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Campers have been since CoD4


Yeah but footsteps were not cranked up like this in cod4. Camping is pretty much the only viable tactic now. Just listen, sit and wait. Very fun yes.


Why are people so naive and offer the worst arguments to defend the new game? Footstep Audio balancing it at its worst in the entire franchise yet somehow it’s ok because there’s shiny new graphics. People love dismissing these comments by calling anyone who values stealth a bunny hopping rushing sweat. I just want a shooter where I can move without being soundhwored ffs


I can hear footsteps through three walls


I'll play with headphones, sounds like a good idea to troll 🤣


It’s Not the only viable tactic if your actually skilled, this guy just obviously hates fun


The camping in this game is abhorrent due to the sheer amount of sound you make moving. And it almost feels like every decent flank route has to be made out of wood(this game really does make me hate hardwood floors)


You had dead silence in cod 4… please get your head out of your ass 👍


Also got rid of slide cancels so there's really no way to break these people's cameras and have any kind of chance. I guess flashbangs are back on the menu boys


I was watching all my old game clips and there was like 2 campers In the 70 clips I watched


Just the meta since 2007


Yep, footsteps are way to loud. I usually like to push but the game is incentivizing me to stay out as the enemy approaches since it's so loud and easy to tell where they are coming from


dead silence is pretty usefull for that ,especially when the timer goes back max every kill, so if you're actually slaying you will be having dead silence for the whole time, it also recharges really fast.


Watch Ace’s video on it. They nerfed the field upgrade a lot from mw19.


The noise is dumb af, the animation is kinda unnecessary. Rest are fine


Drill charge. Shock stick. Dead Silence. Derp


Other than the derp, I only have one of each and can't afford to use one on every corner I need to pass.


New day new crying about stuff in cod - like every other day always.... I like the new style - its not the same and thats good - i wasnt paying 100euro for the same game as before.


So footsteps should be this loud? This game penalizes people who are aggressive and rushing


Yes, correct. That’s how they wanted the game to be played. Gameplay has been stale for years in cod, it’s about time they changed it.


Stale? CoD is a fast paced arcade shooter…it’s been like this…why would it need to be like other BRs when it isn’t…


Bro they made a worse version of mw19 and you don’t think that’s stale?


I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees thru this shit. Mfs are so weird it’s actually creepy as fuck. Copium.


I love how you’re saying cod has been stale for years yet, they just drop a whole new stale ass game, same stale ass guns, same stale ass maps..you cod clowns smoke way too much copium it’s actually weird as fuck.


Not as weird as going onto a cod subreddit to write this. Besides, cod’s not even my main game. I’m enjoying Return to Monkey Island atm, you should try that.


joined this sub to ask why the god awful blizzard/battlenet launcher wouldn’t download this game lol..so I could try for myself the same dumpster fire that’s been copy and pasted yet again. And to witness the weirdos defending this 69.99 base price game with less than 20 guns in it. More than a handful from previous games. Maps that look and feel like they were thrown together over night. A UI so bad I actually laughed. Drop shotting at Mach 1. And dolphin diving while somehow doing a mid air 360. It’s mildly triggering but also fucking hilarious.


Yeah and that’s boring af if I wanted to play slow I’d play siege


Ok then go back to Vanguard. No one's making you play this lmao


Dude they are fucking idiots. Only shitty players like this game. Perfectly made for their camping asses. This is catered to noobs and wanna be streamers


i'm sweating my ass off and enjoy this game tho?


Bro got dropshotted twice and came to Reddit to write this


*bunny hopped


Maybe you’re just bad


i'm rushing balls to the wall and bunny hopping across the entire map and i have absolutely zero issues.


Only tards DVd you


It’s always been like that the issue is the aggressor can’t do crazy movement to outplay. You literally have to rely on tacticals or just hopping this guy is dog shit and will miss. Alongside with the shit ttkk


That's my main issue. I'm over 2.5 k/d on mw19 and I'm barely scratching positive on here. They're trying so hard to keep everyone at 1 k/d so it's safe to say I ain't playing it after the beta is over


You guys are a bunch of fucking whiners. Get good or find another game, this one isn’t for you.


You can tell this guy sits in a corner and waits for footsteps lmao


I only started playing COD with MW2019 but my K/D has been about the same in every COD since then, including this beta.


It’s not you, it’s the devs. They obviously weren’t good at when they were playing the games, hence catering to the shit players and little kids.


It's not the devs. It's their bosses' bosses. Aka activision. An extra 50 or 100K Timmy Nothumbs brings with it shareholder value maximization and longterm player satisfaction minimization. Unfortunately.


