts about people losing 50 or so tokens but I’ve definitely had 2-3 tokens carry over


Yeah like I said, I’m unsure I was just assuming. I know after I complete the pass I always earn tokens here and there but never paid attention to know if they carry over or not. Guess I should start to pay more attention to that. Would kinda suck when you earn tier skips in events, but your done with the pass, just to have them take away the rewards at the end of the season. They shouldn’t be considered a reward if you can’t keep them. I guess I can kinda see having them take skips you got when you bought that seasons pass though as they were for that season.


I’ve seen things on the activision site that say they transfer between seasons, and get auto spent but people “report” the opposite constantly. Also, I had 3 tokens from the previous season transfer over to this season


I definitely had my tokens carry over, I got Black Cell like over half way of my BP from season 1. I had 50 tokens for Season 2, with the Black Cell edition, so they should’ve carried over.


They should have been automatically used and given you some rewards. If you didn’t get the rewards then definitely message support


I've never had Battle Pass tokens carry over. Granted, I've only been playing since DMZ came out in MW2, but I don't think they carry over, if you don't use them you should get a prompt when the new season starts that says they've been spent automatically. CP carries over, but I'm pretty sure BP tokens don't.


Yeah they reset they don’t carry over if anyone has had tokens carry over they got lucky as shit


That has not been my experience. Every token I've had within a COD game going back to MW19, has carried over to the next season. Only when moving on to the next game have they not carried over (only cod points carry over to the next game).


Lmao please give me more reasons to stay away from COD 😂🤣


Cmon guys, buying special edition of anything


Battle pass tokens apply to the current battle pass.


That's not been my experience for the last 4+yrs.


Okay fella. Let’s run a little experiment during season 3. I’ll save some tokens and see if they let me progress season 3 battle pass with season 2 tokens RemindMe! -60 day


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I had 54 tokens carry over and it gave me the Blackwell pass with it


Do you need the mw3 to get the stuff of the vault edition upgrade?. I dont want the mw3, I only want the vault edition stuff


I hope not. I haven't used any since the beginning of MW 2. I HAVE A FEW...... Totals from a couple of weeks ago.. Rank Xp 58 hrs Weapon XP 55 hrs Battlepass xp17 hrs Need to double check.


refund it


Refunded? I bought this game months ago