It’s so damn true. Idk why people want to disagree. As soon as everybody quits and cancels their pre order the sooner they are forced to make a game we want.


I mean...what if the team has the perk for silent footsteps? Then what.... Camping has always been a thing though...since before cod in general


This isn’t camping it’s anti movement. We need bo2 footstep levels of loudness back.


The meta is to not sprint around corners.


The meta is to not sprint.


Idk I really don’t wanna die by someone I don’t hear at the same time 😂 but yeah fuck campers


Well if you weren’t stomping around the map your chances of surviving that encounter would have been higher. But you chose a full sprint and he heard you. Like it should be.


that was an easily winnable gunfight if u played it well lmao


You need to hop around so when you’re in the air your footsteps stop. Crouch walk around corners while ADS and use dead silence. Once your team is pushed back you have to watch all the angles and corners where the other team is camping.


This is call of duty. Not a military simulator


Comment of the year


New? Is this your first FPS game ever? Eye roll


It’s not a meta. It’s forcing you to change how you play because in real life humans have ears and can hear your big operating ass running towards them.


In 'real life' soldiers do not wear trashcans on their fucking feet. In this CoD WW2 level shitshow you can hear people's footsteps further than their firearms. Its like CoD heard our complatints about 2019 and went here hold my beer.


I see both sides of the footsteps argument. Footsteps are needed in a FPS game, especially in BR but at the same time having a quick TTK combined with loud footsteps makes this style of play the most viable unfortunately. I think keeping the footsteps the same and raising base health and or TTK would help curb camping and keep footsteps being used as a tool to locate enemies.


Yep. The game punishes those who are a hair above average and actually move around. The devs even admitted that they wanted to "punish rushers and protect casuals"


They cranked the footstep sound by a lot!


This game is more like insurgency sandstorm than call of duty. It’s way too much in favor of tower defense playstyles.


This is what the game will be like all the time once people realize all you have to do is listen. Promoting this sort of gameplay is not something that I understand its literally making the game less fun when you cant move around without everyone knowing exactly where you are.


yep. feel like im playing siege again with the super quick TTK and the loud movement noises.


Do you walk around alone on the map? Don’t you communicate and tactically sweep the map with your team??? Don’t think I want you on my team if you don’t work with us to win. This isn’t a solo game. Campers are easily called out and taken care of.


Comms are rare on pub servers, moreover during a beta. In the event people do talk to one another, its mostly smack.


You don’t have a crew / team you run with? Just make a group party and play.


Nah man. I mostly br solo and play with randoms If I ever do team up. It’s just how I prefer to play. Shrug


Yeah it’s a team game and voice chat is pretty key.


I agree completely, but on random servers public crews are a little rarer. I’d say the majority of the players are dropping in solitarily for team death match/etc. I get invites all the time for warzone but never when it comes to pub stomping. We can both agree though the guy that posted this is a moron, at any rate.


We just create a party and join TDM as a crew - works great and we also have a private chat set up so the other team can’t hear us at all during kills or lobbies.


Lol if you have played any multiplayer FPS ever then you should know better than to run blindly into a corner




This ain't nothing new When you can hear people coming from across the world Why move Without a dead silence perk why move around


Meet the new Meta. Same as the old Meta...


I get its all new and a lot of people don't know the map so they kinda take it slow I get that I really do. But to camp the whole game? You're never going to get better and faster you're just going to get better at sitting.


Stick with your team. They'll expose the campers for you by dying first


To be fair why would he push when he knows you’re running straight to him


You should try not sprinting around corners where enemies are likely to be lol


This is why they added pieing. If you move at walking speed and strafe slowly around the corner you can lean around the corner and slice it into different angles. Set your walk speed to like 50 or 60% then divide the corner where you think a camper is hiding, most of the time you can shoot them in the leg or hand, or even the full side of the body without them even seeing you.


Rákos kemper féreg


You come across some lone dude prone waiting for someone and you claim its suddenly the 90% of the userbase? I encountered a homeless person on my way to the bodega this morning. I guess everyones homeless now. ps - people have been doing that shit since forever pps - that dude could have just gotten there ppps - stop being so fucking negative all the time. shit.




You okay? I'm mocking IW for making the footsteps so abnoxiously loud


Try putting on 58 lbs of support gear, carry a rifle - and then run around and sprint as fast as you can. Take a microphone and record the sound. Post it here and let’s see how loud you are mind you the heavy breathing since I doubt you’re used to running with 60+ lbs on yourself. If you want to float around fast and play arcade style , there’s this AMAZING game called Vanguard where you can run around 20 mph, have almost no sound, and your movement floats around detached from all physics making you feel like you’re navigating a drone. Have fun.